Rocky Bluff is in Ellenton. Gamble plantation is in Ellenton. Sure was a lot of activity for such a small place. Fort Meade ...
The area of piracy in Gulf Coast Florida did not last as long as the era on the east coast and in the Carribean,BECAUSE it started at a MUCH LATER DATE.
When Spain sold Florida to the US in 1821,the end was near for Florida's Gulf coast pirates.
Commodore David Porter's West Coast Anti-Piracy Squadron stationed out of Thompson's Island (Key West)had ended all pirate activity by 1825
NOTE:The Monroe County Public Library has the complete collections of these records,and historian/curator Tom Hambright will make them available by appointment 305-809-5260,or answer your questions concerning this subject.
Once Florida became a part of the US,the Army,settlers,homesteaders moved in and began the GreatAmerican Pastime of moving the Native Americans out,which didn't sit well with the Seminole tribe-3 wars with no surrender or treaty signed-the Seminoles won.
During this time period,while piracy had ended,Florida's Gulf coast had families that were fishermen,some smugglers,and involved in the slave trade-David Levy Yulee had a slave ship registered out of Jacksonville.These same families became the CSA blockade runners of Florida's Gulf coast.
CSA Sec of State Judah P Benjamin set up the Confederate blockaded running routes,in Florida he had family connection,the Yulee(cousin) in Fernadina,Cedar Key,and Homosassa,and the Benjamin brothers(cousins) in Ocala,Marion county.J P Benjamin was a founder with Albrt Pike of the KGC in New Orleans,and the third member,John Slidell served as Benjamins trade liason for the CSA in Europe.
After Richmond fell,April 2,1865,President Davis and cabinet,with the Confederate Treasury fled to Danville,Virginia.While there,Benjamin gave CSA Major E S Hutter his personal copy of Vattel's LAW OF NATIONS,which was used by Benjamin as a CSA code book.
NOTE:Hutter's brother and cousin J B Ward are behind the publication of 1885 BEALE PAPERS treasure.
With CSA Sec of War,John C Breckinridge and Davis's nephew,CSA Capt John Taylor Wood,Benjamin fled to Florida with remains of CSA Treasury (including Mexican silver dollars),down the Oklawaha to Ocala/Silver Springs,and then on to Gamble Plantation in Ellenton.He was aided by members of Fort Meade's "Cow Calvary" and Ellenton's blockade runner families.
NOTE:Union forces expected Davis and Benjamin to escape by way of Cedar Key,and had set up additional guard stations.
During the War of Northern Aggression,the Union were quite good at terrorizing the civilian population with raids of looting and burning down homesteads,and yes rapes occured(I have posted diary links on other threads that detail this).The did hide their valuables,be it gold,silver specie,or jewelry.
Reconstruction was not much better for Floridians,land and property were seized and sold cheaply to carpetbaggers and scalawags,much given to the freemen.There was much resistence to this Federal activity,that many counties in Florida were placed under Marshal Law until 1867.
Reconstruction ended in 1872.
The tales of pirates on Florida's Gulf coast began to emerge in the 1880's-Egmont Key lighthouse keeper Charles Moore,Baird's Fowler Bluff pirate chest discovery,Dudley Patten of Ellenton tale of the black unmarked schooner leaving a square hole behind at Rocky Bluff-and in Virginia,the 1885 publication of the Beale Papers.
NOTE:When the SOUTH surrendered,all her assets became property of the United States.
Pirate treasure would not be.