someone at work here was trimming down their stuff and had some books for which I said sure I would take. like out of a movie one day moving these books one fell open to a map of treasure stories. living in Del Norte CO I found the closest one called Lost Frenchmen Gold. so I jumped in...
my first doubt comes from where. i am fully vested in the notion that 200/300 men and 300/400 horses came into colorado as early as around 1790. I don't want to talk gold. i want to talk about the trace of this very large group in Co. That many people is a huge party for the period. just imagine the support needed for that adventure. reading here that they brought mercury with them. so from metallurgists to doctors to chefs... all of this has to have left trash and history where they camped. read some say they hung around as long as 3 years. well that is a stationary camp., a semi perma settlement. imagine the stables to house 300+ horses. i read they would escape the cold winters and head to Taos for the winter (this is conjecture as I would say that trip alone is harsh from Gunnison to Taos by horse). anyway where did this massive group stay and why for example is that camp site not a historical monument? "Here in 1789 the French..." should be on a plaque. i cannot fathom that it has not been found, evidenced, and made historic. Pike's Stockade is just some made up location, not even archeologists can find anything on that... but the largest party to ever enter western US pre1800 is just legend?
imho find the trail of human footprints first and foremost. i have found zero evidence of any french presence near wolf creek and what is called treasure mountain and treasure falls near me. not a single horse shoe or button. impossible to have that many europeans in theater and not leave a single iota of an artifact. jump over to Crested Butte farther north. Yule and other history very much implies a french presence in that area. no where in any local museum is a section reserved for "French Finds". no traces anywhere. again nothing to do with the gold, just want to find where the french camped at. I post here because I cannot find any historical items found in colorado near the San Luis Valley. this writing is more of a thought dump but also read I think a Yule found what the believe is french housing near Treasury Mt. That makes a lot more sense than around here...
finally, I am amused by this notion of hiding gold in someone else's back yard. its egotistical. the Ute knew every corner of this area so the idea europeans could hide something, like in a cave is ludicrous. altho not into gold, anywhere the french went would immediately be investigated. so you cant bury and hide anything in indian country is what I am saying. imagine me trying to bury something in your yard, I don't care how clever I think I am. "Hey why is this giant boulder now in front of this cave?". the treasure map and that lore is something I am avoiding. so much conjecture and lies apply to that side. skip that, so where the hell did the hundreds of french camp?
tldr: any and all searches on french lost treasure need to focus around the Gunnison areas and not the San Luis Valley versions. where did the French camp?