Pirate Treasure-Trying to get a permit to dig up

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KK-I am sorry you feel that way.

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I try to make everything as much of a learning experience as possible. I have posted some of my stories on this thread and others. I have had people question my facts as I presented them. So far everything has just convinced me more that all the treasures exist. On the swamp gold thread on the legends forum I told my version of what happened back in 1990 on Alligator Alley. There is a specific spot where I believe a large quantity of gold is buried. I had heard a story of how it might have got there. I was told this story and read of it over 20 years ago. Many people on TN have done a ton of research about possible gold in the Everglades and gold in Florida in other places.

A local had called the specific spot I was on "Cloud Mountain". He made it sound as if it was named after a member of one of the tribes in the area. He may have been wrong. After at first doubting my tale ECS found reference to an Indian saying about "cloud mountains". I have always heard the fable of finding a pot of gold at the bottom of a rainbow. The native americans call the clouds on the horizon "cloud mountains" as they appear to look like mountains. In their story you will find gold at the bottom of a "cloud mountain". So here is specific spot on the ground that Ovid claims has a large pile (possibly up to 1000 pounds according to some stories) of gold. This specific spot just happens to have been given the name "Cloud Mountain" Coincidence?

I also had always wondered why the gold may have been placed in this one spot. What had been there in the distant past? Now after reading the entire (very long) Swamp Gold thread I think I know why. There were many old trails back during and before the Civil War. This location is pretty much on or near one of these trails. There were many details on the thread that helped me fill some gaps in my story. The gold was also supposed to be buried in what was decribed as two small hills shaped liked a camel. A recent poster (Jon) believes these were probably Indian mounds. Makes sense. I have also worked with a dowser from the dowsing forum on trying to learn more about this location. He has given me some very interesting information.

I have had a person contact me through TN that claims to have an LRL that he is convinced will locate any and all gold on this site. He and his partner want to fly in to meet me to investigate this site and others. All they want is a share of anything found. He claims the biggest problem they have had is getting permission to dig up the treasures they believe they have located in the past.

I have had members of the tribe contact me. They are allowed to go after the gold. They want to meet me and possibly go after the gold. They have been following the stories on TN for a couple of years. They believe the gold exists. They have their own equipment. I will be meeting with them soon.

This is all an example of what has happened with just one of my stories since joining TN in March. I know I have been told I have a big mouth. The bottom line is none of this would have happened if I had kept quiet about everything. In fact if I had not contacted Ovid back in 1987 while researching the U-853 story there would not be nearly as many possible treasures. I have always believed that you have to give a little to get a little. Sometimes if your lucky you can give a little and get a lot.

My story is far from over. I think most of the best stuff is yet to come. Sometimes I step on toes on here or say the wrong things. I mean no harm or ill will. I do appreciate any and all help. Researchers-Please keep digging.

How can I help you. Where is the treasure located. State. Are you selling your info

I deleted 5 posts and edited 2 so far and Im looking for others that may have been offensive.

This thread will pop up for years when anybody googles "Rocky Bluff" and its really best for TN and all involved to delete senseless bickering. Its amazing to see BDD taking the initiative to act as a peacemaker and other members of TN acting like adults. And we thought of it all by ourselves without the help of moderators. I am truly touched tonight.

Jeffro is a good guy. Maybe he will delete one comment?

Im sure KK has much to offer on cache hunting and I hope he comes back..

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wheeler56-I need someone that has access to a GPR unit and someone that knows how to run it. They have to be someone that can be trusted. I don't want to show virtual strangers the exact locations of possible treasure. I talked to my Chief financial officer (wife) and she said there was nothing in our operating budget for this expenditure. I have multiple locations I would like to see detected. I am looking for someone to maybe join the team I am assembling that is a detecting expert with the GPR. I know they can be rented but it does no good if no one knows how to operate it.

I have four main treasures that I am working on. Pirate silver at Rocky Bluff. Pirate chests in Englewood. Gold on Alligator Alley. Pots of gold in North Carolina. I am not actively doing much towards any one of these as I am staying pretty busy taking care of my longtime associate "Bill the Collector". I hope this will change soon. That is part of the reason I will be releasing my book. Today or tommorow may be the day.

wheeler56-The way it has worked on TN for me is for you to PM (personal message) me for more intimate details. We then may move to e-mails. If there is trust on both sides we can do phone calls. I am a 100% honest person with no hidden agenda other than I am trying to help make the world a better place and maybe have a little fun in the process. Feel free to ask me questions on this thread and if I am not willing to openly discuss the subject I will let you know. How are you able to help? The only info I am selling is my book. I give exact directions on how to get to a possible gold cache in Cherokee North Carolina.

BCH-Thanks for the positive comments. We had a power outage last night due to another tree problem. I was in the middle of posting on the thread when the power went out. The new battery backup did its job and I was able to get the computer shut down with no problems. I highly recommend that if anybody does not have one you pick one up. It was nice to see a positive reply when I turned the computer on this morning.

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I hope KK returns as one of your loyal followers and staunchest supporters.

Do you think we can get the name calling "flame wars" between myself and KK deleted from my Swamp Gold thread lol or is that asking for too much?

I think I saw an offer the other day to go treasure hunting. Myself I am preparing to be homeless because foreclosure is imminent. Im selling out and moving to my camper. Im going back to work in the swamp and I can live on the job for as long as Im employed. . I dont have any time now for recreation or treasure hunting... I may hit the beach in hopes of a few gold rings before I go but thats about it.

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I had never heard the term "flame war" either so I googled it. I have been accused of a lot of things but never a flamer or troll lol. I guess Im slipping. The last link is interesting.

thesaurus for flame war:
troll flame forum internet message board flamer thread war youtube argument facebook trolling battle blog down drama fail fanboy fangirl fight more...

[TD="class: index"] 1.
[TD="class: word"]flame war
[TD="class: tools"] 488 up , 56 down

[TD="class: text, colspan: 2"] A flame war is a heated argument between two individuals, that results in those involved posting personal attacks on each other during or instead of debating the topic at hand.

Most forums have rules that forbid flaming. This is because the quality of conversation on a forum can be seriously degraded by a flame war. Topics can be "hijacked" by two people who would rather flame each other than discuss the subject of the thread.

Some websites encourage flaming for the purpose of entertainment. One such website is flamewarforum.com.
I can't come to work today because i'm having a flame war on flamewarforum.com.

Good read here: The Secret Cause of Flame Wars

Don't work too hard," wrote a colleague in an e-mail today. Was she sincere or sarcastic? I think I know (sarcastic), but I'm probably wrong.

I wont be here at TN much longer. (I wont have internet) But I am already seeing a noticable slack in moderation. I dont mean this as an insult to the mods. They may be severely overworked. It will up to you guys to moderate yourselves by volunteering to delete or the quality of TN will continue to degrade..

Im going to flamewarforum.com. There is no fun here anymore. (winking icon) Dont work too hard.

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BCH-The Swamp gold thread is your thing. I can't help you there. I read it but don't post on it. I am trying to keep my posting to my own thread.

As far as anybody wanting to help with any aspects of my story or dig sites, I am open to any suggestions or offers. It is against TN rules to try to raise funds. I am trying to figure out a way to go full time on my treasure stories in my own way.

I have a movie script outlined that is based on the main treasures from my story. It goes back about 500-600 years to when the gold was being mined in the caves of South and Central America. The story follows the path of the gold and other treasures until it is part of the modern day story. This movie is not about me although my character narrates it and is involved towards the end. The name of the movie is The Treasure Story. I also own thetreasurestory.com I know I have mentioned this in the past on this thread, but know there are probably people reading this that have not read this now very lengthy thread.

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1. An interesting crossover from the SWAMP GOLD legend thread:
On Dec 3,1864,the 1st FLORIDA SPECIAL CALVARY BATTALION (Cow Calvary),under Munnerlyn,skirmished with the Union at ROCKY POINT near Tampa.
2.A good research book concerning U-BOATS and secret missions:
THE MYSTERY OF U-33:Hitler's Secret Envoy by Nigel Graddon
Chronicles a number of mysterious U-BOAT missions that took place both dueing and after the war,including the "BLACK SUBS",trips to a base in Antartica,and curious cargos,including those of red mercury.Includes photos and documentation.

Rocky Point is a place on the coast in Tampa. It would have been outside of Tampa at the time, but the city has caught up with it. There was a Confederate salt works supposedly attacked there during the war. It is all office buildings and such now. There was supposedly another salt work south of there about where the Big Bend power plant is now.

Most of the high command of the German military were not members of the NAZI PARTY,therefore not NAZIs.The WAFFEN SS and other divisions of the SS under Himler,were the true hardcore Ayran Nazis.Werner von Braun,who directed our space program,was an officer of the SS and a NAZI PARTY member.
Ha ha ha, exactly what BDD alluded to! Just a little research on your part would show Donitz Like Goering supported Nazi ideology! His speeches tell it all! But then again, in an attempt to rewrite history some even deny the holocaust!

Ha ha ha, exactly what BDD alluded to! Just a little research on your part would show Donitz Like Goering supported Nazi ideology! His speeches tell it all! But then again, in an attempt to rewrite history some even deny the holocaust!
Hot Zone,I admit there is a fine line between ALLES FUR DEUTCSHLAND and the ideology of MEIN KAMPF-but there is a line.
When Hitler assumed the office of president,under the provisions of the 1919 WEIMER CONSTITUTION,he became the legal commander in chief of the German armed forces,and had every soldier,sailor,and airman swear allegiance to him.The WAFFEN SCHUTZSTAFFEL was not a part of the regular German armed forces,but swore allegiance to Himler.No rewrite of history here.
I do not deny the holocaust,and take umbrage that you would imply that I did.
Now,BDD,have our differences of opinion,which is obvious here on this thread,and sometimes we work through them,sometimes not.We are both alpha personalities and apt to butt heads with these differences.
When I question some of BDD's statements,is just that,no more,and not to discredit him as you claimed on an earlier post.
Now if you want to discuss the Third Reich and the Waffen SS's search for relics and treasures,create another thread and I will join in.

Scientists look for sunken boats on Manatee | HeraldTribune.com This article appeared in our local newspaper a few years back. At the very end they mention a pirate ship. This is probably the same one that was burned at Rocky Bluff. What is interesting to me are some of the names mentioned. Bill Burger is an archaeologist here in Florida. I have had a recent contact tell me they can hook me up with Bill. I also met with our local museum director of aquisitions and he told me I needed to talk to the professor mentioned in this article. My mistake in this whole venture was not getting with these guys first and letting them apply for the permits. It may not be too late.

I looked through all the paperwork from my lawyer. It included the whole legal case involving Mel Fisher. I think our Florida government folks didn't like getting spanked by the Fisher lawyers. The laws are now sided against the treasure hunters. I know this info is nothing new to the old timers on TN. My lawyer seems to feel that the state may not have the power over all of this that they think they do. It all gets kinda technical. I just want to dig.

I am set up as a video production company. I have a registered LLC. I am going to get with our local film commision to try to get their help on this venture. I am also going to contact the Florida Film Commision. All these folks love this kind of stuff. Its great publicity for Florida. We know Florida could use some positive news of any kind.

I am a people person. I may rub people the wrong way on here but when I meet people in person I usually do well. I got along fine with the FDOT guys and their lawyer. They are just afraid to make the wrong decision on this and get themselves in trouble. As you can see I don't usually give up when I want something.

ECS-You are obviously very knowledgeable about WWII history especially pertaining to German facts. I won't even begin to claim I know that much. Here is what I believe about the U-853. As far as how it pertained to Hitler, choose one of the following. It was his (private, personal, favorite, special, designated, chosen, emergency/escape, secret, etc) submarine. Can I "prove" this on here? I am not going to even try. It really doesn't matter to me or my story of the diamonds. Is it just a rumor or is it a fact about Hitler's connection with this sub? It doesn't matter because he did not make it onto the submarine before the sub left on it's final mission.

The sub's final mission was to transport the huge treasure to American soil where it could be hidden. The mission was accomplished. But the mission was a failure as the men who hid the 88mm shells did not make it back to the sub. While waiting for the men to row back in their rubber raft, the sub was destroyed. You asked me if the name you mentioned was one of the survivors. Do you think it was? I was never told the names. Of course by all "official" accounts there were no survivors. My connections said that there were two Americans that traveled to Germany to talk to one of the survivors that hid the 88mm shells. I do not think either one of them was my friend's dad, although it is possible as I saw pictures of him in Europe after the war. I am convinced he may have seen the sailors hide the shells as I am pretty sure he was at the lighthouse on that date. Either way, he dug them up.

As you can see this is a great story that you will not find in any book other than my soon to be released treasure story. I am not putting all my facts about this on here. I did not put all the facts in my book. The diamonds are most likely right where my friends dad buried them seeing as how he died in a plane crash shortly after showing my friend for the third time where he hid them.

I would like one of the researchers to find a picture of an 88mm tank shell that has something in the picture that will make it easy to tell just how big these shells are. Imagine 12 of them stuffed with diamonds, gold and paper currency. I have had this story in my head for 25 years. It has almost literally driven me crazy. I can't keep it in any longer. I have tried to tell it in the past. I have to do something about it before I hit my head one time too many. I am probably the only one that knows right where these diamonds are, not even my friend knows what I now know.

ECS-Yes, we have definitely butted heads. We may have underestimated each other at the start. You are a great researcher and I have a great story. Why don't we try to work together and make something happen. Most of the facts are out there to back up almost everything I have said on TN. I have made HUGE claims and am willing to stand behind EVERY one of them.

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Hot Zone,I admit there is a fine line between ALLES FUR DEUTCSHLAND and the ideology of MEIN KAMPF-but there is a line.
When Hitler assumed the office of president,under the provisions of the 1919 WEIMER CONSTITUTION,he became the legal commander in chief of the German armed forces,and had every soldier,sailor,and airman swear allegiance to him.The WAFFEN SCHUTZSTAFFEL was not a part of the regular German armed forces,but swore allegiance to Himler.No rewrite of history here.
I do not deny the holocaust,and take umbrage that you would imply that I did.
Now,BDD,have our differences of opinion,which is obvious here on this thread,and sometimes we work through them,sometimes not.We are both alpha personalities and apt to butt heads with these differences.
When I question some of BDD's statements,is just that,no more,and not to discredit him as you claimed on an earlier post.
Now if you want to discuss the Third Reich and the Waffen SS's search for relics and treasures,create another thread and I will join in.
You brought up Donits being under oath so he couldn't have lied??! It was real easy for Karl to deny being a Nazi after the war and we can just forget that Hitler chose Donitz to replace himself or that the court gave him 10 years for war crimes.
I am sorry you were offended, I was trying to make a point about choosing only things that support your belief and putting your slant on it. Donitz made several references in speeches condemning Jews and approving of the Nazi leadership. He spoke at Hitler youth rallies and fought under the Nazi flag. Ok, was he lying then but telling the truth at trial? I don't draw any fine lines with hate crimes! For you to shift the argument to splitting hairs over the definition of Nazi, is an attempt to evade the issue of lying under oath. An admission of knowledge of Jewish treasure being transported on a submarine was a death sentence to him and reason to lie!

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You brought up Donits being under oath so he couldn't have lied??! It was real easy for Karl to deny being a Nazi after the war and we can just forget that Hitler chose Donitz to replace himself or that the court gave him 10 years for war crimes.
I am sorry you were offended, I was trying to make a point about choosing only things that support your belief and putting your slant on it. Donitz made several references in speeches condemning Jews and approving of the Nazi leadership. He spoke at Hitler youth rallies and fought under the Nazi flag. Ok, was he lying then but telling the truth at trial? I don't draw any fine lines with hate crimes! For you to shift the argument to splitting hairs over the definition of Nazi, is an attempt to evade the issue of lying under oath. An admission of knowledge of Jewish treasure being transported on a submarine was a death sentence to him and reason to lie!
Hot zone,your argument is not valid because it is based on two false premises;1. Neither you or I or anyone for that matter,can know if Donitz lied under oath at Nuremberg WAR CRIMES TRIAL (NOT hate crimes trial);2.As for the diamonds,that may or may not exist,how did it now become a 'Jewish treasure". The Nazis were equal opportunity looters,ie,nations gold deposits,artwork,relics,etc.Transport of stolen goods did not constitute a death sentence at Nuremberg.
Once again,I reiterate,this is not the thread for this discussion.

I am the one that implied that the diamonds were taken from the Jews before they were executed. It was a story told to my friend by his dad. They tried to hold onto their diamonds until they were taken from them. There are a lot of places you could hide a diamond or two. You could keep swallowing and retrieving them is one example. A woman would have an extra hiding place.

As I have said, I have no interest in owning ANY of these diamonds. I want one of the 88mm shells. On the Englewood dig I had dibs on the pirate chest. On the North Carolina cooking pots of gold, I wanted one of the pots. I currently don't have a pot to poop in.

My intentions are to start a not-for-profit treasure hunting company. According to my wife I am off to a good start. Seriously, I just want the thrill of finding treasure and seeing it go to a good use. It's all about the karma. The treasure spirits are guarding the sites. I am totally convinced of this. I am also convinced that I will find the treasures when I don't need to find the treasures. This may only make sense to me. I am almost to that point.

If I had an accredited type of not-for-profit business set up I believe the state may issue us permits to go after the treasures on state land or in the Gulf of Mexico. I have not looked into what it takes yet but I think it can be done. I am trying to put together a team that would be available to go after the treasures. Greedy people need not apply.

Hot zone,your argument is not valid because it is based on two false premises;1. Neither you or I or anyone for that matter,can know if Donitz lied under oath at Nuremberg WAR CRIMES TRIAL (NOT hate crimes trial);2.As for the diamonds,that may or may not exist,how did it now become a 'Jewish treasure". The Nazis were equal opportunity looters,ie,nations gold deposits,artwork,relics,etc.Transport of stolen goods did not constitute a death sentence at Nuremberg.
Once again,I reiterate,this is not the thread for this discussion.
I do not know that he lied,but he had reasons to! His hatred of Jews is evident in speeches. Supporting Hitler in the destruction of Jews is a hate crime. Your argument and you are Invalid! It is simple, don't reply and discussion ends!

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BDD, I guess you then consider most of the members of TN to be "greedy", since most of us would like to profit from our research and work. I doubt you will find a lot of partners for your "not-for-profit" business. Of course you will try to make some money off your story, but thats beside the point. You keep jumping from idea to another, faster than you can get replies.

maipenrai-Don't try to put words into my posts. I do not presume to consider anyone on TN greedy. Have you ever posted on TN anything that would be considered a positive message? As far as how many "partners" I will find, I am into quality not quantity. Just because a venture or business is called "not-for-profit" does not mean anyone has to work for free or gets nothing from a find. Perhaps you may already know this. Yes I wll try to make money off of my book, so what? Yes,I do have a lot of potential treasure sites. I am not worried about how fast I can get replies. With replies like you seem to like to make I would be content to get none. I notice that you spread your "good cheer" all across TN, obviously you like to share.

The fact that I am not obsessed with accumulating wealth to see how big a money pile I can have is no big secret. I am looking to put together a team of select individuals that see treasure hunting as more of an adventure than a means of accumulating wealth. Greedy people and negative people such as maipenrai need not apply.

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