Viking... Before anybody answers your question on arrow length YOU have to decide what your "weapon" of choice is GOING TO BE. Please don't "lock in" on an arrow length until you decide.

1. Are you shooting full length arrows from a recurve, compound or long bow?
2. Are you going to utilize an overdraw on a compound?
3. If you utilize a compound are you going to shoot with fingers or *release aid? *And then what one?

And yes... if you wish to shoot full length arrows no matter the weapon.... you have to know YOUR ANCHOR POINT on whatever your choice is and then add 1" minimum to its *length. * But this is debatable upon what shaft you decide you to shoot.

Buddy I wish ya the best but you sound like you know what you don't like than what you do. I'd love to set you up with a weapon of your choosing and then take over for a day while I help you set up shots and hit bull eyes easily (while Red watches and grills for us). :tongue3: We'd all have a great day including you. But seriously Viking... you got some choices to make buddy before I can help ya out. One "size" doesn't fit all. The difference between the guy who shoots a little better than you is just a thimble full of knowledge away. But the guy who out shoots you or out hunts you constantly has more knowledge and/or EXPERIENCE that you. And the same goes for me or anybody.

I'm a betting man: And I'd bet regardless of what you "like or don't" at this time I'd change your mind in one day on a hunting setup based upon what YOU were doing. Please stay more open minded guy... just my opinion. I haven't heard back from my son in law yet... In fact I'm gonna call back now.... I'm tired of waiting.
Weapon of choice. .300 Winchester Magnum, .30 06 or 12 gauge! Oh we were talkin' bows.
Weapon of choice. I thought you were talking care of that!:laughing7:
About 25 years ago I was hunting with a friend. Something went wrong with my bow, i do not remember what, but it was no longer functional. Cam, string... Hey, look, a deer! I grabbed my bro's left handed bow, and shot the the sweet spot, right handed!. Luck? skill? Ted Nugent lookin' out for me? :laughing7: All three I guess. Compound. Overdraw, I think with my draw length, no. My friends tell me A release is more accurate. I have tried releases, they was OK. I would rather not. I would rather not use sights either. Both a release and sights might improve my odds at having venison!

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Well, if you don't like to shop...and everyone knows your bizness. When I was ohh..between 17 and 22, My mom would ask me...who was that girl you were seen with last night? ummmmmm, what girl m'am? Oh..THAT girl. Did you get into a fight last night? ummmmm no m'am a door hit me, but you should see the door!!Then I would get the what an Irish accent! crashed your motorcycle? it hit a door too!!!!

:sign10:thats basically here anyway.a little over 8000 people in my town:laughing9:so I would neither lose nor gain anything :laughing7:

Gonna have to soak Viking in hot water and shrink his bow holding arm.:laughing7:
Not seeing them advertised but Easton had in the past few years "oversize" xx75 platinum plus at 34 inch. Sounds not cheap almost. Some bigger tubes in aluminum ran that long too. (Per forum posts on archery sites) and one claim was Easton produced a 34 1/2 in an alloy.

BC1969 mentioned maybe wanting a bow. At 6' 10" what the **** is he gonna do for arrows? shoot small trees?:laughing7:

Viking, the bow-mounted quiver is a good safety feature. I grew up teaching archery for a YMCA summer camp until I got a real job at 16. We only had the shoulder quiver, but the broadheads these days must be respected. I'd rather have them there than to give them a chance that I could fall on them. I actually modified my PSE to only carry two arrows total. I figure that if I cant get whatever I aim at with a degree of certainty that I can drop it, I'm not going to need another shot. Making a new shaft holder saved a few ounces over the stock model which held four shafts.

I tend to stick the arrows in the ground, grab them when needed. Correct? I say NOOOO!:laughing7:Unless you have a real quiet bow/arrow/no cussin' when you miss... Deer disappear fast! Arrow hits the trees, brush....The forests her offer a lot of obstacles, they also provide a lot of cover.

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what the **** is he gonna do for arrows? shoot small trees?

I was thinking BC could lathe down some pool ques,that might work for him:laughing7:

I'm working on some short overdraw arrows for BC1969 @ 41" :tongue3:

Red: sent ya a PM on your request.... :dontknow:

Viking: I'm still trying to get a YES or NO from my son-in-law on this Hoyt Hunting Bow. 1st it was yes then a "I don't know". Even if he says YES... we have to make sure it's adjustable up to you. I'll be up there very soon face to face about the 23rd. -24th. :BangHead: I got inducted this summer into my old High Schools athletic "Hall of Fame" for track & C.C. 70', 71', 72' school years (LONG AGO!!!) Induction is the 26th. & 27th. If this bow will work I'll write you ASAP and you can decide then. If it works for you it will be one hell of a killing machine buddy.

I'm working on some short overdraw arrows for BC1969 @ 41" :tongue3:

Red: sent ya a PM on your request.... :dontknow:

Viking: I'm still trying to get a YES or NO from my son-in-law on this Hoyt Hunting Bow. 1st it was yes then a "I don't know". Even if he says YES... we have to make sure it's adjustable up to you. I'll be up there very soon face to face about the 23rd. -24th. :BangHead: I got inducted this summer into my old High Schools athletic "Hall of Fame" for track & C.C. 70', 71', 72' school years (LONG AGO!!!) Induction is the 26th. & 27th. If this bow will work I'll write you ASAP and you can decide then. If it works for you it will be one hell of a killing machine buddy.
Ah yes track & field. I was a jumper and a javelin thrower. I was skinny, REALLY skinny compared to the other "weightmen"
1972, as my wife says..good year! That's when she was born so I agree!

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Bad news Viking... My step-daughter got back with me finally and said "He" doesn't want to let the bow go "It's worth much more" he said. This guy doesn't hunt, SHOOT, or have an interest in archery. Hell I gave HIM a deal because he said he was going to "use it". Really pisses me off.... Sorry.

Plan B.... I'll be up there real soon and stir the pot up. Not just for you but because of other reasons pending. This guy is/was already under my skin. He had a horrible tractor trailer accident about 6months ago and will never shoot this bow again. But if you want to know something... about ANYTHING... just call him. It's frustrating. I'll follow up Viking.

Red those 6 arrows I told you about (PM) might work if you put a heavier hunting tip on easily if you shoot 50-55 lbs. This would allow the arrow to paradox and shoot straight.

Bad news Viking... My step-daughter got back with me finally and said "He" doesn't want to let the bow go "It's worth much more" he said. This guy doesn't hunt, SHOOT, or have an interest in archery. Hell I gave HIM a deal because he said he was going to "use it". Really pisses me off.... Sorry.

Plan B.... I'll be up there real soon and stir the pot up. Not just for you but because of other reasons pending. This guy is/was already under my skin. He had a horrible tractor trailer accident about 6months ago and will never shoot this bow again. But if you want to know something... about ANYTHING... just call him. It's frustrating. I'll follow up Viking.

Red those 6 arrows I told you about (PM) might work if you put a heavier hunting tip on easily if you shoot 50-55 lbs. This would allow the arrow to paradox and shoot straight.
Well the guy sounds like a PITA !I have a line on a recurve also. The guy is a friend of a friend and he claims it was thick, wide and hard to pull! Wow, that really helps me out! :laughing7:
Hey...we can ask your son-in-law!

Red those 6 arrows I told you about (PM) might work if you put a heavier hunting tip on easily if you shoot 50-55 lbs. This would allow the arrow to paradox and shoot straight.

I'll take them buddy,I'm only shooting a 45 pounder.I'm making my own broadheads but for wooden shafts.I might be able to adapt them so they screw into the arrow,my arrow heads are maybe triple,maybe four times as thick as the store bought broadheads.

I'll take them buddy,I'm only shooting a 45 pounder.I'm making my own broadheads but for wooden shafts.I might be able to adapt them so they screw into the arrow,my arrow heads are maybe triple,maybe four times as thick as the store bought broadheads.

I'm PM also Red....

INFO FOR SOME: Since Red is shooting a low poundage bow he needs arrows that are smaller in diameter and wall thickness and a lighter hunting head to match. This would be the "norm" to max the bows power output, range and to get arrows to fly & group right. This would also be the easiest. But... since he's experimenting by making his own hunting heads (admittedly heavy) this will lead to an "unorthodox" setup. He'll need a thicker diameter shaft and a thicker walled one which he requested from me. I did have the diameter he requested but not in the proper length. But I did have half dozen 2117's plenty long. Since these shafts have a thick wall (17 thousands) it makes them very stiff. But Red's heavier than normal broadheads will hopefully "soften up" this stiff arrow when shot and allow it to paradox and fly right with the low poundage used. But the diameter may be on the small side....? When seen in slow motion all arrows bend (paradox) when shot leaving the bow while absorbing its energy (good thing). The trick is getting them to recover properly and group. Red knows he's NOT going to set any speed records and range will be limited with this setup... but he will hit hard. A solid wooden arrow of proper size might work better but when shooting a homemade head like this experimenting is the only choice you got. And it's also very fun. But there's now no correct charts in which to relate to when doing these type of setup's. Let us know how it works out Red.

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What if he lined a larger diameter alloy shaft with a smaller one to increase weight and spine? Seems that's what a guy did who borrowed the detector to recover one.

What if he lined a larger diameter alloy shaft with a smaller one to increase weight and spine? Seems that's what a guy did who borrowed the detector to recover one.

In my humble opinion this wouldn't be the way to go. And the reason I say this is because of the low draw weight being used. He's already going to have a heavy head and a large diameter shaft like a 2512 would work great. It would be "light", very stiff for 45lbs. and the heavy head would soften it up. I had 3 dozen of them but not the right length.

But the 2117's I have are 33.5" long which are 2.5" to long for his proper draw. This is good because this "extra" length will soften up the stiff spine of the 17 walled shaft along with the heavy head. AND if they don't recover when shot he can start cutting down shaft which will stiffen it. But shooting the low weight really throws another element into the pot. I believe the double up thing would be way to stiff for the 45lb. even with the heavy head. I just hope the 21 diameter is enough...

Gotcha. I neglected to consider his bow weight. 2117 fine at 45lb. with 150 grn. or under,probably. Red lets see some broadheads. Maybe a weight. Reads like you are looking to puncture engine blocks.:laughing7:

Gotcha. I neglected to consider his bow weight. 2117 fine at 45lb. with 150 grn. or under,probably. Red lets see some broadheads. Maybe a weight. Reads like you are looking to puncture engine blocks.:laughing7:

Yea you might be right there... but the extra arrow length vs actual draw will help with the heavy heads he's making with this stiff walled shaft. I'm just guessing his homemade heads will weight in excess of 150 grains. And that's why I wish the shaft diameter was larger but maybe the 17 walls with the "weaker" draw weight and heavy head will work....? :dontknow: If he gets a Cape Buffalo within 15 yds. it will do the job!!!!! :laughing7:

Not to wander too far off topic.:laughing9: Otzi's(the ice man) gear has had a lot of speculation. From his bow being unfinished to many of his arrows not being fletched and so not usable. (Close range sure they would have but few heads on them too.))Would be very interesting to see his gear up close. 5000 year old bowyer work. His bow being unfinished has led to another speculation of his being at a high altitude may have been due to a funerary nature and that he drifted downward from ice movement over time.


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Hell you and I have taken over Reds thread here and if we says it's on topic IT IS!!!!.... PERIOD... :tongue3: :tongue3: (me & releventchair). Yea guy I'd really like to have seen that also. It really would have been interesting what was "known" then for their bows and arrows. If 5000 "years ago" is correct I wonder if they knew about fletching and the advantages of it...? :dontknow: Maybe they did. Attaching fletching back then I would think would of been harder than a stone head. Hell I got mad when I put to much glue on one and had to throw away and start over.

You'd be surprised the groups I could shoot @ 20 yds. with no fletching on the arrows. BUT..... this was with a very fine tuned compound target tournament bow with perfectly matched arrows. How in the hell anybody would do this @ 20 yds. back then is beyond me. But I've always said..."If the Indians could have shot like me back in the day.... we'd all be living in teepees today."

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I'm sure the indians could shoot, they had to eat right?:laughing7:
We had something called...Spencer, Henry.:icon_thumright:
Ohhhhhhh Look what I found! Bow season is done for this year so I can dream can't I? Dream is all I can do. Hey it's raining, no sunset pis tonight. Speaking of sunsets, you guys see these?
I have too much time on my hands, construction has really slowed down around here.

Hoyt Hunting Recurves -

I'll take one of each!!

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I'm sure the indians could shoot, they had to eat right?:laughing7:
We had something called...Spencer, Henry.:icon_thumright:
Ohhhhhhh Look what I found! Bow season is done for this year so I can dream can't I? Dream is all I can do. Hey it's raining, no sunset pis tonight. Speaking of sunsets, you guys see these?
I have too much time on my hands, construction has really slowed down around here.

Hoyt Hunting Recurves -

I'll take one of each!!

Boy I bet you would Viking... You'd be set then buddy!!!!

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