

Hero Member
Jul 5, 2013
is it fair to say that most of the high mountain have fissures in them? is it also fair to say gold follows water? with these questions in mind if i find an old dried up creek bed coming down off the mountain and i dig in the right spot i can get what im looking for or has it nit made it down off the side off the mountain yet(ie not reach the creek yet)?

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Have a great time and take lots of pictures to share here!

Turns out I will be up in the CO mountains this weekend camping and prospecting too :-)...oh, and celebrating my anniversary too ;-) (28 years)
I will be uphill from Rollinsville on a patented claim (that's in the mountains west of Boulder) about you?

first congrats on the 28yrs, i just celebrated my 21yr aniv in july. i will take lots of pics and maby some vids. im going to the collegiate peaks wilderness area above taylor prk.

i figure if most gold viens are exposed high on the mountain and what better mountains to camp by... the 14ers.

first congrats on the 28yrs, i just celebrated my 21yr aniv in july. i will take lots of pics and maby some vids. im going to the collegiate peaks wilderness area above taylor prk.

Congrats to u on 21! Lots of gold up there so I bet you find some, looking forward to seeing it here :-D

NOBODY GETS IT ALL ! NOT EVEN MINING CORPORATIONS WITH MILLIONS OF DOLLARS OF HEAVY EQUIPMENT AND DOZENS OF EXPERT MINERS. I prospected at Cache Creek, Colorado where large scale hydrolic mining took place for decades. Upon arriving there, i was told emphatically by everyone that no nuggets would be found at Cache Creek. Too much commercial mining and too many recreational panners have "pounded" the site to pieces. All i would ever see was flour gold and a few small pickers. Took me four weeks, but i finally found a $400 dollar nugget. The moral of this story is simply this. It doesn't matter HOW many people know WHERE you are digging. NOBODY GETS IT ALL. People who make a big secret outta their gold prospecting spots are just being silly.

in my sluice im using miners moss and deep v mating... should i use the expanded metal also?

I would, but an awful lot will depend on how much water you have to work
with, and the size of the material being run.

had a blast on my trip didnt find any gold. but i foud a couple of cool rocks. have to find out what they are.


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Cool conglomerates! Sorry about the lack of gold. You have my respect for getting out and doing real prospecting rather than just digging where someone else points. Still, were you on a known gold bearing stream?

I would say its a good start. If you remember back to the Gold Rush show, they started off and found nothing. As they learn to drill and sample, they got better. They then went to South America and got skunked again. I use that as a example.

I really only look where gold or other heavy metals have been found before. You are also combining that with Geology, looking for benches and fissures. It really comes down to moving a lot of dirt for me, and sampling. Just a thought on water patterns. They change over time. I am also going to start digging some 4' foot holes in compromising areas and check them after a good storm.

Really good idea.

yes kevin i was, i was panning on the taylor river and willow creek coming out of tincup.

i understand going threw a lot of material but thats hard when the stream is loaded with boulders the size of bowling balls and beach balls. i was actually camped right at the confluence of pieplant creek and the taylor river. it called Hyde Park Kensington Placer

here are some more pics from my trip... we did kind 2mines (both blowed in entries) photos are the pieplant mine. the other mine we found was called west gold hill mine, we found these funny looking rocks(weird). the rest are of the streams we where panning in. i have to say, when they say dig to bed rock its hard for me to imagine trying to dig a 8' deep hole in a stream. i thought the river/stream was suppose to cut threw the bedrock so it shouldnt be that deep then. we did dig behind this one rock down about 5'. i have a vid ill upload in a minute. oh ya and this is mind boggling also, no hand gliders or bicycles in the wilderness area?


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oops i forgot the weird rocks.


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You were sure in some gorgeous country...that is a beautiful spot, gold or not..:occasion14:

Only problem I'd have out there is constantly looking over my shoulder for one
of the hungry grizzlies that were sure to be in the area fattening up for winter.

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