Raise your hand if you have found the Lost Dutchman Mine.

This is my plan for tomorrow in the morning I have to do a couple favors for a friend in the afternoon I plan on going to the tunnel mine first in the first video I will go above the tunnel show some drift mines and then we will take the compass reading from the front of the tunnel in the main tunnel then follow the direction above and see and follow that line all the way all the way to find out what I believe is happening at Peralta mine Roman numeral 18 then we will go into the tunnel mine a half-mile back in that third video

New video under Thomas Clark Lost Dutchman we are in the tunnel mine and no more hamster looking creatures and vinegar runes now there is bats after we opened it a year ago why we were up there two different trucks a gray truck and a red truck stop to look at me on the outside of this mine on our way back to our truck there were two guys on the trail the ones in the red truck when we got back to our truck somebody had stabbed are Tire we changed our tire on the way down the grey truck was on the side of the road with the man outside of it the grey truck was up there last time watching I invite either one of them to try that again I will be up there Wednesday night camping so I can do my compass thing this is very rude

I am hoping that it was not the one that shot at us the other time either way show your face

my video is on u tub under Thomas Clark lost Dutchmen from the red paint that also was at the maps to the gold that is still in the mine this mine is old very old and what i plan on Wednesday is to show what is with this mine and find a new one because that is what i am doing following a treasurer map . i will not interrupt any one please when i am up there respect me .

I have watched the video. May I ask, how did you find the mine, and how was it closed that you had to open it. This all looks interesting.

How many mines did the Peraltas worked up in the SM? That mine does look like the one found by an old man who got help from an indian he had helped out. He said it was worked out and it seems like it pretty much was. Definitely not like a mine who "finance playboy lifestyle" and make u "pay with gold" with was earlier mentioned.

I also watched your video Tori, nice, keep them coming.
I wouldn't worry so much about the bats (unless rabies) as the unfriendly guys in the trucks.
Was that paint on the wall when you dug out the mine?
Thanks for sharing, interesting. (Take an extra flashlight or two with you next time.) :)

I look for ox cart turn around i found this one also the trailing is right before this mine there are some above this mine and I think they tried to punch thru to reach another mine before the Apache killed them this mine is on the Peralta map on the old caviler trail this looks like the same paint on the master maps they show this location . I will try to go to the back of this mine then follow on top to see if i am right there are very old cactus in front of other mines on top it will take removal to look in side the ones on top are old but in there time new.we will have to see and what i think next will be great compered to this.

there are two dutchmen mines here 32 peralta mines one old man and one Indian could not do that in two life times i am showing as i go along i will be going to both lost dutchmens i have time it so happens or i would just dig up a 4 ft by 6 ft stack of gold bars lets watch me take my time these are the kind of days to remember its just to fun just wait to see what i will show.

I'm not sure how the law works, but I don't think you are allowed to dig up gold bars with out a permit in the Superstition Mountains.

the peraltas called the this place in English the fresh water i am near mexico i buy my cigs there for 8.00 a carton i am at work all night the one that comes in the morning comes from Sonora mexico good thing she gets here at 6:30 the line getting across takes time that is were the Dutchmen met the peraltas right

and a play boy life i did not live play girl life i might of i have lived a lot of lives rich and not what life i do live i live for the memory's i have learned this so running around a mountain i call that fun what would i do with money i would still run around mountains .there is the fun not locked up in a office.

we have been here a year we are finding all the prof that it is here and for the gold I am just now getting my gold I came here with just the thought of looking around and then have my grand daughter help with a book its going to take three books if that's what I do now so much to do like the church of the Santa Fe you all want the gold mines so I am there not at the Santa Fe and gold just takes time getting out of rocks and living in a trailer park i would have loved to stay up on mountain my boy friend is well is not good at that

Why do all of these people that have all this gold and have found the Dutchman Mine live in mobile home parks? Strikes me funny lol

that's a little below the belt isn't it?..i know some very fine people that live in mobile home parks

new video in a few days and new tiers

Tori, you may have to find a third partner.
One in the mine, a second outside the entrance, and a third to stay back with your vehicles and guard those new tires.

Your story got me thinking about what's best for a guy or gal to take inside a mine while exploring.
Do you walk in with just a flashlight, or do you leave a jug of water and a shovel and maybe a digging bar inside the entrance? Maybe even a little food, another light source and batteries?
Do you carry a small shovel and canteen with you throughout the mine? Seems reasonable, especially if you are alone on the mountain.

Before I get through thinking about this, I'll have a whole 'safety backpack' to set inside the entrance, and another to strap on while exploring. ;)
Maybe I could sell them to DH tourist down in AJ?

Of course I never did any of that when caving as a youngster, just the flashlight or two. Maybe some candles, extra bulbs, batteries, little string, some paint... ;)
Now that I've developed a bit of claustrophobia I don't have to worry, I'm not likely to even go inside.
Even the 'Small World' ride at Disney makes me nervous. (And we all know what that darn song will do to you!)

Stay safe!

[EDIT: Forgot to mention an AR for those pesky 'varmints'.]

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Not at all, with all the "I found the Dutchman gold" claims, you know the first thing any of them would do if they actually had gold would be to buy a house that didn't have wheels on it.

Some are palaces compared to a few of the places I've stayed.
Never a good idea to make light of another person's situation, you never know when yours might change.

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