Howdy dredgernaut,
There's no need for that, especially for a fake map. Let me put you at ease about this. Travis T. unearthed what be came to be known as the Peralta Stone Maps. He was writing a manuscript about it, it was titled "Challenge For Superstition Gold". It was after he felt defeated on trying to solve them.
Mr. R.G. purchased that manuscript from his relatives, and was also defeated by the PSM's, but tried to profit from from the story by making up his own story about them. He put together a team, making it seem professional, and believable. All they did was butcher Travis T's story. The PSM's are the real deal, they were not made by Travis using the "Tesora Mappa" that "belonged" to Peg Leg. Just because Peg Leg was a Tumlinson that happened to be a treasure hunter, does not make it his. The Tesora Mappa was most likely made by Travis, or his uncle Phil using the PSM's. It was what they took in their search, and where they believed it led.
You can verify that Travis did not make the PSM's with one of R.G.'s team member professional observation. The letters on the PSM's were compared to the Galleon/Treasure Chest stone that was known to be made by Travis. They match, but Travis did not know Spanish. In his manuscript, he said he showed the PSM's to a young Mexican that was working on his car. That young Mexican mistook "coazon" to mean "cajon", or box instead of heart, which is most likely. That's why they were looking for a box of treasure, and not a mine. In his manuscript Travis also mentioned he took the PSM's to an old Mexican to translate the words.
So we have two accounts where Travis used the help of Mexicans to translate the words on the PSM's. On the G/TC stone that he did carve copying the letter style from the PSM's, he butchered the Spanish, not only the spelling, but also used English by writing Madrid Spain, instead of Madrid España. The fake map labeled in butchered Spanish has the gender wrong. It should be Tesoro, not Tesora, and Mapa, not Mappa. Mapa is the correct translation of map it is an exception to the rule of gender. So it was most likely made by Travis or Phil usning the PSM's.