From the web:
'A pioneering United Nations treaty aimed at regulating the global trade in conventional weapons surpassed a symbolically important threshold on Wednesday when 18 countries, most notably the United States, officially signed the document, pushing the total number to more than half of the organization’s member states...
The treaty, which took seven years to negotiate, is considered by rights advocates to be a landmark document that would for the first time impose moral standards on the enormous cross-border trade in conventional arms that fuel conflicts around the world, most notably in Africa. It is devised to thwart sales to users who would break humanitarian law, foment genocide or war crimes, engage in terrorism, or kill women and children.
The treaty covers trade in tanks, armored combat vehicles, large-caliber weapons, combat aircraft, attack helicopters, warships, missiles and launchers, small arms, and light weapons.'
The reason you have the NRA and conservative groups getting freaked out about this law has NOTHING to do with affecting the laws of gun ownership in the US... read about the treaty - there simply isn't anything in there to that affect. It's a global treaty... the NRA and other groups are fired up because this is going to cut into the profits of gun manufacturers, who the NRA often promotes. They're claiming 'they're gonna take your guns away' to get you pissed about it so legislators would raise a stink and try to keep it from happening - to try and save profits for gun companies... Has nothing to with me or you. Find as many sources as you can online about the treaty,and read them.
I don't care if you are on the right or the left, watch FoxNews or read the New York Times... take ANYTHING politicians say with a BIG grain of salt, do your own research, and try and stay on top of what effect new legislation will actually have on the common man... Republicans or Democrats, they're ALL CROOKS and have corporate interests in mind - NOT yours or mine.