If I had taken most any of the "advice" I have been given concerning this site, I would definitely have been needing your "Plan B".
What do you think I am "afraid" of? Finding nothing? Finding something illegally, blabbing about it, and then getting in trouble for committing a felony? Other? I would not think anybody would claim I am afraid of finding nothing as evidenced by all the empty holes I have dug, admitted such, and then posted pictures.
I am involved in so many other legal ventures that I don't need to get ****** and need your Plan B.
Wow dude.....Just wow.....
So you can use sarcasm in your post just above mine, but you can't recognize it in anyone else's?
Once again I have to come back and explain every little detail of what was meant by my post...the whole time trying my best to not mistype something, or use any shortcuts in explaining it, or it might be thrown back at me, prompting another "clarification" post.
I'm no psychiatrist or anything, so I don't know the proper terms, but there is something going on, in my opinion, where you believe that someone that is not 110% on board with everything you say, must be against you...no matter what they say or do to the contrary...It's only black and white with you. (And yes the 110% as opposed to 100% is for emphasis....I know you can only be 100% of something...so no need to point it out)....(Oh...and that was sarcasm)
I think you totally ignore any advice that isn't something along the lines of: "I had a psychic vision last night BDD, and the ghost of Jose Gaspar said there is treasure buried in the KFC parking lot in Englewood...."
If you will recall...I posted a couple of pics of the Rocky Bluff site before the interstate, and all the buildings were there....not a word from you....I suspect that it was useless info to you because a map dowser didn't put an "X" on it. I take those old pics, and look for cleared areas...old trails...etc., that might help narrow down areas of former human occupation.
I recall that I told you early on that they will NEVER issue a permit to look for treasure...ESPECIALLY under a major bridge...post 9/11!!
That you needed a different, legitimate, reason to investigate the area.
That going in there and being "all over the board" talking about race cars, flame-shooting guitars, lighting farts on fire, etc., wasn't going to show them how serious you were, but how unfocused on the topic at hand you were.
But.....you cared for that about as much as you cared for the part where I told you that...in fact...metal detectors don't detect metal because the metal is giving off it's own electrical impulses...but that the detector sends out the transmission, then receives it back, and detects the conductivity of the metal object in it's field.
I've always wished you well, and said that there could be treasure there...even if I believe 0% in map dowsing.
I usually get rudeness in return.
So here it is: My post about the "Plan B" was in no way a reference to doing anything illegal....or to any alternate method at all....It was simply a response to your funny response about the "well thought out, detailed and constructive plan" that was offered to you....I was adding to the sarcasm....trying to joke around and be light-hearted...I see now that (as usual) your sarcasm was meant to be nasty....and not so light-hearted.
I see now that I can never be on your side "some of the time" because I don't believe in magical treasure hunting and the LRL scams....
I realize that I can never joke around with you, because even though you say you can take it....if you think it is remotely directed towards you....you are going to fly off the handle because your ego just won't accept it.
Everything seems to come down to ego, and a "measuring contest" with you...it's a shame.
So here are some of my totally un-related achievements...maybe they "measure up".....
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