Pirate Treasure-Trying to get a permit to dig up

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BDD, I am sorry for the unexpected and tragic loss of your friend. It is always tough to deal with this kind of loss.

I have to say that I don't believe in LRLs, dowsing, remote dowsing or some of the other things you use in your attempts to find treasure, but I admire your spirit and your positive attitude. Your threads are always entertaining and I wish you good luck in your ventures and adventures.

Look after that spider bite. A trip to a clinic or the ER might be a good idea. Take care.

I agree,BCH.My stepfather was a plumber in the 1960's,and I got to do all the digging when an old sewer line was to be removed before installing a new cast iron sewer line.The "structure" with pipes running from it,may be a distribution box from a septic tank to the drain field.
Now I did find an old cork hole medicine bottle under an 1880's house while removing an old line-the house is still standing on Fort King Ave in Ocala's historic district.
Yes that may be it. Old distribution boxes or drop boxes..

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The depression or center of our dig site was where three different concrete pipes came together. Someone had busted up the pipes into a bunch of pieces at this spot. Two of the pipes were the same size and ran off in different directions. The bigger one went a couple of feet and was capped with concrete. The metal device still had the nails and small amount of wood around the nails. Having been attached to wood I don't think it was any part of something to do with fire or intense heat.

I really don't know what it all is. I do know that my guy that put me on this spot, chose it for a reason. It was not random. We made the rookie mistake of piling our dirt too close to the hole. The direction the larger capped off pipe was going put it under the dirt pile which was on a tarp. We pulled the tarp back some so that I could dig to see where the big pipe went. After a little over a foot it stopped with the end capped. If I had to put my money on where the best place to dig next it would have been in the area near the capped pipe. By the time we were at the point of what to do next, I think we were ready to stop for the day. Both of my friends had commitments and I had lost my enthusiasm. I will possibly post some video in the near future.

My Miccosuki pal had asked me numerous times when we were going to dig at Cloud Mountain and I just kept putting it off. It is such a shame things happened like they did.

I wonder what that poor pastor thought about all this. I'd like to know what his sermon will be like

I am waiting the hurricane season here in Florida. I hope to be at the beach as soon as it is safe enough. I know some nice spots to hunt. I can't wait.

My Miccosuki pal had asked me numerous times when we were going to dig at Cloud Mountain and I just kept putting it off. It is such a shame things happened like they did.
My friend from the reservation told me all about the terrible accident. Im not sure how they will be able to keep it out of the news but she insisted it will not be in the news. He was very interested in what we (both you and I) were doing. I enjoyed his visits. He always waited until nobody was around to come inside and talk with me. We talked about treasure, coyotes, pythons and swamp apes. He brought me an 18 foot python picture he killed to put on my board. Like you say he was a big healthy guy in the prime of his life. A woman was also killed in the other car you may have known her..

Its funny because Im driving out to the Cloud Mountain area Monday because I am supposed to be working and living on site just adjacent to it if all goes well.

The metal thing you found now looks like some kind of gate that slides open by pulling up. Could it be upside down?

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I wonder what that poor pastor thought about all this. I'd like to know what his sermon will be like

You have a terrible attitude. There is no "poor pastor". The pastor of the church is out of the country. My church guy enjoyed the heck out of the dig. He was right there with us trying to figure it all out. He helped fill the hole in. lastleg-You really need to think about talking to someone about your problem.

My friend from the reservation told me all about the terrible accident. Im not sure how they will be able to keep it out of the news but she insisted it will not be in the news. He was very interested in what we (both you and I) were doing. I enjoyed his visits. He always waited until nobody was around to come inside and talk with me. We talked about treasure, coyotes, pythons and swamp apes. He brought me an 18 foot python picture he killed to put on my board. Like you say he was a big healthy guy in the prime of his life. A woman was also killed in the other car you may have known her..

Its funny because Im driving out to the Cloud Mountain area Monday because I am supposed to be working and living on site just adjacent to it if all goes well.

The metal thing you found now looks like some kind of gate that slides open by pulling up. Could it be upside down?

I really don't want to talk about him 0220131310.webp right now. As far as the metal thing there is a front and back, don't know anything about an upside down.

Thanks for the suggestion. The problem you have is worse I'm afraid. You presented a big buildup to
a dig that in your words would remove a "shadow of a doubt" of the effectiveness of LRL devises, a
remote sensing fellow a thousand miles away and a 5 grand machine that told you there was gold and
another non-ferrous object beneath it's coil. Now it is up to you to explain why none of what you told
us was there wasn't.

I really don't want to talk about him right now. As far as the metal thing there is a front and back, don't know anything about an upside down.
The metal item looks like, by the way you have it pictured, would pull down and the door would slide open. The opening appears to be round. Is the opening the size of the pipe? Hard to tell this from a pic but thats what it now looks like. I say upside down because it probably pulled up. I wouldnt think wood would be used in a distribution box.

I know u dont want to talk about it and thats cool but I already sent u a PM too late.

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... You presented a big buildup to
a dig that in your words would remove a "shadow of a doubt" of the effectiveness of LRL devises, a
remote sensing fellow a thousand miles away and a 5 grand machine that told you there was gold and
another non-ferrous object beneath it's coil. Now it is up to you to explain why none of what you told
us was there wasn't.
Well he has proven in 20+ years of treasure hunting that dowsing,LRL's and now remote sensing can find septic tanks and sewer pipes.
Still waiting to read if the "diamonds,gold,and silver" that have been claimed to be there are found.

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Jewelry is lost down the sink all the time...

Sorry to read of folks loss. Mind that bite on your leg.

The slide gates in pics look a little like the ones in school that controlled vacuum exhaust on small metal shop furnaces. Seems like air control inline of a run. Calvin Rustrum in his book "the wilderness Cabin" I think, showed a similar concept of slide gate installed in his floor and attached to wood stove drop from a tee in the exhaust to floor to backfeed stove at night.I don,t recall the principle but it seemed to avoid drawing cabin air into stove when fire was low but instead draw outside air.:dontknow:Don,t see any other safe heating application but as an intake of air.
The closed end rolled seam does not work for a sand discharge in foundry work or where material can wedge gate end into seam..The recovered gate seems limited in use to air.A pit with a fire can have a covered trench or a pipe leading to a structure or simply a barrel to smoke meats thus reducing heat over the length of the run and avoiding fire in the meat holding structure. A kiln or oven too could use a slide gate as a draft control for air entering.Don,t see any sign of an ash or burn layer though.

So, what is it???

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Sorry to read of folks loss. Mind that bite on your leg.

The slide gates in pics look a little like the ones in school that controlled vacuum exhaust on small metal shop furnaces. Seems like air control inline of a run. Calvin Rustrum in his book "the wilderness Cabin" I think, showed a similar concept of slide gate installed in his floor and attached to wood stove drop from a tee in the exhaust to floor to backfeed stove at night.I don,t recall the principle but it seemed to avoid drawing cabin air into stove when fire was low but instead draw outside air.:dontknow:Don,t see any other safe heating application but as an intake of air.
The closed end rolled seam does not work for a sand discharge in foundry work or where material can wedge gate end into seam..The recovered gate seems limited in use to air.A pit with a fire can have a covered trench or a pipe leading to a structure or simply a barrel to smoke meats thus reducing heat over the length of the run and avoiding fire in the meat holding structure. A kiln or oven too could use a slide gate as a draft control for air entering.Don,t see any sign of an ash or burn layer though.
Somehow I missed your post releventchair. Yes it seems to be some kind of sliding air or exhaust vent. For what purpose we dont know.

Every time I have done a dig I always think later about all the things I could or should have done differently. As I stated earlier I am not done at this, in fact I am going there today, but not digging. I know that I put a lot of faith into this spot and made it sound like this could be the big one, but that is somewhat the nature of cache hunting versus other forms of treasure hunting or metal detecting. Kind of like rabbit hunters versus grizzly hunters or fishing for bluegill versus fishing for a great white shark. You can easily shoot rabbits and they are all over my property, no need to travel out west where the grizzlies are. I can catch bluegill all day in the lake out front of my house, no need to take a boat out into the ocean where the great whites are. I could take my metal detectors to the local park or beach and find coins all day and perhaps locate the "big one" like someone's lost ring or necklace. Not my thing. I am going for the gusto. I am swinging for the fences. Did I strikeout yesterday? Sure. Is that game over? No.

I will list different points and thoughts about this spot and our dig.

My "1000" mile guy has repeatedly told me that the number he gives me is no more accurate than a twenty foot diameter circle due to the angle of the satellite photos, yet I always focus on EXACTLY where the Google Earth (GE) flag/stick pin lands.

I noticed a very slight depression in the area of the stickpin and immediately focused most of my attention on that. I did the same with a large boulder in North Carolina on the pots of gold with Ovid only to find out the boulder was put there long after the Civil War.

When I brought in my GPR guy I had him focus on the depression, did not set up a grid pattern, and when he got the image I wanted, we stopped. While I went to the trouble of getting him there we should have spent more time. It was very late in the afternoon/early evening and as usual we were rushed for time as we had been to other locations.

The Nokta Golden King has it's limits as do all metal detectors. It will find metal and seems to be consistent. If it says there is gold you will only know what is there by digging. Some of our other detectors will tell you that it is gold when it is not. I have asked on here many times for someone to tell me which detector to get so that we will know if there really is gold in the ground but yet I have yet to hear of one. I was told yesterday that OKM has a good one but it costs around $40,000.

The probe was hitting what sounded like concrete and that is what it was. The Nokta said there would be a cavity and that is what the old pipes were.

Although my two friends are great and were right in there with me, they had other things they had to do and had limited time. You should try to never do a dig with time limits. Even if we had had more time I am not sure what I would have done next because I was so focused on the one spot that I did not have a backup plan. Once you are on-site and digging, if you stop, you will find that it may be weeks, months or perhaps never before you get back to dig again.

As stated earlier we placed the dirt from the hole on a tarp right next to the hole. Anybody that has dug any serious holes will tell you there is a lot more dirt to deal with than you would expect. Again, I was focused on digging a small diameter hole not very deep. Once we found the busted up pipe connections spot, I had to try to figure out where the pipes headed. I am not sure this was part of a septic system (why did it have to be a septic system?) because it was very close to where the well was and generally they are kept far apart, which is not always possible with small lots, but this was a farm.

My guy and I are working out a system between us to try to figure out how to get me on the treasure which I still think may be there. It is normal for people to find junk and then quit. It is only reasonable to assume that because junk can be found everywhere, it would most likely be around or on top of a treasure site. Never give up just because you find trash. My Garrett GTI 2500 was reading metal deeper into the ground, after I decided to bring it out of the van. At that point I had lost my enthusiasm and did not feel like digging deeper. I did run my probe down some, but did not hit anything interesting.

I had brought a shaker table with a screen to make sure we did not miss anything small like a diamond ring. It stayed in the van. It could have easily been used. I do not have a good answer for why I left it in the van but I will chock it up to stupidity. We were trying to keep a somewhat low profile and the church guy really didn't want anybody coming to see what we were doing, but the shaker table use would have been the smart thing to do.

I could go on and on about this and the critics will just say I am making excuses for not finding any treasure. Any real cache hunter reading this will surely be able to relate to most of what I am saying. It is easy to sit there reading the computer and picture how you would have done it. I have welcomed advice and help. I have had many people PM me wanting to come help dig. Perhaps I should bring in some fresh enthusiasm. Hindsight is 20/20. It is not over until I decide to quit.

I know that many on here do not believe in my methods. I know that LRLs and dowsing can work just as I know that metal detectors can work. Neither is a guarantee of finding treasure. Luck, perseverance, hard work, research. timing, good karma, a positive attitude, and lots of digging are just a part of what it may take to find buried treasure. A negative attitude will get you nowhere.

Well the story is in the news now. 2 Miccosukee Tribe Members Killed in Violent Crash | NBC 6 South Florida

Back to the subject, I am wondering where is the non-ferrous object that gave the signal..

I rode around numerous times in one of the vehicles pictured. A tragic loss to many.

The non-ferrous object that we dug up was a sardine can. There was also an old Budweiser can. The device pictured has some metal on it that is silver in color when wiped hard. The church guy is a cabinet maker and wanted to keep it.

AS far as I know there is no detector that can differentiate between gold and lead or gold and brass or even gold vs aluminum or any other non-ferrous metal. But discriminating detectors can easily discriminate between ferrous and non-ferrous. But because gold seems to be the hardest metal to detect, many users dont use discrimination and dig all signals. But Im sure you know this.

I know nothing about the Nokia but I seriously doubt even the Nokia can dicscriminate out every metal but gold and silver and it seems to have failed here..

The vent may be nickle plated but I doubt it would be silver plated.

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