Pirate Treasure-Trying to get a permit to dig up

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pulled this from a newspaper article written by a guy taking poor notes while talking to Ovid for a very brief time on our second Engelewood dig.Hardly credible...
Yes,I took that from a newspaper article that YOU POSTED on this thread.If it was "hardly credible",why did you post it?You keep claiming that I can not keep my facts straight. I do find that statement rather amusing from someone whose Ovid/Fisher name dropping stories have changed to fit whatever point you make at the given moment.
So tell,BDD,what facts don't I get straight?

Yes,I took that from a newspaper article that YOU POSTED on this thread.If it was "hardly credible",why did you post it?You keep claiming that I can not keep my facts straight. I do find that statement rather amusing from someone whose Ovid/Fisher name dropping stories have changed to fit whatever point you make at the given moment.
So tell,BDD,what facts don't I get straight?

I posted it because it existed. I posted it because it pertained to Ovid, myself and digging for buried treasure. I posted it as an example of how inaccurate newspaper articles are. I posted it because I knew what reaction I would get from you. I posted it because I have nothing to hide.

As far as you and facts, from the time of your very first post aimed at me you had the facts wrong. I said a treasure was 1000' from a highway and you made fun of what said as you somehow misread it and stated that I said 1000' below the ground. I pointed out your mistake and you have never gotten over it. You tried to make fun of me and you haven't stopped since then and have continued over a period of about the last two years. You have followed me all over TNET. People reading this don't know our history of this stupid feud.

Your last post where you claim my "name dropping stories" change to fit the points that you think I am making is a perfect example. My stories don't change. Why is it that when I put a name in my post it is called "name-dropping" but when you put out one of your longwinded facts spewing lists, loaded down with name after name that usually have nothing to do with the subject at hand, it is not also "name-dropping"? In between your first post to me to the last there have been so many errors I would be up all night "researching" old posts just to put together the list of facts you don't get straight.

ECS-Not only have you become very irritating but you are also starting to bore me. I think I might need to start treating you like a pesky fly that keeps buzzing about my head. Irritating but harmless. Why don't you go fly away and lay some eggs in a crap pile. Do you know what fly eggs become? Research that and get back with us. Keep flying around my head and I will have to get out my swatter. Oh, oh! There goes another one of my veiled threats.

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You could always start with the facts that you don't get straight or the facts you ignore when they don't fit your version of events.

You could always start with the facts that you don't get straight or the facts you ignore when they don't fit your version of events.

Here are some facts for you. I dig for treasure. I will find treasure. We are on Treasurenet.com. It is a treasure hunting website.

View attachment 966578 I dig holes. Would you care to join me in this hole? I want to show you what is at the bottom. I don't hide in front of a computer making fun of others.

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The fart lighting attempt while I was entered in a national comedy contest failed as my jets were to big, I was running a little rich, this caused me to flood the lighter flame, which led to failure to ignite, otherwise I would have been the brightest star of the night. I have a picture somewhere but can't seem to find it at the moment. A little help vor? Permission granted to post pic.

As requested.

View attachment 966743

Some men seek fortune, others seek fame.

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As requested.

View attachment 966743

Some men seek fortune, others seek fame.

I want it ALL! I am very determined to have both. Look at my face in the above photo. I was trying my hardest to fart but it just was not meant to be. I entered this comedy contest on a whim without knowing anything about it. I had begun my acting career one week earlier. The contest was sponsored by HBO and was titled "The funniest man in America". If I were to attain fame a video is sure to surface of the entire event. I did as bad as you could possibly do and was literally dragged off the stage. My friends thought it was hilarious. I tried so hard I pissed my pants. I have a picture somewhere.


View attachment 966881

So hear me all and listen good. Take a deeeep breath and remain calm. BDD is going into his predictable Hat Trick Routine.
Pay close attention lest the forest become obscured by the trees and you will no longer be able to see the forest for the trees and become LOST in the BDD Land of OZ maze. DO NOT even consider following the YELLOW BRICK ROAD, that BDD keeps pointing to at every turn. BDD appears to be playing the role of man behind the curtain and the girl from Kansas in this play.

If insults and attacks do not stop some may find they can't log in....

American by birth, Patriot by choice.

I would rather die standing on my two feet defending our Constitution than live a lifetime on my knees......

BDD appears to be playing the role of man behind the curtain and the girl from Kansas in this play.

I am not sure why you would say this as I am one of the most out in the open people on TNET. Not only am I not hiding I have invited anyone interested in helping to come meet me in person. Thank fully there are a lot of people that ignore all the useless negativity on here and many have taken up my offer. Because of my openness and apparent honesty others have been willing to share their methods and knowledge. I believe it has now led me to numerous treasures totally unrelated to Ovid. I am wiling to use many different forms of detection and do not rely on just the conventional ones. If people were more open-minded you would be surprised at what you could learn.

At the moment I am undecided at how best to go about the entire recovery process. One thing we know is that it will be virtually impossible to keep it a secret and therefore are not even going to try to. It is possible we may make it a media event and try to make money off the actual digging. I am sure that a lot of people on here would do things differently than we may but until you actually have the opportunity you really don't know what you would do. One thing I am sure of is that we will not make Geraldo's mistake and not find out for sure if there is a treasure waiting to be recovered. There are many ways to do this.

BTDT2 will not be able to reply, he is on timeout. ....

American by birth, Patriot by choice.

I would rather die standing on my two feet defending our Constitution than live a lifetime on my knees......

Anybody that thinks treasure finding is easy has not spent much time doing it. I have shown just a few of the empty holes I have dug. I do not want to keep doing this so I am trying to learn from my mistakes. I just traded and got another nice metal detector last night. I got a converted shovel with it that will come in extremely handy. Having the right tools can make all the difference. The absolute most important ingredient for digging up treasure is to find the right place to dig.

How do you decide where to dig? Did you come up with a treasure map with an X marks the spot on it? Not likely. Did you find an old diary that tells where a hidden treasure is? This could happen. How about a death bed confession from someone right before they die telling you where they hid the gold? Stories from treasure books or magazines? They might get you out looking but it is hard to tell what to believe.

I believe a good hiding spot today may have been a good spot a long time ago. Whatever method you use if you can't come up with a specific spot to dig you will never find anything. Running around with a metal detector will get you digging up lots of trash. Maybe within that trash there may be something of value. The beach could be good and of course the scenery there is nice. The guy I bought the detector from found a $6500 ring a few weeks ago at the beach.

I have an old creek in our area where the story goes there was a Civil War outpost along the bank. There was also a few rumors that pirates might have gone up the creek from the Manatee river. I found out who owned the property and got permission to hunt for treasure there. First we had a map dowser locate an exact spot on a Google Earth photo. It was in the close proximity to where I was told the outpost was. I took a person with an one-of-kind LRL (long range locator) to the area. I let him go off into the woods on his own and he came back out and told me he located a spot. I had another person who I believe has very good on site dowsing capabilities go into the woods on his own and he came back and said he had a location.

Nobody was to do any marking of the spot in any way. After each was done I would go into the woods and have them show me the spot. I brought another person to the site that had a unique device and they went off into the woods with it. They came back and said they found a hotspot. Nobody knew what the others had done and these were separate occasions. EVERYBODY marked the same spot within 3 feet and it was in the EXACT spot that the map dowser had marked. Wild hogs were in the area and kept the ground pretty tore up so there were no footprints from us and there was no way anybody was able to tell what anybody else had done.

I brought a GPR expert to the site. I took him into the woods and put him right in the immediate vicinity of the spot. He got excited because the GPR image showed an area of disturbed soil (not from the hogs) EXACTLY where everyone had said they got a reading for gold. Well at this point you would think there must be something there. A good friend of mine (and TNET member) and I brought our detectors, shovels, machete, pick, probes, ladder and a few other odds and ends, into the woods to the site.

We started probing, then detecting, digging then detecting, more probing, then detecting, more digging, and probing, and digging, and ended up with an approximately 8 foot deep hole. Not a single detector hit. I pushed one of my bigger probes into the ground and it went down 6 feet with me hardly pushing on it. We were near the creek bank. It was some of the easiest digging I had ever done. It was getting dark but I was not ready to give up. We covered the hole so that nobody would fall in and decided to come back the next afternoon and dig some more.

The next day we were digging around and probing and we heard a couple trucks pull up on the other side of the creek. We hid and watched as two guys got out and walked around. This went on for about a half an hour. We could not tell what they were doing and at times they were only about 40 feet away. The property on the other side is part of a farm. I had in the past had two well known map dowsers mark a location on a photo that was on the other side of the creek. It was not more than 20 feet from where the other guys parked their truck. They eventually left. The only thing I could guess they were doing would be some sort of treasure hunting. Just a coincidence? I know for a fact it had nothing to do with us being there.

Had some one or something led them to the spot on the other side of the creek? We may never know. It was getting dark. We filled in the hole. Is that the end of this site as far as me going back to dig again? Maybe I will take the Nokta Golden King there when it is fixed by Kellyco. This story is just one of dozens upon dozens that I have. I will eventually dig something up. I think it will be real soon. I hope so. I'm getting to old to be digging empty holes.

This is the site before we filled the hole in.

View attachment 967711 If anybody tells you finding treasure is easy, don't believe them.

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I am not sure why you would say this as I am one of the most out in the open people on TNET. Not only am I not hiding I have invited anyone interested in helping to come meet me in person. Thank fully there are a lot of people that ignore all the useless negativity on here and many have taken up my offer. Because of my openness and apparent honesty others have been willing to share their methods and knowledge. I believe it has now led me to numerous treasures totally unrelated to Ovid. I am wiling to use many different forms of detection and do not rely on just the conventional ones. If people were more open-minded you would be surprised at what you could learn.

At the moment I am undecided at how best to go about the entire recovery process. One thing we know is that it will be virtually impossible to keep it a secret and therefore are not even going to try to. It is possible we may make it a media event and try to make money off the actual digging. I am sure that a lot of people on here would do things differently than we may but until you actually have the opportunity you really don't know what you would do. One thing I am sure of is that we will not make Geraldo's mistake and not find out for sure if there is a treasure waiting to be recovered. There are many ways to do this.

It has been a couple years now since this thread was started and you were trying to find out how to get the permits. Have you accomplished that yet?

It has been a couple years now since this thread was started and you were trying to find out how to get the permits. Have you accomplished that yet?

No I have not gotten the permits. I tried at the beginning of this thread but have not tried recently. Are you asking this because this thread seems to be off on different tangents and does not seem to pertain to the original intent for starting this thread? Do you think I should stop posting on this thread? To be honest I have not given up on the Rocky Bluff site. Do you have a suggestion for me as to how to obtain permission to survey and dig at this particular site.

I have noticed that there are other threads that have been going on for over 7 years. Does Treasurenet have a time limit? Did someone complain about this thread? I have read in the TNET rules that when a thread has run its course it should stop. Should I?

Tnmountains-I will take the hint. I reread the rules. No need to answer my questions. If I decide to try again to get a permit to dig at Rocky Bluff I will post about it on here. If someone has a question, comment or GOOD advice that pertains to me getting permission from the FDOT to survey/dig for possible silver buried at the I-75/Highway 301 intersection on the Manatee river at Rocky Bluff, I will be glad to post a reply.

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Tnmountains-I will take the hint. I reread the rules. No need to answer my questions. If I decide to try again to get a permit to dig at Rocky Bluff I will post about it on here. Stick a shovel in me. I am done here (for now).

Start another thread "LRLs, Dowsers and Hogs".

When the purpose of the original post has been fulfilled, the thread should end. If you want to talk about something else, start a new thread in an appropriate forum.


When the purpose of the original post has been fulfilled, the thread should end. If you want to talk about something else, start a new thread in an appropriate forum.

I see no fulfillment. BDD is still wanting a permit and activity at his site is picking up.

You didn't happen to get the plate no. of the vac truck, did you?

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