Pirate Treasure-Trying to get a permit to dig up

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Where you have spent years "reading" about dowsing and LRL's, I have been out in the real world testing and watching the actions and results of dowsing and LRL's. You ARE being condescending and you assume that most people reading this share your beliefs or lack of, in unconventional methods. To me your lack of belief is just proof that you have never really tried to see what can work or not work. Enough about this. It is a very old and tiresome argument. It is all been proven to me and now I am attempting in my own way to prove it to you all.

I am videoing this entire dig.
Yes you are. (out there testing). Yes it is. Its getting very old. We have hashed this out at TN long before you joined. Do a little research at Geotech by Carl Moreland. He is a TN member. Should I invite him to the discussion? Take care. Good luck and I will check back for the results or maybe I wont. http://www.geotech1.com/cgi-bin/pages/common/index.pl?page=lrl&file=/info/lrl_qa.dat

Researchers have demonstrated autosuggestion in dowsers by suggesting opposite effects in two groups of dowsers and observing that each group obtained the effect that was suggested to them.

Im not interested in arguing or getting upset. I feel you are accusing us of harassing you but its just not true. Maybe a little mocking crossed the line...I dunno. From what I have read here, it seems everyone is just trying to be honest and share knowlege and maybe learn from your experiences or reinforce existing beliefs.

Have you thought about posting your experiences on Facebook or starting your own website? Maybe you would get a better response.

Some interesting theories on anomalies (which I wouldnt understand). http://www.geotech1.com/cgi-bin/pages/common/index.pl?page=lrl&file=/info/emptyholes/index.dat

I realize you are trying to prove the opposite but you need to accept the fact that most people do not believe in dowsing as a means of finding treasure..

From the Dept of the Interior http://www.geotech1.com/cgi-bin/pages/common/index.pl?page=lrl&file=info/usgs/index.dat


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Bigcypresshunter how about using a ouiga board? Will that help find treasure?

Bigcypresshunter how about using a ouiga board? Will that help find treasure?

Ouija board hmm that's a good idea. Take it to a grave yard what one of you got the most gold

Yes you are. (out there testing). Yes it is. Its getting very old. We have hashed this out at TN long before you joined. Do a little research at Geotech by Carl Moreland. He is a TN member. Should I invite him to the discussion? Take care. Good luck and I will check back for the results or maybe I wont. Geotech - Technology for Treasure Hunting

Im not interested in arguing or getting upset. I feel you are accusing us of harassing you but its just not true. Maybe a little mocking crossed the line...I dunno. From what I have read here, it seems everyone is just trying to be honest and share knowlege and maybe learn from your experiences or reinforce existing beliefs.

Have you thought about posting your experiences on Facebook or starting your own website? Maybe you would get a better response.

Some interesting theories on anomalies (which I wouldnt understand). Geotech - Technology for Treasure Hunting

I realize you are trying to prove the opposite but you need to accept the fact that most people do not believe in dowsing as a means of finding treasure..

From the Dept of the Interior Geotech - Technology for Treasure Hunting

Geotech - Technology for Treasure Hunting

I am not interested in getting hooked on Facebook, I spend too much time on the Internet as it is. I am not on here sharing my story just for some ego gratification. By joining TNET and being open about what I am doing I have drawn dozens of other fellow treasure hunter's into my world. I am trying to learn from them and you don't do that by being negative and telling them they don't know what they are doing.

You obviously have drank some of Carl's famous Cool-Aid and liked the way it tastes. I will tell you a little story about him. Of course you know he has offered a $25,000 reward for anyone that can bring a LRL device to him, have it pass his tests and then let him examine it. Don't you see his motive here? If someone had a device that could find gold from a distance $25,000 would be a small price to pay for it. I don't think he is offering the reward to prove LRL's don't work, he just wants to get his hands on one that does.

Many years ago two local guys created numerous LRL's and demonstrated one to me. These guys were electronic genius's that I think were way ahead of everybody else. They also were the ones that tested Ovid. Once we saw what each other was capable of we went together to North Carolina to pick up Ovid and go to some locations. After spending time with them I decided I did not trust them enough to be partners and Ovid did not really feel good about them. They were also witnesses to the Swamp Gold Cloud Mountain trip.

One of them told me a story recently involving your guy Carl. They had heard of his "reward" and decided to go take it from him as they knew they could pass his tests. When they got there they attempted to get him to prove that he could actually come up with the $25,000 once they passed his test. He was unwilling/unable to do this. They decided to not show him anything. I would really like to see one of them and Carl discuss this and LRL's in general but it is not going to happen. This guy does not need Carl's reward and couldn't care less what anybody thinks. If I really wanted him to he is willing to help me build an LRL with all the latest electronics that will work even better than any of their old ones.

I don't expect the naysayers on here to believe any of what I have to say. For every naysayer there are probably dozens of people that don't have their head in the sand and are willing to be open-minded enough to give all this a chance. I am figuring that even if I find treasure tomorrow some of the people on here are going to claim it was either luck, a scam, planted, faked or some other BS. What I have learned about a lot of guys is they will NEVER admit it when they are wrong. Anyone that knows me will tell you that I will admit when I am wrong, the thing is I try not to be wrong very often.

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I havent read all the replies yet but I posted Carl Morelands research to show you what you are up against not to mock you. You keep saying that your naysayers are not knowlegable on the subject of unconventional methods but its just not true. I have done extensive reading on dowsing in the past. BDD if anybody can prove Carl wrong it will be you.

I use a Pulse Induction Unit on the beach. I have never used a Ouija Board to find coins or treasure but I thought Marc Austins story was believable.

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I read you last reply and I was expecting worse. Thanks for a nice reply and remaining cordial. BDD you have to admit Carl is an extremely knowlegable person on the subject. You really should open up your mind and read it. There is also a One Million dollar reward and the money can be verified sitting in the bank.

BDD I have been keeping an open mind but you havent produced anything significant. How long do you expect your readers to follow you?

Bigcypresshunter how about using a ouiga board? Will that help find treasure?
I dont know because I never tried finding treasure with a Ouija Board. I met you and I spoke with you on the phone Salvor6 and I respect you. It honorable that you should defend your friend but do you really believe in these unconventional methods? Have you found anything using these methods?

I am one "naysayer" who believes you are honest and earnest. I just can't swallow the pill you
dine on. Tomorrow's the day! It's put up or shut up time.

Here is what I don't understand. We are talking decades of "treasure hunting", "treasure career", identifying spots with, not a nickel, penny or ring, but caches/chests/hordes. Yet not a single coin……..not a single bar, nothing. I don't understand it. How can you spend almost decades identifying with near certainty dozens of treasure caches, more than anyone I have ever heard claim, and yet not dig a single coin?

There are people on here who bought an ACE 150 yesterday and have already posted their finds.

I would like to believe there is treasure in any of your dozens of spots, but I fear you may be delusional and have the treasure bug, which can make people very optimistic and want to believe anything. Never have any of the unconventional methods being used been proven: dowsing, LRL's, etc.

If you had the technology that does what you say. You wouldn't need to identify private land sites and go through complicated processes. There are TONS of treasure available in Florida, which if that technology existed, you could easily extract without most of the hassles. In fact, for the dozens of years you have been busy with Ovid identifying huge caches, there have been many expeditions, using much less sophisticated technology doing just that, identifying, and digging, MILLIONS of dollars in treasure.

There won't be any treasure there……….not this time, not next time………not trying to ruin your parade, I think your optimism is great, but your basis is not sound.

There is no doubt that BDD is honest and earnest. I am also amoungst the naysayers that wasnt born yesterday.

Members can disagree as long as it is done with respect and not mocking another member..

American by birth, Patriot by choice.

I would rather die standing on my two feet defending our Constitution than live a lifetime on my knees......

I would like to believe there is treasure in any of your dozens of spots, but I fear you may be delusional and have the treasure bug, which can make people very optimistic and want to believe anything.
Antibiotics may work on a spider bite but there is no cure if bitten by the treasure bug also known as gold fever..

I read you last reply and I was expecting worse. Thanks for a nice reply and remaining cordial. BDD you have to admit Carl is an extremely knowlegable person on the subject. You really should open up your mind and read it. There is also a One Million dollar reward and the money can be verified sitting in the bank.

BDD I have been keeping an open mind but you havent produced anything significant. How long do you expect your readers to follow you?

Yes, Carl is very knowledgeable, I have read many of his posts and threads. The thing is he doesn't know what he doesn't know. I have had access to four different devices that Carl has never laid eyes on. These people have no desire to share what they know with the likes of Carl.

How long do I expect my readers to follow me? Until I quit posting.

Yes, Carl is very knowledgeable, I have read many of his posts and threads. The thing is he doesn't know what he doesn't know. I have had access to four different devices that Carl has never laid eyes on. These people have no desire to share what they know with the likes of Carl.

How long do I expect my readers to follow me? Until I quit posting.
So far its been interesting or you wouldnt have any posters at all.. And it may be more interesting tommorrow. You probably have many readers that read with great interest but never post. This I discovered on some of my threads.

I certainly dont blame them for not wanting to share their devices with Carl especially if they have electronics inside..

Here are few blasts from the past.

View attachment 1010605Digging for the "Beale Treasure" in Virginia around 1990. View attachment 1010607
I have dug lots of empty holes as these pics are only a fraction of what I have done...
Not to be mocking,but in an earlier post you stated that Ovid and you were observing another treasure hunters dig for the Beale treasure,and that you and Ovid had nothing to do with this dig.Why did you include this photo in your hole gallery post if your original post was true?

Here is what I don't understand. We are talking decades of "treasure hunting", "treasure career", identifying spots with, not a nickel, penny or ring, but caches/chests/hordes. Yet not a single coin……..not a single bar, nothing. I don't understand it. How can you spend almost decades identifying with near certainty dozens of treasure caches, more than anyone I have ever heard claim, and yet not dig a single coin?

There are people on here who bought an ACE 150 yesterday and have already posted their finds.

I would like to believe there is treasure in any of your dozens of spots, but I fear you may be delusional and have the treasure bug, which can make people very optimistic and want to believe anything. Never have any of the unconventional methods being used been proven: dowsing, LRL's, etc.

If you had the technology that does what you say. You wouldn't need to identify private land sites and go through complicated processes. There are TONS of treasure available in Florida, which if that technology existed, you could easily extract without most of the hassles. In fact, for the dozens of years you have been busy with Ovid identifying huge caches, there have been many expeditions, using much less sophisticated technology doing just that, identifying, and digging, MILLIONS of dollars in treasure.

There won't be any treasure there……….not this time, not next time………not trying to ruin your parade, I think your optimism is great, but your basis is not sound.

I will respond to your points one at a time.

When did I ever say that I found no coins or nothing? You only assume that is the case.

That is very nice that the people that bought the ACE 150 found something. Good for them. What was it? Nickels, dimes, quarters, rings? I have had no interest in going after this type of stuff.

You claim that none of the unconventional methods have ever been proven. I have read most of your negative posts on the dowsing forum. Like many others you decided to pick and choose who to believe and have just ignored the posts where people have claimed success. I have watched these devices with my own two eyes and have made my decision on what to believe based on my own observations. I don't need you or the internet to tell me what to believe.

If there is treasure to be found on land that is not private, please give me an example of what kind of property you are talking about. The Gulf? The Atlantic? A state park? Please elaborate.

I have not been busy with Ovid for dozens of years. I went on some trips with him between 1987 and 1992. He died in 1992. I am still interested in going after the four main sites and have contracts on three.

You claim there have been many expeditions using much less sophisticated technology? Do you think I have sophisticated technology?

I am interested in hearing about at least one of these expeditions that dug the MILLLIONS of dollars in treasure. Was this on the news? The internet? Is it a secret?

Gosh darn it you ruined my parade by raining on it. There won't be any treasure this time, next time, perhaps never. WOW! You are a psychic as well as an expert! I am not mocking you, I am just EXTREMELY impressed.

Not to be mocking,but in an earlier post you stated that Ovid and you were observing another treasure hunters dig for the Beale treasure,and that you and Ovid had nothing to do with this dig.Why did you include this photo in your hole gallery post if your original post was true?

I don't know what your talking about. The photo I recently posted is of the property owner and a very good friend of mine who just happens to be a TNET member and will be at the Sarasota dig site with me tomorrow. Ovid and his daughter were there but not in the picture. The photo posted was our dig. We paid a local to dig with his backhoe. Where did I ever say Ovid and I had nothing to do with this dig? Work a little harder on your reading and comprehension skills, please.

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So far its been interesting or you wouldnt have any posters at all.. And it may be more interesting tommorrow. You probably have many readers that read with great interest but never post. This I discovered on some of my threads.

I certainly dont blame them for not wanting to share their devices with Carl especially if they have electronics inside..

The majority of the readers do not post but I get many PM's showing support. I have asked my friends and fellow TNET members to NOT post on here because it would seem like we are bullying the very small group of constant critics. I have no trouble dealing with you all.

Some of the devices have electronics and some don't. You may be in awe of Carl but not everybody is. I think he wants someone to bring him a working LRL. That would be easier than making his own. Of course I think he claims it can't be done.

Over the course of mankind there have always been naysayers that will tell everyone what they think the facts are and what can't possibly be true. History has proven time and again that many of them were VERY WRONG!

Did the remote sensing guy first brought the church location to your attention?

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