Gold Member
Silver Searcher said:Why doe's it take to long.CRUSADER said:hogge said:What is "Fair market value", on a "significant historical find"??
Its based on a panel of independant specialist, which take into account similar items sold recently (in the open market, including ebay), plus add more for its historial significance. We can all agrue about this & you have a right to have an indepenant valuator come in & fight your corner. I know that they are mostly better than you can achieve anywhere on the black market. Problem is it takes too long!
I can find out what something is, what it's worth in less than 24 hours, why can't they?
1.. do they want it (Meseums)
2...can they afford it much is it worth to all three return
5..yes we want it but will need time to raise funds
but no takes one to two years
Totally agree, its unacceptable to take over a year max!