Question for the "experts". vor, ECS, lastleg..... I feel I may have been lead to another possible treasure location (the church). Since joining TNET I have been given lots of advice as to what to do next. I have tried to follow good advice all though it is sometimes hard to come by. Without digging or drilling, what method or device can tell me whether there is gold, silver or precious gems buried at this site. Does anyone know of a detector on the market that works for this or is as good as the makers of it say?
It is easy to make fun of how I go about trying to locate gold. ECS is a research expert, lastleg has been at this a long time and seems to claim he has had success, vor is I guess you could say he is a smartass that wants us to think he knows everything about all this. Ok guys, I have other possible locations. There is a second spot at the church. There are places with better backgrounds of history that probably have something valuable buried on them.
I am very good at getting permission to dig. All the spots in the above photos were on private properties that I had to go through the whole process of the initial contact, convincing them I am not too much of a lunatic, gaining their trust, getting a verbal agreement to proceed, and then usually getting a written contract for a split and to cover all liabilities and repairs that may be needed. I have at least a couple dozen places I could go dig right now. It won't do me any good if I don't dig in the EXACT RIGHT SPOT, that is assuming there is even something to find in the first place.
If I were looking for stuff such as old Civil War leftovers I would probably have a garage full. I have chosen to look for chests, pots or barrels of treasure. Lot harder to find as there probably aren't that many just laying there in shallow ground waiting to be dug up with a shovel.
So tell me guys, if you were me what would you use so that I could be sure I am not going to keep digging "empty" holes. It is easy for you all to make fun of the Nokta which I doubt any of you have ever used or even had your hands on.
The first guy led me there with his method. My second choice of a locator guy led me to the same spot. The GPR guy that uses a GPR on a daily basis says there is something there. My Garrett GTI 2500 says there is something there. The $5000 Nokta Golden King says there is gold there. The hand held probe driven into the ground hits a solid, what I think is a purposely placed hard object. Besides dig, now what would should I do? Other than having the Nokta I had the same scenario on a lot of the sites pictured above.
If there is an "EASY" button, please tell me where it is. Talk is getting cheaper now that we have the internet.