Pirate Treasure-Trying to get a permit to dig up

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BDD: If you will swear on Ovid's grave not to blowup this thread, and me with it, I will tell you that in my post, about YOUR HUGE DOG HEAD I was using huge head as a metaphore for huge
EGO. Duck and cover, duck and cover!!!

So I gather what you were asking was if Ovid ever commented about my ego? Not that I remember. For the record I do have an extremely large ego. I try to keep it in check. What is your point in this line of questioning or is there one?

BDD and the U-853 local lore tale was discussed on :
Treasure Hunting/Shipwrecks,page 4/Scuttled Nazi Treasure Submarine,started by Bodadilla-start on page 5,post #90 by BDD.

The gist of that story/thread was the usual. I made some claims. ECS believed none of it. ECS tried to prove I didn't know what I was talking about. ECS failed. ECS research backed up the basics of the treasure, nitpicked the details. Bottom line-I am more sure of the treasure than before. Thanks ECS. YOU DA MAN! Best dang researcher on our team.

Florida gold is mostly natural, how ever I do wear a cob from the ATOCHA that Kip Fisher gave me.
Humphreys Gold Mine was located north of Regency Shopping Center, where the Southside Boulevard connector to State Highway 9A travels through. The dredging operation was not geared toward mining gold as the name suggests; it was merely a reference to the company name (Humphreys Gold Corporation, incorporated August 29, 1932 by A.E. Humphrey, I.B. Humphrey, and Judson S. Hubbard).
Starting in 1940, the area near Regency was mined for rutile, titanium, ilminite, and zirconium for the war effort; nearly a dozen precious metals including any gold particles were extracted when found in the area. The precious metals were mined for DuPont Corporation until the contract ended in 1957. The dredging operation excavated the top 50 feet of soil, performing a sifting and washing operation that would reveal and allow reclaiming of any precious metals. After 50 feet of earth was removed, the only thing remaining was the sand that had built up over millions of years.
In addition to the Regency area, the company had another dredging operation near Southside Boulevard in and around the Deer Park area. Per Mindat.org, the official location of the company in that area was on the west side of Southside Boulevard, 30o18'6" North, 81o33'48" West. A web search shows that Humphreys Gold Corporation also operated in Starke, Florida for a while as a subcontractor to DuPont. DuPont continues the operations at Starke today. The web search does not show very many other locations but the Humphreys Gold Corporation did have mining operations in other parts of the country as well, and in some gold was the primary metal being dredged for (such as in Montana).
After World War II, the Regency mining area operations continued and as a result it provided jobs for returning soldiers and others that were laid off as a result of the war ending. A large number of the people that worked there were from the Arlington area. The company closed local mining operations around 1957. The Denver based Humphreys Engineering Company was in operation up until at least 1966 and possibly longer.

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What I find interesting in the newspaper article about the sub was the fact that the reporter could not find information about the sinking of the U-853 and consequently claimed that Ovid might have been confused about what happened. View attachment 963792View attachment 963793This sub sinking was a well known event. Books have been written about it. People dive on it to this day looking for the treasure that everyone thinks is on board it. The reporter reminds me of ECS. When he conveniently can't seem to find evidence that corroborates my stories he usually claims that I must be confused and have mixed up the stories. I am not confused about anything. ECS cannot and will not ever write anything positive concerning my tales.

What I find interesting in the newspaper article about the sub was the fact that the reporter could not find information about the sinking of the U-853 and consequently claimed that Ovid might have been confused about what happened. This sub sinking was a well known event. Books have been written about it. People dive on it to this day looking for the treasure that everyone thinks is on board it. The reporter reminds me of ECS. When he conveniently can't seem to find evidence that corroborates my stories he usually claims that I must be confused and have mixed up the stories. I am not confused about anything. ECS cannot and will not ever write anything positive concerning my tales.
BDD can never understand the timeline of events and location of the U-853 and the fact that all hands went down with the sub, clearly show that the rubber raft landing and buried 88 shells is nothing more than legend and local lore,that the reporter mentioned in the posted article may of been based on a 1942 actual event.
After the U-853 torpedoed the SS Black Point 4mi south of Point Judith,RI, a 16hr pursuit by the US Navy began,and the U-853 was sunk 7 mi east of Block Island in 121 ft of water.
Treasure mags of the '60's started the rumors of the U-853 being Hitler's private submarine,that it gold and silver,or diamonds, depending upon the pulp treasure writers version.
Below are links to the US naval account and other sites related to the U0853:
ADVANCED DIVER MAGAZINE • Tightrope Walker • WWII Last Mystery
Scuba Diving - New Jersey & Long Island New York - dive Wreck Valley - Dive Sites - Submarines - U-Boats
U-boat Archive - U-853 - Artifacts
A Nazi U-boat Three Miles From American Shores
Oberleutnant zur See Karl Friederich - German U-boat Commanders of WWII - The Men of the Kriegsmarine - uboat.net

BDD can never understand the timeline of events and location of the U-853 and the fact that all hands went down with the sub, clearly show that the rubber raft landing and buried 88 shells is nothing more than legend and local lore,that the reporter mentioned in the posted article may of been based on a 1942 actual event.
After the U-853 torpedoed the SS Black Point 4mi south of Point Judith,RI, a 16hr pursuit by the US Navy began,and the U-853 was sunk 7 mi east of Block Island in 121 ft of water.
Treasure mags of the '60's started the rumors of the U-853 being Hitler's private submarine,that it gold and silver,or diamonds, depending upon the pulp treasure writers version.
Below are links to the US naval account and other sites related to the U0853:
ADVANCED DIVER MAGAZINE • Tightrope Walker • WWII Last Mystery
Scuba Diving - New Jersey & Long Island New York - dive Wreck Valley - Dive Sites - Submarines - U-Boats
U-boat Archive - U-853 - Artifacts
A Nazi U-boat Three Miles From American Shores
Oberleutnant zur See Karl Friederich - German U-boat Commanders of WWII - The Men of the Kriegsmarine - uboat.net

I understand everything. The "official" report was that all hands went down. ECS can only go with the info that he can find in books and the internet. The U-853 was Hitler's favorite/private sub. Of course he never left Germany aboard it. I have already gone back and forth with ECS about all this on the shipwreck forum and I am not interested in doing it all over again on here. He will NEVER change his mind on any of this. What he fails to mention on here is that he did find a reference to a Nuremburg war trial transcript where a German guy testified that he helped load the 88mm shells onto the sub before it set out for the U.S. mainland.

The bottom line on all this is that a friend of mines dad found the 88mm shells in the park, buried some of them by the lighthouse and took the rest back to New Jersey. He died in the 60's in a plane crash and the diamonds are most likely still where he hid them. I have been to New York and New Jersey several times and when the time is right I will go back. I feel this treasure has a lot of bad karma associated with it and really don't want any of it for myself. My friend saw the diamonds as a child and was shown the location where they were hidden. ECS can disagree with my version of the events all he wants to but it will not change the facts.

I have mentioned numerous times on TNET that I never divulge everything that I know when it comes to any and all treasures that I am associated with. ECS does not seem to be able to get this into his thin skull. I am not on trial here and everyone is free to believe what they want to.

I am not afraid to dig for treasure but the truth is I want to find the "BIG ONE" while the whole world watches. I guess this is partly due to my "huge" ego. I hope to do it on live TV or on the internet. If the treasures get taken away from me, well so be it.

Here is a picture of the "treasure van" that Ovid, Dixie and I took to New jersey to go to the house where my friend used to live. When we got there the current owner at the time would not let us dig.

View attachment 964013

There you go again,BDD,mentioning a part of a transcript to fit your tale of lore.
"Hans Bergerdans testified at Nuremberg that he was paid to weld wads of travelers checks into shell casings aboard the U-853."
Notice TRAVELCHECKS ,not diamonds,or gold,or silver.
Notice WELD into shell casings,not 88 shells sealed in wax.(A U-boats cannon did not shoot 88's)
Notice weld ABOARD,not loaded aboard.

There you go again,BDD,mentioning a part of a transcript to fit your tale of lore.
"Hans Bergerdans testified at Nuremberg that he was paid to weld wads of travelers checks into shell casings aboard the U-853."
Notice TRAVELCHECKS ,not diamonds,or gold,or silver.
Notice WELD into shell casings,not 88 shells sealed in wax.(A U-boats cannon did not shoot 88's)
Notice weld ABOARD,not loaded aboard.

Please provide a link to where you found "Hans" exact wording. Seeing as how I have never seen the transcript it is a little difficult for me to quote anything from it. As far as what was in the 88mm shells, I did not get my info from "Hans". The term "weld" may have been meant to mean sealed. Welding would have destroyed the travelers checks or paper currency. The information I was given 27 years ago was that they were sealed with wax. There are other sources that mention the shells and what may have been in them. As with the other treasures I am involved in, the exact details may never be known. The one detail that I am most interested in is where the treasures are now and how can I get to them. You can nitpick all the details all you want to as this is what you seem to get off on.

My friends dad taught/told him the story of the sub, showed him some of the diamonds, took him to where more of them were hidden by the lighthouse and showed him EXACTLY where they were buried. Shortly thereafter, he crashed his private plane and died. I met my friend in 1967 when they moved to Florida from New Jersey. The diamonds are a first-hand account. They are in a state park and at a private residence. This is 1500 miles from my home and at the present time I have no interest in going after them.

For the record this story had nothing to do with dowsing until I found out Ovid had been after the diamonds 3 years before I was there. He dug where the German sailors that buried them said they were. He did not know that they had already been dug up.

OK readers, here is the main difference between ECS and I. It is 1:30 am. In about 9 hours I will be at Kellyco metal detectors headquarters with a couple of other TNET members. I am paying for a private lesson on how to use a GPR type detector I now have in my possession. Once we are proficient in its use we will be using it on the many sites where I think treasure is buried. If we see something interesting, we will attempt to dig it up. It may or may not be treasure but there is only ONE WAY to know for sure. I know that I have dug a lot of empty holes but to tell you the truth it does not really bother me. Heck, its good exercise.

ECS will spend the next day trying his best to prove that some of the small inconsequential details of my stories may possibly be a little off. I will never claim that I know all the facts. I will claim that I think I know where treasure is and I am going to do my damnedest to dig it up. Keep digging for "facts" ECS, we're rooting for you.

If anyone is interested in following another story I am involved in, the thread is on the Legend forum stories under the heading "Swamp Gold". I became involved on page 30 post#596. It is a long but very interesting story. It is sometimes hard for me to keep up with all that I have going on treasure-wise but I am sure ECS will help me keep my facts straight. Everything I post about on TNET is just a small part of all that is going on in my world.


I'll leave you with this thought BDD. What we have here is a paradox of your own creation.
Ovid appears to have had faith in his "gift" and you appear to have total faith that Ovid had the
"gift" that would make your dream come true. There is no way out of this infinate loop for you
unless you really want a way out and choose to change your way of thinking BDD. And frankly, I don't see that happening.
Puts me in mind of Fenn's thrill of the chase mind game. Carry on ECS. Carry on BDD.

Kahlil Gibran's Paradoxes:
"At times [in The Prophet by Khalil Gibran], Almustafa’s vagueness is such that you can’t figure out what he means. If you look closely, though, you will see that much of the time he is saying
something specific; namely, that everything is everything else. Freedom is slavery; waking is
dreaming; belief is doubt; joy is pain; death is life. So, whatever you’re doing, you needn’t
worry, because you’re also doing the opposite. Such paradoxes . . . now became his favorite
literary device. They appeal not only by their seeming correction of conventional wisdom but also
by their hypnotic power, their negation of rational processes."
(Joan Acocella, "Prophet Motive." The New Yorker, Jan. 7, 2008)

Ok readers,here is the main difference between ECS and I...
...ECS won't scuba dive in a septic tank because a dowser claims its the exact spot for buried pirate treasure!

I have no interest in diving in a septic tank either and have NEVER said that I did. ECS reads but does not seem to comprehend EXACTLY what he is reading. Because of this lack of understanding I have to assume that all the "facts" that he quotes on here are most likely not quite accurate, especially when it comes down to the small details which are what he seems to like to nitpick.

BTW-I dug a well in a septic drain field and then scuba dived in it. I have never dove in a septic tank. Just keeping the facts straight.

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I'll leave you with this thought BDD. What we have here is a paradox of your own creation.
Ovid appears to have had faith in his "gift" and you appear to have total faith that Ovid had the
"gift" that would make your dream come true. There is no way out of this infinate loop for you
unless you really want a way out and choose to change your way of thinking BDD. And frankly, I don't see that happening.
Puts me in mind of Fenn's thrill of the chase mind game. Carry on ECS. Carry on BDD.

I have no desire to get out of this infinite loop that you claim I am in. I do not need to change my way of thinking. I will listen to your opinion but it means nothing to me. I don't follow the Fenn saga so I am not sure what is in your mind but it sounds like a terrible thing.

We had a great day today. Myself and three other friends drove over to Kellyco metal detectors warehouse outside Orlando today. We met with one of the employees by the name of Blake. He was extremely helpful and seemed very knowledgeable when it came to the Nokta Golden King. The guy that loaned it to me accidently broke a switch on the unit and because of this we were not really able to put it thru its paces. Blake did spend a lot of quality time instructing us on the use of this machine. He also brought out one of the latest detectors. It was a Garrett ATX Extreme PI. It is built to military specifications and had a lot of unique features. It is very rugged and waterproof and I have got to get one.

Blake suggested that I leave the detector with them and he will see to it that the switch is repaired. I am very impressed with Blake and what I saw at Kellyco. They are in the middle of remodeling and the place was busy. He also said they would check all the calibrations on my unit to make sure it is operating at its maximum performance. I can't wait to get it back and start using it.

I'll leave you with this thought BDD. What we have here is a paradox of your own creation.
Ovid appears to have had faith in his "gift" and you appear to have total faith that Ovid had the
"gift" that would make your dream come true. There is no way out of this infinate loop for you
unless you really want a way out and choose to change your way of thinking BDD. And frankly, I don't see that happening.

I have no desire to get out of this infinite loop that you claim I am in. I do not need to change my way of thinking...

So there will be more posts about "EXACT SPOTS" as dowsed by Ovid that you will talk about digging and if you do dig and find nothing as you have stated many many times on this thread and others,you proclaim that at least you dig!Then post another of you life story adventures with Ovid,post some photos,drop some names,insult anyone who may question your tales,then post some dog and car pictures that have nothing to do with treasure hunting,then back to a tale of digging empty holes,then...
BeenThereDoneThat2 is right,it is an infinite loop of a magical mobius tour down the rabbit hole to the yellow brick road onto the lost highway back to the rabbit hole.

it is an infinite loop of a magical mobius tour down the rabbit hole to the yellow brick road onto the lost highway back to the rabbit hole.

I will take this as a compliment, thanks. As far as the pictures I post, if you don't like it then please stay away. I started this thread so I think that may give me a right to post them if I want to.

View attachment 964554 To ECS this looks like another empty hole. You can see the post-hole digging shovel in the bottom. This was taken at the beaver dam site in Georgia back in 1990. If you look hard enough and use your imagination you can see the 12 saddlebags full of gold coins that are buried just a little bit deeper and to the left. They are just below the rabbit hole which is beside the lost yellow brick highway. "When you find yourself in a hole, KEEP DIGGING". ECS-"Dig your heart out".

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Florida gold is mostly natural, how ever I do wear a cob from the ATOCHA that Kip Fisher gave me.
Humphreys Gold Mine was located north of Regency Shopping Center, where the Southside Boulevard connector to State Highway 9A travels through. The dredging operation was not geared toward mining gold as the name suggests; it was merely a reference to the company name (Humphreys Gold Corporation, incorporated August 29, 1932 by A.E. Humphrey, I.B. Humphrey, and Judson S. Hubbard).
Starting in 1940, the area near Regency was mined for rutile, titanium, ilminite, and zirconium for the war effort; nearly a dozen precious metals including any gold particles were extracted when found in the area. The precious metals were mined for DuPont Corporation until the contract ended in 1957. The dredging operation excavated the top 50 feet of soil, performing a sifting and washing operation that would reveal and allow reclaiming of any precious metals. After 50 feet of earth was removed, the only thing remaining was the sand that had built up over millions of years.
In addition to the Regency area, the company had another dredging operation near Southside Boulevard in and around the Deer Park area. Per Mindat.org, the official location of the company in that area was on the west side of Southside Boulevard, 30o18'6" North, 81o33'48" West. A web search shows that Humphreys Gold Corporation also operated in Starke, Florida for a while as a subcontractor to DuPont. DuPont continues the operations at Starke today. The web search does not show very many other locations but the Humphreys Gold Corporation did have mining operations in other parts of the country as well, and in some gold was the primary metal being dredged for (such as in Montana).
After World War II, the Regency mining area operations continued and as a result it provided jobs for returning soldiers and others that were laid off as a result of the war ending. A large number of the people that worked there were from the Arlington area. The company closed local mining operations around 1957. The Denver based Humphreys Engineering Company was in operation up until at least 1966 and possibly longer.


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