Don't call him Franky. His user name is Frankn.
A Burma shave is a delight
When Frankenstein is not is sight.
That's what I was trying to get across to BDD.
Bigdogdad called me Sunday to help out on a dig. I drove down to Bradenton and he took me to the site but unfortunately the battery was dead on my deepseeker. It was very embarrassing. BDD had his Garrett 2500GTI and I switched coils to the big coil. It worked pretty good. We found a lot of junk metal.
If you don't go out and at least try to find something, you will never find anything. Research is good but you have to get out there and prove you research good or bad.
Salvor6, I have traveled more miles, searched more for treasure than you ever will in your life time. I have hunted and dug for treasure in 15 different States. I have researched more cities and county archives and county records and have research, photocopies that will blow the tires out on your pickup truck. I have bought more shovels, picks, mattocks than they stock in a Lowe's Department Store. I have left brand new shovels hidden in the mountains that are still there. I have hired back-hoes, track-hoes, bull-dozers, dump trucks and I have dug, dug and dug some more by hand and with heavy equipment. One of our holes we dug was to the bottom of a 23 foot deep well in the middle of a church parking lot. I do not sit by a computer and do arm chair research. I hunt and research for treasure 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 52 weeks a year ever since I was 5 years old and that will soon be 55 years ago. So don't lay this on me about not getting out in the field and digging for treasure--------I AM THERE EVERY DAY.
Salvor6, I have traveled more miles, searched more for treasure than you ever will in your life time. I have hunted and dug for treasure in 15 different States. I have researched more cities and county archives and county records and have research, photocopies that will blow the tires out on your pickup truck. I have bought more shovels, picks, mattocks than they stock in a Lowe's Department Store. I have left brand new shovels hidden in the mountains that are still there. I have hired back-hoes, track-hoes, bull-dozers, dump trucks and I have dug, dug and dug some more by hand and with heavy equipment. One of our holes we dug was to the bottom of a 23 foot deep well in the middle of a church parking lot. I do not sit by a computer and do arm chair research. I hunt and research for treasure 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 52 weeks a year ever since I was 5 years old and that will soon be 55 years ago. So don't lay this on me about not getting out in the field and digging for treasure--------I AM THERE EVERY DAY.
BDD,it is quite possible that there was NEVER any pirate silver at Rocky Bluff.It seem that the story is over.Donneybrook- I am glad that you found it all amusing and that there is now lolol "lots of laughing out loud". Ha! Ha! The jokes on me... The old oaks where some of the treasure was buried (there was more than one location) are now replaced by a row of palm trees...
There is more to this whole episode than meets the eye. If anything was found during this "improvement" nobody is saying anything... The "Silver at Rocky Bluff" story is not over...
BDD,it is quite possible that there was NEVER any pirate silver at Rocky Bluff.It seem that the story is over.
It seems the DOT with the landscaping project decided that the Rocky Bluff story has come to conclusion,BDD.ECS-It is quite possible that you don't know what you are talking about. It is not up to you to decide when the story is over...