Raise your hand if you have found the Lost Dutchman Mine.

Actually, I kept my mobile home after I found the mine. A friend I met in the Army, flew it out to the hidden canyon just below the mine with his Sikorsky heavy lift Skycrane. We party out there all the time! :headbang:

Terry, I can understand Sasquatch but Letterman? Come on!!!

With all that stink Sasquatch was projecting in the cave those women would come running your way. Otherwise, They would all end up with Letterman! I had an encounter in a cave with a women once. Something about pitch dark that makes um crazy. They don't care who you are just so you say " Ug" or "Ah" not Oh or Ah they're looking for the cave man in every dude! Pull their hair and they like it! Club on the head and they don't know who you are. You can blame it on Letterman!

in the desert these three men with no water lost found a tunnel that

Bill wrote; "Terry, I can understand Sasquatch but Letterman? Come on!!!"

Bill, Have you seen Letterman lately, he's looking more and more like Sasquatch every day. ;)

lead them to water el fresco there was mining stuff in the tunnel this tunnel was the only way in the valley till as you can watch broken arrow and see why ,,,,,,? opened a different way in the mountain the miners found gold packed some water packed some gold and tried to make it back only one made it back he could never find this place again.

I move out to another side of heart mountain to take care of some horses big house for three weeks this gives me time to look at this side of the mountain every time I look around i find new things

looking at the mountain from my new location I see new possibility's new video this week end .

DSC_7248 face.webp
Does this meet the description?
You can see how steep the Canyon walls are by looking at the other side.
DSC_7248 Shield north.webp
face looks at this, this is a fault running between the light side and dark side of volcanic intrusive, and the area is the contact zone between the two.

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remember to follow the letter of the law if wanting to reopen an old mine.

The criminal law punishes attempts, agreements to commit crimes, and requests that other people break the law. So remember that giving bad advice by encouraging others to break the law is a crime in itself.

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did not get to mountains this week sleepy got new mining stuff and doing very well

Are you going to video more of that mine that you openned, the one with the bats. I am intersted in seeing more if possible. If it's a secret then don't. I am sure everyone would understand.

training someone tonight to do this job someone gets fired good thing its not me that would be bad training some one for your own job...I think she is sleeping mountain this week its hot out here in Arizona to hot stayed home keeping the birds wet turkey buzzards in my horse water

Torie you should start your own thread as I am sure you will have followers there.

Way I see it is anyone searching for the Lost Dutchman Mine and still looking for it has not found it or they would not still be looking. Finding abandoned mines in Arizona is not hard as there are over 100,000 known abandoned mines. That list is just since the Gadsdon Purchase of 1854 and does not include prospects from the Mexican days. The Cave of Gold Bars is in the Superstition Mountains, read the accounts of Tracy Hawkins, Ray Diamond and Mr. Williams. Jacob Waltz did not lead his burros south to along the boarder to mine for gold.

DSC_7140 Coazon (2).webp
Is this the cave Mr. Diamond stacked rocks in the entrance so he could find it again? It is exactly as described with a hollow down below with a steep loose area between and in the right location between Tortilla Creek and Fish Creek as described. I have been to just below the cave but not in it, only way in is along a ledge, also is very close (less than 100 yards) and within sight of my claimed location site of the Dutchman's Gold Ledge. This would make a great stash area for a repository and protection.

P.S. my research was based on a former Dutch Hunter's book from the 30's. I can not remember the name of the book as it was loaned to me, but many of my photos in "Survey of the Mina Virgon" on this site are the same only those were black and white. He felt there was enough evidence to place the Dutchman Mine close to the cliff dwellings only never found it. Getting to where the picture of the face with gold pouring out of its mouth onto the ledge was taken, was a tough climb up on hands and knees. The person that had influence on my search indirectly was known here as Captbill.

more reading for understanding
Roy Rogers connection:

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It's Tories story and belief of where the LDM is.

same red rock that is not the superstitions they are here and this is fed land I must be right its my notes they used . one year ago when I got here I saw a half boat being pulled out of here it looked like the history channel boat and there was a big party with stuff that said happy birth day maria puralta this location is where I saw another heart with a Indian that has a bear above his head the Apache would have meant that this was not to be talked about the woman he is kissing looks to be Spanish I will get a picture of this they are kissing in a heart shape on the left side again a Indian same face there are two bears over his head he is alone. I do not blame them they do not want people here .

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