Pirate Treasure-Trying to get a permit to dig up

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I can just "sense" ECS and vor hunting and digging for dirt on my departed good friend Ovid. Perhaps if they chose to spend as much time digging IN THE DIRT looking for buried caches of gold and silver, they might find something of actual value. Of course sitting on their butt hunting and pecking on computer keys is a lot easier and cleaner than going out in the real world and getting all sweaty and dirty. Good luck with the hunt.

Glad you asked. One source, of which I am skeptical, said Ovid mysteriously disappeared for a year and no one knows where he went. Neighbors told his wife to report him missing but she declined saying "He's better off, I know I am."

I found an article about a "lastleg". The source of which I am skeptical and refuse to divulge. They said he wandered aimlessly within the World Wide Web. Some said he had lost his mind, others claim he was depressed and claimed he "had nothing to lose".

I'm sure vor and ECS (which translates 'extra curricula science') have better things to do with their time
than do background searches on harmless old men. Wait just a minute, how do we know he was harmless?
BDD, did Ovid ever give you something to ingest?

You probably wouldn't get as much heat as you do if you would keep the "unconventional" evidence under wraps. The Duke's use of a rod with atomic crystals to locate a site does nothing to convince most of us.

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What is more telling is this quote:"Ann Lorenz said her husband"Just goes along with Ovid on his hunts...I know they'd like to dig again.NEITHER OF THEM HAVE MUCH MONEY."
For all the mentions of "exact spots" on this thread and in the posted news article,it seems that where Ovid leads many empty holes follow.

The top researchers on TNET can't come up with something better than these two lame posts? vor-ECS- All your fans are counting on you and I know you don't want to disappoint the two of them. Elaborate just a little more about what you are both implying with the above two posts and then I will be glad to respond.

Huge Head Dog

We really appreciate all the pictures BDD. May I be so bold as to ask, please, please, please?

Speaking of Ovid, did Ovid ever comment that you have a huge head?

We really appreciate all the pictures BDD. May I be so bold as to ask, please, please, please? Speaking of Ovid, did Ovid ever comment that you have a huge head?

I think there is a little photo shopping going on in that pic. My dogs are plenty big. Check out Oaklane Mastiffs on the web. Here is an old photo of one of my males that weighed 275 pounds. View attachment 963157
BTDT-I don't recall Ovid saying anything about my head. My wife will tell you that I have a big mouth. Did you have another question?

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Elaborate just a little more about what you are both implying with the above two posts and then I will be glad to respond.

No need to respond, but I personally wouldn't put a lot of my resources into a potential target that was located by those tools.

I still find it very curious that a vac truck would spend two days cleaning out the soil between two limestone formations that are not even close to the bridge piers.
If you spent time watching and spoke with them, what was your understanding/guess of what they were doing?

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Lorenz and Ovid may haven't had much money but I bet they had big tax deductions. Not finding
treasure used to be big business.

BDD No need to respond, but I personally wouldn't put a lot of my resources into a potential target that was located by those tools. I still find it very curious that a vac truck would spend two days cleaning out the soil between two limestone formations that are not even close to the bridge piers. If you spent time watching and spoke with them, what was your understanding/guess of what they were doing? V

You have made it clear on this thread and others that you don't believe in dowsing so of course you personally would not spend time or money on anything to do with it. Your opinion.

As far as the two guys with the truck, it was one of two things, either they were looking for utilities or they were looking for treasure. From watching them and stopping to talk to them I think they were looking for treasure. They spent a lot of time using a long metal bar with a flat, sharp end. They were using the bar to help dig the hole. This would not be a smart tool to use if you were looking for electrical or water lines. They only dug the holes in two places. There would be no real need to dig to look for utilities as there is equipment available to detect them. They also seemed very interested in watching me when I drove by. I think they knew exactly who I was.

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What is more telling is this quote:"Ann Lorenz said her husband"Just goes along with Ovid on his hunts...I know they'd like to dig again.NEITHER OF THEM HAVE MUCH MONEY." For all the mentions of "exact spots" on this thread and in the posted news article,it seems that where Ovid leads many empty holes follow.

Let's look at this from a different perspective. Let's say vor and ECS are at Montauk Point doing this dig. A big stretch. While they are in New York a newspaper reporter calls their wives and asks about what they have found in the past or any questions pertaining to how much money they have. Would they want their wives to tell the reporter about any treasure they have or if they had a lot of money? Of course not. So Ann Lorenz tells the reporter that "neither of them have much money" , so ECS just assumes that is true because he believes EVERYTHING he reads in old newspaper articles. It is a big source of his "facts". At the time of his death I think Ovid owned over 400 acres. He was also a hoarder to a certain degree. I never asked him how much money he had because it was none of my business.

As much time together you spent and Ovid never let it slip of his big finds? That is really hard to do.
He could have shown you a handful of gold coins at least. The big boys of treasure hunting were not
reluctant to show fruits of their labor, maybe not the big ticket caches but a few gold coins yes. I'm
speaking of KvM, Garrett, Lagal, Hardrock and other full-timers. And they didn't bend your ears over
how many deep vacant holes they dug. Not putting you down, you're just try to learn and I admire
your spirit to keep going when most would quit.

Talking about "old newspaper articles" and treasure stories,Adrian P Jordan was the Editor of THE PUNTA GORDA HERALD from 1901 to around 1919.To boast sales and keep readership he would write the ghost and treasure lore stories of southwest Florida,and sometimes create a few.Jordan's pirate stories involved the names of real pirate and ships but many of the events were make up.One of his tales involved LaFitte and Gaspar capturing the ship carrying US gold to France for the Louisana Purchase and burying it at Lostmans River.That never happened.
What is interesting,many of his stories were used by various writers of treasure magazines and books,and were presented as fact.

That's why people stopped buying those expensive mags/books about 'sudden wealth'. They knew they
had wasted their dough and enriched only the publishers and yarn writers. I have a 5' stack myself so
just call me a sucker too.

As much time together you spent and Ovid never let it slip of his big finds? That is really hard to do. He could have shown you a handful of gold coins at least. The big boys of treasure hunting were not reluctant to show fruits of their labor, maybe not the big ticket caches but a few gold coins yes. I'm speaking of KvM, Garrett, Lagal, Hardrock and other full-timers. And they didn't bend your ears over how many deep vacant holes they dug. Not putting you down, you're just try to learn and I admire your spirit to keep going when most would quit.

Ovid told me lots of stories. He did have some finds such as a gold filled pot that he and a farmer dug up behind a barn. The farmer pulled a shotgun on him and ran him off. Ovid had the coins in his hand. That one seemed to bother him more than the others. I am not going to go in to telling of his finds on here because I don't need the grief from the doubters and I have nothing to gain from this. Ovid was not one of the "big boys". Dowsing and treasure hunting were a hobby to him. He really didn't do much actual digging. It was the thrill of the hunt for him. There are people that go after wildlife with a camera and a picture is good enough for them. Others feel the need to shoot an animal with a gun so they have its head to hang on a wall. To each his own.

You think I am bending some ones ears on here with my stories. Nobody is being forced to read anything on this thread or Treasurenet in general.

Research not required, this picture sums it up: View attachment 963098

Your comment and the posting of this sums up the difference in the way you and I think and perceive things. You think a guy with a pendulum is a nut. So a guy with 20 pendulums is a huge nut. Why do you think he has so many different objects on strings? It is because he is an expert. Each one has a different use. Why do you see on TNET that some of the guys list about 10 different metal detectors. Why do they need more than one. It is because each one may do something a little more specialized than the others.

How many hammers does the average person own? One? Two? I have over 25 different hammers and each one is different from the others. Some of them are only used for one special purpose. Over the years as different needs have come up I will get another tool that may make what I am doing easier. I own way over a couple thousand separate tools. Ovid had a hollow brass tube that had two ounces of gold inside it. This was his main pendulum. Some of the different ones were as follows. Copper. Lead. Diamond. Rag. Mule tooth. Wood. Silver. Leather. Glass. And others. The mule tooth was used to find a farmers lost mule. The leather was used to help find peoples wallets that were lost while plowing their fields. The rag was attracted to paper money. He used the diamond pendulum when we were trying to find a plane that had crashed in the mangroves carrying stolen diamonds. It worked. He also used it to help a guy find the grave where his great grandmother was buried with a big diamond ring. Ovid said the guy was going to dig her up to get the ring. We had a problem with his main pendulum because the gold was encased in brass and it had a tendency to find brass. Of course there is a lot more buried brass than gold.

I am sure that there will be many people reading this that will think it is all a bunch of baloney. What people may think has absolutely no effect on the truth. Refusing to have an open mind about these kind of things is a mistake. You don't know what you may be missing.

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The German submarine was the U-853. My friends dad found the diamond and gold filled 88mm shells. He died in the 60's. He had shown my friend where he reburied some of the shells near the lighthouse. The others are in New Jersey. Here is what one of the shells looks like. View attachment 963451 There were 12 of them originally buried by the parking lot. They were full of mostly diamonds and the ends were sealed with wax. I dug for some of them in New Jersey but realized too late I dug in the wrong spot. Here is a picture of that dig.View attachment 963452 I was actually standing up under this rock during the dig. I got worried that it was going to fall in on me. This was back in 1987 and before I met Ovid. This had nothing to do with dowsing.


BDD: If you will swear on Ovid's grave not to blowup this thread, and me with it, I will tell you that in my post, about YOUR HUGE DOG HEAD I was using huge head as a metaphore for huge
EGO. Duck and cover, duck and cover!!!

The German submarine was the U-853. My friends dad found the diamond and gold filled 88mm shells. He died in the 60's. He had shown my friend where he reburied some of the shells near the lighthouse. The others are in New Jersey... There were 12 of them originally buried by the parking lot. They were full of mostly diamonds and the ends were sealed with wax...
BDD and the U-853 local lore tale was discussed on :
Treasure Hunting/Shipwrecks,page 4/Scuttled Nazi Treasure Submarine,started by Bodadilla-start on page 5,post #90 by BDD.

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