RANDOM CHAT THREAD - Chat about anything or just hang out - ALL are welcome.

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20190214_070449.webp well.......one or another should work !!

Just kidding one on the right is the good one.


Glad you got the passport issue cleared up or else.....:laughing7::laughing7::laughing7:


Just dropped in to see what condition my condition was in......or something like that. Good morning to ya fella's.

Who says that you cannot find Au hidden inside of an ordinary rock!
View attachment 1680766
Enough acid and you can etch out any rock. :dontknow:

P. S.
If you can figure out what coin that it is sitting on... I'll send you both.
P. S. S. That's too hard.
I'll make it easier.
It is a known DDO or Double Die Obverse.

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34b4bc066850c480d33fc54fa07f004d.webp A Good day to all.

You're going way back for that one so here goes courtesy of Kenny Rogers and the First Edition.

Just dropped in to see what condition my condition was in......or something like that. Good morning to ya fella's.


Alphabet as in google....it used to be that The Shadow knows everything.....:laughing7::laughing7::laughing7: now days it's google, amazon, fb ad nauseum track pretty much our every move.

Now doesn't that give you a warm and cozy feeling...:laughing9::laughing9::laughing9:


Yep Army Corps of Engineers were doing that around here a couple years ago. Now they are displacing 50 families on century(plus) farms to dam up my favorite creek just 2 miles from my house for a reservoir. The reservoir is for a growing city 20 miles away. The creek actually runs through the city but if they dammed it closer to them it would remove all the rich neighborhoods....

Well. I know quite a few things.
Be prepared for every rain shower and thunderstorm to be epic with rainfall.
All around my area, for the last several years, big brother has been upgrading and installing new storm drains.
They were so kind as to hook it all to the right places that will drown out southeast Michigan,... Specifically the Detoilet aka Detroit.

Row, row, row your boat gently down the stream. :laughing7:

Well. I know quite a few things.
Be prepared for every rain shower and thunderstorm to be epic with rainfall.
All around my area, for the last several years, big brother has been upgrading and installing new storm drains.
They were so kind as to hook it all to the right places that will drown out southeast Michigan,... Specifically the Detoilet aka Detroit.

Row, row, row your boat gently down the stream. :laughing7:

Well I'm up on a hill that's not going to flood any time soon...but I may be able to see a lake sitting over my favorite fishing spot and arrowhead fields....

I signed up as a charter member !!! Hope their READY !:occasion14:

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