Pirate Treasure-Trying to get a permit to dig up

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Got a feeling Dog won't let a spider bite keep him from the deciding dig. One little diamond,
however small, will answer the question, can a man from a thousand mile away tell him the
exact spot a treasure is located. Can the Nokta even detect a diamond? Will we "naysayers"
be anxious to order one for ourselves? Time will tell. I wish you luck but remember you made
the claim and you have to live with the results. That's why I said this dig will prove or disprove
all fanciful claims of the long range and metallic dowsing community. In fact it is a watershed
test, not of you personally, but rather your choice of non-scientific methodology.

I never said the Nokta detected diamonds. I posted a screenshot of what it said. Gold and alloy one time and gold and non-ferrous metal the next. For your information my "1000" mile guy is using what he calls a scientific method that he claims is not dowsing. I have read of other's doing something similar. He sort of explained some of it to me but I could tell that it was his secret. He is the one that said there are diamonds at this spot. He knows I am posting on here and does not seem to mind as long as I don't bring him into it. He only gets something if I find something. He seems very confident. I am just open-minded and am willing to try unconventional methods. As far as living with the results, go back and look at the pictures that are just some of my digs. I am not that worried about the results of any dig. It will actually be less complicated if I don't find something.

I am not on here to promote the Nokta detector or anything else. I joined TNET so that I could network with other treasure hunter's and try to learn as much as possible. I already was wanting to dig at the church months before I ever laid my hands on this detector. It was just another "tool" for me to try. I am a tool fanatic. There are three different shops at my place that are full of every different kind of tool that I can get my hands on. I have found that if you are trying to make, repair, build or whatever else you are doing, if you are having a hard time somebody has probably made a tool to make it easier. This is along the line of tricks of the trade.

I have been in the construction business for around 35 years. I have learned to become pretty good at just about everything it takes to build or repair a house. I am also a decent shade tree mechanic and can rebuild a car or motor and make it run like a top. After spending time in the military and being trained as an army engineer it gives me a pretty good prospective to be able to figure out what works and what doesn't.

All that being said if anyone reading this thinks I can't figure out when I am wasting my time, you are mistaken. Right now the activity that wastes the most of my time is responding to the constant negativity that I have encountered since joining TNET. I am not sure of the motivation of some of the people on here but it gets somewhat annoying.

I got involved at the start of my treasure career with different people that were way ahead of most others when it came to electronic long distance detecting devices. I know for a fact that their devices, of which they had many, were capable of finding things buried in the ground. They did not believe one iota in dowsing and I gave them a chance to test my friend Ovid to see if he was the real deal. He passed their tests and they had to change their way of thinking. This was well over 20 years ago and to this day they will tell you that he was capable of finding buried objects using a pendulum. Please do not respond to this post to tell me that I don't know what I am talking about.

There was a big gap in my treasure hunting escapades between 1992 and 2012. I was off on many tangents, making a movie, inventions, race cars, dog shows , and many other things. Knowing that I don't have forever and with the pace of construction/destruction in Florida, I decided to get serious and joined TNET in March of 2012. I told some of my story knowing that I was going to have a lot of people thinking I am full of crap. I am used to this and being the middle of three very competitive brothers, I am used to having to prove myself, and I like controversy.

I know I am repeating myself for anyone that has followed this very long thread, but it is kind of like the recent "Reality" shows where every time they come back from a commercial they are repeating what we just saw as if we are too stupid to follow their storyline or maybe they think someone was channel surfing and just tuned in. I will assume that there will be people reading what I write that do not know the full story and are not going to go back and read this entire thread.

This is my present treasure hunting method. Give or get from the "remote sensor" type of guys on TNET, locations where they or I think gold or silver may be buried. Try to get permission to search the spot. Decide for myself if the location makes any kind of sense as to whether it would have something buried on it. Try to bring in anyone with any form of LRL (long range locator) and see if it leads them to the same spot. Use every detector that I can get my hands on to see if there is any metal, hopefully non-ferrous, buried at the spot. Somewhere along the way get a contract to dig and split what may be found. Possibly probe the spot. Maybe core drill the location. If everything looks good, dig a hole. Use a shaker table to try not to miss anything small. Detect everything that comes out of the hole (not easy when in a hurry and using a backhoe).

I am taking the day off from climbing ladders. I will be going to the church site to get the contract signed. We may use the Nokta again and video the whole procedure with it. My pal that has gotten good with it is going to Orlando with his family for the weekend and won't be able to join in the festivities on Saturday. Two other TNET members will be helping me Saturday. So far all systems go.

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Spider bite! A coincident or possible treasure curse! :BangHead:

Spider bite! A coincident or possible treasure curse! :BangHead:

I am not going to let a little insect bite bug me. One of the reasons I like this particular treasure site is that it is a church/school combo and their share might actually go towards a good cause which may help fight off any real or perceived curse.

How did you get your "lead" on this treasure to begin with? I know you called in your super-long
range prognosticator afterwards and went to extremes Noktasizing it, getting permission to dig,
making splits (?) with the pastor and the SLRP and telling anyone who would listen about the dig.

So now you are firmly committed to prove or disprove the theory of LRLs (no excuses this time).
Is that agreed?

How did you get your "lead" on this treasure to begin with? I know you called in your super-long
range prognosticator afterwards and went to extremes Noktasizing it, getting permission to dig,
making splits (?) with the pastor and the SLRP and telling anyone who would listen about the dig.

So now you are firmly committed to prove or disprove the theory of LRLs (no excuses this time).
Is that agreed?
I think he said that LRLs often find trash, not unlike metal detectors. So if he finds trash in the hole, it will just add more support for LRLs. This part I dont understand.

Yes without reading back, how did you originally get the lead on this location?

My friend Dan and I went to the church/school location this evening. I have been trying to contact them for three weeks with no messages returned. They said we could dig when school lets out. The pastor of the church had said that he needed to be present when we dug. We found out the school year was over 2 weeks ago and the pastor is now out of the country. I don't know yet when he will be back.

I wanted to see if the Nokta Golden King would give the same reading that it did a couple of months ago. We ran it over the spot. This is what it showed. View attachment 1004179 View attachment 1004180 This site is the only one where it has given a reading like this. We ran it in a grid pattern in the area and then went over the spot one more time. It gave a slightly different reading. View attachment 1004181 We ran a probe down on the spot and hit a very solid object. It is frustrating to be this close to a possible treasure but not be allowed to dig.


Why does the image look like the hole is already dug? Is that a pile of dirt alongside the hole?

Responding to LRLs finding trash - that is an oxymoron - metal detectors find metal - a discriminating
detector can mask non-ferrous signals somewhat - aluminum being hardest to mask.

I have never heard of an LRL designed to locate ferrous objects, the ostensible object being to find
precious metals, rare artwork and precious stones. Are you implying an astute LRL practitioner can
set his devise to find the Mona Lisa and instead find a book of SpongeBob cartoons?

Or to dial in native gold and find instead pyrite (fool's gold)? What madness is this?

No dear BCH, LRL operators are not so foolish and scatterbrained to employ such useless
tactics. Either the correct undefiled object of attention is found or nothing at all. It is fair
to say that BDD will either find his gold or nothing at all. No pulltabs, no nails, no reeds
for harmonicas, no Civil War buttons, no wishing well tokens. If he were to encounter such
it would be totally incidental to the treasure since LRLs only "see" valuable objects not
marbles, coke bottles and other sundry semi-collectibles.

It is now dawning on our good friend that this next Saturday (not some other future Saturday)
is D-Day for the Dog.

Let's wait and see...
"Every dog, we are told, has his day, unless there are more dogs than days."(bat masterson)

Responding to LRLs finding trash - that is an oxymoron - metal detectors find metal - a discriminating
detector can mask non-ferrous signals somewhat - aluminum being hardest to mask.

I have never heard of an LRL designed to locate ferrous objects, the ostensible object being to find
precious metals, rare artwork and precious stones. Are you implying an astute LRL practitioner can
set his devise to find the Mona Lisa and instead find a book of SpongeBob cartoons?

Or to dial in native gold and find instead pyrite (fool's gold)? What madness is this?

No dear BCH, LRL operators are not so foolish and scatterbrained to employ such useless
tactics. Either the correct undefiled object of attention is found or nothing at all. It is fair
to say that BDD will either find his gold or nothing at all. No pulltabs, no nails, no reeds
for harmonicas, no Civil War buttons, no wishing well tokens. If he were to encounter such
it would be totally incidental to the treasure since LRLs only "see" valuable objects not
marbles, coke bottles and other sundry semi-collectibles.

It is now dawning on our good friend that this next Saturday (not some other future Saturday)
is D-Day for the Dog.
How dare you use common sense on this thread.

There may only be junk in the hole but it won't be empty. Not much different than the best metal detectors on the market. They will tell you when there is metal but can't guarantee it is gold.

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They wouldnt be able to sell an LRL that could find aluminum from 1000 miles away lol. I realize it doesnt work that way.

Good luck BDD. I wish I could be there but I have a bum leg right now and I can hardly walk.

How did you get your "lead" on this treasure to begin with? I know you called in your super-long
range prognosticator afterwards and went to extremes Noktasizing it, getting permission to dig,
making splits (?) with the pastor and the SLRP and telling anyone who would listen about the dig.

So now you are firmly committed to prove or disprove the theory of LRLs (no excuses this time).
Is that agreed?

I did not have a lead on this treasure site. The guy I am working with had already done a scan of Sarasota and came up with two locations, this being one of them. I think he realized I was the type of person that actually does things instead of just talking about it and he decided to share these and other locations with me. I have known about this spot since the beginning of the year and it has taken me this long to get to a point where I can dig.

I am not firmly committed to anything other than digging at this spot to see what might be there. If there is nothing but junk, so be it. You have to understand that I really don't care what you or anybody else on here thinks of what I am doing. I decided to share my story, that's all. I am not agreeing to any deal, I owe none of you any explanation or anything else. You all's attitude and snide remarks are about to drive me away. I can't tell you on here what I really think as this is the "kinder, gentler" website where no ones tender feelings are allowed to be hurt. You all really can't hurt my feelings because none of your nasty remarks mean anything to me.

I think he said that LRLs often find trash, not unlike metal detectors. So if he finds trash in the hole, it will just add more support for LRLs. This part I dont understand.

Yes without reading back, how did you originally get the lead on this location?

LRL's and dowsers often find what is known as an anomaly, a object that is different than everything around it. I don't expect you to understand any of it.

Why does the image look like the hole is already dug? Is that a pile of dirt alongside the hole?

I don't really understand yet what the images on the Nokta mean, we got some interesting ones at the site this afternoon.

Responding to LRLs finding trash - that is an oxymoron - metal detectors find metal - a discriminating
detector can mask non-ferrous signals somewhat - aluminum being hardest to mask.

I have never heard of an LRL designed to locate ferrous objects, the ostensible object being to find
precious metals, rare artwork and precious stones. Are you implying an astute LRL practitioner can
set his devise to find the Mona Lisa and instead find a book of SpongeBob cartoons?

Or to dial in native gold and find instead pyrite (fool's gold)? What madness is this?

No dear BCH, LRL operators are not so foolish and scatterbrained to employ such useless
tactics. Either the correct undefiled object of attention is found or nothing at all. It is fair
to say that BDD will either find his gold or nothing at all. No pulltabs, no nails, no reeds
for harmonicas, no Civil War buttons, no wishing well tokens. If he were to encounter such
it would be totally incidental to the treasure since LRLs only "see" valuable objects not
marbles, coke bottles and other sundry semi-collectibles.

It is now dawning on our good friend that this next Saturday (not some other future Saturday)
is D-Day for the Dog.

Are you on some mind altering substance? Where do you come up with this stuff? You seem to know ABSOLUTELY NOTHING about LRL's and I would suggest that you go back to wherever you are getting your information and start over.

D-Day for the Dog? Go back and look again at the pictures of some of my digs. I didn't get to this point by accident or happenstance.

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They wouldnt be able to sell an LRL that could find aluminum from 1000 miles away lol. I realize it doesnt work that way.

LRL's are generally used when you are in the vicinity of a target like in the hundreds of feet maybe more. 1000 miles away? This is refereed to as remote sensing for the most part.

... You have to understand that I really don't care what you or anybody else on here thinks of what I am doing. I decided to share my story, that's all... I owe none of you any explanation or anything else. You all's attitude and snide remarks are about to drive me away. I can't tell you on here what I really think as this is the "kinder, gentler" website where no ones tender feelings are allowed to be hurt...
BDD,there are many on TN who have had their share of empty holes,but have not resorted to turning a TN thread into their personal ego-gratifing blog detailing your other activities besides treasure hunting,and with tales of fantastic treasures at exact spots that always turn up empty that you prove with posted photos.
Then you wonder and lament at the reaction to your posts by others here on TN concerning your neverending quest.
Yes,it is entertaining like a roadrunner/coyote cartoon,but are really surprised at the responces that you recieve?

Good luck BDD. I wish I could be there but I have a bum leg right now and I can hardly walk.

Sorry about your bum leg. I have one too. I got the contract signed this afternoon. We are on for Saturday morning. We ran the Nokta over the original spot and the general area. All it wanted to show at the spot was ferrous metal. I was disappointed. We had done a bunch of probing in the ground and I don't know if this can have an effect on how it reads. Of course I think this treasure target may be in a container of some kind and maybe the Nokta was picking up on that. I suggested to my friend to shut it down and let it reboot. When we did this and went back over the site it then showed on the results screen that there was gold in the ground. I took out a probe and shoved it into the ground at the spot. At one foot it was hitting on something that felt like concrete. Hard to say what it was hitting. My other friend wanted to start digging. I told him we had a plan and were sticking to it.

We videoed everything and the church guy and his son watched the entire process. I am certainly not counting on finding treasure and have kept my day job (so far). It would be cool if we found some gold and silver but if not, life goes on and I have lots of things to look forward to.

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