Pirate Treasure-Trying to get a permit to dig up

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Have you noticed that many of these tales the "chest" and other items of substance that could confirm existence of said treasure, always seem to disappear,with only the story remaining as "PROOF" that a find was actually made? Some here claim the news articles get things wrong while accepting hearsay evidence as absolute proof.

Yeah your right. They should have posted pics of the chests on Facebook. I think they should have posted a video of the dig on Youtube. I think they should have gotten Geraldo to do it live. Any of these would have been proof, right? Wrong. You wouldn't believe it no matter what was shown or claimed. You just flat out don't believe in pirate treasure because you read in a book that pirates rarely buried treasure.

NOBODY on here is claiming absolute proof about ANY treasure. Now the subject of Fowler's Bluff has come up and you and vor naturally don't believe a word from anybody. Tommy Todd has no reason to lie about anything. He did not seek out people to come dig up his yard, they came to him. He got tired of the mess and having to deal with people at what is basically his vacation house.

For someone on here to question whether I was even talking to the real him is absurd. What is wrong with you people?

Tommy Todd

Does this sound like your Tommy Todd, BDD?

Tommy Todd started small in 1982 by offering lawn conversions, pest control and basic residential landscaping. Thirty years later, Tommy Todd has expanded into commercial landscaping with famous golf courses such as Black Diamond and World Woods on the client list. The campuses of Eckerd College and Stetson Law School are also places where you can see the skill and hard work of Tommy Todd on display. While the big-name clients such as Raymond James Financial are great for prestige and pride, Tommy Todd says that its core business is still taking care of homeowners. Outdoor lighting, pool decking and seasonal specials such as cold-hardy plantings are also on Tommy Todd’s menu.


You said you read about 3 silver bars being found in the 1960's. Would you please tell where you read this? Who found the bars? Do you have a closer date of the recovery? Where are the bars now and what kind of markings on the bars identifies it from the 1800's?
Salvor6,I would tell you,but for some reason my research and facts have been held in disdain,called 2nd & 3rd hand,cut & paste from the internet,etc.It does seem you rather here and believe lore,without discovering the origin and history behind it,sometimes it is just that,only legend and lore which cause many years of digging empty holes.
Research takes a lot of time,cross references from several sources,comparison of several accounts to verify validity, and the keeping of said source records.Sounds easy.
Your mission,Salvor6,if you accept it,is to discover the source of the three silver bars dicovered in the 1960's at Rocky Bluff...The rest of this message will destruct in 6 sec...

Does this sound like your Tommy Todd, BDD? Tommy Todd started small in 1982 by offering lawn conversions, pest control and basic residential landscaping. Thirty years later, Tommy Todd has expanded into commercial landscaping with famous golf courses such as Black Diamond and World Woods on the client list. The campuses of Eckerd College and Stetson Law School are also places where you can see the skill and hard work of Tommy Todd on display. While the big-name clients such as Raymond James Financial are great for prestige and pride, Tommy Todd says that its core business is still taking care of homeowners. Outdoor lighting, pool decking and seasonal specials such as cold-hardy plantings are also on Tommy Todd’s menu.

Yes that is most definitely him. Does this sound like someone that needs to lie or stretch the truth about what transpired in the front yard of his vacation house? It seems that everything that myself or others post about their own stories on TNET become treated as if we are on trial and have to prove each and everything tiny detail. I have contemplated many times about quitting this site. I get treated like I am some sort of liar and the moderators ignore it. When I call a spade a spade and possibly hurt some ones tender feelings, I get spanked by the mods. I am a big boy and can take the heat. These arguments on here are child's play.

I have invited vor and ECS many times to meet me in person and then decide if I am to be believed. They do not seem willing to get out of their house and come play. I think they are scared of me as I am the REAL DEAL. ECS claims to be an alpha male. I hang out with my four 200 plus pound intact male mastiffs and I am the alpha male. My bite is worse than my bark. Ask my boys. Now my 180 mastiff ***** is the one to look out for.

I continue to meet new people thru TNET. I just met G.I.B as he was willing to come on down and go for a ride with us. I think he had a good time and wants to play some more. I now have had about 15 TNET members take the time to meet me in person and see what it is all about first hand. If I asked any of them to they would probably tell ECS and vor what they are missing. Too bad. So sad. ECS-How about an invitation from you to meet me on your territory and talk treasure. It might make a believer out of you.

I have two production companies interested right now in doing a TV show. It has to be on my terms. I need a guy like ECS on the show to be the voice of reason. Oops, that vor's part, get it, Voice Of Reason. ECS is, well I don't know what ECS means. Maybe it is the initials of his name, that would be so clever. Keep it coming ECS, lastleg wants to like you where the sun don't shine.

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Yes that is most definitely him. Does this sound like someone that needs to lie or stretch the truth about what transpired in the front yard of his vacation house? It seems that everything that myself or others post about their own stories on TNET become treated as if we are on trial and have to prove each and everything tiny detail. I have contemplated many times about quitting this site. I get treated like I am some sort of liar and the moderators ignore it. When I call a spade a spade and possibly hurt some ones tender feelings, I get spanked by the mods. I am a big boy and can take the heat. These arguments on here are child's play.

I have invited vor and ECS many times to meet me in person and then decide if I am to be believed. They do not seem willing to get out of their house and come play. I think they are scared of me as I am the REAL DEAL. ECS claims to be an alpha male. I hang out with my four 200 plus pound intact male mastiffs and I am the alpha male. My bite is worse than my bark. Ask my boys. Now my 180 mastiff ***** is the one to look out for.

I continue to meet new people thru TNET. I just met G.I.B as he was willing to come on down and go for a ride with us. I think he had a good time and wants to play some more. I now have had about 15 TNET members take the time to meet me in person and see what it is all about first hand. If I asked any of them to they would probably tell ECS and vor what they are missing. Too bad. So sad. ECS-How about an invitation from you to meet me on your territory and talk treasure. It might make a believer out of you.

I have two production companies interested right now in doing a TV show. It has to be on my terms. I need a guy like ECS on the show to be the voice of reason. Oops, that vor's part, get it, Voice Of Reason. ECS is, well I don't know what ECS means. Maybe it is the initials of his name, that would be so clever. Keep it coming ECS, lastleg wants to like you where the sun don't shine.

I don't even know you but you're post made you come off as a douche. Sort of reminds me of them boys who wear monster everything drink monster and drive those lifted trucks that have no need for 12+ inches of lift. They also say bro all the time. Just my judgement then you intimidate ecs about how you are with 200 pound mastiffs all the time am I know people around 100+ pound pitbulls that are built like tanks. They are not as arrogant as you.

ECS said:
"Salvor6,I would tell you,but for some reason my research and facts have been held in disdain,called 2nd & 3rd hand,cut & paste from the internet,etc.It does seem you rather here and believe lore,without discovering the origin and history behind it,sometimes it is just that,only legend and lore which cause many years of digging empty holes.
Research takes a lot of time,cross references from several sources,comparison of several accounts to verify validity, and the keeping of said source records.Sounds easy.
Your mission,Salvor6,if you accept it,is to discover the source of the three silver bars dicovered in the 1960's at Rocky Bluff...The rest of this message will destruct in 6 sec..."

OK ECS, as a fellow researcher I was just trying to share my source with you. But if you don't want to help me out then in the future I will not reveal my sources or documentation. Find out for yourself.

ECS it looks like you rely on heresay and lore too! When I called you out, you can not provide documentation on any of your research.

Your source of the discovery of the 3 silver bars at Rocky Bluff is just a myth.

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There is a old cellar here in my town out in the woods. Its per 1900s the property belonged to a man that was a blacksmith and the towns people would trade gold silver for goods that he can make. It was a very wealthy town tons of farms and need for metal smithing was high. Well lore is he melted all that gold down and buried it in the cellar. He was killed during a famous shoot out. The towns people defended there banks from men trying to rob them. They tried hitting 3 banks at the sane time towns people killed 3 and one was badly injured. Tell me the name of the gang and I'll respect you. They also hid out where Jessie James and many other famous outlaws did.

I don't even know you but you're post made you come off as a douche. Sort of reminds me of them boys who wear monster everything drink monster and drive those lifted trucks that have no need for 12+ inches of lift. They also say bro all the time. Just my judgement then you intimidate ecs about how you are with 200 pound mastiffs all the time am I know people around 100+ pound pitbulls that are built like tanks. They are not as arrogant as you.

Yeah I rub a lot of people the wrong way. This ECS versus BDD sparring has been going on for over two years. Does some of the stuff I post seem to go to far. Yeah maybe it does. Do I really care? Not too much. I don't even know you but your post makes you come off like someone that probably would not like me.

Salvor6 has been to my house a few times. Have we said things that may have upset the other. Maybe. We are grownups. We deal with it. You can't get to know some one by reading the internet. I will guarantee you that if ECS and I met in person we would get along fine. I have invited him to my house. I have invited him to the Treasure Hunter's barbecue for the last two years. I have even offered him a ride. I have invited him to go treasure hunting.

Yeah, xrunnonex, I am a real douche. Yes I am real arrogant. So what. Thanks for your opinion. I will file it with the others.

For the record, last week I had a tent set up and brought two of my mastiffs. This was at the end of our towns parade. I was there to show my dogs and for people to see how the breed earned the nickname "gentle giant". I probably had about 50 tiny little kids hugging my dogs necks and getting their picture taken. There is nothing intimidating being said to ECS concerning my dogs. If he comes to my house I will get him to pose with one of my 200 pound dogs giving him a big kiss on the cheek. If he likes dogs he would get a real kick out of it. If he doesn't like dogs, well that would be a strike against him.

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There is a old cellar here in my town out in the woods. Its per 1900s the property belonged to a man that was a blacksmith and the towns people would trade gold silver for goods that he can make. It was a very wealthy town tons of farms and need for metal smithing was high. Well lore is he melted all that gold down and buried it in the cellar. He was killed during a famous shoot out. The towns people defended there banks from men trying to rob them. They tried hitting 3 banks at the sane time towns people killed 3 and one was badly injured. Tell me the name of the gang and I'll respect you. They also hid out where Jessie James and many other famous outlaws did.

Is this directed at me or ECS? I do so want your respect but I am just not the researcher that ECS or vor are. I don't have a clue who these robbers were and I will admit that I don't care. ECS-Go for it. This is right up your alley. I was going to say that lastleg is up your alley too but it might be taken the wrong way.

Now THAT was totally uncalled for!!! ...but does demonstrate why some on TN would NOT like to meet with you.

lastlg has been "liking" your posts for two years now. Every time he thinks you have scored a point against me you get another "like" from him. I liken it to kissing your butt.(is that okay to say on here?) I think lastleg has a sense of humor but that is so nice of you to look out for him.

ECS it looks like you rely on heresay and lore too! When I called you out, you can not provide documentation on any of your research. Your source of the discovery of the 3 silver bars at Rocky Bluff is just a myth.

Salvor6-You are so mean! Be nice to ECS. He is only trying to help.

This post is for anyone reading this thread. I know I tend to say things I shouldn't. Some times I let people get to me and it brings out the worst in me. I am really not the a-hole I may appear to be if you were to judge me by what is said on here. My sincerest apologies to anyone I have offended. This is for ECS too.

Back on topic, I'm still curious about the vacuum truck and the cleaning out of the alluvium from between the limestone under the bridge.

You indicated that you watched him for some time but showed only one photo. Can you expand on the activities and was this before the planting of the trees?

Were I there I,d keep an eye out just in case while working, but my first thought was bridge foundation inspection.Were faults noted on bridge structure related to footings also, a repair may have been scheduled.:dontknow: Have seen where a unrelated structures footings had to be unearthed to prove proper permit depth and failed. Doh!

Hudson was an archaeologist that worked with Dr. Manson Valentine at the U. of Miami. They went there in the summer of 1968 (I don't know the exact date) and the man dug up a pirate treasure chest. I don't know what the contents of the chest was and neither did Frank but this man send him a gold eight escudo coin. Frank was an eye witness to the recovery.

Stories like this are what muddies the water when it comes to treasure legend/lore, which is why guys like Vor, ECS, and others constantly question information being passed on.

It makes absolutely zero sense that a practicing Archeologist with a passion for treasure hunting would assist in a treasure search, be present when a "pirate chest" was unearthed, yet not have any clue what was in it.

ECS it looks like you rely on heresay and lore too! When I called you out, you can not provide documentation on any of your research.

Your source of the discovery of the 3 silver bars at Rocky Bluff is just a myth.
Called me out :laughing7: !!!
I can provide documentation for the source of the 3 bars discovery,but it seems you can not.
Then again,on other posts made by you,you mentioned events with wrong dates,ships that were not in the vicinity of said event,etc,information that was not quite right,but gleaned from local lore and tall tales.
The 3 silver bars of silver found at Rocky Bluff is not a myth,but it seems that a certain undiscovered pirate chest that is refered to,may just well be!
NOTE: A simple search on TN would have led you to a post dated April 17,2011 which mentioned the 3 silver bars.

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Stories like this are what muddies the water when it comes to treasure legend/lore, which is why guys like Vor, ECS, and others constantly question information being passed on.

It makes absolutely zero sense that a practicing Archeologist with a passion for treasure hunting would assist in a treasure search, be present when a "pirate chest" was unearthed, yet not have any clue what was in it.
You have made a very valid point,JT.
It does make the information questionable.
Also the fact that Dr Frank Hudson was also involved with the search for bigfoot leads to other asumptions concerning a practicing archeologist:

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