Pirate Treasure-Trying to get a permit to dig up

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BDD,there are many on TN who have had their share of empty holes,but have not resorted to turning a TN thread into their personal ego-gratifing blog detailing your other activities besides treasure hunting,and with tales of fantastic treasures at exact spots that always turn up empty that you prove with posted photos.
Then you wonder and lament at the reaction to your posts by others here on TN concerning your neverending quest.
Yes,it is entertaining like a roadrunner/coyote cartoon,but are really surprised at the responces that you recieve?

Of course I am not surprised. I suggest that if you don't like reading what I post (on a thread I started) that you don't read this thread. It is that simple. If I want to post other non-treasure related photos that is my choice. If it is against some TNET rule then it is up to the moderators to do something about it. What you like or dislike really doesn't matter.

You remind me of someone that watches a TV show and constantly complains about it. All you have to do is switch channels. You just can't seem to stay away. Sounds like your problem, not mine.

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I went by the possible treasure site on the Ware's Creek project in Bradenton. I am running out of time on this one. They will be digging out and widening the area where I think something may be buried.

DSCN0151.webp DSCN0149.webp This gravel pile is less than 100 feet from the spot.

LRL's are generally used when you are in the vicinity of a target like in the hundreds of feet maybe more. 1000 miles away? This is refereed to as remote sensing for the most part.
Ah remote sensing. Yes I have read about it. I thought your man fell into the LRL category.

Last warning, stop the mocking. Timeouts will follow if it continues...

American by birth, Patriot by choice.

I would rather die standing on my two feet defending our Constitution than live a lifetime on my knees......

A question concerning the rules

... If I want to post other non-treasure related photos that is my choice. If it is against some TNET rule then it is up to the moderators to do something about it...
"When the purpose of the original post has been fulfilled,the thread should end.If you want to talk about something else,start a new thread in an appropiate forumn"
This thread has gone in many directions far afield from the original post of trying to get a permit to dig up pirate treasure,with non related posts and photos that do not pertain to the subject of the original post,which may well perchieved as the cause of derisive comments on this thread.
Just curious if this is a rule violation?

Ah remote sensing. Yes I have read about it. I thought your man fell into the LRL category.

The first guy that put me on the spot was in the remote sensing category but it is a little more scientific than that. Later on I brought in two guys (TNET members) that had a one-of-a-kind non-electric long range locating device. They were able to use it to bring themselves directly over the location as I just sat back and watched from a distance.

I do not claim to be any expert on all this. I am just a construction worker with big dreams and goals. I believe you should give anyone or any method the benefit of the doubt until you can tell what works or does not work.

I was talking to my friends at the site today. I made the comment that you could take a golf club and hand it to a man on the street to see what he could do with it and then take the same club and hand it to Tiger Woods (or his ex-wife) and you will get extremely different results. It is all about more than just having the right tools, you have to know how to use them.

"When the purpose of the original post has been fulfilled,the thread should end.If you want to talk about something else,start a new thread in an appropiate forumn"
This thread has gone in many directions far afield from the original post of trying to get a permit to dig up pirate treasure,with non related posts and photos that do not pertain to the subject of the original post,which may well perchieved as the cause of derisive comments on this thread.
Just curious if this is a rule violation?

The purpose I had was to get help and advice on digging up treasure at a site I was interested in and to share my story with others. I am still doing the same on this thread. Why does this bother you? Are you trying to get this thread shut down? Maybe I should make this my last post. Would that make you feel better? This is kind of funny coming from a guy that has gone off on various tangents on here including numerous mocking poems. You have probably posted on here more times than anybody else other than me.

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Generally when you probe a target the object that feels solid like concrete should be explored.
Especially at one foot it will only take a few minutes to find out. A large concrete slab could
encase a substantial treasure if the burier wanted to secure it permanently two feet below.
Might need a sledge if the pastor agrees. You should provide your own tools to prevent liability
arising from flying concrete shards. It's only a suggestion but you should provide onlookers
and yourself with safety glasses.

Some cache contracts insufficiently protect the hunter for lack of liability protection from injuries
to the signer who gets too close to the action.

Hope you get a bucketload.

I missed a good debate before the warning shot was fired.

In regards to this image:
empty hole.webp

From what I have been told, it is one of the pre-programmed images in the device. I don't know what rotates the different images stored in memory. Maybe it actually has a sensor that triggers certain images. I would be interested in seeing it "work" in person. Notice that BDD said that after a reboot a different screen appeared.

This particular image may be of the church site after the dig. Does it predict the future? Does this image mean dig or is it a warning not to dig? :dontknow: Only time will tell.

Did you do a title search to see if the "church guy" is the owner of the property and has the authority to give you part of any find? If you are lucky enough to finally hit the "big one" (and we all hope you do) you may have wished that you had. But we've been over this before.

For us that are too far away to attend the dig (or weren't invited), do you think that you can trade something for the equipment to stream a live video of the event?

Hope to see gold and diamonds on Sunday morning.

Good luck.


Generally when you probe a target the object that feels solid like concrete should be explored.
Especially at one foot it will only take a few minutes to find out. A large concrete slab could
encase a substantial treasure if the burier wanted to secure it permanently two feet below.
Might need a sledge if the pastor agrees. You should provide your own tools to prevent liability
arising from flying concrete shards. It's only a suggestion but you should provide onlookers
and yourself with safety glasses.

Some cache contracts insufficiently protect the hunter for lack of liability protection from injuries
to the signer who gets too close to the action.

Hope you get a bucketload.

Thanks for the advice. We are going to dig slowly and carefully. I will be bringing every tool that I think we could possible need. I don't think the solid feeling object is very big. I would be more likely to use a crowbar to move it out of the way before I would resort to a sledgehammer. We do not plan on having a crowd but you know how it can sometimes bring in onlookers. We have had people get dangerously close to the moving backhoe bucket. The contract we signed makes them liable for themselves and we will be liable for our own safety, but that does remind me to have something for everyone involved to sign, including my own guys. Thanks.

I missed a good debate before the warning shot was fired.

In regards to this image:
View attachment 1011668

From what I have been told, it is one of the pre-programmed images in the device. I don't know what rotates the different images stored in memory. Maybe it actually has a sensor that triggers certain images. I would be interested in seeing it "work" in person. Notice that BDD said that after a reboot a different screen appeared.

This particular image may be of the church site after the dig. Does it predict the future? Does this image mean dig or is it a warning not to dig? :dontknow: Only time will tell.

Did you do a title search to see if the "church guy" is the owner of the property and has the authority to give you part of any find? If you are lucky enough to finally hit the "big one" (and we all hope you do) you may have wished that you had. But we've been over this before.

For us that are too far away to attend the dig (or weren't invited), do you think that you can trade something for the equipment to stream a live video of the event?

Hope to see gold and diamonds on Sunday morning.

Good luck.


The Nokta does have preloaded images that are used to represent what it thinks it is seeing. I have never really paid that much attention to them. I don't think what you may be interpreting as a hole is supposed to represent a hole.

I did not do the research on the "church guy" that I should have or you would have. I talked this over with my lawyer and told him I am willing to take a chance. No matter what you do or how you go about these things if someone wants to start trouble or get greedy things can turn nasty. I am just hoping for the best. Naïve perhaps, but sometimes you just have to try to trust people, after all it is a church. Maybe I should pray about it. Actually I already have, numerous times.

A live video of the event? Ain't gonna happen.

You passed up your invitation a long time ago.

It is supposed to be gold, diamonds, and silver.

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I do not claim to be any expert on all this. I am just a construction worker with big dreams and goals. I believe you should give anyone or any method the benefit of the doubt until you can tell what works or does not work.


Im not mocking and I dont mean to be condescending. This is the point you must be missing. There really is little doubt. Im sure everyone posting here has "been there, done that". Or at least we all have years, if not decades, of reading about dowsing, LRL testing (Geotech comes to mind), claims and failures, and lack of any supporting evidence or finds (other than water dowsing aka water witching). But its obvious you are going to test all the different methods yourself.

There may be success in the end like lastleg implied because you are putting all these unconventional methods to the test and there is value in that. I hope you are filming it all.

You passed up your invitation a long time ago.

I hear you and I apologize if it offended you. You must realize that I live (during the hunting season) on the Miccosuki Reservation and I have freinds in the Tribe that I respect. However I never said anything bad about you to the Indians. When asked about you or the treasure legend, I stated that I never met you and I know nothing about your methods of treasure hunting or dowsing. The Swamp Gold thread has pretty much hit a roadblock.

ADDED: OOPS I just realized you were talking to vor.

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Generally when you probe a target the object that feels solid like concrete should be explored.
Especially at one foot it will only take a few minutes to find out. A large concrete slab could
encase a substantial treasure if the burier wanted to secure it permanently two feet below.
Might need a sledge if the pastor agrees. You should provide your own tools to prevent liability
arising from flying concrete shards. It's only a suggestion but you should provide onlookers
and yourself with safety glasses.

Some cache contracts insufficiently protect the hunter for lack of liability protection from injuries
to the signer who gets too close to the action.

Hope you get a bucketload.
Nice post and I was thinking myself that a backhoe is not needed.

Sorry Dog but I'm just hoping for gold and diamonds.
Leave the silver for the next lucky dowser.

And I know you well enough to know that you would love to have a live feed.

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I missed a good debate before the warning shot was fired.

In regards to this image:
View attachment 1011668

From what I have been told, it is one of the pre-programmed images in the device. I don't know what rotates the different images stored in memory. Maybe it actually has a sensor that triggers certain images. I would be interested in seeing it "work" in person. Notice that BDD said that after a reboot a different screen appeared.

This particular image may be of the church site after the dig. Does it predict the future? Does this image mean dig or is it a warning not to dig? :dontknow: Only time will tell.

OK I see. Maybe its showing how much dirt needs to be removed. It looks as if loose dirt is a different color. I would have liked to see the screen before the dirt was shown as removed.

And where to place it.

Im not mocking and I dont mean to be condescending. This is the point you must be missing. There really is little doubt. Im sure everyone posting here has "been there, done that". Or at least we all have years, if not decades, of reading about dowsing, LRL testing (Geotech comes to mind), claims and failures, and lack of any supporting evidence or finds (other than water dowsing aka water witching). But its obvious you are going to test all the different methods yourself.

There may be success in the end like lastleg implied because you are putting all these unconventional methods to the test and there is value in that. I hope you are filming it all.

Where you have spent years "reading" about dowsing and LRL's, I have been out in the real world testing and watching the actions and results of dowsing and LRL's. You ARE being condescending and you assume that most people reading this share your beliefs or lack of, in unconventional methods. To me your lack of belief is just proof that you have never really tried to see what can work or not work. Enough about this. It is a very old and tiresome argument. It is all been proven to me and now I am attempting in my own way to prove it to you all.

I am videoing this entire dig.

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Sorry Dog but I'm just hoping for gold and diamonds.
Leave the silver for the next lucky dowser.

And I know you well enough to know that you would love to have a live feed.

I am not leaving anything in the hole but dirt.

If I find what I am looking for I am going to go for a live feed on the 12 foot deep site which is in the same neighborhood.

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