After several long days of reading the 58 pages of comments I finally get to comment! Firstly, I want to state that my contrary opinion to OP is not personal! I have enjoyed this thread and appreciate anyone who wants to put shovel to dirt. I also understand the fact that recorded history and common conceptions on things are often wrong... being a treasure hunter is based on this belief. I can also appreciate how hard it is to be disbelieved, interrogated and often mocked especially online. It can create a defensiveness is that is fully justifiable and not beneficial to anyone. I applaud to OP for his tenacity and willingness to take heat. With these things being said here is my opinion on a few things: (1) I think when you claim to know, or think, that a treasure exists somewhere it is your burden of truth. IF it is posted on TN you will have some requirements to explain your position and provide rebuttals. You can say that you don't have to convince anyone - which is true - but then the whole exercise seems a little pointless. (2) People have mocked the dowsing and LRLs (?). I don't know alot about either of those things. I knew a dowser. HE was crazy. He did it in front of me and found a spot that later became his well. So it is what it is. In fairness, he could probably have dug a random spot and hit water but nonetheless he did what he did and I witnessed it. People saying there should be collaborating evidence are making a reasonable request however. Which according to you you have collaborated. (3) Documented Pirate Camp. As ECS stated where is the documentation. I'm not saying you need to have a written record. But if you say documented you need documentation. I know you have heard the stories live in the area etc. I have similar stories where I am to. Undocumented and I have pursued them because I believe there was a hideway there. BUT that makes the site undocumented. I have seen a few articles but never anything really talking about this site being a pirate camp for 300 years. The point? Its still very circumstantial evidence. (4) The tone of this post has trained so drastically it has left me feeling a little cheated. In the beginning it was that there was treasure there and we need permits. There was claims of alot of evidence not being posted here (makes sense). Overtime it seems the argument has shifted to "Well you can't say there is not treasure there until you dig!" which although true seems problematic. I live on an island that has easily a 300 year history of pirates. Well documented relatively speaking. There is known documented treasure they stole ad documentation (including their old houses currently being museums). I know literally a hundred places where local lore says treasure exists and and some of them have produced very interesting results on intial testing. To think there is treasure in even one of these places is probably very very optimistic. I am a metal detectorist. You know how much anomalous signals that are incorrect? Most of them. So it seems the dowser is the only thing that makes this spot stand out. Which refers us back to the issue of needing to corroborate his evidence. Otherwise, this site to me is like a thousand I've seen. Interesting but far from worth getting a permit on. Here I will get slightly personal, my apologies not an attack but rather an observation. Is it reasonable to think that this has largely all been promotion for an ebook? I'm not saying there is anything wrong with this just thats how it feels. As an amatuer treasure hunter the first thing that hit me about this thread was "You'll never get a permit". I assume any other treasure hunter would also know this immediately. So to pursue the permit by claiming pirate treasure etc. would seem the worst possible approach in a otherwise impossible task to begin with. So am I am saying you're naive or dumb? NO. I think you are smart and probably a good salesman in real life. SO why search the one that requires a permit on gov land? Especially when you have somany spots? Proximity? I don't think so. By nature of the permit its just as well the site was in china. You pick it because it allows the most chance for promotion (TN, Tv, newspaper) with the least chance of being discredited (permits never issued). I can even see the last 3 mins of the 44 min documentary. It involves you standing on the spot saying the treasure is right underneath. A kings ransom in silver. But the gov won't let us dig. Why? You could even make a claim for conspiracy. Great documentary has everything it needs. I think this marketing plan etc is brilliant and you should be commended. But it really feels to me (a guy with no horse in the race) thats what this is. So far its worked. Good luck, I hope you find what you are looking for either there or at one of you other sites. Cheers
I will try to reply to each point.
1. Although there is no requirement on here to have to prove or justify anything, I have never shied away from any and all questions or comments. I have tried to answer anything that was asked of me. As far as proving a treasures existence, there is only one way to do that and that is to dig it up.
2. After having spent hundreds if not thousands of hours over the last 27 years meeting with, interviewing, watching, working with many dowsers, I have a pretty good idea what I think about it all. Like everything else, it is not 100% or even close. It is just one of many methods that can be used to possibly find things. I am 100% convinced that it can work. I am also 100% convinced metal detectors work. I haven't found the big treasure yet with either.
3. What kind of documentation do you think exists to prove a pirate camp was actually a pirate camp. Pictures? Diaries? There are numerous stories in books and newspapers about Rocky Bluff. Some but not all have been mentioned on this thread. Go to Rocky Bluff. Right near the site is a sign with a pirate. People that have grown up in this area and have parents or grandparents that have all grown up here will confirm the history of the area. As far as me having to provide documentation about Rocky Bluff, I am not required to provide anything on this thread just to appease the doubters. The truth is I don't really care what a lot of people believe. Circumstantial evidence? If that's the way you see it, fine. When I went to the highway department to try to get a permit there was nothing asked or brought up by them as to me having to prove anything about the history of Rocky Bluff. They are the ones that issue permits to dig, not treasurenet members.
4. According to you your opinion is that from what you have read on this thread, it is not worth the trouble to try to get a permit on. I am the one that tried to get the permit. I am the one that thinks it is worth the time. It is my problem. You are not required to believe any of it.
No this is not a promotion for an e-book. Period. I did not set out to go after this site. I inadvertently showed some guys where it was and they wanted to just start digging. I had been to the state highway department years earlier and told them about possible pirate treasure. They were very receptive to giving me a permit to dig. I wasn't being naïve when I went there two years ago to talk to them again. There was a change in command and the new head said no. Your implying that the whole thing was a publicity stunt is not completely accurate. I have been known to dig for treasure when no one is looking.
I am involved in other sites. I am tired of talking about Rocky Bluff.