Pirate Treasure-Trying to get a permit to dig up

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Originally BDD said the pirate loot was under limestone of uncertain depth. That was entirely on the
basis of Ovid's claim. We still don't know how Ovid knew about the limestone cap. Thus if the limestone
has not been cut through the treasure should be safely intact. Of course the piling installments could
have fractured the limestone sufficiently let the treasure sink to depths unknown, sort of like the
Oak Island pirate legend.

...and like the Oak Island legend,there is No evidence that a treasure ever existed there.Only high hopes based on wishful thinking.

...and like the Oak Island legend,there is No evidence that a treasure ever existed there.Only high hopes based on wishful thinking.

ECS-You are a little dense. Obviously you know NOTHING about the Rocky Bluff site. You have probably never been to the area. You must not have done any research. I have repeatedly mentioned on this thread numerous reasons to believe that there may be valuables buried in this area. Others have mentioned stories from this area. Either you can't comprehend what has been written or you have some sort of mental block when it comes to anything I have to do with treasure. I would try to help you but I think you need to seek professional help.

Rocky Bluff and Oak Island have almost nothing in common. Whereas nothing much seems to have been recovered at Oak Island, Rocky Bluff has a 300 plus year history of pirate and marine time activity. My father almost owned the property where the motel now sits. When this transaction almost took place I was 13 years old and the interstate did not exist there. As I am now 58 I think I may know quite a bit more about this area than you. It is only 5 minutes from my house and I drive by it EVERY day. If you wish to make your self look like an idiot then just keep trying to make fun of me.

lastleg-I had professionals involved in the Rocky Bluff site over 25 years ago. I knew about the possible pirate treasure long before Ovid got involved. It was because of what I already knew that I took him by and then to the spot. I don't think I have ever mentioned that Ovid said anything about limestone. All he did was point out the spot where he got a large, strong reading for silver. Since then I have had around six different individuals or groups tell me there is something non-ferrous there at the EXACT same spot.

I don't think the bridge being built had any effect on anything buried there other than I heard about some pirate type items being found when they put the pilings in. As far as this latest tree planting fiasco, they did not dig at the potential silver location but they may have unearthed something of value while planting the trees. This was an out of town contractor hired by the FDOT and I will bet that if anything was found nobody reported it. I was willing to show the highway department people where I thought something was but they were not interested in ANYTHING I had to say. I have so much else going on I am just going to figure this was a lesson learned.

BDD,you have mentioned your reasons to believe many many times-that does not constitute hard evidenve that any treasure ever existed there.That fact that your father may have purchased the property when you were 13 is immaterial to the discussion,has the sound and fury,but signifies nothing.
Believing treasure to be there and having PROOF that can be documented as a stong possibility are two different things.If they "may have unearthed something of value",don't you think that would have made the news?RE: Recent mammoth tusk found in Seattle.
You call me dense,hey thats okay,but I am not the one obsessed with a dig that will never happen.

BDD,you have mentioned your reasons to believe many many times-that does not constitute hard evidenve that any treasure ever existed there.That fact that your father may have purchased the property when you were 13 is immaterial to the discussion,has the sound and fury,but signifies nothing.
Believing treasure to be there and having PROOF that can be documented as a stong possibility are two different things.If they "may have unearthed something of value",don't you think that would have made the news?RE: Recent mammoth tusk found in Seattle.
You call me dense,hey thats okay,but I am not the one obsessed with a dig that will never happen.

Hard evidence-In your way of thinking I guess that would be some pirates diary? A map with an X marks the spot? Why do you have an obsession with trying to prove there is not the possibility of treasure being buried in an area that was a known pirate hangout for hundreds of years? You don't think that valuables were hidden? Do you think they kept their stash/loot in the local bank in a safety deposit box? Please tell me where they would have kept their valuables?

I mentioned the fact about my father's interest in this property only to show that I have had knowledge of this area as I have lived here while you seem to know NOTHING about Rocky Bluff.

PROOF of treasure being there? The only way to prove there may still be treasure buried there is to find it. What do you think my purpose of going to the FDOT was? I am trying to find treasure. Not only at this site but at many others. You cannot prove anything about this site. I don't know why you are even spending so much time on this other than maybe you have a real problem.

So if some out of town construction workers digging holes to plant trees found some silver, gold or anything else, you think it would end up in the news? You really are naïve, and yes you are dense to boot. I am not really that obsessed with this potential dig. Now you're claiming psychic abilities as you state that this dig will never happen. You greatly under estimate me. It ain't over till it's over.

BDD,I have never claimed psychic abilities,but you have on this very thread.
Pirates were more inclined to spend their gain than bury it at a well known pirate hangout.
...and what is this pirate hangout all about?
Did Black Caesar has a BBQ rib joint there,Louis D'Aury have a spa,Calico Jack have a campground concession?
Ross Island in Tampa Bay was a well known pirate hangout and was raided by the US Navy,and NO treasure was found.
Sometimes legend and lore is just that,legend and lore.

BDD,I have never claimed psychic abilities,but you have on this very thread.
Pirates were more inclined to spend their gain than bury it at a well known pirate hangout.
...and what is this pirate hangout all about?
Did Black Caesar has a BBQ rib joint there,Louis D'Aury have a spa,Calico Jack have a campground concession?
Ross Island in Tampa Bay was a well known pirate hangout and was raided by the US Navy,and NO treasure was found.
Sometimes legend and lore is just that,legend and lore.

I have psychic abilities and have proven them in the past.

Are you saying that pirates never buried their loot? Where did they keep it before they spent it? Where did they spend it?

A pirate hangout was where they stayed when not on the ship. They had to acquire food and water. Do your research!

Maybe there was a rib joint, spa and concession. After all you claim they spent their money somewhere. I don't think the Walmart was open at that time.

They raided Ross Island and found no treasure? Duh! Maybe it was hidden. I can't believe this is part of your very weak argument.

Rocky Bluff covered an area along the river that was about 2 plus miles in length.

You seem to want to write off any and all treasure stories to "legend and lore". I feel sorry for you and continue to wonder why you are on Treasurenet. I will assume that you have no life of your own so you berate others.

Please answer at least one question. It is a FACT that there was pirate activity on the Manatee River which is situated at the lower edge of Tampa Bay. Rocky Bluff is just a few miles from where Desoto is said to have landed in the 1500's. Rocky Bluff is only about a mile from Gamble mansion which is mentioned in your Civil War stories. These two events span a time period of around 350 years. Are you saying that there was no pirate activity which would have included hiding their ill-gotten gains? Second question. Please tell me exactly what they would have done with any gold or silver they stole from passing ships? No jokes, no stupid poems, just your attempt at the facts.

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I do find it passing strange that DOT chose that spot to plant those trees. Thanks for verifying with
the pics. After you planted the seed they tried to reap the harvest. Why would they plant palms
under a bridge anyway? Whose gonna see them down there? There may be no treasure but it
sounds like DOT decided to use the trees as an excuse to dig a bunch of holes where they denied
you access.

Be forewarned, any insults or attacks will not end well....

American by birth, Patriot by choice.

I would rather die standing on my two feet defending our Constitution than live a lifetime on my knees......

I have psychic abilities and have proven them in the past.

Are you saying that pirates never buried their loot? ...

A pirate hangout was where they stayed when not on the ship. They had to acquire food and water. Do your research!...

Rocky Bluff covered an area along the river that was about 2 plus miles in length...

It is a FACT that there was pirate activity on the Manatee River which is situated at the lower edge of Tampa Bay. Rocky Bluff is just a few miles from where Desoto is said to have landed in the 1500's. Rocky Bluff is only about a mile from Gamble mansion which is mentioned in your Civil War stories. These two events span a time period of around 350 years. Are you saying that there was no pirate activity which would have included hiding their ill-gotten gains?...
BDD,the unrelated premises stated do not support the conclusion that a chest of silver is buried at Rocky Bluff,it is termed as a stereotypical argument,where properties of various parts are erroneously attributed to the whole to create a predicted conclusion-ie,because there was pirate activity at Rocky Bluff near where DeSoto landed,there must be pirate treasure buried there.
Speculation that something is there based on unrelated events that have been stated,including the current FDOT planting of trees,does not provide a sound argument and is only a fallacy of erroneous reasoning.

I have been following for awhile and say go for it. I would establish a corp and possibly sell the dig rights to a more savvy set of hunters. You need proof. You could get someone with some good equipment to scan for the exact size andlocation. Also go down stream and get some evidence. Sadly the state has access to satelites that could find what you are looking for so throw some wrong locals out from now on. Good luck. Remember get a company on paper if your gonna fight the court's. Pm if you would like more info.

I have been following for awhile


sell the dig rights to a more savvy set of hunters.

Dig rights??? That's the point of this whole thread. Its state (FDOT) land.

You could get someone with some good equipment to scan for the exact size and location.

Equipment??? The location has been pinpointed by dowsers, LRLs (one even required its own generator and fried all of the TVs in the vicinity), several conventional MDs and only BDD knows what else.

Why don't you get a few more palm trees and go for it?

ECS said: "Ross Island in Tampa Bay was a well known pirate hangout and was raided by the US Navy, and NO treasure was found."

ECS, that's because the US Navy never LOOKED for treasure. The Navy captured 13 pirates and hung them. Years later local treasure hunters found buried pirate treasure on the island. In 1968 the US Army Corp of Engineers dug canals for mosquito control and found cannons. They were taken to the University of South Florida in Tampa and are on display there now.
Rocky Bluff (like Ross Is.) is well known as a pirate campground. Pirate treasure HAS been found there in the past. In 1970, treasure hunters under the direction of Dr. L. Frank Hudson found a pirate treasure chest buried very near BDD's site. Just off shore a famous treasure hunter (I will not mention his name) discovered 2 tons of silver bars buried in the muck. He couldn't get a permit to dredge and abandoned the site. So there is DEFINITELY evidence that treasure existed there. There are just no documents in the archives (that you insist on seeing) to convince you that there is anything there.

No, there was no spa, no concessions, no BBQ rib joint where the pirates could spend their share of the spoils. Therefore many of them buried their share of the spoils before they went out on the next raid. I find it hard to believe that you can't understand this concept.

Lastleg said: "I do find it passing strange that DOT chose that spot to plant those trees. Thanks for verifying with
the pics. After you planted the seed they tried to reap the harvest. Why would they plant palms
under a bridge anyway? Whose gonna see them down there? There may be no treasure but it
sounds like DOT decided to use the trees as an excuse to dig a bunch of holes where they denied
you access."

Lastleg the place where they planted the palm trees is a virtual DUMP! It's a place where the local kids came to party. It's littered with trash. This looks very suspicious to me.

I point out no one is required to believe a treasure story, that is their right, but they can not continually harass a thread or members that do believe......

American by birth, Patriot by choice.

I would rather die standing on my two feet defending our Constitution than live a lifetime on my knees......

Rocky Bluff (like Ross Is.) is well known as a pirate campground. Pirate treasure HAS been found there in the past. In 1970, treasure hunters under the direction of Dr. L. Frank Hudson found a pirate treasure chest buried very near BDD's site. Just off shore a famous treasure hunter (I will not mention his name) discovered 2 tons of silver bars buried in the muck.

Hello Salvor
I am interested in additional info on the two incidents you cite above. However, my search skills must be sub-par as the only mention I found on some searches were from "treasure magazines". Could you post a link or citation on the documentation?

VOR said "Hello Salvor
I am interested in additional info on the two incidents you cite above. However, my search skills must be sub-par as the only mention I found on some searches were from "treasure magazines". Could you post a link or citation on the documentation?
V "

Sorry VOR, There is no link, I don't have any documentation, the pirates didn't keep any. Come to the treasure hunters cookout and I will tell you in person.

VOR said "Hello Salvor
I am interested in additional info on the two incidents you cite above. However, my search skills must be sub-par as the only mention I found on some searches were from "treasure magazines". Could you post a link or citation on the documentation?
V "

Sorry VOR, There is no link, I don't have any documentation, the pirates didn't keep any. Come to the treasure hunters cookout and I will tell you in person.
Capt Henry Ross established a pirate camp on Ross Island in Tampa Bay in 1818.The island had a natural lagoon where Ross constructed a dock,a fort with a dug well,and 2 storehouses.Ross was involved with smuggling and the slave trade,which he conducted in his 3 mast schooner with a 5' draft.
In 1821,the USS Grampus caught sight of Ross,chased him through the Egmont Channel,and sunk his schooner with a direct hit.The crew of the USS Grampus landed at the dock on Ross Island,while the pirates that were there,ran off into the mangroves.After searching all the buildings on the island for goods and treasure,the Grampus crew burned all of the buildings to the ground,which put an end to that well known pirate camp.US Naval archives has an inventory of what was found and retrieved by the USS Grampus.

I think a lot of people have misconceptions about what a "pirate" may have been back in the day. The different countries in Europe all had ships sailing to South and Central America to trade for or perhaps steal gold, silver and jewels. Each country considered themselves the "good guys". So you have the French, British, Portuguese, Spanish, Italians, and more all sending ships both officially and unofficially. A lot of them felt it was okay to attack and steal from anyone they chose to. In fact some of them would lower their flag and raise the Jolly Roger. The movies from Hollywood especially with Johnny Depp give a very unrealistic portrayal of what a pirate may have been.

So now you have back then thousands of ships coming and going loaded down with everything they could get their hands on. There were no reliable maps. There was no way to forecast a storm or hurricane. Hundreds of these ships may have sunk or ran aground. A lot of the cargo may have been recovered but billions of dollars in treasure could be sitting under the Gulf of Mexico and Atlantic.

These seafarers had to maintain a supply of fresh food and fresh water to survive. Some of them would cross the Gulf of Mexico while others followed the coastline all the way around the Gulf, part way up the Atlantic coast and then across to Europe. The Tampa Bay area has a large open harbor. At the south end is the Manatee River. There are many barrier islands. It was a very busy place.

Rocky Bluff is not far from the Gulf. There is a point of land protruding out into the river. From this spot a lookout could see all the way to the gulf and would be able to keep an eye out for anyone coming up the river. There is a somewhat protected cove. There are numerous freshwater streams. The area was heavily wooded. It was a great place to refresh the supplies for anyone traveling along the coast. As stated in this thread this period spanned from the early 1500's till around the turn of the 19th century. A period of 350 to 400 years.

I have lived in this area since I was a little kid. I have heard many stories of items being found that were hundreds of years old. I believe that there is way more treasure to be found in this area than most would believe. If you were living in this time period and had any gold, silver or jewels you would need to have a safe place to keep them. You probably would not keep them under your pillow, bed or on yourself. There were no banks. There probably were not many places to spend your money. Many people might be planning to make it back to Europe to live the good life.

War, disease, accidents, fights, and theft were a common occurrence at the time. Things that were hidden remained hidden. Most people would not tell anybody where they hid their loot. The best place to hide it would be in the ground. That is just the way it was. Much of this treasure is waiting to be found. The possible pirate silver at the bridge is just one of many locations I may know about. I more or less wrote this spot off a long time ago. The FDOT property is just a few hundred feet wide on the riverbank. There are motels, houses, restaurants, and empty lots along this stretch. The treasures are waiting to be found.

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