Pirate Treasure-Trying to get a permit to dig up

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ECS-1. Yes, the Atocha gold pile.2.No video that I know of. Ovid tried but never got a written contract. Big mistake. 3. Would the archive historian know of this? I doubt it. Would any of them admit it? Why would they? I have known this story with all the details for 25 years. I go into great detail in my book of exactly what I was told happened. This would have been around 1983-85. I recently (since joining TN) had my account of this verified by a party close to the Fisher's that was told what Ovid did. He claimed he was told this story by one of the Fisher's years ago. I had this person repeat it to me three times and he even said Ovid's full name. I was not even the one that brought the subject up. This person that I met through TN will remain un-named on here. I will say no more on here. ECS-I doubt you will believe a word I say about this. What you think does not matter one iota. If I didn't totally believe in the validity of all this I would be pretty stupid to mention it on here.

I came to Treasurenet to share my story. I did not come here to be put on trial and given the third degree. From day one there have been lots of skeptics. I certainly expected that as I would be a skeptic too if I were reading a similar story posted by someone else. I do feel I should be given the benefit of the doubt. My story has been nitpicked by many on here. NO ONE on here has seen or experienced what I have in relation to the different treasure sites, dowsing, LRL's, etc.

I believe the spirit of TN is one of sharing stories for the pleasure of hearing what others are up to. I don't think it's intention is to be a place for the non-believers to belittle the believers.

I went on someone else's thread a long while back and read the different posts. I asked a couple of the posters what their intentions were with their line of questioning. I certainly rubbed a few of them the wrong way. I am going to make a suggestion or challenge.

ECS-Instead of trying to find information to try to prove me wrong, why don't you try to find information that bolsters my stories. So far as I am concerned NOTHING that you have posted on ANY thread has PROVEN that the treasures that I claim to know the locations of do not exist. What you have shown is that there is evidence and stories that DO back up my claims. If you are truly trying to help me, show it. Try this approach and see what happens.

I joined TN mostly for my own entertainment. It has lost most of its appeal to me because of the repeated attacks on my credibility. I am plain tired of it. If things don't change, I am done. I have lots of better things to do. I have said this before and not much changed.

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Consider the source, ECS believes a Nazi under oath, will not tell a lie (because it supports his attack) and he will only use research information that discredits you.

Some of us still wish you well!

I copy and pasted the whole following article because the beginning was missing from my link. I didnt write it so dont jump on me. It mentions the solid rock but doesnt take into account solution holes. The rest the article is useless. Im still hoping to find the silver bar story.

BDD I have no intention of hurting or trying to hurt your feelings. And yes I agree you are correct my vague dowsing statement was no longer private when I posted it online. I get it. My bad. BUT it was also no big revelation lol and I get the feeling you are nitpicking.. But thanks for some positive comments.

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Just to be fair, here is the first story I posted. This one is better and talks of the ghost dog and pirate ship. Clic on to read.

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I'd really love to join you folks in your fascinating thread about..... what was it about? Drama?..... But I see the Real Housewives of Orange County is on. Not to be offensive in any way, but they take you guys any day of the week ;)

Perhaps we need a new forum...could call it "Flame Wars"? (This is a joke guys...just trying to get back to topic.)

So, back on track....anything new happening with the FDOT?

Whether or not these cache stories are true, I for one, enjoy reading about them and all the hard work and research folks put into proving or disproving them. Looking forward to the next installment....

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BCH-Thanks for the articles. . KK-Thanks for the support.

Maybe Jeffro's post will be irrevelant if the (flame wars) is gone. I never heard that term till I came to TN.

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AC1955-I got a package from my lawyer yesterday. It is all the legal ramifications and past history of law concerning treasure in Florida. I have not gone through it yet. I also got an e-mail from the reporter yesterday. He is about done with the RNC (republican national convention) story he has been working on. My story is pretty much ready and he is going to tweek it some more and it will be out soon. Just curious if the 1955 is the year you were born. I was born in 1955.

There is a lot to my story. I keep letting out more and more on here. I know I need to stop. It's partly because I will soon be releasing my book which has these stories I have told on here in great detail. There are also others. There is much that I will not put in the book or on here. That is the nature of treasure hunting. I know some on here think I talk WAY too much. The truth is all the treasures that were in the ground are still waiting to be found by me or someone.

The big computer crash we had here was a setback for my wife. We now have a new computer and a much nicer monitor. I believe it is a good idea to replace a computer every 3-4 years as they get bogged down with too much junk. I am going to use one of my special tools (sledgehammer) to fix the old computer.

LOL I absolutely agree 100 percent KK. If you feel I have somehow harrassed anybody by all means please report me.

I copy and pasted the whole following article because the beginning was missing from my link. I didnt write it so dont jump on me. It mentions the solid rock but doesnt take into account solution holes. The rest the article is useless. Im still hoping to find the silver bar story.

KK I posted here to share my knowlege of solution holes and the newsclippings that I BTW find to be very interesting. The first article says that a pirate ship sank in the river opposite Rocky Bluff. Im not sure how you can twist this into "personal attacks and name calling." Im curious what of any value you yourself have to this thread. :icon_scratch:

BDD I have no intention of hurting or trying to hurt your feelings. And yes I agree you are correct my vague dowsing statement was no longer private when I posted it online. I get it. My bad. BUT it was also no big revelation lol and I get the feeling you are nitpicking.. But thanks for some positive comments.

Bigcypresshunter, Thanks for the newspaper article. I take it that you have been around the block with treasure hunting. I have a question for you. Since when did merchant vessels enter Tampa Bay loaded with silver bars and coins ? Interesting arm chair article, but I highly doubt that a merchant ship carried all that silver and pirates stole it. What do you think ?? If the story is just a story, I wouldn't be looking for buried pirate loot based on that story or any story like it. ( I'm not saying you believe the article. I'm just asking for your opinion. ) :icon_scratch:

old man-I know you directed this to BCH but as the thread starter I will reply, BCH is welcome to reply all he wants. Merchant ships have been entering Tampa Bay for centuries. Why would you possibly doubt a merchant ship carried silver? Why do you doubt that pirates stole from merchant ships? If they didn't steal then they wouldn't be pirates, now would they? If the story is just a story? All stories are just stories. Some are accurate and some are not. old man-judging from your past posts I doubt you will looking for pirate loot ANYWHERE. For the record-I am not looking for pirate treasure. I already think I know where some of it is.

Old man its sort of like the Swamp Gold legend. Im trying to seperate fact from fiction. I will have to read it again carefully. I do think some legends have some basis of fact even though the story may be changed or exaggerrated.

I dont see myself as a good treasure hunter but I was heavily involved in the 70s and 80s. I once strapped a large coiled metal detector to my boat and drove up and down the shallows in the keys because I couldnt afford a magnetometer. I tore up a lot of seaweed and I was always getting stuck. The things I did and places I searched would not be allowed today. We didnt have internet and I didnt really have any idea what I was doing and I was operating on sheer luck. Treasure books was all we had if I could afford one. I have a few finds. I am not really a cache hunter.

I dont mean to change the subject but as a kid I cut everything out of the newspaper concerning Mel Fisher. I have an article of Mel using what may be considered an LRL. The inventor was from Scotland. If anyone is interested I will try to find it? Its packed away in my warehouse.

As I recall Mel was always trying to promote his treasure hunting skills to raise investor funds. My good buddies Dad actually invested the year he found the Atiocha and received his share. It consisted of one beautiful gold coin, some silver and a copper brick he uses as a door stop. I think he invested $1000.

BCH-I bet when you were in the Keys with your homemade magnetometer system that you had a good time. I have never done that. I told a friend one time many years ago that one of my dreams was to have a glass bottom boat and cruise around the keys looking for stuff to dive on. When I told him this treasure hunting dream of mine he told me a treasure story of his own. It was in the course of this conversation between us that he discussed his dad showing him the location of the diamonds from the U-853. Sharing our treasure hunting stories and dreams is what I think Treasurenet was probably created for.

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Consider the source, ECS believes a Nazi under oath, will not tell a lie (because it supports his attack) and he will only use research information that discredits you.

Some of us still wish you well!
Most of the high command of the German military were not members of the NAZI PARTY,therefore not NAZIs.The WAFFEN SS and other divisions of the SS under Himler,were the true hardcore Ayran Nazis.Werner von Braun,who directed our space program,was an officer of the SS and a NAZI PARTY member.

BDD,I have posted comments that support your treasure theories on this very thread-The West Indies Squadon USS GRAMPUS pursuit of Capt Henry Ross through Egmont Channel to his camp on Ross Island,d'Aury's limestone treasure vaults,and the 1935 Pablo Sanchez/Rick Cole discovery of pieces of Gaspar's treasure in that area.
Yes,I also post items that may conflict with some of your theories,aka,point-counterpoint,it is one way of getting to the heart of a legend and finding that nugget of fact.
I have done the same on BCH's SWAMP GOLD thread.

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KK and BCH- As my mom always said, it takes two to make an arguement. You two sound like a couple of kids on here. Please don't not carry on with your bickering on here. Do this thread a favor and BOTH of you PLEASE remove this last set of posts. I am asking in a nice way. If it makes either one of you feel better, leave them.

I came on here this morning expecting some comments on what I thought was a huge statement about Ovid. Nothing. Just two guys carrying on their feud.

BCH-Thanks for the articles. Please leave then on here. KK-Thanks for the support.

If you two remove your arguing posts, I will remove this post. Let's see who goes first, if either.

Maybe Jeffro's post will be irrevelant if the (flame wars) is gone. I never heard that term till I came to TN.

Bigdogdad, I can't believe you would say that. After all the support I've tried to give you on this thread, when everyone else was down on you. Did you not see my name called above, bringing me back into the thread? I had not been posting here until then. Do you expect me to just let people walk on me? Do you let them walk on you? I've taken hits in defense of you and your thread, and you can now say such a thing to me when I try to stand up for myself against a trouble maker and name caller? And you do the same on here constantly. I've tried to help you out here, even though I don't personally put much stock in these things. And you want me to stop? I will. I just ask you to consider who/what you're trading a supporter for.

I will delete my posts. Now you, and Treasurenet, can be happy with the kind of posters you want here. You guys have fun in your boat.

Report to moderator button is lower left black triangle.

Yes, I was a 1955 baby, born in Miami. 1955 was a very good year!

KK-Either I said the wrongs things or your taking what I am saying the wrong way. I am not taking sides here. You can ride in the boat too. I know that you have supported me and I thank you for that. BCH does not always think through things before he posts them. Everyone on here, myself included, take things WAY too personal. When speaking in person with someone you can tell by tone of the way something is said what the intentions are. When we type out our conversations the persons reading what we have to say may take it the wrong way. I have unintentionally hurt different peoples feelings on here. Maybe a couple of time it was intentionally. I have seen some of the feuds going on different threads and some on this thread. I wish there were no feuds. I am trying to be a peacemaker here. It may not come across that way. I know that ECS and BCH and I have had our ups and downs. They have come up with a lot of information that has helped me figure out some gaps in my own story. There are others that have come on this thread whose intentions were to just irritate me. Let's all try to get along. Why don't we start with a clean slate and move forward?

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