Pirate Treasure-Trying to get a permit to dig up

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I am the one that purchased the only sale of BDD's e-book. It is a good read but I have to calssify it as an autobiography since BDD goes back to his childhood. I told him that and he said he has been hunting treasure since his childhood.

I am the one that purchased the only sale of BDD's e-book. It is a good read but I have to calssify it as an autobiography since BDD goes back to his childhood. I told him that and he said he has been hunting treasure since his childhood.


autobiography/treasure lore with a little dog shows thrown in

Still amazed what BDD did at the Engelwood dig. That and how many miles driving on a possible lead.

centfladigger-Thanks for the advice. I talked to an Archaeologist with USF about this. As soon as you mention the word treasure they are not wanting to get involved. I was told recently that an archaeologist helped Mel Fisher a long time ago and it pissed off the other archies and I think they have ALL decided to avoid anything to do with treasure. If you are interested in getting involved you are more than welcome. Everyone has done their best to convince me to quit and that there is nothing but junk at the bridge. It is very likely that is true and I have said it myself from the start. I have so many other better things to do I may focus my limited time/energy/patience elsewhere. Maybe the pirates will come back to dig up whatever is there at the bridge.

Salvor 6- I hope you enjoyed the book. Yes it is somewhat of an autobiography and I would never try to mislead anyone that it wasn't. The My in My Treasure Story is the first clue. Yes, it's about me and all kinds of my stories in addition to treasure stories. It is also all true other than some name and place changes. Thanks again for your purchase. There are many dog stories in the book. My name on Treasurenet is Bigdogdad and there is a dog on the book cover. There are also car stories and there are cars on the book cover. The central issue of the story is treasure in many forms.

vor-I was at the Englewood site Sunday. I was also at the Alligator Alley site Sunday. I found myself going with someone to the Fowler's Bluff site Saturday. It was a VERY interesting weekend. In the past I would have shared details but I am thinking I may no longer do that on here. If I told what I saw and what happened I would just get a bunch of negativity and I am done on here with that. I have many new adventures that are about to happen. Maybe I will change my mind and post some of it on here. I have an addictive personality and I think I need to wean myself off of this site. I also have a habit of sharing too many details of what I am doing and I need to stop.

I am sure that most of us would like to hear some detail.

"It doesn't matter what they say as long as they get your name right"

I am reading your book now so you have at least 3 buyers. Its an interesting read. I havent got to the "treasure" parts yet.

I decided I will continue to post on here if something happens at the Rocky Bluff site. I will probably answer most questions about my book. I am not going to talk about present and future goings on about anything else. I never really cared about the treasures at the bridge until I joined Treasurenet. I should have done things differently. You can't go back and change the past. I know there are people that think I may be stupid about the way I handled things. To be honest, I don't really care what a lot of people think. The possible treasure at the bridge is nothing compared to what is waiting to be found for anybody that is willing to do what it takes to go after it. Florida has treasure all over. There are people on TN that don't want to share Florida's treasures but I was brought up as the middle of three brothers and we were taught to share with each other and other people.

BCH-I hope you enjoy the book. I am sure you will be able to relate to a lot of what I have done. Thanks for buying it.

I remember as a kid putting fireflys in a jar to try and make a flashlight and I also remember exploring tunnels (old coal mineshafts) and I also remember older kids being mean. But we survived. Those were the good days growing up.

I may not be here much longer. Im moving to the swamp for at least 4 months, maybe 8. Im putting everything I own in a warehouse. I have about 2 weeks to do this. It willl be fun and I get paid. I was also offered a job in the Indian store so I may work there when my job is done with FWC.

I may or may not have internet. Im looking into a smartphone from Walmart.

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It sounds like you are starting an adventure. It could be a great new begining for you. I wish you luck. I still use a dumbphone. I know its only a matter of time till I switch. I just don't think a smartphone will hold up because I am so rough on stuff. I am also concerned that I would not be able to stay off of it as that seems to happen to a lot of people. The best way for you to go after your "swamp adventures" would be to live there. It could be fun.

BDD, a couple pieces of advice from someone that has been there. You need to get hard copies of your book. Go to the shipwreck thread and find Signumops. Terry Armstrong has published books for several people on TN. Send him a PM and a copy of your book and see what he has to say. You could also go to Evatone Inc. in Clearwater. They have a "perfect binding" machine and can publish your book from a CD. Then you could sell it on Amazon and Barnes & Noble. Also metal detector shops like Kellyco sell a lot of books. You could wind up making more money from book sales then your construction business.
The Aligator Alley treasure is 18' deep (you said). You need a cofferdam to get down there. Not a concrete cofferdam but one of those interlocking-sheave steel cofferdams that you pile-drive down to bedrock. This is very expensive. The iron pot treasure is iffy. Go for the best eyewitness treasure you have. Thats the diamonds. I built a steel cofferdam that we used on Cayo Costa out of two 55 gallon drums put together with steel rungs as a ladder. I made three 4' long sections that we sank but it started to collapse from the side pressure at 12' deep.

Agree with Salvor.
You would be better off with getting a small drilling rig to core a few test spots. Aside from a chance of getting lucky and hitting gold, it would tell you the soil composition and where hard rock is located (with a geotech report). Since the gold was not buried very deep, it would only sink until the soil strength was high enough to support its weight (which would also be time dependent). You will like have to bring in matting to support the rig though.
You could then regroup before putting a ton of money into the project. If you get into driven cofferdams, its a 6 figure operation. Might even be more cost effective to just drill holes at 1' centers and try to hit it.
That said, if you scan with GPR and find no anomalies, would you continue??
Good luck.

Im still reading the book. Thanks vor.

Salvor 6- Thanks for the advice. I do plan on a hardcover version as well as an audio version. I do plan on going after the diamonds.

vor-I have something better than GPR planned.

I think it is possible there will be some news on the bridge site within a week. I need some sort of closure on it one way or the other.

I didnt realize dowsing was in my past but when I was a kid, all the women in our family had a test they performed at family gatherings. You may be familiar with it.

The women would gather around. A pendulum was held over a womans wrist. It would circle and if it went one way, it was a boy and if it went another, the woman would have a girl. If it circled and started again would mean another child. It may go again and again or it may stop, (meaning no more children). The women always got a kick out of this and I would imagine it was correct 50 percent of the time.

Wow, I never expected a pregnancy test to show up on this thread when I started it. There are some exciting things starting to happen. The wheels are in motion. The time for talk is over. Multiple sites are in play. At this time I am unwilling to share any details. It is possible that by this time next week I will have plenty to say. I have to thank the Treasurenet site for helping all this happen. There have always been many behind the scenes activities that I do not put on here. There is way more to this story than most would believe. The truth will eventually come out.

Wow, I never expected a pregnancy test to show up on this thread when I started it. .
Neither did I but after reading your book, I realized its the same thing that Ovid was doing except he was doing it over a map or palm instead of a wrist.

Neither did I but after reading your book, I realized its the same thing that Ovid was doing except he was doing it over a map or palm instead of a wrist.

Bigcypresshunter, Interesting story on the pendelium and string. I have an update on a story just like that. For the last 20 years a treasure hunter I know has been telling people that he needed money for a Rich Wreck that he found in Deep Water. He Claimed that he had the exact coordinates and everyone would be Rich.
While working on land after surveying a Deep Water Wreck our group is working on, we ran into this character and his investors. Since we had a Good Side Scan Sonar Unit, the investors for this unnamed person, ask us if we would side scan the GPS numbers of their site for them.

In the mean time one of our crew members related a story to us. He knew this unnamed wreck finder and told us that the unnamed hunter used a crystal on a string and dowsed over a map to find his wreck. Well we side scanned a large area around this unnamed wreck hunters site and found a clean bottom with lots of sand and nothing else. That persons investors were really pleased that nothing was found and that is because they wouldn't have to waste any moer money on this persons imaginary wreck.
So I guess the moral of the story is: Dowsing doesn't always work. :coffee2:

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Nothing works all the time. Dowsing is only one tool. I have learned over the years to try to use every tool and means that you have to try to accomplish whatever it is you try to do. We used an elaborate test to try to see if Ovid's map and beachside dowsing could possibly locate a shipwreck. He did some amazing things.

old man-Sidescan sonar would only work if the wreck was lying above the surface of the bottom. I may be wrong on this as I am no expert. If the shipwreck remains were buried beneath the sand you would not see it if you were diving right over it. I have a spot that Ovid had marked on a aerial photo. I dove on it and saw nothing but sand. Years later I met a guy that had a piece of wood that he had cut from a shipwreck. It was about 100 yards from the end of a fishing pier. He showed me the exact spot that he had found it and there was nothing but sand on the bottom. The level of the sand changes as storms come in or natural erosion takes place. There is an island near us where there was an old fort I used to hang out at many years ago. The fort is now a quarter mile from the shoreline. Also in our area the beach constantly washes away and they will periodically spend millions of dollars doing a beach "renourishment". During this process they indiscriminately suck sand from out in the Gulf to spread on the beach. It is okay for them to do this but it is not okay for us to try to locate a wreck buried beneath the sand. Have someone run a magnetometer over the site that the dowser marked.

I am about to get some of my land sites tested by some experts. It should be interesting. I might possibly share some of the results on here.

I have basically accomplished what I set out to do when I joined Treasurenet in March. If there is nothing more to be gained by me by posting on here, I may stop.

There are some threads where I think they are just trying to run up the post count. There are also some that just like to hear themselves type. I have no interest in this.

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I meant to say its basically the same as the pegnancy test. The same principle.

There are some threads where I think they are just trying to run up the post count. There are also some that just like to hear themselves type. I have no interest in this.
In all my years at TN, I have only met one person that actually tried to run up his post count and that person has not posted on this thread. Trying to run up a post count is just plain stupid BDD. I think most TN members have better things to do lol. You are not giving TN members enough credit and previously you even attempted to blame TN members for poor book sales. Hopefully sales are picking up.

Myself I will soon be moving on. I have already quit helping on the 'What Is it' forum. All my time here was spent giving and its time now that I need to help myself. There is a wealth of information on this site.

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