I think maybe you take what people say the wrong way, or don't really understand what they are trying to convey.
When I talked about people "knowing" about a treasure's location but never digging it up...I was not talking about your specific case...I was generalizing a situation that comes up all the time on here, and other places, in order to give you an idea of why your story faced an uphill battle from the start. It was not personal.
As to why we believe what we believe...Yes. All those things make up our beliefs. What we read, are taught, witness ourselves.... There were people that believed that a spaceship was hidden in the tail of the Hale-Bop Comet, and they would be magically transported up to it when they killed themselves....Seems pretty delusional to the average, rational, person doesn't it? But they believed it so much that they killed themselves...after some other pretty "extreme" acts of devotion! Those were a lot of very smart people too...not just "lost souls" off the street. They worked for computer companies and whatever! So what I'm saying is...For most people, we could look at them and say "How could any of them actually believe any of that?" But I'm sure none of them ever doubted it.
Same thing with paranormal claims. I have the feeling you think I am 100% skeptical. I never said one way or the other. I know three women that routinely claim to see ghosts...in broad daylight, and every week in a couple of cases. One is a drama queen that likes attention, so it's fair to rule her out. Another never publicized it, but to this day, as a grown woman, and mother...she has to carry around a "security blanket" everywhere she goes...so that crosses her out!.....But the third? I have no reason to think she would ever lie about anything...and I have to take her word at face value. My mother and all her brothers and sisters (9 kids total) were walking down an old dirt road when she was a child. They came up to a tree along the path. In the tree was a beautiful woman in a white, flowing dress, that pointed to the ground, then held up a hand to stop them. She didn't speak, but at the base of the tree was a large rattlesnake, right by where they were about to walk...The ghost of their sister that died at birth? An angel? Someone else that ran up the tree to get away from the snake? I don't know, but they all think they saw a ghost.
I have things in my life that would steer me towards believing in ghosts and the afterlife....but until I see it for myself...there is always that doubt that it could be misinterpreted situations, or mental things....the brain does wierd things sometimes.
I have no doubt in the wonder of animals and their instincts. Mothers know how to take care of babies...Cats can find their way home over many miles of seperation, etc., but until it is proven scientifically...I have my doubts about psychics. I've seen too many fake ones. I've had that "little voice" inside my head before doing something foolish...I usually listen to it....and when I don't, it ends up in peeled skin, blood, or scratched up vehicles. I don't consider it guardian angels, ghosts, or genetic memory. I consider it common sense!
All I'm saying about psychics, dowsers, and LRL's is....I've never seen ANY proof of them being true. And that's what it takes for me to believe in them. When I was a child, I believed in many things that turned out to be stories, or out and out lies. That is part of how we learn to believe what we believe...What we read, are taught, and witness ourselves.
As for the limestone...What is wrong with burying the silver where it would be hard to dig up? Think about that....If they had to "get the loot and scoot" do you think they would want it to be hard to dig back up? I'm trying to help here, not disprove that there pirates there. Think like a pirate at those times. You will probably be hanged if caught...do you want to be next to a major waterway with pick axes, and metal spikes busting up limestone for days? And if it was a long running camp, don't you think the area was cleared over time for shacks, and maybe a dock...or at least through the cutting of firewood? I bet it wasn't too much more wooded than it was in that 1940 photo....maybe less as there was plenty of time for trees to grow back. I don't know what context ECS brought up the limestone vaults....but I have also read that. I believe in the infamous L. Frank Hudson book! One was supposed to be on the north end of Honeymoon Island.....That doesn't mean there are any. I just don't believe anyone was digging limestone treasure vaults unless it was in the middle of some stone stronghold like in the Carribean or South American port cities. I believe there could be pirate treasure in the area. Just not under any bedrock.
As for treasure being found in construction sites...Yeah I believe that is totally possible to have happened. I have read it many times in treasure books...Just never any newspaper articles...That would make me believe it to have dates times, places, and names.
If a map dowser was trying to scam someone they absolutely would be inclined to say a treasure was under a building, etc.....but if they actually BELIEVED it themselves....they would want it to be where they could have a chance of proving it. Someone could try a little experiment if they liked. Bury something of value in your yard, they ask online for map dowsers to P/M you where they think it is, and see if any of them match. If it is a true thing, they should all match, and be spot on....my guess is they will either not participate (saying they don't have anything to prove), or be all over the place...just randomly guessing. Someone might get it right...and look legit.
As for the diamonds....If Ovid was into treasure for much of his life, as you say.....I just can't imagine ANY treasure hunter leaving handfuls of exactly what you all had came for on the ground. All the conditions you mentioned would make it even more imparitive to be sucessful...not less. That's how I see it. You may see it differently.
The dead dog....That was to point out that you seem, by the things you have said on here, to take almost ANYTHING as a sign....sometimes things just happen. I live on a creek, and tree's fall all the time...sometimes right in front of my eyes....I don't take it as a "Sign" of anything other than erosion.....it would have happened if I was there or not. My point was not to ridicule you, but to point out that you seem to want to believe everything is a sign of treasure.
You asked who you would be trying to fool with your dowsing, and asked was it yourself....We all try to fool ourselves all the time...it's human nature.
You say Rocky Bluff had documented pirate history...I hope so. That would be cool...as I said....I love Florida history, and would love for something like that to have been so close to my home. I have never seen that documentation other than Hudson's book. He named Lafite as the pirate, so I read a pirate book that I have, and under Lafite, it never mentioned Florida....He could have very well been here, but I don't know where Hudson got his information. I ordered a couple of more books specifically on Florida pirate activity....maybe it will be in one of those. I know you never said it was Lafite. But you did reference L. Frank Hudson, and that a ship with more treasure was in the river oposite Rocky Bluff, which I have only found in Hudson's book so far.
I know the verbal accounts of Seminole War activity (even by tour guides), and the documented facts, are often at odds....I would imagine the un-documented, centuries older, stories are even more corrupted. Many places that I had read of being "pirate camps" in Florida...I later read as being fishing ranchos. One person attributed as a pirate in a book i read, later turned out was just a landowner, and fisherman in the area. I was disappointed to see how "mundane", and well-documented his life was!
You said:
"Your advice for my future-"Don't mention pirates or treasure".-If my story involves pirates and treasure, that is what I will say.
"Don't mention dowsing or psychic powers".-If my story involves dowsing or psychic powers, that is what I will say.
"Don't mention reality shows or pay-per-views".- If those are my intention, that is what I will say.
"Don't stray off topic and mention cars and dogs".- I have very serious cars and dogs. they are a big part of my story. They illustrate how serious I am in what I do.
"This does not make me look serious".- Come visit me. Look me in the eyes. Then tell me if I look serious."
You apparently started this thread to get some advice on getting permission to dig on FDOT land right? That was SOLID advice that you choose to do the opposite of! I dealt with government officials for 20 years....ones with bagdes (not police), power to shut down businesses, and in some cases a serious stick up their tails.....I never had a problem with them, and I never had to lie to any of them...and most of them loved me! Even the worst of them turned into *****cats before they moved on.
I didn't say lie to them. I said don't bring up things that will turn them off, or thow up red flags. It doesn't mean it would be a red flag for you...it would be a red flag FOR THEM!
You said yourself (I believe) that they said they would never issue a dig permit for treasure....SO DON"T MENTION TREASURE!.....or guess what? They won't issue a permit!
Let me dig deep into my genetic memory and make a psychic prediction.....If you go into any government office spouting about pirate treasure, psychic powers, race cars, dogs, pay-per-views, and nazi submarines....you will 100% be turned down for a permit. If you don't want to accept that fact, then there is nothing else anyone can do for you unless some statewide permit system comes into effect, and they don't care what you are looking for as long as you fill out the paperwork, and pay the fee.
The story of the nutty as a fruitcake woman saying something totally out of context was an example I was trying to convey to you about how someone saying crazy sounding (to other people) things gets a negative response. There was OBVIOUSLY something wrong with her. My "fight or flight" reflex kicked in (THAT is genetic!)....It was a nice way of saying to you that when you went in there, and was "All over the board" with them....it probably turned them all off, and they dismissed you for good in their minds.
I have very serious cars as well...I've had two of them on the covers three magazines. Four (counting the two) in numerous other magzines. Several featured on well known websites, one I helped build in a museum, and in The Rodders Journal, along with my name credited on another in an upcoming book...That car is in competition at Pebble Beach. A guy came over from France back in May to do a photoshoot on one of mine, and will be back in October for another.....But I would never bring that up in a meeting about a historical dig....unless the guy I was talking to had pictures of hot rods all over his office, and I though it would give me leverage!
The fact that you think it made you look serious instead of unfocused, is what leads me to believe that you just aren't going to be able to see this from others perspectives even though you say that you can....that's not a slam.....just my opinion.
I didn't say lie to them....I said go after a permit for proof of a fishing rancho. I didn't think I would have to spell it out...but here it is:
As I have said, fishing rancho locations and "Pirate camps" go hand in hand. That could mean multiple occupancy of a good camp location through the years. So in your search of the fishing rancho, you might stumble onto a Seminole War era campsite, a pirate camp, an indian village....maybe even a Spanish explorers campsite like what was posted recently found in Ocala. If you find some treasure along the way...it is incedental to what you were doing. Then.....WRITE THE BOOK....you seem pretty adept at that right?? It doesn't have to be a big one, or even an "in print" published one. Put it online for download just like you are doing with your other one. You did what you said...It wasn't a lie. If you are willing to do what it takes, a little book on Florida history shouldn't be a problem.
The fact that you jumped to that conclusion and accused me of trying to get you to lie and scam, and then put yourself "above" me there is part of the problem with this whole thread. I made it clear I was not attacking you, but it looks like you are trying to set me up for the old "It's against T-net rules to advise someone to do something illegal" line.
I assure you my intention was to help you learn how to "Play the game" with the government desk jockys....and trust me...it IS a game. Do you think that when all these State archaologists are trying to get a permit to dig somewhere where nothing they find is going to add to our knowledge of the past, and whatever they recover will end up rotting away in a box somewhere they say; "I need this grant money so I can pay all my bills and get the new ipad..."? No. They talk about how important the site is to everyone that lives, and ever will live......Game.
One more thing......Don't think that it is lost on all of us that you and your buddy like to throw the name of your website and book around at every opportunity. No one puts the ".com" into normal conversation........and they don't run words together into URL form.....That is dangerously close to spamming the forum, and is the most likely thing to get this very entertaining thread shut down.
Again....nothing was meant as an attack...just rebuttal and clarification. I'm not interested in an internet flame war.
Good luck in your quest for a permit.