Pirate Treasure-Trying to get a permit to dig up

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There seems to be no way to test dowsing skills. This is the problem. Since it interests you so much BDD, maybe you can come up with a test if you havent already.

A metal detector always signals metal. I didnt realize a dowsing rod signified other things unknown. If this is true than you confused me by stating boldly many times that you knew gold was at Cloud Mountain. All you needed top do is say "maybe" and I would have supported you.

Maybe Im writing too much to read lol.

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Retired? That's funny. I work construction and am remodeling a house all by myself for a friend. I work a lot of weekends. I am struggling to pay my bills just like a lot of people. I wish I was "retired".

There are lot's of ways to test dowsers. Use your imagination. I mentioned some that we did on Ovid in my book. Read it. Since you got all references to dowsing banned from the "Swamp Gold thread" we are not going to discuss this on here either. As the Moderator said go to the dowsing forum for information on dowsing. I am sure you will find all that you need/care to know. Go back and read/reread post #895, especially the first paragraph.

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I editted that out (retired)when I realized I had no basis of facts to say that. It just seemed you were posting at all hours. Sorry about that.

I have worked all phases of construction all my life probably like you. I was a carpenter, drywall hanger, plumber, electrician, and I have a current A/C liscense. I now work for FWC in the swamp because Im getting old and I cant work construction anymore. Its just too hot down here. I finally have a job I love.

Im heading back to the swamp soon. I cant think of a better place to spend the rest of my life. Im hoping my boss will keep me working year round. I love hiking and tromping through the deep swamp with the panthers, deer, bears gators and snakes. I love all animals. I cant think of a better place to get old.

As far as gold in the swamp? I doubt I will ever get to keep anything I find. Its pretty much all protected and off limits.

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If this is true than you confused me by stating boldly many times that you knew gold was at Cloud Mountain. All you needed top do is say "maybe" and I would have supported you.

Go back and read your own thread. I only posted on the "swamp gold " thread after you put a link to my website on post#588 and claimed we were working together. In my first post on your thread on this subject #598 I stated that it was a "possible" gold site. I did state that I knew the exact spot that Ovid pointed to but I don't believe I have ever claimed anywhere on TN that I know for a fact that there is gold, silver or jewels at any of my locations. Maybe you need to read more and write less.

This thread is about pots of gold and pirate chests. Can we try to keep it that way please?

I will go back and read it some other time BDD and we are certainly not working together. I am reading about Mad4wrecks and the members that love him. Can we put our petty differences aside BDD?

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I can get along with anybody that wants to get along.

I can get along with people even if they do not want to get along with me.

I hope KK continues to post he can talk about nothing for an entire page.

Your problem is that you don't understand half of what you read. You even keep saying so yourself. That's why you think I'm posting nothing. It's that you understand nothing, or very near it.

And this, once again, is what I was talking about. You can't shut up. And then you accuse others of that very thing.

Let's not have to have Treasure Hunter come on to this thread as he has done on others. I think he reads a lot more posts than people think. Let's agree that we can't all agree and start fresh.

Let's not have to have Treasure Hunter come on to this thread as he has done on others. I think he reads a lot more posts than people think. Let's agree that we can't all agree and start fresh.

Enough of this crap. I personally know BDD, BCH and THTR. All of you guys are not only sincere, but good guys. I think all of you would be surprised at how well you would get along if you knew each other as well as I know you once you meet personally. The cookout will be an excellent place to do just that. I'll bet after you all of you meet, none of this silly bickering will appear on this forum again. BTW, I'm not including THTR in this pissn' contest.

Let's not have to have Treasure Hunter come on to this thread as he has done on others. I think he reads a lot more posts than people think. Let's agree that we can't all agree and start fresh.

Sorry, but I'm not gonna let this dude say things like that about me. BCH can't even follow who's posting about who, and he wants to say I post about nothing?
You should have said this as soon as he started on me, not when I responded.

Who is THTR?

Treasurehunter i believe.
We do need some civility, i can state disagreement as some of you know,but i can leave it at that.
Put you all on a bus cross country would you learn bunkhouse rules and get along because you want to?
Like it or not we represent despite our differences,a whole. Times coming for each when the chase is over. Spend it wisely,your way not mine. mine not yours. So what.

Okay, everything above this post is water under the bridge, everything below it is subject to moderation now.

I don't want to step in but posts below here will be by our rules, and will be civil or will face deletes and or timeouts

Please stop the arguing and insults so i dont have to step in......I also see im only one in thread at moment so this is fresh start....

I am here, I am here now from Connecticut. Can you see me now, Treasure Hunter?

I am here, I am here now from Connecticut. Can you see me now, Treasure Hunter?

Just can't stop stirring the pot can you? Watch out, I know Treasure_Hunter and he's no nonsense. If you would like to see this thread go on as I think after 38,000 hits here seem to indicate, I think you would like to take Treasure_Hunters advice.

BDD thanks for the tremendous effort you put in to helping Mad4wrecks. See you at the cookout!

"Its easier to get forgiveness than get permission" is a saying thats very old, very true and very much liable to get you into trouble. I would never advocate going onto private property and digging without permission but public property is another thing. It belongs to you as much as it belongs to the people trying to keep you from digging there. As long as you put it back to the condition it was in before you dig I dont see anything wrong with digging on public property. I have never dug on public property but I think I would if I was certain something worthwhile was there. I'd be darn sneaky about it though.

Salvor6-Your welcome. All it took was some phone callls and e-mails. I am just trying to help.

As long as you put it back to the condition it was in before you dig I dont see anything wrong with digging on public property.UOTE]

The condition I think it is? I think there is silver buried in the ground. If I dig a hole and take the silver, it is no longer in the condition it was. I have now also committed a third degree felony. I know this is not a big deal to some people, but it is to me. If I was "darn sneaky" I could probably get away with it until I opened my big mouth and told someone.

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