Pirate Treasure-Trying to get a permit to dig up

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BDD did mention a well pipe that had been concreted over-could that have been an active artesian well that was capped off to stop the flow?
Is his remote man a water dowser?
Will Sarasota have a geyser after Saturday?
OMG the dowser may have picked up on the old artesian well. The one where I used to maintain has a large cast iron pipe deep underground, one of the few remaining. That was my tent in the background when I lived next to the Miccosuki Reservation. This one has been there since the 1920s. They are usually filled with concrete to shut them down. I have been trying to save this one.


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I gotta admit it, BDD is putting it all on the line on this caper. Not only himself but the thousand-
mile guesser, LRL's, treasure dowsing, the Turkish super detector and all the fringe devises money
can buy.

Completely by accident he is willing to expose the carnies of the shady world of "Effortless Wealth".
Wealth being in the pockets of sellers of such apparati.

I gotta admit it, BDD is putting it all on the line on this caper. Not only himself but the thousand-
mile guesser, LRL's, treasure dowsing, the Turkish super detector and all the fringe devises money
can buy.

Completely by accident he is willing to expose the carnies of the shady world of "Effortless Wealth".
Wealth being in the pockets of sellers of such apparati.

The so-called "thousand-mile guesser" has been working at this for a long time and I don't think at this point he is doing as much "guessing" as you may think. One of the main reasons I joined TNET was to try to find a modern, tech-savvy version of my old friend Ovid. Back when Ovid and I traveled up and down the East Coast we did not have hand-held GPS, laptops, tablets, Google Earth satellite images including street view, digital cameras, cell phones, smart phones, deep-seeking metal detectors, e-mails, computers, the World Wide Web, Treasurenet, GPR(ground penetrating radar), and any of the other methods and devices now available that would help me use him to the best of our abilities. Just me and an old man that was dying of pancreatic cancer cruising all over in my wife's 1977 Smokey and the Bandit Trans -Am. I was young and dumb and full of ......enthusiasm. I dug a lot of holes but I really didn't have a clue as to how to get the best out of him.

So now instead of being 32 I am 58. I do have access to all the above mentioned devices. I am able to network with people all over any time I want to. I dug a lot of empty holes and now want to dig some treasure up. If I didn't constantly go in 10 directions at once and would have concentrated more on treasure finding I would probably have dug up the "big one" a long time ago.

"Completely by accident"? There is nothing accidental about anything to do my present actions and intentions. I have said from the start that I have a plan. So far it is working out even better than I had hoped. Some of you may mistake lack of success for failure. The only time I will fail at this is if I quit. Not gonna happen!

"Expose the carnies"? You mean yourself, ECS, vor and a few others? I am not dealing with any other "carnies" that I know of. "Effortless wealth"? No matter what method you use to try to figure out where to dig, the digging is still the same and if you look at some of the holes I have dug they are far from effortless. Let me show you a few.

100_2722.webp100_2381.webp100_3024.webp100_3029.webp100_3069.webp100_3040.webp100_3118.webp100_3137.webp100_3178.webp100_3192.webp100_3415.webp3281new.webp100_2972.webp100_2968.webpThese are just few of the digs done since I joined TNET in March of 2012. "Effortless"? Give me a break.

Here are few blasts from the past.

Document.webpDigging for the "Beale Treasure" in Virginia around 1990. englewood.webpDigging for a pirate chest in Englewood 1987.timwaynenj.webpDigging under a boulder for German U-Boat diamonds in New Jersey.Image42.webp Digging for a pirate chest on the bank of the Cape Fear River in North Carolina. timcherokee.webpTrying to get back into a cracked boulder to dig in Cherokee North Carolina. Image43.webpDigging for saddlebags of gold near Atlanta in 1991.

Go ahead and make fun of me. Sure, I have dug lots of empty holes as these pics are only a fraction of what I have done. ECS, vor, lastleg, please show us one serious hole that any of you have dug in the recent or distant past.

It has all been a learning experience. It ain't over till the old guy quits digging.

Keep at it BDD. Ignore the naysayers. Dig lots of empty holes. I'm my opinion digging 1,000 empty holes is better than clocking out at 5pm to go home to your couch. I look forward to seeing one of your holes with gold at the bottom.



Stay honest BDD.

What are those large heavy iron things you dug?

Stay honest BDD.

What are those large heavy iron things you dug?

What do you mean by "stay honest"?

They are 1800's era railroad car links used to connect train cars. We found them on a creek bank buried one foot down, standing on end, side by side, obviously purposely buried. I believe they were markers. They were around 150 feet from the railroad tracks. If you were to draw a straight line from these two links to the railroad track, it crosses DIRECTLY over the spot where Ovid pointed to that he said was where the army cooking pots full of gold are buried in North Carolina. Two links, links to?


Some of the naysayers seem to think that I only dig empty holes. Far from the truth. I have repeatedly said to no avail that I have not and probably never will tell all that I know and have done, on this public forum, (or in a book). Why should, or would I?

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... an excellent example of BDD's sense of humor
Since this thread concerns no verifiable treasure it has become a comedic exercise.
Hence,all the photos of empty holes and great expectations of the "BIG ONE".
Beep! Beep!

Question for the "experts". vor, ECS, lastleg..... I feel I may have been lead to another possible treasure location (the church). Since joining TNET I have been given lots of advice as to what to do next. I have tried to follow good advice all though it is sometimes hard to come by. Without digging or drilling, what method or device can tell me whether there is gold, silver or precious gems buried at this site. Does anyone know of a detector on the market that works for this or is as good as the makers of it say?

It is easy to make fun of how I go about trying to locate gold. ECS is a research expert, lastleg has been at this a long time and seems to claim he has had success, vor is ...is...well I guess you could say he is a smartass that wants us to think he knows everything about all this. Ok guys, I have other possible locations. There is a second spot at the church. There are places with better backgrounds of history that probably have something valuable buried on them.

I am very good at getting permission to dig. All the spots in the above photos were on private properties that I had to go through the whole process of the initial contact, convincing them I am not too much of a lunatic, gaining their trust, getting a verbal agreement to proceed, and then usually getting a written contract for a split and to cover all liabilities and repairs that may be needed. I have at least a couple dozen places I could go dig right now. It won't do me any good if I don't dig in the EXACT RIGHT SPOT, that is assuming there is even something to find in the first place.

If I were looking for stuff such as old Civil War leftovers I would probably have a garage full. I have chosen to look for chests, pots or barrels of treasure. Lot harder to find as there probably aren't that many just laying there in shallow ground waiting to be dug up with a shovel.

So tell me guys, if you were me what would you use so that I could be sure I am not going to keep digging "empty" holes. It is easy for you all to make fun of the Nokta which I doubt any of you have ever used or even had your hands on.

The first guy led me there with his method. My second choice of a locator guy led me to the same spot. The GPR guy that uses a GPR on a daily basis says there is something there. My Garrett GTI 2500 says there is something there. The $5000 Nokta Golden King says there is gold there. The hand held probe driven into the ground hits a solid, what I think is a purposely placed hard object. Besides dig, now what would should I do? Other than having the Nokta I had the same scenario on a lot of the sites pictured above.

If there is an "EASY" button, please tell me where it is. Talk is getting cheaper now that we have the internet. :BangHead:

I guess we will all have to wait for Saturday, unless other things get in the way of digging.

Gentlemen, stop the mocking, post by TN rules or don't post. .

"name calling, denigration and other generally negative or abusive actions are grounds for moderation."

American by birth, Patriot by choice.

I would rather die standing on my two feet defending our Constitution than live a lifetime on my knees......

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Bdd use the naysayers as motivation.

What do you mean by "stay honest"?
Well if you were dishonest, you would simply post pictures of treasure claiming that you found them by dowsing. I appreciate your honesty.

The railroad links are cool.

BDD I wish there was such a thing as a deep seeking gold detector because if there was I would simply take it to the Treasure Coast and I would be rich lol. Seriously there is gold and silver reales to be found on the Treasure Beaches but the problem is that it is all too deep so we all patiently wait for the next hurricane. Yes you can try and poke holes but thats no guarantee. . A buddy of mine that everyone here knows prefers to use a gas operated post hole digger on the beach but he finds mostly sand crabs lol. A Pulse Induction detector like the one I own will go pretty deep on large iron objects like a steel bucket or manhole cover but its not very deep with small gold or silver coins. And too bad dowsing cant really find one single coin because one single gold doubloon from the Treasure Coast is quite valuable.

I think you have done all you could BDD. I dont think there is anything else left to do but dig or forget it. How deep did you say it was?


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Well if you were dishonest, you would simply post pictures of treasure claiming that you found them by dowsing.

How deep did you say it was?

If I was interested in faking things I would probably have my own show on TV as that seemed to be one of the things I had to agree to do, which I declined.

The possible treasure at the church site is supposed to be less than 3 feet deep.

I got the contract for the dig today. We are going to dig at 10:00 a.m. Saturday morning.

I just got home from the VA clinic. I was bitten by a spider on the leg while working on my brothers barn last week. The wound keeps getting worse. I will dig Saturday even if I have to do it from a wheelchair.

If I was interested in faking things I would probably have my own show on TV as that seemed to be one of the things I had to agree to do, which I declined.

The possible treasure at the church site is supposed to be less than 3 feet deep.

I got the contract for the dig today. We are going to dig at 10:00 a.m. Saturday morning.

I just got home from the VA clinic. I was bitten by a spider on the leg while working on my brothers barn last week. The wound keeps getting worse. I will dig Saturday even if I have to do it from a wheelchair.

Here is my spider bite experience back in the early days of TN. http://www.treasurenet.com/forums/everything-else/44317-what-bit-me-spida-need-help.html

Im sorry I didnt read it all. If its less than 3 feet and you were able to pinpoint it with the Nokia, it should make for an easy dig for you. I thought this was deeper. Cool, cant wait to see what it is. Could be anything.

I was bit 4 times in my leg. As far as I recall it continued to get worse for 2 weeks. My bites matched that of a Brown Recluse. Antibiotics the cure and a swim in the ocean. I also had a spider crawl inside my ear but thats another story.


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My leg looks a lot like yours. I have been bitten by spiders before but it never hurt like this. I crawl around in some really nasty places all the time wearing just shorts. I have been lucky. My younger brother got bit by a brown recluse a year or two ago in the same barn that we have been working in. I was spraying polyurethane on all the walls we built and had to practically lay down so that I could see well as his wife wanted NO RUNS. The good news is the barns stalls look beautiful, the bad news is it hurts to walk. I am now on antibiotics that I got this afternoon. I was going to go to the barn tonight as we are finishing up the project. Decided not to go.

I will go after the treasure on Saturday unless I am in the hospital. When I was trying to dig the well in Englewood I was scuba diving in the bottom in the septic system water. My eyes, ears, hands, and more became infected but they still had to drag me away on the last day. I agreed because there was a fast moving storm blowing in that day. It turned out it was Hurricane Andrew. We did not know it was coming as we were so into the dig we weren't paying attention to anything else. Of course this was long before it was easy to check on the weather. The county inspectors came by the dig site after the hurricane as they were surveying for storm damage and when they saw our well they told the property owner we had to fill it in immediately.

When I was in the Army as a paratrooper we went to Panama for Jungle Warfare School. I was leading the squad on a nighttime compass competition and got caught in a huge spider web. The guys had to pull me out. Never did see the spider as we were not allowed to use lights.

The doctors today were pretty sure I was bitten by a spider. I will deal with it. I figure it is a sign that I am close to digging up treasure and this is part of the test to see what I am made of. Ain't skeered.

Sold the free lawnmower for $1000 yesterday and the guy also gave me his old lawnmower that I figure is worth about $500-600 bucks. Not bad considering I got the first mower for free. I got the title to the 57 Chevy wagon transferred into my name yesterday. It is officially mine. The way the deal worked out I got the 57 for free with more money to boot. I have always been pretty lucky in my dealings and hope to keep on a roll. The spider bite is just a bump in the road (leg).

Got a feeling Dog won't let a spider bite keep him from the deciding dig. One little diamond,
however small, will answer the question, can a man from a thousand mile away tell him the
exact spot a treasure is located. Can the Nokta even detect a diamond? Will we "naysayers"
be anxious to order one for ourselves? Time will tell. I wish you luck but remember you made
the claim and you have to live with the results. That's why I said this dig will prove or disprove
all fanciful claims of the long range and metallic dowsing community. In fact it is a watershed
test, not of you personally, but rather your choice of non-scientific methodology.

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