Pirate Treasure-Trying to get a permit to dig up

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I dont know anything about the Fowlers Bluff project to comment.

But Im reading that they did use GPR.

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I was trying to find the reference to the Rocky Bluff silver story. It was in a book and it mentioned two bars found at Rocky Bluff. Now when I try searching for it all I keep getting is a link about some bozo trying to get a permit to dig for pirate silver at Rocky Bluff. I read a little of his story and I don't believe a word of it. If this cocky jerk treasure hunter wanna-bee dog guy thinks he knows where all this treasure is supposed to be why doesn't he just dig it up instead of talking, and talking, and talking, and talking..........

Yea what is he writing a book or something? :laughing9:

I am very opinionated, I dont take sides and I usually agree with ECS. But I can think of many reasons why a pirate or seaman would bury treasure. One that comes to mind involves the 1715 fleet disaster. There was treasure everywhere and in almost every dead mans pockets. All the treasure needed to be collected and accounted for and the bodies buried. I can imagine a very poor seaman would take advantage of the situation and bury coins with the plans of returning. Of course years later it may not be possibile to return or the location was lost. I remember a large cache was found about 3 miles inland clearing land for a parking lot for Walmart or something. Its called the "Bulldozer Hoard" John Durham - "Bulldozer Hoard" found near Sebastian, FL There is no doubt in my mind that buried treasure exists. I only disagree with the methods used to locate them. I feel they are unreliable at best but I dont want to talk about that..

The good thing about finding a cache inland is there will be no saltwater erosion on the coins like this one I found at a construction site not far from the Bulldozer Hoard.

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Have read accounts of pirates spending wildly. Its not a hard sell (to me) that valuables could be cached when servicing craft or vulnerable for other reasons, a poor condition of craft,major weather conditions,while rare ,disease or illness of too great a number of crew. And toward first quarter of 1700s playing cat and mouse with royal navy,while off loading evidence wouldn't alter fate of captured at least it would not benefit the demise of the way of life.

I was trying to find the reference to the Rocky Bluff silver story. It was in a book and it mentioned two bars found at Rocky Bluff. Now when I try searching for it all I keep getting is a link about some bozo trying to get a permit to dig for pirate silver at Rocky Bluff. .......
The legend also involves a ghost dog. 1989 news clipping.
Sarasota Herald-Tribune - Google News Archive Search

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Very probable.I had brooched this thought earlier on,on this thread.Also,if he spent time with Mel Fisher,he may have heard the tale from Charles Christopher Johnson.

ECS- I am doing my best on this thread to not make fun of your spelling "skills", so I will try not to mention anything about your spelling "skills".

Is anyone reading this thread starting to see a pattern? I tell a story. People think I make it all up. Same people find reference to my stories in books, magazines, etc. Then they still continue to doubt everything I say. I am not a researcher. BCH and ECS are very good researchers. Too bad we can't seem to work together.

The story about the "famous treasure hunter" John Durham is quite relevant here. I told a story of plane crash diamonds. The trip I made to the east coast of Florida was around 1989 or so. The guy who showed us the plane crash diamond spot was John Durham. When we had arrived at his house earlier he told me to go look around in one of his back bedrooms. It was FULL of treasure, gold bars and coins, silver bars and coins and a whole lot more. This famous treasure hunter could not find his way back to the crash site. Ovid pointed it out on a map. John did not believe Ovid was right. Ovid was right. My unnamed on here friend ended up being John Durham's closest associate. He helped John get the best of his collection into two different museums. Before John died he passed all his secrets and secret places on to this friend of mine.

About two years ago this friend of mine and I made a trip together to the keys and stayed in Key West. I was shown many things along the way. I was told many things along the way. We also went by John Durham's old homestead where there is treasure buried. When we got there they were building a four lane highway right over the top of it. Another Florida treasure lost. This unnamed friend of mine is part of my team. He is a walking encyclopedia of Florida history and especially native american history.

This line of thought about whether Ovid could read the news is laughable. What you two are implying is a joke. I had Ovid in the passenger seat of my wife's T/A and was taking him to a drugstore to get a prescription filled. It was almost dark. On the spur of the moment I asked him to take out his pendulum and see if he got any readings as we drove down Highway 301. He knew NOTHING about where we were or the fact that we were driving by an old pirate camp. Never mind the fact that this was in 1987 which was a year or so before the article you quote. Maybe Ovid had ESPN. I know I have ESPN/2. ECS/BCH get over it. Ovid was the REAL DEAL. I am the REAL DEAL. There is so much more to this story than you can imagine. If I started telling it all ECS's head would spin like that poor little girl in the Exorcist.

Here are some things for you two to ponder.

The U-853 was Hitler's private submarine. It had 12 or more 88mm shells filled with treasure on board and I know the locations of where some of this treasure is buried.

Rocky Bluff was a pirate camp. There is very possibly a pile of silver right where I said it is. There are more locations at Rocky Bluff that I have not shared so don't tell anyone.

The pirate camp with the treasure chests is in Englewood Florida. It is right beside Howard's Restaraunt on state road 776. This is a secret location so don't tell anyone.

Ovid stood on the bow of one of Mel Fisher's boats and put them over two spots. One was a pile of silver near Ft. Pierce and the other was a pile of gold from the Atocha. I have known this for 25 years and it was recently reconfirmed by another party. They may not want to publicly admit it but as far as I am concerned it is true. That's one of the reasons I am willing to put this on TN.

I could go on and on about many more treasures but you get the picture. You can try to make fun of me if you want to. Heck, I like to make fun of me. I have the best sense of humor of anyone that I know. But when it comes to mytreasurestory.com I am very,very, serious.

ECS/BCH-Keep digging. I like watching you get deeper and deeper. When you are so far down that you can't get out, I will throw you a rope. Just be careful with what you do with it.

For years I have held back from going totally public with all of this. I no longer care. I am going to let it all hang out. Life is short. I looked in the mirror this morning and there was an old dude looking back at me. Dang, I feel like I'm about 25. Time flies when you have bills to pay.


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I see my help is not appreciated. 1988 newsclippings, buried caches and solution holes.... Maybe you already had this information? Otherwise I cannot possibly understand your attitude. Oh well. I didnt have to dig far to find it so its not hard to climb out.. And Im not making fun of anybody. Geez.

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BCH-You seem like a nice guy. Maybe you are just trying to help. Sometimes it is hard for me to tell what your intentions are. I think I know what ECH's are. He is trying to discredit me. Of course I guess I could be wrong about that. Readers of this thread need to understand that there have been many things said on other threads. BCH-You obviously do not believe in some of my methods or beliefs. If you are trying to prove anything about the validity of dowsing you need to go to the dowsing forum and have your debate there. Map dowsing, on site dowsing, LRL's are a part but certainly not all of my story. My treasure story is about buried caches of treasure that I believe I know the locations of. I have enough evidence to convince myself that it all may be there. I did not start this thread to try to prove it to anyone.

BCH-As I have stated, you are VERY good at researching. I would like to have you as part of the team. There are many things going on behind the scenes. Although it may appear that I blab everything on TN, that is far from the truth. I use some of this information as bait to draw people to me. I do this in an honest way with no bad intentions. Keep putting on here all the relevant information that you find. It helps keep the thread interesting for the readers. Just remember that if it appears that you are teaming with ECS to try to prove that Ovid or I are frauds in any way, I will take it as a personal attack on my credibility. I do read the Swamp Gold thread and many others. Keep up the good work on the research.

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BCH-You seem like a nice guy. Maybe you are just trying to help. Sometimes it is hard for me to tell what your intentions are. I think I know what ECH's are. He is trying to discredit me. Of course I guess I could be wrong about that. Readers of this thread need to understand that there have been many things said on other threads. BCH-You obviously do not believe in some of my methods or beliefs. If you are trying to prove anything about the validity of dowsing you need to go to the dowsing forum and have your debate there. Map dowsing, on site dowsing, LRL's are a part but certainly not all of my story. My treasure story is about buried caches of treasure that I believe I know the locations of. I have enough evidence to convince myself that it all may be there. I did not start this thread to try to prove it to anyone.

BCH-As I have stated, you are VERY good at researching. I would like to have you as part of the team. There are many things going on behind the scenes. Although it may appear that I blab everything on TN, that is far from the truth. I use some of this information as bait to draw people to me. I do this in an honest way with no bad intentions. Keep putting on here all the relevant information that you find. It helps keep the thread interesting for the readers. Just remember that if it appears that you are teaming with ECS to try to prove that Ovid or I are frauds in any way, I will take it as a personal attack on my credibility. I do read the Swamp Gold thread and many others. Keep up the good work on the research.
OK thanks. As I said I NEVER take sides or team with anybody here at TN and this may be a flaw of mine. I am a loyal person outside of TN however. Just because I agree with ECS doesnt mean I am teaming up with him. I disagreed with Cori Convertito. I look for facts and the truth, not whos side Im on in an internet war.

I have been trying not to talk about dowsing here because so much is based on this and you already know my thoughts. I thought you were looking for the newsclips. It doesnt mention silver bars found but I thought it was a very interesting read about the dog legend and pirate ship scuttled.. Im sure you read it. I also thought the solution hole information could be helpful. GPR may help verify soilution holes or any voids in the limestone rock. They often have interlocking caves and I have observed otter utilizing these underground crevices. Nobody even mentioned my positive post. If you dont believe me, Everglades Nat Park has a place called "Otter Cave." http://www.nps.gov/ever/planyourvisit/otter-cave-hammock-trail.htm I was there 2 years ago to help capture live a very large Python. Construction would have filled in any natural eroding limestone holes but crevices may remain underground. The pirates could have utilized these existing crevices. There is no telling what is stuffed into those caves.

I thought I posted much more positive than negative. The silght mention of Ovid reading the paper needs to be taken into consideration IMO. OK it was 1987, not 1988 so the story didnt come out yet. It was however an old and very well known legend according to the paper. Keep in mind I didnt post it to try and disprove or discredit anything and Im not holding a grudge.. I guess its just hard to ignore this thread that keeps popping up in my "subscribed threads" list..

I have been accused of "harassment" of dowsers by (edit) another member but I dont read or post in the dowsing forum. I dont think you will find one single post of mine in those forums in the past 5 years or more so how is this harassment?. I privately think they are a bunch of nutcases and I see no reason whatsoever to post there. Is it a case of the majority nutcases ruining it for the few good dowsers?

I understand why you talk so much. You are writing a book and are trying to promote it. It may not be allowed on other forums but see nothing wrong with that here at the new TN. I myself will plug in my eBay listings from time to time if I feel I can get away with it lol because I need the money now. I think you are allowed to post your website on your avatar. Why dont you do that?

You keep wondering if Im trying to help. What is the definition of "help'? I am only after the truth. Like I say this may be a serious flaw of mine. After the last internet war that we had, I am afraid to post anything too negative and I am NOT on a mission to discredit. Nobody needs enemies and I certainly dont.. If I cant get along with you, then I would not be able to attend any future treasure hunter gatherings because you have friends. I cant take back what I already said but I am not looking to make it worse thats for sure.

Have a good day.

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BCH-You obviously do takes sides. You are on the side that thinks LRL's are a scam.

If you are trying not to talk about dowsing on here you are not doing a very good job of it.

Thank you for the positive posts about the otter holes. The pirates may have found one at Rocky Bluff and used it for hiding treasure. Makes sense to me.

I did feel you implied that Ovid was somehow trying to pull the wool over my eyes.

If you are trying to ignore this thread perhaps there is an "unsubscribe" button.

Maybe if you read the dowsing forum you might learn more about it which may open your eyes to new possibilities.

NEWSFLASH-Once you posts your "private thoughts" on the World Wide Web, they are no longer private.

WOW!- Is it possible that you might consider Ovid one of "the few good dowsers"?

I am glad you understand why I talk so much. I don't even try to understand or care why "others" on here talk so much.

Thanks for the avatar/website info. When I am completly ready I may do just that.

BDD,just because I may post statements, quotes,thoughts,or facts that may be contrary to yours,its not my intent to discredit you. It is just the presentation of another point of view.If you think that makes you look like a fraud,that is your own perception of my posts.
As I have stated many times,you are long on story,but short on documented facts.
Example: Hitler's private U-boat.
REICHSADMIRAL DONITZ,stated under oath at Nuremberg that Hitler did not have a private U-boat.
Please cite your source. I am not afraid to be proven wrong,if and only if,you can present a reliable creditable source for your claim.

ECS-If a war criminal said that Hitler did not have a private U-boat and you read this somewhere then I guess it must be true. Gee, why would he lie? Hey maybe it has something to do with the 88mm shells, Since they were hid by the navy and Donitz was in charge maybe there was some sort of conspiracy going on. Perhaps they did not want anybody to know the true mission of the U-853. Or maybe Hitler did not tell him that was his sub. I wasn't there. I have read it multiple times in the past and I am sure you have too. Yes I know, it is just a rumor. It really has no bearing on my story. ECS- You don't work for the government do you?

BCH-If you really don't want to keep talking about it, STOP! You said in a prior post-"I privately think they are a bunch of nutcases....." Sounds like a private thought to me.

OK thanks. As I said I NEVER take sides or team with anybody here at TN and this may be a flaw of mine. I am a loyal person outside of TN however. Just because I agree with ECS doesnt mean I am teaming up with him. I disagreed with Cori Convertito. I look for facts and the truth, not whos side Im on in an internet war.

I have been trying not to talk about dowsing here because so much is based on this and you already know my thoughts. I thought you were looking for the newsclips. It doesnt mention silver bars found but I thought it was a very interesting read about the dog legend and pirate ship scuttled.. Im sure you read it. I also thought the solution hole information could be helpful. GPR may help verify soilution holes or any voids in the limestone rock. They often have interlocking caves and I have observed otter utilizing these underground crevices. Nobody even mentioned my positive post. If you dont believe me, Everglades Nat Park has a place called "Otter Cave." Otter Cave Hammock Trail - Everglades National Park I was there 2 years ago to help capture live a very large Python. Construction would have filled in any natural eroding limestone holes but crevices may remain underground. The pirates could have utilized these existing crevices. There is no telling what is stuffed into those caves.

I thought I posted much more positive than negative. The silght mention of Ovid reading the paper needs to be taken into consideration IMO. OK it was 1987, not 1988 so the story didnt come out yet. It was however an old and very well known legend according to the paper. Keep in mind I didnt post it to try and disprove or discredit anything and Im not holding a grudge.. I guess its just hard to ignore this thread that keeps popping up in my "subscribed threads" list..

I have been accused of "harassment" of dowsers by KK but I dont read or post in the dowsing forum. I dont think you will find one single post of mine in those forums in the past 5 years or more so how is this harassment?. I privately think they are a bunch of nutcases and I see no reason whatsoever to post there. Is it a case of the majority nutcases ruining it for the few good dowsers?

I understand why you talk so much. You are writing a book and are trying to promote it. It may not be allowed on other forums but see nothing wrong with that here at the new TN. I myself will plug in my eBay listings from time to time if I feel I can get away with it lol because I need the money now. I think you are allowed to post your website on your avatar. Why dont you do that?

You keep wondering if Im trying to help. What is the definition of "help'? I am only after the truth. Like I say this may be a serious flaw of mine. After the last internet war that we had, I am afraid to post anything too negative and I am NOT on a mission to discredit. Nobody needs enemies and I certainly dont.. If I cant get along with you, then I would not be able to attend any future treasure hunter gatherings because you have friends. I cant take back what I already said but I am not looking to make it worse thats for sure.

Have a good day.

BDD saving this for posterity.

BCH-If you really don't want to keep talking about it, STOP! You said in a prior post-"I privately think they are a bunch of nutcases....." Sounds like a private thought to me.
LOL I guess it is and you are right but geez BDD the vague nutcase comment is not directed at you. The word "they" means someone else; not you; used as third person pronoun serving as the plural of he, she, or it or referring to a group of two or more individuals.

I dont intend on posting any private thoughts (about you)

BDD Im trying to be nice to you but you will no longer tell me to stop or where or how many times I should post or what I shouldnt say. If you have a problem, report me to the moderators.

I did not say that you were implying I am a nut case. How about this. I am a nutcase. This whole treasure story has made me a little crazy and I was already crazy to begin with. I have admitted this in the past. BCH-You can't hurt my feelings even if you were to try. My point to you was if you post a private thought on the internet it is no longer a private thought. Post all of them that you want to, hopefully they will somehow be relevant to this thread and treasure in general. If I told you to stop it was only because you have said that you want to stop posting on here but can't seem to help it. I would really rather talk about something else. I am going to come onto here later and ask you and ECS a request. Thanks for posting. I really do think you mean well.

I am going to come onto here later and ask you and ECS a request. Thanks for posting. I really do think you mean well.
I have a request.
On #831 of FRANKN's The Offer thread you stated,and I quote:
"The dowser only went out with the Fisher crew one time.That was all it took to put them on the silver in one location and gold in the other."
Please expound-
1. Is this a reference to Mel Fisher's most famous find?
2. Was this dowsing event ever documented on video or on paper?
3. Would the archive historian at the MEL FISHER MARITIME MUSEUM in Key West confirm this account?

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