RANDOM CHAT THREAD - Chat about anything or just hang out - ALL are welcome.

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Bill I may have to get my wife into this cooking club here on RCT its her passion and much freetime is spent preparing meals. She truly enjoys cooking and every night she makes dinner while watching top chef or some other cooking shows. Ill check and see what she has planned.

I for one can make a mean bowl of cereal, and my microwaved hot dogs top all others !! You should see my tater tots too.

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Ok Bill...she began to perform this as an encore at her concerts.



Thanks for the chuckles and yes get your wife involved with sharing some recipes....the more inspiration the better.

I for one can make a mean bowl of cereal, and my microwaved hot dogs top all others !! You should see my tater tots too.

Bill, I always thought Tom was Vegas whatever until I heard a long radio interview with him. Welsch and married at 16 if I remember right. Still married to the same woman. You got to love the joy which still comes through his songs after countless performances.
As I get older I find I am appreciating people I formerly dismissed.

Hillbilly Prince,

So true Tom Jones has one of the best male voices bar none and he's done various styles of music all exceptionally well.

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Hillbilly Prince,

Check out this bluesy number with him Van Morrison and Jeff Beck.


Hey GB hows that 22 going ? Hope your Having fun w/it :) Not sure about that model but you might be able to replace the cylinder w/a 22 Mag.,just a thought. Have fun w/it and be SAFE !


This is the one I would like to have! Unfortunately forbidden in my country...

Guess I know why - lead bullets drilled open and filled with mercury + a nice silencer and the "Elites" got a lot of fun :icon_thumleft: :laughing7: :laughing7: :laughing7:


Somehow that made me wonder. Do people still square dance? Lol
And WD with the bumps...maybe too much coffee this morning?[/QUOTE]



I LOVE it to see woman of thew 70 and early 80s moving and dancing! Makes me "wuschich" :laughing7: (It´s german moderate term! Sorry, don´t know the english term for it)

Hey guys, please more of it but with more L E G S ! High heels and stockings are also welcome! :laughing7: :laughing7: :laughing7:

I mean, you know exactly what I like :hello2:

Wow. Never would have thought. Van Morrison is ine of my favorites!

Jet Fighters(15s,18s,A-6s) buzz the lake at least 2x a week here. Coming out of Oceania Naval air base in Virginia beach. Their Doing simulated electronic bombing runs on the dam here .Awesome!:)
About 3 years ago a Beautifully restored P-51 buzzed my boat @ 500 ft.Wow !
About 7 years ago a C-130 made a Dam run.incredible to see,under 1000 ft.
Lately ...and don't laugh...I've seen "black/stealth" choppers in the area.You know,the ones that DO-NOT exists .The ones used to take out Bin Laden . And
they ARE Quiet.About the only thing that gives them off is, the house shakes.Wonder how they do that ?


Approx 40 years ago I lived near the Netherlands boarder and there was (is?) a training are for jets (american or british) and they also places training's bombs on large targets and also shot their MG´s with live ammunition. We watched it very often at the fences there. Very spectacular and loud!
On Sundays the area was open and it was possible to drive by with a car to pick up this bombs and large projectiles and shells.

Get to Missouri. You can conceal carry without a permit but getting a permit is nothing. And you learn a lot.

IMG_1834.webp lobster mania !!! So I get a call from the lobster boat today, and it seems that a possible silver fork came up in one of the traps today. I cant tell from the pics but I think what looks like rust might really be coral growth. Ill take a look at it tomorrow. From time to time objects get put in the trap by octopus. Some times they'll fill a trap up halfway with stuff. Sometimes they put man made objects in the trap. Ive even got khng si pottery frags from the galleon wrecks. IMG_1837.webp never seen this type with three prongs, any one have an age estimate ?? Could be a wreck close by and if I can date this design it might be helpful in the future. This was out in 200 ft of water so no one knows about this one.

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