Pirate Treasure-Trying to get a permit to dig up

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We may have our disagreements but when all is said and done, I am being sincere when I say that I admire BDDs grit, fortitude and determination, the desire to believe in a dream and the toughness to never give up when the going gets rough. As a watch my friends all give up on my quests, I only wish I had such a partner.

BCH-Thanks. That is the nicest post I have ever had. I know we have had our disagreements but I think we may both have the same dreams. You can never give up. As long as you keep trying things have a way of working out, and that goes for life in general.

My family is very proud of Bigdogdad and we are sure that he will find all the treasures that he is looking for. Good luck and God bless him.

I have someone that has some connections advising me to sue the state for negligence for doing nothing to attempt to recover and safeguard what may be worth millions buried in an open common public area where anyone could steal it if they wanted to. It is possible that it may be nothing but somewhat worthless non-ferrous scrap. More than likely that is what it is. I have been trying to leave this isssue alone but I am seriously considering making another attempt to do something about it. No pirates or thieves have made any attempt lately to try to dig it up. Two half-hearted attempts appear to have been made months ago.

ECS-You need to understand that some of us are actively pursuing treasure and treasure leads. There is so much that has happened since I joined T-net that I could more than double the book that I have already written. Just because I don't post a lot on here does not mean things are at a standstill. On the contrary extraordinary events are now starting to occur. As I am still working a more or less full time job in construction it is hard to give my all on this. I am in the process of finishing my latests projects and hope to go full time on my treasure pursuits/exploits. Two more T-Net members took the time to travel to meet me. We spent all day yesterday together. I will encourage them to post their thoughts and opinions of me and my story on this thread when they get back from the trip.

ECS-I don't have a clue what you do besides research. Care to share? I have asked you to before and you said nothing.

Sue the state for negligence, for not believing every treasure hunter that comes along, and says, "I know where pirate treasure is buried"? Will your friend with the connections, bank roll this law suite? Good luck!

maipenrai-Let me fill you in. It has never been an issue as to whether they believe me or not. As far as that goes I think they completely believe me. What I have been told by the powers that be is this. As far as they are concerned the safest place for the treasure is right where it is buried in the ground. The next thing said was "if it were dug up we would not know what to do with it". I do not think these are the proper responses from the people that have been hired by the taxpayers to oversee anything in the ground or waters of Florida. I think they want to confine ALL treasure hunting in Florida to private property. It will just be a matter of time before they try to claim those treasures as well.

There are people on T-Net that don't seem to believe any of the treasure stories on any of the forums. They will believe in sunken treasure but that is only because they have to. There have been many people that have taken the time to check me out in person. Ask ANY one of them if they think it is VERY possiible that my treasure tales may be absolutely true.

For all the naysayers on here-GO LIKE YOURSELF!

Dog, why don't you wait for the state to steal your treasure before you sue them. Catch them in the act and take lots of pictures.
Then you could get lawyers begging you to plead your case. You would then be rich and famous which is what you want, right?

It's not my treasure. It belongs to all the citizens of Floriduh. If they took them they would not consider it stealing. I will be rich and famous soon enough because of other treasures.

Oh, well then a class-action suit would be the ticket. Just get a million Floridians to join you in getting what's coming to you.

lastleg-I believe there are billions upon billions of dollars in buried and sunken treasure all around and in Floriduh. A class action suit is exactly what we are considering and I don't think it takes a million Floridians to get one started. I am sure that the treasure hunters that don't care about rules think things are just fine. I for one would like to go after some sunken ships I may know of without having to worry about getting in trouble. We plan on starting a treasure company to go after any and all treasures.

If you do a class-action suit be sure you spell the state correctly.

lastleg-I spelled it "Floriduh" for a reason, duh.

I have been following this thread from the beginning. However, a lawsuit will be a waste of someone's time and money. Aside from sovereign immunity, the state has to prove nothing in a suit.

They just have to make a general denial and ask that you prove your allegations with a preponderance of evidence.

And all you have is; Ovid dowsed the spot, two LRLs and a conventional MD indicate non-ferrous metal and there are unsubstantiated pirate stories and legends about the area. Not much to hang your hat on in the way of proof.

As stated many times it is either 1) dig and run, 2) core, or 3) give it up. Unfortunately the law is not on your side.

That said, I vote for option 2 and see what it is. No, you won't go to jail. I don't even think it is against the law as long as you don't damage anything. Just fill your holes.


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vor-I am not going to disagree with anything you said other than I don't know where you came up with the "unsubstantiated pirate stories". According to who? I do have better things to do than try to convince the state officials to let us check it out. What do they have to lose? Their reply to this line of reasoning was that if they let me dig they have to let everyone else. So what! We will be glad to pay for permits, archaeologists, security, insurance or whatever other excuse they come up with to stop us. The bottom line is that the "Archies" are in control and they seem to loathe treasure hunters. I probably should try to forget about it but I drive by it daily anfd I have had someone else say there is something there.

I do have better things to do than try to convince the state officials to let us check it out... The bottom line is that the "Archies" are in control and they seem to loathe treasure hunters. I probably should try to forget about it but I drive by it daily anfd I have had someone else say there is something there.
BDD,have you ever considered the possiblity that "THE ARCHIES" already know that NOTHING is buried there?I know you are aware of the many times construction of roads and/or buildings have been halted by the State of Florida when an archaeological/paleontologial artifact has been uncovered .When that section of I-75 was constructed in the 1960's,don't you think it would have been discovered then?

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