Pirate Treasure-Trying to get a permit to dig up

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I am sure I am repeating myself here but I will say it anyway. In 2006 a friend of mine and I went to the FDOT headquarters in Bartow to try to get permission to dig for the silver. I had arranged a meeting with the head guy and the state lawyer. I told them the whole story and why I thought the treasure was silver bars. They were excited about it and were willing to let me dig. I was given the paperwork to fill out. I got sidetracked and did not follow through. When I decided to go after it recently I pulled out all the paperwork. There was a name and number of the contact guy who would work with me on the dig. I called the FDOT in Sarasota. The same guy was still there. I arranged a meeting with him. We talked. I told him the whole story. I think he was ready to let me dig but he wanted to run it by the new superintendent in Bartow. That's where I ran into a roadblock. The new guy wanted to run it by the state archaeologists. You guessed it. No go. Hindsight is 20/10. I don't get a do-over.

VOR-You should see the photo of me and my "AX" girlfriend.

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Dont know anything about Morgans but I think that I am closing in on some wine glasses and about a billion pennies in PA. PM if you want me to send the map.

and don't forget the spools of copper :laughing9:

dogpound- What spools of copper? Are you refering to the 4 foot long piece of indoor phone line that Jeffpro found?

dogpound- What spools of copper? Are you refering to the 4 foot long piece of indoor phone line that Jeffpro found?

i'm surprised you've never heard of this cashe in the warrington area......its loaded with hoards of copper, 1.6 million pennies and fine glassware, it also has some silver, gold and even a few property deeds all for the taking

If i recall, all pennies are pre1982.

Please, start a thread about the pennies, for us that never heard of it. Im a penny pincher, so that would fit me just great!

Not me. I already posted the map.

I see that two threads have been moved to the cache hunting forum. From the above posts it sounds like there needs to be another one added. For the readers this means more to choose from. I guess if you like to read you will read them all. I don't want this thread to become a repititous rehashing of the same thing over and over. I have tried to keep it interesting. At the begining I did not know how things would turn out. I certainly did not think this whole Rocky Bluff affair would still be dragging on. I have a choice to make as far as this thread.

I am hoping some things will happen in the near future as far as the silver dig goes. I am going to try to talk to the reporter tomorrow to find out what his plans are. Because of my AADD (adult attention deficit disorder) I need to keep moving forward or I will start to lose interest on this dig and will proceed with the North Carolina pots of gold dig. The pots are definitly my favorite of all the places Ovid and I went. I even think I may have almost been standing on one.

I am prepared to get with the TV networks to try to put pressure on the FDOT to allow me to find out what is at the bridge. To me it is more about the principle of it all. Our state is crying poormouth and there are potential treasures all over Florida both in the ground and in the water. There are hundreds if not thousands of treasure hunters that would be glad to find these treasures and share them with the state if they were allowed to go after them and perhaps get a share of what is found. I know there are people on here that may think I would not make a good representative spokesperson for treasure hunters in general. If anyone else wants to take up this cause, go for it. I am just not the type to sit back and watch. The archaeologists seem to have no interest in all things "treasure". Somebody needs to dig them up before they are lost to development or to "looters".

My time in this life is limited. Everyone's is. I know that I cannot keep putting some things off until "the time is right". For me the time is now. Damn the torpedoes, full steam ahead, or however the saying goes.

In the mean time I will be glad to share a few more of my stories if anyone is interested.

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I really doubt that there are thousands of treasure hunters that would be "glad" to share with the state, and "perhaps" get a share of what is found. Please, dont try to be a spokesperson for treasure hunters, we really dont need someone giving away to the state, what we have worked for. You seem to be so hung up on being "famous", that you are ready to give all you find to the state, to achieve that goal. Just dont give away our finds also.

maipenrai-You may be absolutely right. I just keep hearing how the state of Florida no longer gives permits for any type of treasure hunting. It doesn't matter who you are or what the treasure is. If everybody is happy with this arrangement maybe I would be better off to leave things well enough alone. I happen to think that there are a lot of people that are playing by the "rules". I think some of these people would like to see the rules changed in favor of treasure hunters. Maybe I am wrong. Judging by a lot of the "advice" I have been given on this forum it is obvious that there are a lot of modern day "pirates" creeping around in the middle of the night or perhaps in broad daylight doing as they please as they don't care about getting caught.

maipenri-Judging by your posts you have had nothing but negativity towards everything I have put on this thread. I don't know if that is how you treat all newcomers or other posters or if you have just chosen to dislike me. You seem to post as if you think you represent the Treasurenet group in general. As there is no gamecard to identify the "players" on here I really don't know who you think you are.

My quest to be "famous" is not really about treasure. My car movie that I made was meant to put me in a position of some fame or wealth. I have a partner with who I have produced a DVD on how to cure dyslexia. He wants to make money off of this potential cure, I want to give them away. I would like to buy him out. I have an invention I would like to produce to help children. There is more to my goals than meets the eye. I am not looking to become famous just for attentions sake. Fame can bring power.

My methods in all things may not be the exact way to go but I am trying. Some people would go after treasure and if they found it would bring it home and bury it in their back yard. Maybe they would tell no one and would then lead the life of luxury. If that is some treasure hunters goal, great. I will not try to impose my style of doing things on anyone else, and I don't want anybody trying to make me feel guilty for my methods or goals. To each his own.

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Sorry for the joke BDD. I couldnt help myself. I was afraid to read your reaction.

I never saw the methane fart trick performed but I heard of someone that incurred serious burns.

A friend of mine used to spit gas out his mouth and light it on fire. He had performed it many times around the campfire and it was impressive to a group of redneck drunks but one time he burned his mouth and face and that was the last time.

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Just my 2 cents as far as the Pirate treasure under coral rock, I would agree not likely the Pirates busted through rock.. Have you ever tried to dig in that stuff to plant a tree? I dont know the area but the best scenario I could think of and I dont mean this in a bad way, is that the Pirates could have found a solution hole which is a natural hole eaten through limestone, or a "cave" underwater at the waters edge.

Im surprised someone hasnt posted the previous silver find at Rocky Bluff. Why not post it for all to read?

Another thought its unlikely the FDOT would allow anything that might compromise the bridge support structure.

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I have never been hurt performing this "trick". You could be harmed if there was a backfire (aka-buttfire). I have noticed that since i quit drinking I don't try to perform some of the dumb things I have done in the past. I broke my own nose doing something stupid with my hand. I broke one of my toes when I forgot which toe was my trick toe. I broke a few teeth with my"hold a rifle by the barrel with my teeth" trick. I lit a whole pack of bottle rockets and stuck them in my pants. Obviously I have done a lot of stupid things in the past. I have a video of me in the scoop of a backhoe trying to probe for the pirate chest in Englewood. The backhoe almost toppled over into the hole with me in the scoop. My brothers say I am no fun since I quit drinking.

There is no coral rock at Rocky Bluff. It is limestone.

Thre is no way the digging of the silver would compromise the bridge structure.

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There is no coral rock at Rocky Bluff. It is limestone.

Im not sure the difference so I tried to Google it. I found this link showing several varieties of "Limestone." Limestone: Rock Uses, Formation, Composition, Pictures "It is usually an organic sedimentary rock that forms from the accumulation of shell, coral, algal and fecal debris."

I am guessing that limestone also has "solution hole" pockets that could be utilized for burying and that was the point of my post. In the Everglades we have many naturally eroding holes in the bedrock, coral rock, limestone or whatever it is. But maybe Im wrong and there are no holes at Rocky Bluff..

The skull is a cool find but there may be a law against removing or possessing it.. My friends father found skulls on almost every island in the Everglades.

ADDED: Here is a natural occuring solution hole in Limestone. If I wanted to bury silver or gold, I would urilize one of these solution holes and fill it with dirt., Some of them have interconnecting caves underneath. I know this because I have witnessed otter and Everglades Mink that will utilize these underground caverns. While sitting in my tree stand, I have seen them pop up for air at different locations.

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Norman Scott of GLOBAL EXPLORATIONS,Newberry,is digging at FOWLER's BLUFF on the Suwannee River for three buried chests of gold and silver of Jean LaFitte.The site is on the NW corner of property occupied by THE TREASURE CAMP RESTUARANT.
GPR has shown two bright orange-red splotches,that Scott believes are the three chests.His workers have driven a 16ft pipe into about 14ft of ground where a hose is sucking up the quicksand that lies beneath the surface.If the chest is located,they will then drill a hole and suck up the gold and silver through the pipe.
Legend has it that this was a well known pirate camp,where the buccaneers would careen their ships to clean the bottoms of barnacles,including LaFitte,Black Caesar,and Gaspar.
In 1888,Emmett Joseph Baird recieved a treasure map with X marking the spot from an old man on his deathbed.After working the site,Baird had enough money to start a bank and THE BAIRD HARDWARE CO in Gainesville,Florida.
Other attempts since Baird's at that site have turned up nothing.
More details: Ocala.com: Ocala news, sports, weather and classifieds | The Star Banner | Ocala FL
"Legend of pirate gold keeps treasure hunters digging at Fowler's Bluff "

"None have dug up the treasure, with the exception of one rumored recovery that may or may not have happened.":icon_scratch:

I hope those guys don't come onto Treasurenet for advice. I have been told some of the following. Pirates don't bury treasure. Pirates spent all their money. Pirate camps don't exist. There's no way the chests would be that deep. They would be made fun of as they are digging at a place called Treasure Camp at Fowlers Bluff. ECS would claim how convenient, they even have a restaurant just like BDD's site in Englewood. There is probably a highway close by too. Someone would make fun of their names, Charlie Brown and Jerry Lee. They would be told that they are wasting their time. They would be told it is just local lore, a false legend, and just a rumor that there are chests. They would be told the story of the map is a lie. I wish them luck. I hope they find something.

:laughing9: its the curse of TN.

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