I think it says that the admins have the right to view all private messages. Can you imagine what could be gained as far as treasure info is concerned........I cant imagine how many treasure secrets could be had by screening PMs. I once had a tip from a member here, and when I checked it I was astonished to see that he was 100% right. I often wonder how many others also checked this tip. The site lies in a national park and is un recoverable due to the law. At first I wondered if it was getting looted by others who read his post on the open forum. I have periodically checked this spot for 2 years. I dont think anyone else caught the tip and followed through because it remains un disturbed. I hoped the thread would fade and be forgotten, and it has. That got me thinking about all the info traded in PMs.......if I was a mod I'd read them all and take the info and run with it !! So dont PM secrets on this site !!!! Get a phone number through PMs and then call each other and talk in person. This site also owns the right to the content posted here, and can do as they please with it. I have found my cobbs at the top of a Google image search. I was shocked to see my post at the top of a Google search when searching a certain subject. That means that when you post something that is of a sensitive nature or contradicts or belittles someone......well they dont have to find your post here on treasurenet, they just have to search Google and if the search is good they will be redirected right to this sight and even to particular posts. I wake up sometimes and regret what I've wrote. Like my big rambling posts from yesterday !!! Way to much info there. Stupid !!!
It is actually worse than that.
If you know how to do such things, you can use a packet sniffer and with a lot of knowledge, you can see that ALL PM and other things here like pics are running through a gigantic square building in the desert of Southern California.
I just happen to know what building that is. Is has a couple of antique fighter jets sitting on posts out front.
I'm just a nobody with a big accurate tin hat..
The problem is that my brother thinks that I'm a ticking kaboom.. (Tick tock.. <-- meant to annoy the snoops)
My brothers and most of my family are federal law enforcement.
It sucks to be me.
Sometimes there are perks though.
Loose lips, sink ships.
As told to me by a WWII Veteran SeaBee.
You really don't have anything to worry about unless you start getting phone calls from all 0's
No point in self destructing messages, the second I hit submit reply.. Poof off to OZ it all goes.
P. S. Dear TreasureNet..
I'll pay part of the monies for https.
I bet if you asked your users, and explained the actual benefits of having that little S on the end... You'd be just fine.
If the site owners still decline, then someone is seriously under a big microscope here!