

Hero Member
Jul 5, 2013
is it fair to say that most of the high mountain have fissures in them? is it also fair to say gold follows water? with these questions in mind if i find an old dried up creek bed coming down off the mountain and i dig in the right spot i can get what im looking for or has it nit made it down off the side off the mountain yet(ie not reach the creek yet)?

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i really didnt have to worry about grizzlies cuz there aint any up there, besides there where so many motorcyclers and atvers i dont think they would have stuck around long. come to think of it i have only heard of a few stories of grizzly bears and they where in the glenwood springs area of colorado but dont know if they where true. i native to colorado and have been running around in the mountains for 30yrs and have only seen a bear twice and both times they ran the minute they seen us.

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no grizzlies in colorado. lol besides there where so many motorcycles and atvs that i dont think they would have stuck around. im native and in my 30yrs of deer hunting, elk hunting, 4x4ing and fishing ive only seen a bear twice and both times they ran off the minute they noticed me. besides i had a shovel i woulda wacked him with! lol in the back ground of the 2 still pics with the stream you can see the continental divide.

im definitely not letting this trip detour me... i have already found my next 2spots im gonna check out either this wk or this wkend. one is fall river road in Idaho springs and the other is just a spot on clear creak going up highway 6.

the prospecting never ends. went for a hike with my wife yesterday and found this old waterfall with what looks to be steps in it. im going back today to clean/go through the material on one of the steps. do ya think this is a good idea. or do ya think it got washed out? the bottom is just a deep hole with a lot of large boulders. i want to get to the cracks under the sediments. i also picked up this turkey baster with a brush and elongated nozzle to get into the cracks.


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or maybe i should just start moving the rocks in the hole out. its about 15' deep and who knows how deep the rocks are. im sure the rocks in the waterfall are bedrock i just dont know if the water would push the gold out. here are some more pics of the surrounding areas.


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Only one way to know for sure tweeta. Sample and sample more. I'd aim for the dirt on the bedrock and in any cracks. Good luck! :)

thanks vince... sorry i like talkn.

so anyway im back with 3 5gallon buckets from today. its nice liking 30min away from clear creek just outside of central city colorado.

i got 1 5gallon bucket from one of the steps in the waterfall area. oh and i moved some bush and trash from the 15' hole at the base of the waterfall and found this culvert. i will be back to this spot to clear the rocks out from in front of this.

the next pick i took 2 5gallon buckets from... hopefully there is color in it. this is at the base of huntsman's gulch.

getn ready to set up and go threw it.

ill be back up there friday and saterday.


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ok ive run the material i collected from the waterfall and the cracks i found. i ran it threw my recirculating sluice and found something interesting. all these gray chunks got held up at the beginning, some are kinda round and some are flakey. i can kinda bend the flakes. im wondering if its lead or gold covered in mercury?


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ok ive run the material i collected from the waterfall and the cracks i found. i ran it threw my recirculating sluice and found something interesting. all these gray chunks got held up at the beginning, some are kinda round and some are flakey. i can kinda bend the flakes. im wondering if its lead or gold covered in mercury?

Finding all that birdshot can be a good thing. It can get trapped in the same areas where gold would.

I'd guess lead.

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what about the flakes? maybe just regular bullets? it was almost.... almost as exciting as finding gold. ill go back i got that at the base of the top waterfall and i could still dig down a few more feet.

what about the flakes? maybe just regular bullets? it was almost.... almost as exciting as finding gold. ill go back i got that at the base of the top waterfall and i could still dig down a few more feet.

Keep it all for now. Most likely the flakes are lead from birdshot that was fired directly into the creek bed and hit rocks. I have a lot of that from one creek I dig a lot.

i wish it was gold... but at least i know im getn somewhere. this is from 1/2 a 5 gallon bucket.


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ok so i know ive asked before and i know you have told me you cant tell from a google earth pic but if you had to pick a place to start which number would you pick?

oh ya this cool app for my phone lets me put arrows in it and this huntsmans gulch in clear creek. the other pick is an app that shows placer deposits. and info about it.

im trying to do my research before hand. have found any color yet but im gonna keep at it!


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I believe I'd start in that little chute to the left of five and sample on down to 4. Then I'd go down to above the little man's head at the compass icon on 1. Might even pull some samples around the base of the bluff on the bench above 1-5. I would give 6,7,8 a quick look see, just cause you never know but that area doesn't excite me much. I mentally add a whole lot more water to my minds eye picture when I'm picking my spot. Is the picture on the left an inverted view of the one on the right, I can't tell. If so I'd concentrate my efforts to the far left of the left picture. Cool app, what's the name of it if you don't mind me asking.

oh yes im srry it is inverted and another sorry for the flow direction. the app is called arrownotes.


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Well, now knowing the flow direction I would start by sampling at 1, 6 and 8 (in that order)

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