Blak bart
Platinum Member
Well it looks like were gonna play games. Since it cost 5000$ in fines for American airlines to book my last flight on an expired passport, seems I was some how bumped off today's flight to elutherea. looks like they will try and delay, detain,and harass me as much as they can every chance they get. I only play games once !! The only thing they will see is exhaust smoke and my wake. Because of guilt by association the black flags are going up across the board. I will get a ride by boat, get dropped off at the dock, clear customs, get in my boat and push the throttles to the fire wall,and clear us customs through my B.R. card when I get back. In my younger days I built a lot of boats for the pirates of the 80s-and 90s. The Bahamas is still reeling from the last wave of smuggling boats that my family built in the mid 2000s. They have been waiting for me to make a mistake for the last 20 years. Never did anything illegal. Always answered every question that law enforcement asked of me. Everything we did was within the law and in plain sight. We also built boats for the good guys too. Whoever was next in line and had the cash to put up for the build. Because of my connections with some notorious pirates I continue to get harassed by law enforcement on both sides of the border. Now the airlines are beating up on me too. So here I sit in a paid for hotel waiting for someone to say ok that's enough he hasn't broken any laws. I will try one more time tomorrow morn to fly in and that's it. If that doesn't work I'll storm the gates by boat, clear bahamian customs where I know I can, and be back in the keys before the customs agent can walk from the dock to his office. I dont even have to see any one on the US side. I just give customs a courtesy call, and clear with my local boaters registration number. Now I'll burn up my free vouchers from the airline and see what happens. The boats I run now are all built by the same family I used to build boats for. They never got caught and now they own one of the largest most successful boat companies in the US. they currently build the world's largest center console boat at 65 ft. Since these boats are partially based off my father and I designs.....of coarse I would prefer to run these boats and have talked my boss into buying 3 of them over the years. So my partner sits in Spanish wells waiting for me so that someone can pilot this thing through the devil's backbone. I have a strong feeling that I'll get bumped to first class in the morning and be clean and cleared and fishing off James point by 1pm. We will see. ??