Pirate Treasure-Trying to get a permit to dig up

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THAT is precisely my point. My comments were regarding your manner and quite specifically, treating people with disdain and disgust...even the ones that support you! To echo a point, you claim to welcome debate yet when someone disagrees you attack, demean, and in general turn adolescent. I was one of those supporters regardless of my beliefs in dowsing, permit politics, or anything else...but no longer. There is a point where patterns of behavior reveal one's true character and motivations.

I think you missed my point. vor has told me I need to core drill at the Rocky Bluff site. I have told him that I asked permission to do this and was denied. He has repeatedly posted on this thread suggesting I do this illegal act. After having him constantly suggest this for going on two years now, I am tired of hearing it from him. For him to suggest that I won't do it as I may be afraid of the truth is BS and he knows it. vor. ECS, and a few others purposely try to get me riled up as it keeps things interesting and they know I can take it.

Green Mtn'eer- You have to understand that we all have gone at each other on many threads, PM's and more. It is all a game. As far as my "true character and motivations", what do you think they are? Tell me about myself please. Do you think I believe there is silver buried at Rocky Bluff? Do you think I would be down there digging the day I get permission? Do you think I am doing all this just to get attention?

Here are the facts. There is more than one spot at the Rocky Bluff site where I think treasure is buried. I have only revealed one. I have not been afraid to reveal the location where I think the silver is. There have been at least three half-hearted attempts that I have heard about where someone dug at this spot. No one dug very deep and what I heard was that the deepest attempt was stopped as it got (dark, bugs were out, they got scared, tired, etc). Before the hole was filled in the metal detector was still reading buried metal.

The bottom line is-If there is a pile of silver bars buried at Rocky Bluff in the specific spot that I think it is, they are still there.

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I guess I am not tired anymore. ECS-Want to go on a trip with us Sunday? You will have a good time. Don't be skeered. PM me. See, I am a nice guy.

BDD,thanks for the invite,but I reckon not-don't think it would be of benefit for either of us-our ways of looking at things are far too diametrically opposed.HH

BDD,thanks for the invite,but I reckon not-don't think it would be of benefit for either of us-our ways of looking at things are far too diametrically opposed.HH

I thought opposites attracted. Maybe we could learn a few things from each other.

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I changed the channel on the TV and watched some people hunting gold. Then that program was over and I changed the channel and saw some other people hunting gems. Switched the TV and saw some fella's racing each other through the sticks and mountains of Alaska.

Changed the channel again and watched a couple of kids having fun with detectors acting silly, but having a blast.

There is another TV show with survivors, people hiking, hunting and skydiving...

I turned off the TV.

BDD... see you Sunday morning.

I'm bringing my detectors, a video camera and tripod, and some really cool underwater cameras. (you never know)

I just got these at my neighbors house. He passed...so sad. His wife was getting rid of his things. These cameras were on the Swanee River looking for a cache, so they have more experience than I.

View attachment 956819

G.I.B.-I am looking forward to meeting you tomorrow. There is another thread that pertains more to where we are going. I have two completely different pirate sites. Tomorrow is the Englewood site. Just to keep it straight for anyone reading this thread as this thread is about Rocky Bluff.

One of the best things about Treasurenet is that you can meet new people that have the same interests. None of my relatives and most of my old friends have no interest in treasure hunting. Every time I have met a T-Net member I learn something new and gain another friend. For instance, I have a Garrett GTI 2500 but still have a lot to learn about it. Another member that has a lot of experience with this unit will be coming with us tomorrow. G.I.B. also has this same detector. If each of us knows something that the others don't, we will all learn from us having met.

Another member that is coming will be bringing a Fitzgerald machine that he just bought. We will also be meeting the member that has a Nokta Golden King detector. I have heard about this unit but have never seen one in operation. I am bringing some lead to bury so that we can all do some testing. Hopefully we will detect some silver bars or coins and I am also bring multiple shovels.

I went to an old business today at Rocky Bluff. They are right next to the bridge. The owner knows all about the pirate stories and totally believes in them. She gave me the name of a guy that used to own the business next to hers. He spent a huge amount of time investigating everything he could find out about Rocky Bluff. I plan on meeting him. He is probably a wealth of information.

Unfortunately, Florida has LOTS of experience dealing with treasure hunters.. The Florida Antiquity laws will get you every time! They win, you just end up with lots of attorney fees.

Unfortunately, Florida has LOTS of experience dealing with treasure hunters.. The Florida Antiquity laws will get you every time! They win, you just end up with lots of attorney fees.

We are digging on private property. I have a written contract with the landowners. Unless you know something that I don't, my understanding is that the Antiquity laws have no bearing on our dig. I believe that law pertains to state and federal lands. I am sure ECS or vor will correct me if I am wrong.

You know what happens with two alphas-Good luck on your hunt.

Alphas can get along if they want to. On my dig, I have the final say. If you have a project, you are in charge and I respect that. I was in the military. I understand chain of command and rank. Thanks for the wish of good luck.

Although appearing callous the core drill comment is an excellent example of BDD's sense of humor. He has been very consistent from the start. You jab at him, he jabs back. It's all a part of the game. Since this thread concerns no verifiable treasure it has become a comedic exercise.

Funny you should say that. All this talk and the activity at Rocky Bluff is making me feel like talking to someone that can get a survey/dig permit. I know of a couple of local archaeologist and professors that might be interested. BTW-There may be a verifiable treasure waiting to be found. It ain't over till it's over.

A while back there was a truck parked in the area of the possible pirate silver.View attachment 956967
They spent days sucking holes in the ground. I wonder what they were looking for?View attachment 956968

The FDOT people were worried that I might damage the bridge supports while digging with my shovel. They don't seem to be worried about the thousands of trucks going by at 60 mph. If they were concerned they would have barriers in front of the bridge supports.View attachment 956969
It is such a pretty place at the treasure site. I am sure they wouldn't want me to make a mess while looking for the silver.View attachment 956970

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I had asked the FDOT officials if I could use my gas hand drill to do a core sample to see if there was any silver to dig up. I asked them to supervise everything so that nothing would be damaged. My written request stated that if nothing showed up in my survey/core sample/metal detecting, that I would drop the whole subject. I even made another trip to state headquarters to plead my case. They were still concerned I might damage the bridge. Here is a picture from a couple of weeks ago. This is an out of town contractor working at the site with not a single FDOT official to be seen.

View attachment 956971

I can just see it now. Bigdogdad drills a one inch diameter core hole and 15 minutes later the entire northbound span of the bridge collapses! You should find a soft spot where my boys dug down 5 feet. I told them to fill in the hole.

Hernando Desoto landed here to search for gold. He did not let the local officials stop him. As they were all Indians he and his men just killed anybody that got in his way.

I think you subliminally just stumbled upon your answer

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