Pirate Treasure-Trying to get a permit to dig up

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Yeah, now that you've been called on it, you try to make it sound like there's a difference, depending on which board they post on. Come on man, you know as well as I do that you guys are not gonna believe any finds claimed by dowsers or LRL users, regardless of where they post it.
Keep it simple KK. People like to brag. Its human nature. If great finds are being made, they would be posted. It doesnt matter what I say or what I think. I cannot influence the outcome and nothing I do could possibly stop a dowser from posting a great find.

Let me know BDD if you want to contnue to silence free speech on this thread. I will gladly remove my posts.

So you're saying we should accept their claims at face value? That is pcism at it's worst. Think boutit.

No one asked anyone to TAKE anything. I just don't think posters should have the right to keep pestering other posters for talking about the way they treasure hunt. That's all. I've said on here, I don't believe in map dowsing either. But I don't go on a tirade about it. I expressed my belief, so now why would I want to harass? People do feel harassed at these thing you know. Just ease up a little and let people post what they want to post. So what if they don't have proof of their claim. It's THEIR claim, not yours. Besides, this wasn't even primarily about dowsing, but some of you guys want to make it about dowsing.

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Keep it simple KK. People like to brag. Its human nature. If great finds are being made, they would be posted. It doesnt matter what I say or what I think. I cannot influence the outcome and nothing I do could possibly stop a dowser from posting a great find.

Let me know BDD if you want to contnue to silence free speech on this thread. I will gladly remove my posts.

Think about all the treasure, large and small, that has ever been found, no matter the method used. Do you actually think they have all been reported? Really?

Think about all the treasure, large and small, that has ever been found, no matter the method used. Do you actually think they have all been reported? Really?
Nah. But I thought there would be at least two. (2)

Nah. But I thought there would be at least two. (2)

Funny you didn't say one (1). If you hadn't already had one, you'd be saying, Funny there's not a single one. But now you have say there's not 2, which is sort of silly, because one true find would make it as true as two, or two hundred.

Funny you didn't say one (1). If you hadn't already had one, you'd be saying, Funny there's not a single one. But now you have say there's not 2, which is sort of silly, because one true find would make it as true as two, or two hundred.
I was only able to find one (1) alleged dowsing find in Todays Finds. I expected to find many more.

I was only able to find one (1) alleged dowsing find in Todays Finds. I expected to find many more.

Yes, BCH, that's what I was referring to. You found one, so now you say it's no good unless you find two. And if you found two? What then?

Yes, BCH, that's what I was referring to. You found one, so now you say it's no good unless you find two. And if you found two? What then?
I cant answer that question KK until it happens.

Question for BDD. I have been without internet for 2 months. I check in every week or 2. This has been an ongoing thing for months. Maybe you will be kind enough to tell me when the Indians expect to dig and I will check back after that date. Thanks.

KK Im glad to see you posting here regular again on BDDs thread. :laughing7:

Just like old times.:boxing: :occasion14:

I gotta check my emails.

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I'm not sure of your sincerity, BCH. You only said it once. If you say it twice, I might consider that proof.:laughing7:

Im glad to see you back on BDDs thread.

Golleee, I go away for a little bit and look what I come back to. KK-Thanks for standing up for me. I don't get much of that. BCH-I have told you more than once if you want to argue about dowsing to go on the dowsing forum. You seem to dismiss all the evidence in the world that shows that dowsing can work. The bottom line is this. You either believe it can work or you don't. If you believe it works it may be because you saw it work or it has worked for you. Either one of these will make you a believer. If you claim it does not work that means that either someone has told you it doesn't and you believe them or you have gone out and proven that all dowsing claims are false. Since proving all dowsing claims are false is impossible I will assume that you have been told not to believe in it and thats what your doing.

As with many things in life there are people that claim they can do something that they really can't. I know or have seen lots of people that claim they can sing. Watch shows on TV and you will see how many are only fooling themselves. I have met many people who have made outrageous dowsing claims that give all dowsers a bad name. BCH-Can you honestly say that you have tried to find someone that claims they can dowse and then had them prove it? Have you ever seen it done by anyone? Well I have, many times. I have done it myself. I have taught many kids to dowse and watched them be successful at finding water lines and electric lines. I have watched Ovid dowse many times and be proven right.

We all know metal detectors can work, right? How is this? Because everyone says they work? Because you have used one and you know it works? Well if they work then everyone with one should be digging up lots of treasure all over the place, right? Wrong. There is lots of junk everywhere that the metal detector will pick up. There is not nearly as much treasure to be found. That is why you have to do a lot of digging to actually find treasure and even then it involves some luck. It is the same with dowsing. Ovid put me right on metal and told me of its exact depth many times. It is easy to find metal. In fact part of dowsing involves finding anomolies just as metal detectors and GPR do.

No matter what method you use you have to dig a hole in the EXACT spot and down to the EXACT depth that treasure is to find it. You will never find treasure without looking and digging.

BCH- Someone bought you a copy of my book. Did you read it? If so do you believe any of it? Do you believe the story where Ovid found a pot of gold, had it in his hands and then had it taken away at gunpoint?

Here is the deal about me. I took an old man on numerous trips to many locations. Unbeknownst to him I put him thru a series of tests which he passed. After myself having been an Army Engineer, Jungle Warfare Expert, a paratrooper, 30 years in the construction business, and a college degree I think I am fairly intelligent and not easily fooled. After all the empty holes I have dug I still believe in Ovid. This is either because I am really stupid or because I have seen too much to not believe. If you want to consider me a fool, go ahead. Your mistake. You will regret it.

We are having a treasure hunters barbecue and benefit for a fellow TN member named mad4wrecks on Nov 3 in Sebastion at the Pennwood Inn. There will be lots of metal detecting, some dowsing and a LRL or two. If I was a treasure hunter there is no way I would miss it. See you there.

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BDD too much to read man. Oh I believe your book. I never thought or said or implied you where a liar. I said many times that I respected you as a person although lately Im losing any respect fast. I believe the part in your book where Mel Fishers group told Ovid never to call again. I believe it all and Im sure its true. Yes a nice member purchased the book for me to read otherwise I would have missed the experience.

I wasnt trying to belittle you BDD. I was answering a question about dowsing. I believe the man should hear both sides pro and con.

You take this way to personal as if its some kind of personal attack. Look BDD I have been at the station for 2 months without internet and I will be 2 months more. If you dont want to hear from me I suggest you stop posting in the Swamp Gold thread until you find something as your comments led me back here.

I hope KK continues to post he can talk about nothing for an entire page.

Good luck.

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BDD too much to read man. I believe the part where Mel Fishers group told Ovid never to call again.

Too much to read? Are you talking about my last post or my book? If you are talking about my book that is the way most books are, lots and lots of words. There were a lot of pictures. Did you enjoy the pictures? For the record it was not Mel Fisher's group that told Ovid not to call anymore, it was Mel Fisher himself.

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The book is good and I will finish reading it someday. I was referring to your last post as I havent even read it. Sorry my computer screen is jumping around.

It kinda neat to not have internet. I love the swamp. The Indans live in a beautiful place.

I hope you have something to report in a couple months.

Where can I find information on the barbeque? We have a hurricane coming to treasure coast. How interesting. What happened to Mad4wrecks? I can google search I guess.

You can read about the barbecue/benefit/treasure hunt/raffle/auction on the shipwreck forum at the top under mad4wrecks. Come join the crowd. It will be very interesting and is for a good cause.

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