Pirate Treasure-Trying to get a permit to dig up

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ECS, BDD gave the same answer you usually give.
Sounds like you have not found the news article from the '60's concerning three bars of silver.
Now many of the treasure hunts on this thread are based on the infallibility of a dowser with the Atocha event refered to as proof of such.
As you and another have mentioned many times of a documented well known pirate hangout,it seems that the dowser story related on this thread concerning the Atocha is NOT documented,or mentioned by anyone who was ever involved or worked with Mel Fisher,but it is expected that the reader of this thread should except it without question.
If a similar tale was posted by lastleg,vor,me,or anyone else,would you not question the validity of such? I know you would.
Is it unreasonable to ask for proof when such a statement is made?
Or,Salvor6,do you think we should accept every statement made as absolute?
I can't,I won't,I am sorry,just wasn't born to follow.

Sounds like you have not found the news article from the '60's concerning three bars of silver. Now many of the treasure hunts on this thread are based on the infallibility of a dowser with the Atocha event refered to as proof of such. As you and another have mentioned many times of a documented well known pirate hangout,it seems that the dowser story related on this thread concerning the Atocha is NOT documented,or mentioned by anyone who was ever involved or worked with Mel Fisher,but it is expected that the reader of this thread should except it without question. If a similar tale was posted by lastleg,vor,me,or anyone else,would you not question the validity of such? I know you would. Is it unreasonable to ask for proof when such a statement is made? Or,Salvor6,do you think we should accept every statement made as absolute? I can't,I won't,I am sorry,just wasn't born to follow.

The "infallibility of a dowser"? I have never claimed he was infallible. I don't expect you to accept Ovid's involvement with the Atocha. Why would I? You don't believe ANYTHING I say on ANY thread. I don't have to prove anything on here. The way Treasurenet works is that if you don't believe something you are advised to go elsewhere. If you just can't help yourself and continue to read this thread then I welcome you to try to prove that I am wrong. That is what bothers you because you have not proven I am wrong about ANYTHING on ANY thread or post for the last two years. It is eating away at you ECS. Get a grip on yourself.

Whether you decide to believe what I say is certainly your choice. I can tell you this, I believe everything thing that I say and that is all that matters to me. If we were in a court of our Treasurenet peers and we each presented our case, you would lose. Deal with it.

My reply was to a post made by Salvor6,but,as usual,you make all replies about you and go on the defensive,then you make veiled threats.When you make veiled threats it makes your post lack credibility,when you post lack credibility questions arise.When questions arise you become riled,irritable,look for spelling errors,and apt to send PM's to Salvor6,who is going to support you no matter what you post,and direct a rant at me.When Salvor6 directs a rant at me,I respond.
Stop making me respond by providing REAL documentation,and not clever cliches.

ECS-You have not been involved in anything that I have ever done. You have chosen to not meet me in person to decide for yourself if I am smart enough to decide if an old man swinging pendulums is actually the real deal. It would have only taken me a very short time to figure out whether I was wasting my time. I was an Army engineer. We were trained in the go/no go method. Either something works or it doesn't. It is real or it is not. You never met Ovid. You sit there in your chair judging him and I without knowing the facts. What is your agenda? What do you hope to gain? Are you trying to protect everybody else from me scamming them? Are you envious because you have no stories of your own to share with us? View attachment 962422 I am putting myself here for all to see. This is me. Who is ECS? What is your claim to fame? What are your qualifications that you believe make you a capable judge and jury? This is the cache hunting forum on Treasurenet-lead, follow or get the heck out of the way. I started this thread. ECS-Why don't you start your own?

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My reply was to a post made by Salvor6,but,as usual,you make all replies about you and go on the defensive,then you make veiled threats.When you make veiled threats it makes your post lack credibility,when you post lack credibility questions arise.When questions arise you become riled,irritable,look for spelling errors,and apt to send PM's to Salvor6,who is going to support you no matter what you post,and direct a rant at me.When Salvor6 directs a rant at me,I respond. Stop making me respond by providing REAL documentation,and not clever cliches.

Veiled threats? My posts lack credibility? According to whom? You? I do get the humor in your post. It is a takeoff of the insurance commercial series that are starting to become irritating. When the commercials become irritating, I get angry. When I get angry at the TV I turn it off or leave the room. ECS-You can't turn me off so I suggest you leave the room.

Real documentation? You're the documentation expert. I dig holes. I look for treasure. I am glad you find my clichés clever. Thanks for the compliment.

I just question the answers-I am not nor ever be judge and jury.Are we not allowed to question your statements on this thread?Do you expect the reader to believe everything you post?
When I post,I either put a link,or enough key names for one to research what I presented.
Why do you feel this is an affront on you? You should appreciate the research and do your own follow ups,instead of attacking the messenger.
Many times you present extemporaneous examples of former endeavoures that have no bering on the discussion at hand as an imprimatur for genuflection.
Are you saying we need a "claim to fame" to respond on this thread?
Fame,as many things,is only an illusion,temporary at best.

I just question the answers-I am not nor ever be judge and jury.Are we not allowed to question your statements on this thread?Do you expect the reader to believe everything you post? When I post,I either put a link,or enough key names for one to research what I presented. Why do you feel this is an affront on you? You should appreciate the research and do your own follow ups,instead of attacking the messenger. Many times you present extemporaneous examples of former endeavoures that have no bering on the discussion at hand as an imprimatur for genuflection. Are you saying we need a "claim to fame" to respond on this thread? Fame,as many things,is only an illusion,temporary at best.

Sure, you can certainly question anything I post as I don't really expect everybody to believe what I say. From the time of my first post in March of 2012 I have had a long list of doubters that don't seem to believe anything I put on here. I have made the best effort that I can to answer each and every question even when I feel something is redundant or irrelevant. When I pose a question back of the person asking they rarely reciprocate with an answer of any kind. It is supposed to work both ways.

I do appreciate your research and feel you are now the top researcher on my team. Thanks for your efforts as I will assume you are only trying to help. I sometimes feel that you don't believe anything that I put on here but yet you expect myself and the readers to believe your endless supply of names and dates as the gospel truth. You cannot believe everything you read anymore than I should believe everything I am told.

Our methods are different. Our goals may be different. I have spent my entire life being under-estimated and it has caused me to be more defensive than it appears I should be. My word means everything to me. I have been self-employed for over 30 years and most of my business is done with nothing in writing. Everyone that really knows me will tell you that I tell the truth and do not have a tendency to exaggerate. Your constant dis-belief of any and all things I say gets really old to me and yes I will lash out. If you can't stand the heat, get out of the kitchen.

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ECS seems to think that I never do any research and don't read old written information like he does. I am not sure where he got this idea as I have been an avid reader from the time I was a little boy. When I first got involved in my treasure story I have tried to research each and every detail of everything that came up. I was led to a place in New York by a childhood friend when we went after a German submarine treasure. It involved the U-853. While in New York at Long Island I heard a story from a park worker about an old man going after the same treasure that we were there for. I decided to check out his story and went to the Montauk library to see what I could find about the event I was told of. This was long before cell phones. personal computers, Google and so forth. I looked thru years worth of actual newspapers and found one small article that told the story of the event the park worker spoke of. Here is a copy I made of that article. View attachment 962476View attachment 962477 You can click on this to blow it up.

I got Ovid's name from this and called information to get his phone number. I called, we talked and I went to see him the next day. 1400 miles later I had a new friend and we embarked on many adventures together. It is my fault we have not yet recovered the treasures. Mark my word, the day will come.

ECS said:

"Sounds like you have not found the news article from the '60's concerning three bars of silver."

Could you post that newspaper article or give a date?

You probably wouldn't get as much heat as you do if you would keep the "unconventional" evidence under wraps. The Duke's use of a rod with atomic crystals to locate a site does nothing to convince most of us.

View attachment 962798

This is a good read. If there is a treasure or not this thread alone is a treasure. Man I would love to find a treasure map, for now ill read your adventure.

BDD You probably wouldn't get as much heat as you do if you would keep the "unconventional" evidence under wraps. The Duke's use of a rod with atomic crystals to locate a site does nothing to convince most of us. View attachment 962798

I can stand the heat. I have worked construction in South West Florida for over 34 years. I learned how to use a computer so that I could reply on an internet forum that was set up for some off-road racing I used to do. There was a faceless unknown person that went by the name "Ralph" that constantly harassed me. There were about four or more people that came onto that site pretending to be Ralph. I challenged Ralph to show up in person to do his talking in front of everybody. Of course Ralph never showed up at any of the races but still continued to harass me. I actually enjoyed the "heat" he put on me and I think everyone following that website enjoyed it too. That is the way I feel about TNET. I am on here because I enjoy it and I think most of the readers do too.

What people reading this thread don't know or see is all the people that contact me thru PM's (private messages). That is how I have been able to meet so many new people and learn new methods of looking for stuff. A couple of TNET members and I will be driving over to the Kellyco metal detectors business near Orlando on Saturday morning. I am paying for a private lesson on how to use the Nokta Golden King detector I now have in my possession. A fellow TNET member read my postings and decided that I seemed to be pretty serious about treasure hunting. He met us at the Englewood site and is now a new friend. He has loaned me his $5000 detector and I plan on using it to start digging up gold and silver. We will see.

As far as "unconventional" I will take that as a compliment. Conventional to me means boring. That is the worst thing you could call me. As far as trying to convince anyone on here, what am I supposed to be trying to convince you of? That I know where treasure may be? That I know what I am doing? To try to convince you to join me? The only way I will convince anyone about the treasures is to find them. The only way to find them is to look for them. The only way to find buried treasure is to dig for it. You all, especially ECS, can go about it any way you want to and I could really care less what your methods are. I wish you luck in whatever adventure you try.

I am sure that ECS will find lots of info about Ovid and the "Duke". Bigcypresshunter found an article about the Duke and posted it on the Swamp Gold thread a long time ago. The Duke is the one that taught Ovid to dowse.

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I met Ovid in 1987. The first place I took him when I brought him to Florida in the wife's "Smokey and the Bandit" T/A was Rocky Bluff. In 1987 are first mastiff became the number one female in the country. In July of 1987 I started shooting footage for a movie I was making called "Motorheads:An AUTObiography". It was hard to keep up with it all as well as run my own aluminum business. I am going to post a few pics from back then.

View attachment 962913Scarlett was our first mastiff. When she was a puppy I told everybody she would become #1 in the country and they all laughed. I got the last laugh.

View attachment 962918 This is the cover of my movie. I have never really tried to market it.

View attachment 962921 This guy was going to be in my movie but at the last minute NASCAR wanted $25,000 dollars from me which I did not have. I still have all the raw footage of him. Does anybody recognize who he is?

View attachment 962927 I taught my dog Smokey to drive my go-kart. Pretty cool don't you think? Actually he couldn't seem to learn to push the gas pedal.

I think we can clear up the Ovid 'mystery'. If BDD will provide the name of the NC town Ovid was from. That's it. Just the town/city.

How is the "clear up" of the Ovid mystery going? I provided way more than just where he lived.

Glad you asked. One source, of which I am skeptical, said Ovid mysteriously disappeared for a year and
no one knows where he went. Neighbors told his wife to report him missing but she declined saying "He's
better off, I know I am."

Glad you asked. One source, of which I am skeptical, said Ovid mysteriously disappeared for a year and no one knows where he went. Neighbors told his wife to report him missing but she declined saying "He's better off, I know I am."

I hope you "researchers" come up with something better than this crap and I want you to please provide "documentation".

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