Pirate Treasure-Trying to get a permit to dig up

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Bigdogdad , thumbs up to you man , and best of luck.
i wish i had advice to give you but i am new to all this , but i like your head on approach , keep it legal and straight .
i have followed several other posts and there are alot of people that will tell you to just go take the treasure , but i am glad to see some also trying to help.
There are alot of great minds here that like to think out of the box and i hope some of them canbe of help. would be nice for the OP to have a button to block or delete negative posts, but we all have a right to agree or dissagree.

BCH-I don't get the relevance to my story or thread.

mical66-Thanks for the positive comments. I am in this for the long haul. It's about the big picture. I have waited a long time. I don't want to rush anything when I now feel I am very close. It's like I have been going in a big circle that keeps getting smaller and smaller. The center is the bullseye of success. I have some very important things happening soon. My wife and I are making sure all the the T's are crossed and I's are dotted on my book. We did the official copyrighting tonight. I am making a few last minute adjustments on the godaddy site.

I am setting up my meeting for the Alligator Alley treasure. Hope to meet my new friends this week.

The Tampa Bay Times article may come out next weekend. This is beyond my control.

I am going to try to contact the local University professor to see if he is interested in the Rocky Bluff silver. The river is loaded with silver. They could get a permit. I know where the pirate ship is. The ribs of the ship used to stick out of the water a long time ago. The river is less than 10 feet deep.

I have a couple of guys coming from Arizona with their LRL. I am expecting them in the next week or so. I have about a dozen locations I am going to take them to. Should be interesting. They claim they can tell if there are valubles on a property without setting foot on it. I know the disbelievers are going to have a hard time not coming on to here and telling me how I am wasting my time. Maybe they will not waste my time with their negative comments.

BCH-I couldn't disagree with you more.

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The reporter called me today. The newspaper article runs in the Tampa Bay Times on Sunday. He will be putting in quotes from all the public officials concerning their stance on permitting a dig for the possible pirate silver. I think it may help my case in being able to find out if there is treasure at Rocky Bluff.

I am meeting members of the Indian tribe on Alligator Alley at noon on Thursday. They are very interested in the gold that may be on the reservation. I am looking forward to meeting them.

I am getting the feeling my story is just to hard to believe for the average TN reader. I don't know about any of the other stories circulating on TN but mine is completely based on true events and treasures that supposedly exist. I am not playing any games. I think a lot of people enjoy watching others play. My treasure story is no big mystery. I know where I want to dig on most of the locations. Some I need electronics to pinpoint it.

I am suprised I did not get more of a response when I stated that the same person that showed me these treasure sites also stood on the bow of one of the Fisher's boats and put them over the top of the silver and gold.

Maybe my thread needs more of the childish bickering that people seem to like.

Please post the link to the story when it is published. I think this story is fascinating and can't wait to see the outcome. Good luck!

Looking forward to reading the article and wishing you best of luck with the tribe.

I thought that you got a lot of response when you first posted the statement that Ovid dowsed the gold/silver over the bow. The reason that your thread is not getting more activity is that you have already laid out your story, it has been thoroughly discussed and you are not making new claims. Once you start putting out new info (like when your newspaper story breaks) I am sure that activity will pick back up.

And the more outlandish the claims, the more the posts (not that yours are, just commenting on TN threads in general).

Again, good luck.

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How many responses I get is not that important to me. If it were I would discuss how much to "OFFER" the tribal members. Actually I am going to let them decide on what the terms, if any, will be. First we have to meet in person. That is how I do business.

As far as responses to my claim of what Ovid did, either people on here are starting to believe me or they are completely writing me off. I think it is one or the other.

VOR-Thanks for wishing me luck.

How many responses I get is not that important to me. If it were I would discuss how much to "OFFER" the tribal members
50/50 is pretty much standard but some will argue with you all day long that the landowner does not deserve as much as the finder.

And if you don't know the landowner, I heard that there is someone out there that will tell you for $75 and 10%.

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If we were to dig in the future and something was found, I am not that concerned at this point what I would get. None of it is mine. They deserve it all. I will trust that they will do the right thing. Thanks for wishing me luck.

I talked tonight to the second LRL guy that will be coming to see me in Florida. These two guys are pals. They are asking nothing from me other than the chance to use their electronics to see if they think there is treasure at some of my sites. I don't have much to lose. Nobody needs to bother telling me their opinions on LRL's. I can decide for myself what to believe.

I will tell you difference. They contacted me. I have not asked them for anything. It was because of my posts on the Swamp Gold thread, so you indirectly caused this to happen. If and when we dig I will invite you BCH.
Hopefully you and I talking about it on here will not blow the deal. We both have BIG MOUTHS. I am considering just showing them where I think it is. Ovid told me he thinks it is 1000 pounds of gold, so no big deal.

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I didnt realize they contacted you. Yeah I have a big mouth too. But putting it out there online was the only way I could get much needed help and information.

I didnt think anybody outside of TN members read this stuff but I guess I shouldnt be surprised. Its the internet duh. Good luck. And TN does a good job of putting them on Google search. I removed my posts just in case.

Thanks anyway. Its your deal. I came up empty on the Swamp Gold thread. You are the one that has a location that you believe in. I have nothing but 1940's newsclips.. Thats as close as I got.

There is however some good information on that thread.

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I just got back from Alligator Alley. I had a great meeting with a member of the tribe. He and I hit it off fine. He is going to work on getting the needed OK's to proceed further. He was more than generous with his offer of a share for me. I am not going to discuss this any further at this time. I think there is more than one location at the site. We will use electronics from here on out.

vor-I believe you have to have some sort of permit to recover silver from the river. I need to find out exactly what all the current rules are.

Probably a dredge permit for the 10 feet of muck.

Just dont mention silver on it.

I dont think you are allowed to keep anything over 50 years old found in Florida State rivers.

50 years! There are fish older than that in the river. That even lets out bottle collecting!

50 years! There are fish older than that in the river. That even lets out bottle collecting!
Dont even talk about it .. TreasureWorks - Florida

Fish may be legal because the law states "any manmade object" however I talked to a gal yesterday that was arrested for picking up bones! It turned out the bones were from an abandoned dog and charges were finally dropped after paying court costs. She had the bones in her truck for months when she was arrested. She admitted to where she found them was her mistake.

"The State of Florida had at one time, a program called the Isolated Finds program, this program required amateur archeologists, treasure hunters and metal detectorist to report any finds to the DHR for cataloging in its data base, and in turn would assign ownership rights to the finder unless the find was culturally significant.
The DHR did away with this program back in 2005, sighting that the DHR could not afford to continue the program. At the same time they passed a law making it illegal to recover any manmade object 50 years old or older from Florida waterways. The DHR claimed that they were concerned that arrow head collectors were recovering Indian artifacts from Florida Rivers and water ways."

Under this law a Mercury dime would be illegal and yes old bottles, shipwreck wood and pirate silver would definitely be off limits.

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Good luck with any treasure hunting in Florida. That is why I mentioned having a not-for-profit organization as a way of "working with" the state. I want to treasure hunt for the adventure and excitement. I am not interested in breaking the laws of Florida just to try to find something that was lost or buried many, many years ago. I went to the FDOT in 2006 and again recently to try to get them to allow a dig at Rocky Bluff. I am even willing to give up the locations if I can be a part of it. They are not interested in dealing with some nobody like me.

I have written a book about my treasure hunting of the last 25 years called mytreasurestory. With no fanfare it is now available as a downloadable e-book at mytreasurestory.com.

Good luck with any treasure hunting in Florida. That is why I mentioned having a not-for-profit organization as a way of "working with" the state.

A nonprofit organization has no more rights than an individual under the law.

If there is anything good at all in that bill is that private land is excluded. Guess that would make private beachfront more valuable now.

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