
Ben don't listen to her explanation about the sock coffee - (more for me!) ;D

Blindbowman here is your golden opportunity to prove what you have been saying for over five years, on someone else's dime at that. As our mutual friend Joe has said, if you don't 'put up' this time, some of us are not going to continue to play your game any further. I seriously doubt you will get another offer like you have. In fact I am going to make this trip even more potentially profitable for you; if Tom Kollenborn examines your ore specimen and says that it is a match for Dutchman ore, I will put a silver dollar in your hand and be happy to shake your hand and congratulate you. So you now are looking at reimbursement of almost all of your airline ticket, free transportation from the airport to the rendezvous, free food, a tent and sleeping bag to use, radio communications to keep in touch while you lead your party in and back, a free steak for Saturday night's dinner, and depending on what Tom K says, a silver dollar for your trouble.

There will surely be several people willing and able to hike with BB to his site(s) so even if he were to be injured, there is little chance of getting lost or not having sufficient assistance ready at hand. I don't plan to join the expedition, want to hear as much of the fireside conversations as I can, and I don't need to see the mine in person anyway as the ore will tell the story for me.

Good luck and good hunting, look forward to seeing you all there.

:coffee2: :coffee2:

Beth's explanation of sock coffee would work for me ' fresh brand new socks'......The whole foot thing brings back a horrible experience for me while out digging gold one weekend, it involves 10 year old top ramen noodles and my buddy jumping around a fire and me with a look on my face like I just swallowed an iron nail !!!! The experience will be forever known as "Dave Toe Soup" I'll save the particulars for the camp fire......

BenThereDoneThat said:
Beth's explanation of sock coffee would work for me ' fresh brand new socks'......The whole foot thing brings back a horrible experience for me while out digging gold one weekend, it involves 10 year old top ramen noodles and my buddy jumping around a fire and me with a look on my face like I just swallowed an iron nail !!!! The experience will be forever known as "Dave Toe Soup" I'll save the particulars for the camp fire......

Dang it! Well don't let anyone know about the truth, it is more fun letting them imagine. ;D I can't wait to hear the ingredients to Dave Toe soup!

Sock coffee or brick tea anyone?

:coffee2: :coffee2: :coffee2:

Oroblanco said:
BenThereDoneThat said:
Beth's explanation of sock coffee would work for me ' fresh brand new socks'......The whole foot thing brings back a horrible experience for me while out digging gold one weekend, it involves 10 year old top ramen noodles and my buddy jumping around a fire and me with a look on my face like I just swallowed an iron nail !!!! The experience will be forever known as "Dave Toe Soup" I'll save the particulars for the camp fire......

Dang it! Well don't let anyone know about the truth, it is more fun letting them imagine. ;D I can't wait to hear the ingredients to Dave Toe soup!

Sock coffee or brick tea anyone?

:coffee2: :coffee2: :coffee2:

There was only the one ingredient '10 YEAR OLD Top Ramen' Given the choice that evening, i would have rather eaten the arse out of a dead rhino..........


"i would have rather eaten the arse out of a dead rhino.........."

In some quarters, that would be a decided delicacy. Cooked right, I'm sure it tastes just like........... chicken. :tongue7: :icon_thumright:

Hopefully the fare at the Rendezvous will be slightly better.

Tom called tonight and will bring a small generator to camp. Still looking for some kind of portable sound system. :director: Perhaps Randy or Wayne will rent one, and pay for it with the proceeds of the raffle. Tom has confirmed he will be donating his "Chronological History......". In addition to that, Greg Davis will be donating a first edition of Sims Ely's book. There will also be a Superstition painting by a local artist.

It should be a real wing-ding! :wav:

See you all there,

Joe & Carolyn

I have a nice Gen on my rig......Nice and Quiet (Onan 5500), i can even sleep with it running at night its so pleasing, have a 35 gallon fuel tank connected to it ....just in case the small one makes to much noise as to drown out the the mic?? will bring long drop cords just to be prepared. No ideas on sound equip- sold all my stuff last year to a local band I knew i should have kept my Mr. Microphone
" hey good lookin will be back to pick you up later" lol could have tuned it into my stereo.

p.s. Rhino arse raw woulda been a step or two up compared to what i had!!!!!

mrs.oroblanco said:
A pacifist man?

Ah, first of all, who are you calling a pacifist? You, who were supposedly in the Navy? - Are our armed services unarmed now? Tough to fight wars unarmed. Or sgtfda, who certainly isn't a pacifist. Secondly, if you're afraid of a man with a gun, why would you have subjected Helen to unknown people at the rendezvous - many of whom carry a gun - me included.

And, thirdly, that was a little rude after such a generous offer, don't you think? I'll buy you the steak for Saturday night's dinner.


i wont be there . sorry not this year ...

you can keep your steak and eat it to ..

i will not give the location of the mine to anyone .. you can go out there and hunt all you want to .. good luck with that ..

that offer was nothing more then givein g the mine away .. thats not going to happen .i dont care if it takes me 20 years to get back to the mine . right now its no longer a choice at this point ..
good luck to Beth :coffee2:

Blindbowman said:
mrs.oroblanco said:
A pacifist man?

Ah, first of all, who are you calling a pacifist? You, who were supposedly in the Navy? - Are our armed services unarmed now? Tough to fight wars unarmed. Or sgtfda, who certainly isn't a pacifist. Secondly, if you're afraid of a man with a gun, why would you have subjected Helen to unknown people at the rendezvous - many of whom carry a gun - me included.

And, thirdly, that was a little rude after such a generous offer, don't you think? I'll buy you the steak for Saturday night's dinner.


i wont be there . sorry not this year ...

you can keep your steak and eat it to ..

i will not give the location of the mine to anyone .. you can go out there and hunt all you want to .. good luck with that ..

that offer was nothing more then givein g the mine away .. thats not going to happen .i dont care if it takes me 20 years to get back to the mine . right now its no longer a choice at this point ..
good luck to Beth :coffee2:

And thaaaaaats all folks.... Any predictions on when this thread will be deleted by our favorite person?

sgtfda said:
BB what is a passivefest? My offer stands. I have every type equipment you would require. I carry a gun 24-7. Tool of the trade. I fell in my pool last week with a gun in my pocket. My wife had a good laugh. If you feel you can't trust me ask yourself why should you be trusted. I was looking forward to your talk and the look on everyone's face. I plan on going fri morning and leaving late sat night. I need to know if you want to accept my offer. I would need to dig out the extra equipment.

i thank you for your offer SG but i have been told it stops here and now .. i can not leave Helen with anyone at this point ..and my girlfriend works and had a hard time takeing care of 5 Dog's by her self ...i will not be there ...sorry . this has drive my family to the edge and its over now .. some day i will go back if i live that long . i am sick and need to rest . i drove 2600 miles in 3 days it will not happen again for any reason i dont care if there is tons of gold in the mine . it dose make any difrence at this point to me ...thank you its over till the conditions here in my home life have changed ...

yawn ! , Did I miss my station? seems like I have been on this crazy train for too long

Cubfan64 said:
sgtfda - that's a heck of an offer to BB - it leaves him no other option than to make the excuse that he can't afford a plane ticket (even though the cost would be much less than the cost of gas to drive a motorhome via his route to AZ).

As far as his excuse that he can't trust you... he was willing on more than a few occassions to put together a "team" of folks to accompany him on his "expeditions" without knowing the first thing about most of them, so once again that excuse doesn't fly either.

He's painted himself into a corner as many of us suspected he would when he said he would attend the Rendezvous this year. Where there's a will, there's a way - I'm not certain he has the will.

As the enigmatic Yoda of Star Wars fame would say... "Do or do not, there is no try"

this had nothing to do with will .. i dont SG and you right my girlfriend said i dont know any of you and she was right . she said i dont need to prove anything to any of you at all .. if i can not go back now . thats just the way it is at this point . its has more to do with Helen then makeing the trip out there .. sorry i want nothing more then to set the table straight but unless something changes i have no way to be there this year . i tried twice to get there and could not ..when i started this Helen was not sick and i can not leave her at this point in time .. i have ask my girlfriend to help me and there is nothing we can do to change the events the way there are right now .. her condition was unstable and she has never been that bad before this last try . she wanted to see some of America .things were not as as thaught they were , it went as far as it could and i had no other choice but to retrun home ..i will not try again this year and i have no idea when i will be able to try again ..sorry

Cubfan64 said:
sgtfda - that's a heck of an offer to BB - it leaves him no other option than to make the excuse that he can't afford a plane ticket (even though the cost would be much less than the cost of gas to drive a motorhome via his route to AZ).

As far as his excuse that he can't trust you... he was willing on more than a few occassions to put together a "team" of folks to accompany him on his "expeditions" without knowing the first thing about most of them, so once again that excuse doesn't fly either.

He's painted himself into a corner as many of us suspected he would when he said he would attend the Rendezvous this year. Where there's a will, there's a way - I'm not certain he has the will.

As the enigmatic Yoda of Star Wars fame would say... "Do or do not, there is no try"

this had nothing to do with will .. i dont SG and you right my girlfriend said i dont know any of you and she was right . she said i dont need to prove anything to any of you at all .. if i can not go back now . thats just the way it is at this point . its has more to do with Helen then makeing the trip out there .. sorry i want nothing more then to set the table straight but unless something changes i have no way to be there this year . i tried twice to get there and could not ..when i started this Helen was not sick and i can not leave her at this point in time .. i have ask my girlfriend to help me and there is nothing we can do to change the events the way there are right now .. her condition was unstable and she has never been that bad before this last try . she wanted to see some of America .things were not as as thaught they were , it went as far as it could and i had no other choice but to retrun home ..i will not try again this year and i have no idea when i will be able to try again ..sorry

Cubfan64 said:
cactusjumper said:

By that qualification, we are all Shaman's.......other than that super loto thingie. :laughing7:


bb has to think about Helen first. He can't just leave her all alone. >:( What arrrre you thinking? :dontknow:

Life sure has a way of getting in the way of our hobbies. ::)

Take care,


I suppose you're right, but one would think there would be SOMEONE who would watch her for the 2-3 days it would take to attend the Rendezvous and prove you wrong :o
very true CUB ..
my daughter has 5 kids and my two brothers that are alife have heart conditions ..and are home bond ..

my girlfriend works nights and just told me she was unable to take care of the dogs by her self . and saying told me is the short variation ..

Helen refuses to have anyone else take care of her ..she trust me .and its time to end this . the mine is not going anywhere and i can wait as long as i have to . if die then you can all start over ..

BenThereDoneThat said:
EE THr said:
Cubfan64 said:
...if nobody I would trust is willing to go with him, I suppose I'll have to.

I sense a double-reversal set up a-comin'.

Suppose that after the rendezvous, he says that the whole story about "Helen" was made up in order for him to secretly go into the Supers and gather his evidence (he will apologize and say it was the only way, of course), because he doesn't trust anybody.

Of course, he almost dies getting the evidence, just to make it convincing, and get a little sympathy. And this is the reason he didn't make it out in time to show everyone his findings---because they all had left by then.

Then he posts some blurry pictures of his "positive proof." And calls everyone fools (again).

And then here we go for another year!



Wouldnt put it past him! But he never reserved a place at the campground to begin with like he said he did......he never intended to show.
the lost dutchman state park lot 16 . i never change my reservations . its reserved from the 16th to 21st . in my name ...sorry your wrong ...

i will try to talk to Rae again this morning, when she is down to a rolling boil out right totaly beautfull but if she is mad get ear plugs ..

CUB your offer shocks me .. but i under stand the reasoning behind the offer ..

i beleive this is the lost dutchman mine but i do not know if there is enough evidence to prove it .. i beleive so but there is no way to know for sure in most old mines or legends ...if there is ore in this mine it will prove it one way or the other ..

i have keep from posting anything on the mine for more then 10 years and i have a good reason and it is not because of some joke or game .. the mine is real ..i knew it years ago but finding out how the legend got this way is just as importian to me as proveing it is there ...

i had no intention of not being there ...

i do want to be there ..

i still have a few issue if i could fly out .. one is they will not let me take my rock picks or sharp objects . i dont know if they will let me send pitons . i can not do this climb with out my gear ..

and i still have to find some way to have some one watch Helen ..

it has truned into a nightmare for me .. i would love nothing more then to end this once and for all this year . i have a few days left to see if i can find a way around these things ..

i am sore but i think i can recover enough to make the expedition ,if i can find some way to watch Helen ..that is the biggest issue at this point ..

i should know with in a few days ...

if i can solve the Helen Issues maybe i can mail some of my gear to UPS in Phoenix and pick it up there ..

thats why i came back so fast if there is any chance i can make it there . i need to solve these issues first ..

"i beleive this is the lost dutchman mine but i do not know if there is enough evidence to prove it .. i beleive so but there is no way to know for sure in most old mines or legends"
There's 100's of prospect holes in those hills! While you were running by the hole, being chased by the yet undiscovered species of cat that leaves bear tracks and can jump 20 feet straight up but was unable to catch an out of shape blind man.....Maybe you should have taken a closer look before claiming its the LDM???? Run your logic code on that!
Pauls offer was only good on you being able to PROVE IT ...not maybe...not looks like...not should be it...Nothing less then Matching Gold Ore! or you'll be operating on your own dime as far as flight cost's...

Climbing gear,rock picks,pitons...etc. are no problem,as long as they are in your checked luggage.
TSA might take a close look at anything they do not recognize....and leave a nice little letter in your bag,to let you know they did....
But you should be able to bring anything normally used for hiking or climbing along.

i dont know if you under stand the gear issues ..a rock climber can look at climb and know what gear he needs . if he can not see the surface then he takes as much gear as he can ..these are caving conditions , and even if the mine was safe in waltz's day . the condition is very dangerous now just from what i have seen
a fall in this shaft would brake bones and be life threating even with rope handlers and spoters ..

my rock picks are custom hand made and i drilled the wholes in the handles my self custom order with out the wholes so i could put them the way i wanted them for my gear systems

the gear up has about 7 systems in the over lay out ..

pitons diffrent kinds vs size and width

ropes caving and safty line

caribners and holds , i dont use cams ..



safty equiment

cloves and helmet & shoes

caving ladder if needed ..

i will rush this climb it may only be 20 ft deep or less . but any fall on to rocks will be very dangerous with out any hanging rocks ...i just have no way to know whats in the shaft it self . could be snakes or bees or anything else . no way of knowing ..

i have some of the best lighting you can get ..i can hook a lantern on a rope tie off and i have a 20 million watt search light ,plus back up finger lights and pen maglite ..

i have a back up full harness set up for tell phone repair . very heavy duty harness
i use a two peice system my self . a singrock and a cest harness,if i can set a safe line and the ladder if anyone else wants to see the mine they would have a chance to see it but time will be short and they would need to have a tie off to climb down the caving ladder if it can be used at this site ..

i have talking with my girlfriend she just got home and i talk to my daughter her oldest daughter is 16 and may be able to watch Helen friday from 4:00 till sunday night ..if i can leave friday night i would get there some time in the early morning saterday ..and would have one day there and have to leave that night some time .. they are going to let me know in the next two days ..

i may have to send gear to the UPS and pick it up ..i dont want to climb in this shaft with out my winchester bowie,, snake in a closed area are not much fun and they can get very mad if you are in their nesting area ..

i know you can not take a 14" bowie on a plane , talk about a strip search

i can leave my other knifes at home.i would normally keep a back up cut away knife..

lets see what my daughter says first .. but thats what i am trying to do now .. i thank you for trying to help me end this . i wish it had never gotten to this level ..i was not hunting for the lost dutchman mine ..

it just happens that the sighting in 1979 define more then i knew at the time ...

and no i am not doing this as some kind of joke or game we had a lot fun threw the years . but i would nothing more then to end this now and show you all i have found the real LDM ..

"i beleive i can within any reasonable doubt prove this is the mine waltz took from the peralta ..."

if tom will be there i will be glad to have him judge the samples if ore is found in the shaft .. i think that would be a great idea ...a pack full of samples i think i would give a few away

but you have to remember this will not be over with just finding the ore in the shaft and proveing this is the LDM
the other 3 sites are still there and need to be defined as well in one day ..i will need help to complete this ..and its a ways out there if you have not look lately ..a few hours hike one way

if i can get there before sun rise on the 22 we have a good chance of getting everything dont before 9::00 and hike in and back before dark if we get right to it

i would like to have tom id the samples at the Don's camp and i would like to share a few samples with those that helped me bring this to a end .. one sample should be on display at the rendezous for everyone to see long as there is a rendezous ..

sorry i could not be more forth coming about the mine ..

if you keep your word ,i will do the same ..

the LDM has been found

and yes this Rendezous will be the land mark of all to come that searched for the LDM

once apone a time there was a blind poor man from Heuvelton ,New york that found the richest GOLD mine in the world ,,,

BenThereDoneThat said:
"i beleive this is the lost dutchman mine but i do not know if there is enough evidence to prove it .. i beleive so but there is no way to know for sure in most old mines or legends"
There's 100's of prospect holes in those hills! While you were running by the hole, being chased by the yet undiscovered species of cat that leaves bear tracks and can jump 20 feet straight up but was unable to catch an out of shape blind man.....Maybe you should have taken a closer look before claiming its the LDM???? Run your logic code on that!
Pauls offer was only good on you being able to PROVE IT ...not maybe...not looks like...not should be it...Nothing less then Matching Gold Ore! or you'll be operating on your own dime as far as flight cost's...

sorry the money has nothing to do with it ...i except there offer if i can get things to work out between now and friday ..

prove it ... i can do better then that ,,,lol

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