Pirate Treasure-Trying to get a permit to dig up

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My lawyer showed me some rules about metal detecting on state controlled land. I believe it is not allowed without a permit. I have not done it myself. Ignorance of the law is not an excuse that will get you out of trouble if they want to fine you.

I had inquired several times to metal detect in State Parks. I was told that there is no law against metal detecting but you cannot keep anything found. I dont know if this helps any.

In Broward County parks you are allowed to metal detect surface finds only- no digging.

If anybody knows the laws on FDOT property I would sure like to know. Thanks.

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releventchair-When you let a dog be a dog, they are all the same, only they come in different sizes. The reasons I am not being allowed to dig on Gov't land are old reasons, greed, selfishness, laziness, jealosy, etc. I personally will hand the treasures found on Government land to the proper authorities if I were allowed to get my hands on it. I would rather it be used to build schools instead of bombs, but our political leaders assuredly know whats best.

As far as restoring the site? It's just dirt now. I would be glad to leave it in much better shape than I found it. Florida is sinking under it's own lack of working capital. It's taking on water and beginning to tilt to one side. We have oil on our land, but no one can drill. We have buried treasure, but no one can dig. We have vast riches sitting on the oceans floor, but we cannot touch them. Something is very wrong.

If I keep digging I hope to eventually find what I am looking for. Sometimes the hard part is knowing what you want to find. I was told once by a psychic that it is deeper than I think. The treasures are waiting to be found. As I have always said, "You can lead a man to treasure, but you can't make him dig".

BCH-I was told no metal detecting. Yeah you can dig, but only if you are looking for worms.

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Yes something is wrong. Not an insult but i won,t be convinced taking care of the states resources and well being have anything to do with a hole.(i know you,d leave appearance as found).this thread is Florida, but relates to others. Its greed or fear which?.gotta quit before i get riled. People sleeping on concrete acting like they have no impact. Let alone the rest of their activities in what was a garden.

Just want to let you know that it is possible to work withinthe law in regards to treasure recovery. Imagine you wanted to dig up gold treasure in a graveyard…sounds about impossible to get a city to let you do it..however a friend in Georgia and I did. It took several months of negotiations and several flights down there from the nati but we finally got permission and puta backhoe and dump truck in there and dug up some gold….let me tell you it was an adventure and many times it looked like we would not be able to do it…it takes perseverance and guts ,I have to give my Georgia friend most of the credit there. Point is most things are negotiable and you can get permission. They tried to ignore our 75/25 offer by turning it to their 75 us 25 percent but they didn’t have any choice as we owned the technology that it takes to pinpoint to the inch where to dig..they didn’t have a clue and we knew. So it ended up we split 50/50… We did have to post a bond for restoring the ground and insurance to cover anything that could go wrong..that was understandable and cost around $1,500.00 By the way there wasn’t near as much gold as we thought....but it was a successful deal with a city government of 7 commissioners. So don’tlet nay sayers take you off of the path. I wish I lived closer I would be right there working to help you get things passed…its almost fun if you have a thickhide and patience.

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Curtis-Well I just happen to have thick hide, patience, perseverance, guts, treasure sites, permission to dig, and a couple of new friends coming to Florida with their special treasure pinpointing electronic gadgets. I also have been working on getting the karma right. It's all about the timing. I think its about time to dig up some treasure! Talk is cheap, text is free, but actions speak louder than words.

BCH-I was told no metal detecting. Yeah you can dig, but only if you are looking for worms.
Maybe Im missing something here BDD but it seems to me the problem is solved. I was with the understanding that you do not need a metal detector since you already know the location and it was verified with an electronic LRL correct? . If it were me, I would go dig my "worms".

Like you say:
"You can lead a man to treasure but you can't make him dig."

BCH-As I am involved with multiple treasure sites it may get confusing to someone reading my posts. On the Rocky Bluff pirate silver site I do know EXACTLY where I want to dig. It is on FDOT property and you were asking if you can metal detect on FDOT property. I have been told to do any serious detecting/surveying that you need a permit.

On the Alligator Alley gold site I believe I know the location but it was 22 years ago that I was there and I think some of my landmarks are gone or have been moved. The LRL that was used by others was only done from a distance and was not used to pinpoint the gold. It would not be prudent to do a serious dig without using GPR and any other electronics that are available. I am now working with the tribe on this.

On the Englewood pirate chest site I have dug in the past but believe I was just a little off in where we put the hand dug well shaft down on the second dig. This was in 1992. On the first dig I used too small of a backhoe and could not get as deep as I was told the chest was prior to the dig. This was in 1987. I still have permission to dig again, but will not do so without verifying using electronics that were not available in the past, the exact location and depth of what I now believe to be multiple chests.

On the North Carolina pots-of-gold site I have dug in the past but did not have the proper electronics to help pinpoint the EXACT spots to dig. I also have permission to dig again but will not do so until I have pinpointed the location and depth of the pots.

What I have learned from my past mistakes is to use any and all means available to ascertain EXACTLY where and if the treasure is located. As I have stated I am now older and hopefully wiser.

BCH-The last time I did a serious dig for a cache of treasure was about 2 years ago in North Carolina. How many of the people posting or starting threads on this forum do you think actually do any serious cache hunting digging instead of just talking about it? I would dig tomorow at Rocky Bluff if they would let me. The Miccosuki's will be running the show as far as that dig but I will be involved. As soon as the property owner in North Carolina is ready to have me come up to dig I will be going. You can lead me to treasure but nobody needs to make me dig.

I understand. Im just saying that if its legal to dig for worms at Rocky Bluff I would try it.

But I also understand that they will probably not let you dig deep enough. There is no way that you can dig a 6 foot hole looking for worms.

I was also asking for myself because I wanted to detect the side of the roadway.

Im going out digging again this weekend like everybody else but I choose to only dig as deep as my signal.

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I have been told to do any serious detecting/surveying that you need a permit.
Just wondering what is the definition of "serious detecting"?

If I recall, you have detected the silver with:

conventional electronics

How much more serious can you get??

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For the record the only thing I have done at the bridge site is take or meet other people there. I have not even used my own metal detectors. More serious detecting/surveying would be using GPR, drilling/core sampling. My point was that if someone such as a cop were to see some guy walking around with a conventional metal detector along a roadway or around a bridge they would probably not give a crap about it. Now if you were to start digging a 5-6 foot deep hole they may question what you are doing.

Why not do a quick survey over your "spot" with gpr? If you are in and out I think you should be Ok under the no harm no foul doctrine since it is public access property.

vor-If you want to get ahold of a GPR unit and someone that knows how to operate it I will be glad to point you in the right direction. Heck, I might even watch.

No way. If I found something then I would be in the same position as you.

When I logged in to mytreasurestory.com, it only goes up to page 5.

I dont see the flame throwing guitars. Did you get paid for performing? I actually used to play in a band and we were pretty good. I played guitar. We couldnt all get along and our band broke up and I moved on to other interests. We played at some of the top local places including the Enferno on US 1 and Pirates World in Dania..

I wasnt old enough to drive but I was playing lead guitar professionally with guys that had a lot of talent. We even had a sponsor that bought us all new equipment and booked us gigs.

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BCH-If you want to see the flame shooting guitars and 60+ other pictures, you will need to purchase my copyrighted book. You will be able to read about my treasure stories in great detail. There is a link on each page to take you to the purchase page. As far as our band "Buddy and the Burnouts", we shoot real flames and the tire covered drums smoke, but we don't really know how to play. That is why we call ourselves "The World's Most Dangerous Heavy Metal Hot Air Band". Emphasis on "Hot Air". My guitar has two butane tanks and one propane tank inside it and also has a compressed air hose attached to it. It is an electric bass guitar and does play.

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I read it this morning. Fair, and seemed to report both sides (as a news story should), and didn't make anyone look foolish or paint anyone to be the "bad guy". As a result of not making the officials look like bad guys...I don't see it putting any pressure on them, but it gets your story out, and might drum up some support for you.

Michael Kruse wrote a very good article in your behalf. I am impressed. You could not have asked for it to be any better.

I am however concerned at the thought of mobs of people stopping by the site over the next few days. Is there sufficient parking lol?

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