Pirate Treasure-Trying to get a permit to dig up

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And if that post wasn't long and rambling enough for you...here is another one that deals with "treasure lore" and the "grain of truth" that sometimes hides in them.

I think this thread has had a lot of back and forth between the "faith in supernatural methods and treasure stories" crowd and the "research confirmation only" crowd. While the sometimes conflict has kind of polarized some folks...I think it is a mistake to count either side out, and discount everything they say.

I'm read a few times where BDD has tried to scoff at the researchers for expecting a map with an "X" on it to show up to believe in a treasure...that is paraphrasing, but to me...following a map dowser is EXACTLY that....an "X" on a map...but with nothing to back it up.

But even if you took a map out and randomly put "X's" or circles or whatever on it, or swung a pendulum over it, or just said..."Hey...that looks like a good place to bury a treasure"... there COULD actually be a treasure there...like BDD said...whether it was recorded or not! Whether a dowser says there's one there or not! Whether a treasure book says there is one there or not! Just because it wasn't recorded, didn't mean it didn't happen. You would do yourself a disservice to ignore a spot just because you can't back it up with research.

By the same token....just blindly going after a treasure because someone told you there was treasure there without, at least, applying some common sense to it, if not a little research into the history and possibility of something being there, will lead to a lot of empty holes, and wasted money and effort.

Take Juan Gomez, and the Jose Gaspar stories...If you believe the guys stories, he would have been coming up on something like 130 years old or something! He claimed to have participated in nearly every major part of Florida history...including all three Seminole Wars!! It was not out of the question to have been around before the First Seminole War when some piracy could have been going on, and made it to even the Civil War....Some military leaders actually did....but they were LONG dead by the time Gomez was spinning his yarns. Plus most of the Islands in his stories that were named by Gaspar, had already had those names long before he was supposedly on the scene.

Here is an example of how two actual events, and a misinterpreted letter, plus some wishful thinking, can morph into treasure lore.


The treasure story is about the possibility of finding some Colt revolving rifles that "fell off of a canoe" in the Caloosahatchee river....and that they were "packed in grease" and could still be in good condition, and very valuable to collectors. The problem was...they were being used in the field by the soldiers in the story (an actual event). That was fully documented....misfires, hurt soldiers, and all...so the part about being "packed in grease" can be shot right out of the water when you apply common sense, and minimal research to the story. If you discount the whole story right there without digging a little deeper, you would miss the truth of the story, and the chance to recover the "treasure" after all. Although they would more than likely be in poor shape, and only valuable to someone with a love for Florida history, or Colt history.

Digging deeper into the story, it became evident to me, that some fifty revolving rifles (as well as some pistols) were lost overboard, off of a boat, but it was in the Atlantic ocean off of St. Augustine...not the Caloosahatchee river on the west coast. The thread I linked to has the details of how I figured that out, and how the two stories merged into one....and how the "packed in grease" part was more than likely wishful thinking...as well as my sources.

If you discounted the story altogether...you wouldn't have gotten to the truth of it....PLUS...there is still the possibility of some of the rifles that were actually taken at the Caloosahatchee, and not amongst the later recovered ones are still in or around the river at the site of the attack....so besides that possibility....no chance of recovery if you don't have some faith in the possibilities of these stories being true.

AND....If you put your faith in the treasure lore story being a fact...without any research or common sense, you had no chance of recovering the guns that Sam Colt actually lost, because you would be looking at the direct opposite part of the state from where they actually are! (In this case there is the remote chance of finding one of the actual guns taken by the Indians, and not recovered by the military, but that is not the point.)

I think a well-rounded, successful, treasure hunter, does his research, takes all stories into account, and has proven equipment, and techniques.

There is always the chance of happening onto one thing while looking for another...my best find, a cache hidden for thousands of years, was found while I was looking for something totally different.

BDD is right about the fact that it doesn't matter how it got there...if it is there...

And not everything was documented, and can be researched.

BUT...a little research can keep you from digging a lot of empty holes.....

On a side note....it would be impossible at this point to try to recover any of those missing Colt rifles....State property and all.....It's best we let them rot away to nothing...you know...for the future generations...public patrimony and all that.

I didnt want to read whole thread. Wheres the chest. U guys find it yet?

I didnt want to read whole thread. Wheres the chest. U guys find it yet?

Yes....but since you didn't read it, you missed the best part about the Yeti, that beamed out of the flying saucer to steal it from them...and then you won't believe it, but a chupacabra riding the Jersey Devil swooped down and stole it from the alien Yeti....It was good stuff....sorry you missed it....

Those dam chupacabras. I guess they have moved up north like the peacock bass.

... Wheres the chest. U guys find it yet?
The question should be-"Was there ever a chest?"
The logic behind this thread:
Rocky Bluff is a documented well known pirate hangout
Pirate buried treasure in chests
Therefore,there is a pirate chest buried at Rocky Bluff.

sound like a fun adventure! anything is possible! I have a good friend who gos to flordia every winter and his good detecting buddy has found big $$$$$$$ enouph that he has payed off his house!
tresure is out there!
happy hunting,

The question should be-"Was there ever a chest?" The logic behind this thread: Rocky Bluff is a documented well known pirate hangout Pirate buried treasure in chests Therefore,there is a pirate chest buried at Rocky Bluff.

ECS-Your lights are on but nobody is at home. "The logic behind this thread"? You read but you don't seem to comprehend. You can post endless so-called "facts" that I sometimes think you pull out of your fourth point of contact. But yet when you read almost anything I try to get across to you it seems to go way over your head. It is as if you do not listen to anything I say.

Yes Rocky Bluff is a documented well known pirate hangout. Pirates buried treasure in chests is certainly possible. If you were to ask me I think it is more likely that they would put treasure into barrels. I don't recall EVER have said I think there is a pirate chest buried at Rocky Bluff. Two years and over a thousand posts later this is what you come up with after following this whole thread mocking me along the way? I said I think there is a PILE OF SILVER. ECS-Read that as A PILE OF SILVER. Could be bars, might be coins. I have also stated dozens of times that it could be a non-ferrous pile of junk.

The ONLY way to find out is to dig. A core drill sample may also show evidence of what is there. This thread was started by me to talk about how I can get permission to find out what is there.

ECS-You yourself have put out numerous of your "facts" that tell of all the gold and silver that passed thru Rocky Bluff. Why do you find it so hard to believe that some of it may be buried by the bridge? Please explain your "logic".

The Manatee River and Rocky Bluff is documented as an unloading destination of bootleggers and rumrunners during Prohibition-does not mean a case of well aged Scotch of Canadian whiskey is buried there. :laughing7:

Speaking of getting permission to dig under the bridge, did you not say recently you passed up the
opportunity to complete the forms FDOT provided you? And then later you asked again and was
denied? This tells me that possibly subconsciously you avoid the reality of getting a go-ahead.
It happens all the time, treasure guys figure out where to dig but don't want to deal with red tape.
Then they get delayed trauma for not following through with the project when they could have.
Stop beating yourself up and move on to something less stressful. Best Wishes

Lastleg, you are absolutely right about subconsciously avoiding reality, maybe there is something buried, but maybe not. I have done this several times, in the last couple years. One project, I spent 2 years doing research, then after finally seeing the site, gave it up. Why? I dont really know, maybe didnt want to be disappointed, or was a bigger project than I imagined.

Speaking of getting permission to dig under the bridge, did you not say recently you passed up the opportunity to complete the forms FDOT provided you? And then later you asked again and was denied? This tells me that possibly subconsciously you avoid the reality of getting a go-ahead. It happens all the time, treasure guys figure out where to dig but don't want to deal with red tape. Then they get delayed trauma for not following through with the project when they could have. Stop beating yourself up and move on to something less stressful. Best Wishes

My signature has always been "You can lead a man to treasure but you can't make him dig". This may apply to you or maipenrai or many others but I have NEVER been afraid to dig. If I am going to do a serious dig I do my best to get permission as it is really the only way to go. There is no looking over your shoulder worrying about getting caught. You don't have to be in a hurry because you think someone may see you. Rather than go into a long discussion about what I think sub-consciously or consciously I will just show you a small portion of some of the digs I have done recently. This is a fraction of what I have done treasure-wise. You can make fun of what you think I haven't found and all the effort I have wasted. You can tell me I don't know what I am doing. Just don't tell me I am afraid to dig.

View attachment 961472 Train links found while looking for the gold filled pots.

View attachment 961473Junk found while digging in a six foot by six foot area.

View attachment 961474Checking for metal in a hole.

View attachment 961475Interesting anomaly in this hole.

View attachment 961476Doing my thing.

View attachment 961477Just another hole.

View attachment 961478Another dig.

View attachment 961479 My core drill on another site.

These are all separate digs. All done since joining TNET. Most of them were in the last year. There have been many more digs that I didn't take pictures of. Does this look like I am "afraid" to find out if there is something buried?

There were contracts on all the above sites. I have contracts to dig on six more. I am signing another contract this week. I am leaving in a few hours to drive 2 1/2 hours each way to pick up another detector. A TNET member that I just met last week is going to loan me his $5000 Nokta Golden King detector. Not only am I hard working but everyone that meets me thinks I am honest too. Just keeping making fun of me.

I hope you find the treasure. I think its way cool that there is a possibility of a chest. Hell I would be happy with just the treasure chest. Good luck. One day I will find one. ONE DAY.


ECS: Hello again and thanks for your posts. I am posting a link below to some information
that you may be aware of. If one chooses to dig a bit deeper, one may begin to appreciate at least some of the multiple motivations that may have been behind the Fowlers Bluff "prospecting" events ~2006 to ~2012.
Discovering History - Orlando Sentinel

It would be a blast working a dig like that!

....but to me...following a map dowser is EXACTLY that....an "X" on a map...but with nothing to back it up.

But even if you took a map out and randomly put "X's" or circles or whatever on it, or swung a pendulum over it, or just said..."Hey...that looks like a good place to bury a treasure"... there COULD actually be a treasure there...like BDD said...whether it was recorded or not! Whether a dowser says there's one there or not! Whether a treasure book says there is one there or not! Just because it wasn't recorded, didn't mean it didn't happen. You would do yourself a disservice to ignore a spot just because you can't back it up with research.

By the same token....just blindly going after a treasure because someone told you there was treasure there without, at least, applying some common sense to it, if not a little research into the history and possibility of something being there, will lead to a lot of empty holes, and wasted money and effort.
Its called common sense Jon.

I'm going to have to mostly agree with your assessment of the credibility of Dr. L. Frank Hudson and crew....with one difference...and that is the fact that I believe in many (but by no means all) treasure lore stories, there is a grain of truth.

The grain of truth in this story is that I believe there is a man-made limestone, tabby, or coquina wall somewhere in the Big Cypress. I, in no way whatsoever, believe the junk about it being six miles long!! Or the part that states that it was 6-8 feet high, with smooth, hard stones. I would love to know where in any part of south Florida you could find enough smooth, hard, stones to build a six mile wall, and two pyramids!!

The wall has been discussed on Tnet before, and I have a book with an eyewitness account of the wall...complete with pictures, but it was crumbling, 4&1/2-5 feet high, 30 inches wide, and almost 100 feet long, and made up of rocks 10-12 inches of uniform size, and rough, odd shapes...NOT smooth, hard, stones.

It was supposedly between to small Indian mounds 300 feet to the southeast, and north of it, and lay exactly east/west. The land was owned by a Mr. McDaniels, at least before 1979.

Now with that being said...

The rest of the story seems like all bunk!!

Especially the part where they had multiple visits from WHITE...That's right...WHITE!! Yeti's!! Even the actual accounts of Yeti's in the Himalayas were of brown-furred creatures...The only "white" Yeti's and Abominable Snowmen (Swampmen??) were from cartoons, and Hollywood fantasy! So these guys weren't just ripping off popular culture of the time, but Hollywood's "Scooby-Doo" episode version of it!!

They also found evidence of Atlantis?!

Add in all the pirate treasure stories, and these guys must have lived quite the life!! I have to believe that there is a "flying saucer/alien abduction while we were digging into burial mounds" story floating around out there from these guys! I mean...they covered, bigfoot, pirates, lost Egyptians in America, and Atlantis stories...why not midnight anal probes?

I have Frank Hudson and Gordon Prescott's book: LOST TREASURE of FLORIDA'S GULF COAST...I have had it since I was a kid...I used to drool all over it back then, before I started to put rational thought to it, and read actual history books that explained that most of the "pirates" in those old treasure lore books, turned out to be Spanish fishermen, that the U.S. was trying to prevent from supplying the Seminoles during the Seminole Wars. And that U.S. soldiers/sailors did break up some of those camps/towns, but not because of piracy.

I know times were different in Florida in the 60's and 70's....You had a lot more freedom....the government didn't really care what the average person was up to...and an "archeologist" back then wasn't the same as one today. These guys were called archeologists, but were part of private "archeological companies. There wasn't the disconnect between them and "us", and they obviously had no problem treasure hunting, selling info, and digging into burial mounds for private gain.

I have a later edition of that book that includes the "1978 postscripts" that show where some of the treasures had supposedly been recovered...much like the story of the "pirate chest" at Rocky Bluff. The problem is...some mention someone getting a "strong hit on a deep-seeking detector" and digging down 14 feet....I don't know of too many modern detectors that can approach those depths on even huge metal targets. There was also a mention of "a group from St. Petersburg" that dug into that particular Indian mound...(and found an iron cannon), it turned out, that in an article titled: "GULF COAST PREDATOR" Mr. Hudson was part of that group! Gulf Coast predator - Tags: TREASURE troves

I understand that some of you guys on here were friends of his...but I just have a hard time believing most of the things that are written in that book...or any other that he might have written.

I knew a man that told all kinds of far-fetched stories...he was one of Buddy Holly's "Crickets"....he was a full-blooded Cherokee...etc....He even spent his later years dressed up as a 40's-50's style movie Indian, braided wig and all....selling crap at the flea market.....He was none of the things he claimed, by the way...but I believe that HE believed some of them. He meant no harm by any of it...he just wanted to impress people.

When someone makes far-fetched claims, and can't back any of it up...I tend to smile, be polite, but not get involved with any of it. I'm sure that if I showed an interest in treasure stories...the old guy would have filled my head with them...just so I would listen to him, and he could feel important, but even as children, my cousins and I knew he was full of it!

Mr. Hudson did include a bibliography of sorts at the end of that book, but I suspect many of his leads and recovery stories were first, or second hand, verbal accounts by people just like the lonely old man that I knew...and the rest were probably by the (I'm sure) poorly researched pirate books, and local travel guides that are listed.

But...Just like that wall in the Everglades...there is that possibility of the "grain of truth".....

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There are tabby rock walls in the Big Cypress, the old Fort Harrel being one example along with many old homesteads. The ancient Indians dug canals and earthworks but pyramids are a bit far fetched lol. Never heard that one.

Always a pleasure to read your posts Jon Phillips.

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