You guys got me to thinking! yeah I know don't hurt yourself..thinking I'll take archery up, besides when SHTF, eventually I'll run out of ammunition and that ain't good.

It just takes some practice,the good thing is you can make your own arrows,fletchings,points,hell,your own bow, if needed.

ATS Modern Combat Archery: Arrows vs Kevlar


You guys got me to thinking! yeah I know don't hurt yourself..thinking I'll take archery up, besides when SHTF, eventually I'll run out of ammunition and that ain't good.

A simple complexity. If you allow it your focus becomes where each arrow goes. Nothing else once you are ready to release it. The old man that helped me a decade or more after I started shooting said ," those arrows go right where you point them." He was right. Meanwhile there are lots of things we can do to move where we pointed them before they get there!
Should you shoot, start with instruction on proper form. Your proper form. Never mind your instructor as anything more than a coach for your benefit, or dwell on anyone else while studying this form. Starting with good habits and proper form are well worth any discomfort with that approach.
Take another look at Limitool's newspaper photo. Hand on riser grip is not gripping. Gripping causes torque. His wrist bears a sling in case bow jumps or slips there is no fear of dropping it. Is wrist held high or low? How about shoulder,high or low? Widest part of fore arm is vertical.Should he turn that fore arm widest part horizontal he will probably get a hicky on it,thus the arm guard. I tried one years ago but good as I am the string can go in between it and my arm.:tongue3: Nose is touching string,that along with where his right hand is touching is his anchor point. Same as a rear sight.Same place each shot. His feet are not visible but be assured he knows where they are in relation to target. When he releases string his hand will move the same distance and direction each shot. Proper form when you start will save a lot of frustration down the road.
All can be tailored to you. A high wrist may be easier than a low,shoulder too, or a mixed combination. But what ever works for you by doing the same thing repeatedly, results show the effect.
Competition exists and some people get into it. Others shoot for their own enjoyment of a mental discipline that puts the world aside while shooting and they compete against themselves. Neither are wrong.

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I like the prices!!
$_57.webp 149.99
$_57.webp 129.99
And there are a lot of bows on fleabay. I do know one thing...I don't like releases. Guess I could get used to them though.
Aluminum arrows, or carbon? 50 lbs or 70lbs?
You need at least 50lbs if that's still the rule, in Oregon.

Axle to axle length factors in a release. A short axle length will pinch your fingers requiring a release.. My compound is almost too short but I can still use glove or a tab. Aluminum vs carbon a fun debate. Would require beers to really get goin... If xx75,s are priced better they are fine with me . A quality and price comparison is going to balance the two, kinda. Need to figure your usual stuff,poundage of bow,length of draw, look up options of spine wheter multiple choices of diameter and wall thickness are available in aluminum or its equivalent in carbon . Weight of arrow to follow. F.O.C. if it factors, and stuff a proshop could help on.
I,m a brute of a man at around 150 maybe, threatening six foot and spring steel muscled.(:laughing7:) One year sitting in the cold for a few hours,below freezing,at sixty or sixty five lbs. it took all I had to draw. Made the shot but turned my bow down to 50 lbs. practiced a lot and never returned it. Any thing under twenty yards was toast. By limiting range to twenty, shots came at twelve,then a couple directly below,then others out near twenty,then back in ect.. Did not feel anything was being missed and reduced target panic or snap shooting potential.

Why not get your old bow tuned up with new string/cables/pins/bearings as or if needed? Or pull the overdraw on the other and restring/cable/ect. as required then retune. Have to do that with a used off the net prolly anyway. I don,t know what either are set at or what the range of adjustment is but should be a fifty lb. at least candidate there.

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I don't like the overdraw and did not use that bow much. The older martin is old..I mean it would need new limbs and a whole lot more.
being 6' 5" that will be a factor in choosing a bow. The older martin i used because I had it. Hunting with a .30-06......That's where I spent a lot of time.:laughing7: I'm going to get the right bow this time.

My thoughts. If you own it you better be prepared to use it. Club, bottle knife, gun. Stick. ball point pen....

Thanks for the input Oregon Viking,

I am a pacifist by nature and detest violence and guns. However, one night I found myself in the position of imminent danger and called a friend who was fully armed to protect my family throughout the night. Not something I would have expected in my life...ever...yet, there I was. Without question of risk to self or inconvenience my friend responded and stood guard for my wife, my son, my puppy, and me. I pray that nobody ever find themselves in that situation. I was lucky...I knew who to call and had friends to help. Without them...well..who knows?

I've been taking lessons on how to use a pistol and now have my CWP. I carry my Springfield with me everywhere I go. At any point in time I am prepared to kill somebody who threatens me or my family. Hollow points... nuff said.

I appreciate your input...I am prepared. I am a pacifist by nature, I detest violence and guns, ask TH...he will tell you. However, there are wicked people in this world. I am prepared to stand against them if I must.

Ps. Guns are new to me but I take lessons every week to become more proficient. I will not go quietly into that good night....

Thanks for the input Oregon Viking,

I am a pacifist by nature and detest violence and guns. However, one night I found myself in the position of imminent danger and called a friend who was fully armed to protect my family throughout the night. Not something I would have expected in my life...ever...yet, there I was. Without question of risk to self or inconvenience my friend responded and stood guard for my wife, my son, my puppy, and me. I pray that nobody ever find themselves in that situation. I was lucky...I knew who to call and had friends to help. Without them...well..who knows?

I've been taking lessons on how to use a pistol and now have my CWP. I carry my Springfield with me everywhere I go. At any point in time I am prepared to kill somebody who threatens me or my family. Hollow points... nuff said.

I appreciate your input...I am prepared. I am a pacifist by nature, I detest violence and guns, ask TH...he will tell you. However, there are wicked people in this world. I am prepared to stand against them if I must.

Ps. Guns are new to me but I take lessons every week to become more proficient. I will not go quietly into that good night....

A pacifist must exist to be such. Defense of family goes with it. For you to use deadly force is not your nature. Yet we have an ID. And it too is nature.
The hope here too is you never have to use it ,tempered with having it if you do. Subliminally it can reflect in your aura making you less an attraction to someone seeking a victim. For the manic you know the answer. You are still Crispin. Just less vulnerable sometimes.

I like the prices!!
View attachment 1051891 149.99
View attachment 1051892 129.99
And there are a lot of bows on fleabay. I do know one thing...I don't like releases. Guess I could get used to them though.
Aluminum arrows, or carbon? 50 lbs or 70lbs?
You need at least 50lbs if that's still the rule, in Oregon.

If you're looking for a good used bow, check out your local archery/sporting goods store.

My 20 yr. old bow broke a couple years ago, and all the new oness I looked at were too short to shoot w/o a release. I like fingers.

But there were dozens of used bows for sale at the shop, some looked like they were never shot. I picked up a beautiful old Browning, they had $75 on it, got it for $50. That was 4 bucks ago.:thumbsup:

If you're looking for a good used bow, check out your local archery/sporting goods store.

My 20 yr. old bow broke a couple years ago, and all the new oness I looked at were too short to shoot w/o a release. I like fingers.

But there were dozens of used bows for sale at the shop, some looked like they were never shot. I picked up a beautiful old Browning, they had $75 on it, got it for $50. That was 4 bucks ago.:thumbsup:
Thanks. In a town of 6,000 people pickin's are slim.

Hey Viking.... At 6'-5" you'll have a long draw as stated before. And releventchair is right that if you want to shoot with fingers you'll need a longer axle to axle bow. The target bow I pictured is 48" axle to axle and has under a 50% let off. Whether your target shooting competition or hunting the same principle "rules" apply. The more radical the setup's the less accurate they'll be BECAUSE of the expertise required to repeat a good shot goes way up. If you want to shoot with fingers then get a long axle to axle bow with the proper draw length. If you can't and you have to get a shorter one just make sure it will accommodate the long draw you'll have. Then get a QUALITY release aid and have a pro install a D-loop on your string for the release to attach for drawing. This will help some with decreasing your long draw requirement and decrease the tiller requirements. I used to dread seeing folks like you walk in (6'-5") and say "Set me up". I'd have 60-70 different bows hanging on the walls but for the correct setup inventory just shrank without ordering different cams or bows.

And again releventchair was correct when observing my picture posted (good job). The MOST IMPORTANT ASPECT OF ARCHERY IS SETTING UP THE SHOT FROM BEGINNING TO END REPEATABLY. Feet, back, shoulder, wrist, grip, head are set up one at a time. Then the draw, anchor and for me then the breathing. During/after the release move NOTHING because the arrow is still within the bows control. Don't drop arm, don't move head (peek) and let the bow "go" wherever it wants to go (hence the wrist sling). In my hayday if I wasn't DEAD CENTER STILL in the 10 ring and the bow was fired.... I was so in tune with it that I could correct the shot with my hand/wrist before it left the bow.

Now I realize I'm talking target archery here but the point is this.... The more of these traits you or anybody can realize, learn and employ will make you a MUCH BETTER hunting archer... It's all about the rules and there're the SAME. It was so much easier to teach someone from scratch then take someone who wanted help after shooting for 20 years "their way". I used to have fellow archers bring in a buddy and say set him up. I would and within 2 hrs. the newbie was outshooting his buddy. The buddy most times just could NOT figure it out on why.

ARROWS: I highly suggest XX75's. They cost more then entry level aluminum ones but there're actually cheaper in the end run. They take a lot more abuse before bending especially when hitting the ground. They will bend but not as easily. Regular ones can bend easily even when hitting the target.

Red: Never shot instinctly or tried. I just got into target archery from hunting and loved to compete at a high level. Then got sponsored and had a large support following and started to teach and set up archery equipment.

Viking... PM a number to me if you'd like to talk sometime. I'm on Central Time maybe 3hrs. ahead of ya... right?

Crispin, I should PM this, But here goes......Protection of ones family and property are paramount to our have taken steps to assure that you are taking the ultimate control of any mentally prepared to follow through against anyndangers and threats to those ends. You are better versed in the operation of the mind than perhaps I am, but please take this to heart.....train, practice and work until your mind and skills become ingrained and second a time of stress you have no time to rationally think, you must subconsciencly act, and act with all the ability that you's not easy, and even after years of training and practice, the eventually use of my skills is scarey......but the training has made that second-nature......good luck and hope that you are blessed with a guardian angel that will protect you and yours, but in the event you need to act...act fast, deliberatly, and strong my friend....our lives are precsious.....and need to be protected at all costs....Gary

My draw length is 31". I have tried releases, I did not like anything about them. I had a deer decoy, shot it with a release and without. same results. Ah yes the grip. I seem to just barley hold on to a bow, not sure why...County next door used to have a "hobbit" shoot. Years ago. I watched the top shooters, paid attention, asked questions. The one guy that I have hunted with, could make a shot moving!!
If he saw a deer behind trees or brush, He would start moving for a clear shot aim and actually shoot as he got to the optimum spot! Our forests are thick, I have watched him drop to one knee to clear branches etc.
That throws stance, arm , foot, body position out the window! I tried it, could kinda do that with his recurve. Shoot move again. Now he could fire arrows FAST! Every second it seemed. What I noticed was, first shot. OK adjust, 2nd shot, OK target hit, third shot!

My draw length is 31". I have tried releases, I did not like anything about them. I had a deer decoy, shot it with a release and without. same results. Ah yes the grip. I seem to just barley hold on to a bow, not sure why...County next door used to have a "hobbit" shoot. Years ago. I watched the top shooters, paid attention, asked questions. The one guy that I have hunted with, could make a shot moving!!
If he saw a deer behind trees or brush, He would start moving for a clear shot aim and actually shoot as he got to the optimum spot! Our forests are thick, I have watched him drop to one knee to clear branches etc.
That throws stance, arm , foot, body position out the window! I tried it, could kinda do that with his recurve. Shoot move again. Now he could fire arrows FAST! Every second it seemed. What I noticed was, first shot. OK adjust, 2nd shot, OK target hit, third shot!

Yea... part of the proper shot setup goes out the window when hunting. But learning to shoot properly sets up for a more accurate shot when dropping some of the routine when hunting. I looked to see how many bows I still had and found this one for ya. As long as your about the size of my boy (25 years ago) I'll give ya his old hunting bow. I still had 7 bows in storage but none your size buddy. Here's an old maple crossbow my dad made many years ago.


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Cool! I do know tree stand hunting obviously you are shooting down, and I have done peek a boo shooting too. Peek around the tree, aim....BOO!. I really like the hybrid broadheads like the ones I posted above, or a few pages back.

Cool! I do know tree stand hunting obviously you are shooting down, and I have done peek a boo shooting too. Peek around the tree, aim....BOO!. I really like the hybrid broadheads like the ones I posted above, or a few pages back.

Just bend at the waist correctly while shooting down deer hunting.... everything stays the same. But shooting down at fish from a boat is different because of the visual misperceptions. Put a pencil in a glass of water and you'll see it instantly. I used to have a blast shooting carp in Southwest MI. and my friends reeling them in. Cooler with beer, out on dark river with Coleman lamp, 2 other buddies and me shooting carp... WOW that was fun!!!!

Ok Viking.... you want a great bow setup...? (Carry-over from "Tonight's Cocktail" tread) here's the truth as I remember it. My 8 year old son pictured above (#716) was a deer killing machine at the time. He killed a 8 pt. the last night of archery season before gun season started the next morning. I was very proud of him. Then he went out and got 2 more bucks opening day and even helped his buddy get his first buck (brown outfit). I wanted to get him in the pics but he was camera shy. He just said "Go ahead Dad and hold my deer". Anyway.... he said it's ok to sell his old deer killing bow to you. You'll have to adjust just a little... it has a 17" draw and a pull of about 11-12 lbs. Its range is from 2 yds. all the way out to about 5 yds. It really won't matter if you use fingers or a release he says. He highly advises... closer is better or even at this point hand to hand combat Rambo style as he did several times at age 6-7. He wishes you the best and asked that you send photo's using his killer equipment while up 15-20 ft. in the tree's. This is the truth as I remember it..... Signed your buddy... Brad :occasion14: REQUEST: Don't ask my son what he remembers... he has a bad memory!!!!! :dontknow:


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Ok Viking.... you want a great bow setup...? (Carry-over from "Tonight's Cocktail" tread) here's the truth as I remember it. My 8 year old son pictured above (#716) was a deer killing machine at the time. He killed a 8 pt. the last night of archery season before gun season started the next morning. I was very proud of him. Then he went out and got 2 more bucks opening day and even helped his buddy get his first buck (brown outfit). I wanted to get him in the pics but he was camera shy. He just said "Go ahead Dad and hold my deer". Anyway.... he said it's ok to sell his old deer killing bow to you. You'll have to adjust just a little... it has a 17" draw and a pull of about 11-12 lbs. Its range is from 2 yds. all the way out to about 5 yds. It really won't matter if you use fingers or a release he says. He highly advises... closer is better or even at this point hand to hand combat Rambo style as he did several times at age 6-7. He wishes you the best and asked that you send photo's using his killer equipment while up 15-20 ft. in the tree's. This is the truth as I remember it..... Signed your buddy... Brad :occasion14: REQUEST: Don't ask my son what he remembers... he has a bad memory!!!!! :dontknow:

17" draw? hmmmmm I'm guessing my arm's going to a bit cramped.rofl.gif~original.gif

I,m not laughing while Viking bends at the waist.:angel12: Limitool and son seem to both tell fishin stories.
Man lowering your arm from sitting position or standing then poopin the shot is sobering. Bend at waist,arm still where it is supposed to be.:notworthy: Good tip.
Limit tool you don't have a bunch of four year old staves up in the rafters? Get a few shaped into bows and build a viking bow out of a familiar work wise type but special piece of wood... Limited market big and tall,(?) but a couple customers waiting when you feel like building you shouldn,t go hungry.Or just keep one for sale. Hey you know bows.

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