PotBelly Jim
Hero Member
Their area of interest was between Queen Creek, Black point and Hewitt Canyon, as I understand it. It was in Hewitt Canyon that TT made the big discovery that set his family up for life- unrelated to the Stone Maps, though.
TT's tale of finding the Stone Maps out by Queen Creek by walking from his car is complete fiction.
I've never believed that Travis found the Stone Maps out by Queen Creek, either. Travis making a big discovery in Hewitt that set his family up for life seems to run counter to the evidence.
RG had a story that Travis was some kind of land baron because he found some robbery loot and bought up a bunch of land in TX. Yet Travis lives out his life as a camp caretaker in Oregon. Why not live on his land in TX? Of course, Blake the GPR man ran off with the portion that Travis inexplicably buries out in the desert (as opposed to spending or investing ? )
The evidence I've seen doesn't indicate that Travis had an outsized amount of wealth, he seems to be an average guy living an average life. I haven't seen anything that would indicate Janie inherited much either.
What was it that Travis found in Hewitt? If it was worth money, where did the money go?