Torie I would even be a follower on your own thread, how ever you seem to be chasing the treasure of Tumacacori. It is shown as 8 miles south of the mission then off in the mountains. I think you should read the book The Enigma of Tumacacori. The treasure legend states down in that area was 3 mines filled with silver and gold then hidden, some processed and some still in ore form. Captbill spent years down there with big drills chasing that legend and had 3 spots he claimed was the mines, and yes it is exactly as you describe with the stone monuments. Be very careful as that is the modern day drug smugglers trail, one of the reasons I do not go into that country.
In the death bed confession of Jacob Waltz to Holmes, Jacob stated he killed the two soldiers. Brownie believed his dad and looked for 40 years for the face of a man that Jacob had saw where he got off the trail at the mine. Jacob stated he saw what looked like a mans face so to make it look more like a face he picked the eye out. (information comes from the interviews of Brownie Holmes transcribed by Steve Bowser, there are only 10 copies of this)
View attachment 1329098 is that the ore for the matchbox?
Look above and to the left of the eye in the hair and you will see a very large square nugget.
Pipps was spying on Jacob Waltz from above and robbing the mine when Jacob was not there. His camp is still there and even plates, coffee pot, white canvas bag of clothes that I moved to get out of the sun and boots. They are under a rock that sits like a table with four legs. It is big enough for two people to lay in and watch without being seen high up on the top of the ridge. He was the one that started the saying of "the richest mine in the world" when he died in a sand cave-in while cleaning out a water hole. He is still there to this day. (information from the Holmes Manuscript)