Thu Sep 26, 2013 2:58PM GMT
Violent and sexual crimes rampant in UK
Latest figures from the Crime Survey for England and Wales (CSEW) estimate that there were 8.6 million crimes in England and Wales in the year ending March 2013.
Among different types of crimes, violent and sexual crimes, which are the most serious, cover a range of offence types. Violence spans minor assaults, such as pushing and shoving that result in no physical harm through to serious assault and murder, while Sexual assault covers offences from indecent exposure to rape.
Provisional figures supplied by the British police to the Office for National Statistics (ONS) revealed that in 2013 the number of recorded murder or homicides, where a gun or firearm caused fatality, in England and Wales has reached 552 so far. The homicide rate per million population also stands at 9.8 while the population of the two countries is 56.1 million totally.
According to the ONS statistics, in 2012-13, more than two-thirds of homicide victims were male, the most common method of killing continues to be by sharp instrument, and victims aged less than 16 years were most likely to be killed by a parent or step-parent.
Moreover, female victims were found more likely to be killed by someone they knew as in most cases they were killed by a current or ex-partner while male victims were most likely to be killed by a friend or acquaintance.
The 2011-12 figures also disclosed that the number of homicide victims in Scotland stands just 11 short of last year’s 101. Among the 90 victims (17 percent of Scotland’s 5.3 million population), 5 were murdered by a gun or firearm while using sharp instruments such as knife was recognized as the main method of killing in the country.
The number of homicide victims in Northern Ireland also stands at 23, almost 13 percent of the country’s 1.8 million population.
Total UK murder/homicide rate in 2011-12 was 10.5 with 663 recorded victims. This number was 777 in 2010-2011 and the rate was 12.3 in the financial year.
In addition to violent crimes, sexual offences statistics, including rape crimes, in Britain are also shocking.
According to the Ministry of Justice (MoJ), ONS and Home Office’s first joint Official Statistics bulletin on sexual violence in January 2013, approximately 85,000 women are raped on average in England and Wales every year.
Over 400,000 women are sexually assaulted each year while 1 in 5 women (aged 16 - 59) has experienced some form of sexual violence since the age of 16.
The report entitled An Overview of Sexual Offending in England and Wales, also disclosed that between 2009/10 and 2011/12 there were an estimated 78,000 victims of rape per year in England and Wales, of which 69,000 were females and 9,000 were males.
Over the same three years only an average of 15,670 rapes were recorded by the police each year, while 3,850 offences a year became “detections” (recorded crimes that proceed either to court or to an out-of court disposal).
Of the recorded offenders 2,910 face court proceedings and only 1,070 are convicted of rape crime.
This comes as a compilation of statistics on child sexual abuse revealed only 18,915 sexual crimes against children in England and Wales in 2012-2013.
According to figures, 1 in 20 children have been sexually abused in the two countries. Moreover, ninety percent of these children were found to be abused by someone they know.
According to crime statistics, violence is mostly recorded in cities of Nottingham, Southampton, Bournemouth, Plymouth, Birmingham, and Manchester with Nottingham having the highest level of violence.
Considering other types of crimes, such as burglary and robbery, however, Manchester is understood to be the most dangerous major city in England and Wales in the 2013 rankings.
The UK Peace Index, from the Institute for Economics and Peace (IEP) also reveal that Glasgow in Scotland has the highest rates of homicides and violent crime in the UK. London and Belfast also come in the second and third place.
The three cities were ranked according to the number of homicides and levels of violent and weapon crime, public disorder and numbers of police officers per 100,000 people.
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