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A simple way to get food. Just open your mouth :laughing7:

Some preppers and survivalists should learn from this guys!! :icon_thumright:

The only disadvantage.... you get a wet butt :hello2: Oh. wait! In a worst case scenario... no toilet paper... may a good thing :headbang:


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Hey GB hows that 22 going ? Hope your Having fun w/it :) Not sure about that model but you might be able to replace the cylinder w/a 22 Mag.,just a thought. Have fun w/it and be SAFE !

Hey GB hows that 22 going ? Hope your Having fun w/it :) Not sure about that model but you might be able to replace the cylinder w/a 22 Mag.,just a thought. Have fun w/it and be SAFE !

it can't be replaced with a different cylinder but i'm having fun with it killed a copper head with it

it can't be replaced with a different cylinder but i'm having fun with it killed a copper head with it

is it a model 66 ?

Maybe not a good idea to invite yourself to dinner with those folks lol

photo-1045.webpphoto-1044.webpphoto-1043.webp finishing up my live edge bench/table. Looks pretty good under acrylic urethane !!

Wow....as I was posting an f-18 hornet buzzed the neighborhood. Man that was loud......my windows almost fell out !!


Since you're doing the bump....:laughing9::laughing9::laughing9:



Wow....as I was posting an f-18 hornet buzzed the neighborhood. Man that was loud......my windows almost fell out !!

Jet Fighters(15s,18s,A-6s) buzz the lake at least 2x a week here. Coming out of Oceania Naval air base in Virginia beach. Their Doing simulated electronic bombing runs on the dam here .Awesome!:)
About 3 years ago a Beautifully restored P-51 buzzed my boat @ 500 ft.Wow !
About 7 years ago a C-130 made a Dam run.incredible to see,under 1000 ft.
Lately ...and don't laugh...I've seen "black/stealth" choppers in the area.You know,the ones that DO-NOT exists .The ones used to take out Bin Laden . And
they ARE Quiet.About the only thing that gives them off is, the house shakes.Wonder how they do that ?

Jet Fighters(15s,18s,A-6s) buzz the lake at least 2x a week here. Coming out of Oceania Naval air base in Virginia beach. Their Doing simulated electronic bombing runs on the dam here .Awesome!:)
About 3 years ago a Beautifully restored P-51 buzzed my boat @ 500 ft.Wow !
About 7 years ago a C-130 made a Dam run.incredible to see,under 1000 ft.
Lately ...and don't laugh...I've seen "black/stealth" choppers in the area.You know,the ones that DO-NOT exists .The ones used to take out Bin Laden . And
they ARE Quiet.About the only thing that gives them off is, the house shakes.Wonder how they do that ?

Here is a better prospective of what I'm talking about.....This is Smith Mountain, elevation 2,000 ft. above sea level (it has 2 military operated tower on the top of it).....The lake ,at full pond is 890 ft. above sea level.... Fighters have to fly between 890 ft & 2,000 ft to avoid being detected by the towers .Then hit a electronic target -on the Dam :)!
Not much wiggle room for error.
The Dam is located in the V of the Mt.(see the towers left & right of the V)

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Wow....as I was posting an f-18 hornet buzzed the neighborhood. Man that was loud......my windows almost fell out !!

The jets from Jax. Naval Air Station cracked more than one picture window breaking the sound barrier..of course that was back in the 50'S.


So true about being safe....one of the guys on Tnet who will go unnamed and lives in GB's neck of the woods admitted to shooting himself in the foot.

He got startled by a rattler and wasn't careful enough with his aim.


So true about being safe....one of the guys on Tnet who will go unnamed and lives in GB's neck of the woods admitted to shooting himself in the foot.

He got startled by a rattler and wasn't careful enough with his aim.

Yeah one thing about a bullet.Once its released on its flight there is NO calling it back.Know your target and know whats down range.!

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