Pirate Treasure-Trying to get a permit to dig up

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My lawyer feels that I may have a good arguement about the silver, but is worried that I may do something rash and get myself in trouble. I tried to convince him that I plan on playing by the rules. I just want to know for a fact what the rules are regarding abandoned stolen goods. Does anybody reading this thread know anything about this? Would buried pirate booty be considered stolen property? If stolen property is found who owns it? Is there a time limit on how long ago it was stolen and buried as far as it no longer being considered stolen goods?

I'm pretty sure the state will lay claim to 100% of it.

I knew that once I contacted the state about this treasure site that there would be the risk of never getting possesion of any of it for myself or others. Since I have identified this site and have come forward in an honest manner the average person would think there would be some sort of "reward" in it for me. I would be naive to think that our officials would want to do the fair and just way of handling this. But hey, you never know.

Part of the reason I have gone public is to try to get citizen support on this. The average person on the street would want any treasure that may be buried there to be dug up. I haven't stood on a corner and conducted a poll but I have talked to a lot of people. I know I have said this many times but I have contacted the FDOT and the Department of Historical Resources and they have shown no desire or interest in seeing what if anything is buried at this site in the specific spot that I have identified. They have never even shown a desire to know the exact location. All they seem to want is for me to leave them alone and cease this quest. I have repeatedly told them that I will go through all channels available until I get an official that is willing to help make this happen. I am willing to work my way up to Gov. Scott.

In the meantime as of tonight my book about mytreasurestory.com is finally completed and ready to be put on my website. Now all I have to do is get my wife to figure out how to do it all. My website is through godaddy.com. I think they make it fairly easy to do. Thanks for following this thread and story. Hopefully the best is yet to come.

I guess BDD you don't really get it. We have seen and heard of NUMEROUS LRL's that are supposed to work, and every single one turns out to be fake, a fraud, a scam.

If you do know of one that you insist works, go and claim the million dollar prize, or have your friends do it.

I personally will not spend hundreds of thousands of dollars trying every single fraudulent device on the market trying to find one that works from the evidence I have seen. That would be fricking stupid.

To date, you have said absolutely nothing that other LRL believers haven't said before, and every one has come and gone as complete and utter nonsense.

To spin the facts and say that there are people out there who try to suppress what really works, well that's just another straw man...

There is a million dollars just waiting for the first one that works. Notice I choose my words very carefully. The FIRST one that works.

I would like nothing more than to be proven wrong, and that there is such a device out there somewhere! But alas, such a creature does not exist.

You seem just as adamant that one does exist.

So go get the million dollar prize.

Please don't tell me that your buddies have already unearthed so much treasure that they have no need for money anymore.....
that crap gets lame real quick.

I doubt if the state or anyone else will lay claim to this "pirate treasure", if your lucky, you may talk a junk man to haul it away for a small price. If your arguments for pirate treasure, that you presented to all these officials, were the same arguments that you have presented here, its no wonder that they will not give you permission to dig along a hi-way, especially if you have shown them your other accomplishments in digging.

I cant really believe that no one wants a treasure dug up, there are other reasons, that you are not telling or that you dont even comprehend. Why would they not want a treasure dug up? Maybe its just that they dont want you digging up their road! Our government is sometimes funny, but not that funny. Can you imagine every treasure hunter in Fla, wanting to dig up roadways, because someone with a LRL said there was pirate gold buried under the road? Your high placed official friends seem to be unavailable most of the time, doesnt that send any message to you? Who is going to put their neck out on a limb for your project, without some evidence?
Hope your wife can figure out how to get your book online!

Jeffro-I guess you can't let this LRL argument go. Where did you see and hear of the ones that don't work, here on TN? Maybe you need to get out more. What million dollar prize are you talking about, the "amazing Randi's"? If so does that apply to LRL's or is there another prize/reward being offered by someone else? I don't have my own working LRL so I haven't checked into this.

Are you telling me that you know for a fact that it is not possible that there are people trying to suppress LRL's that may work. Do you not realize that this is happening all the time with gas alternatives, cancer cures, herbal alternatives to prescription drugs. etc.. Do you have your head buried up your ....in your sandbox? Your statement "I would like nothing more than to be proven wrong". Give me a break, most guys hate it when they are proven wrong and usually will never admit it when it happens.I have been holding back from all things treasure and hope to go full time soon. The proof will come out on all aspects of my story.

maipenrai-I guess you must have paranormal abilites as you seem to know that all my treasure site contains is junk. Get with Jeffro and go claim "the amazing Randi's" million dollar prize using your mental powers as "the amazing Randi" claims no such paranormal powers exist.
Let's see, what were my arguments--known historical pirate camp-multiple dowsers-multiple electronic confirmation of large non-ferrous metal (LRL, conventional high dollar detectors)-local stories of treasure already being found at this site. What more do I need to get their interest? One-eyed Willy's pirate map with a big X marking the treasure spot? Maybe my promise that it is there, cross my heart and hope to not die? Give me your idea of an example of enough compelling evidence to give them to at least let me/them check it out.

The reason they don't want a treasure dug up is because they are afraid they will have would be treasure finders swarming all over the place digging holes. That is the FDOT stance. The state archies just don't want to share but do not want to dig themselves. It is as simple as that. As far as the high placed official not wanting to talk to me, Yes the message I get is that the high placed official does not want to talk to me and wishes I would go away and leave them alone. Neither I or anyone else connected with me has any need or desire to "dig up roadways". There is nothing in the way except dirt. Again you bring up the evidence? What would you call compelling evidence? Please give us an example as you seem to consider yourself and expert on this.

If I know my wife of 36 years, yes she will get things working for us with the book. Thanks for your support.

Im no expert at all, but with all the treasures sites you have located and not dug anything up, how can someone believe there is treasure beside the road, and in silver bar form, which you stated? How did you reach that conclusion? Your argument is that there is some non ferrous object in the ground and you want to dig it up, and the multiple dowsers have confirmed it, along with LRL, plus the conventional electronics. Maybe it was the dowsers and LRL that sent the message to them, "get this guy out of here!" You've had a heck of a time trying to convince members here of your treasure, and we are belivers, so how do you ever think you will convince the non believers? Yes, I have looked at your site, but not much beef, so where is the beef? You can build a funny car and make some funny looking musical instruments, and even making a movie, but didnt produce, but not a lot to do with what your trying to accomplish.

As for digging up the road, yes, the side of the road is also part of the road, even if its dirt, the right of way continues even after the pavement stops. If you think digging by the side of the road is difficult, why dont you try digging by a RR line, then you will find out what right of way means, they dont even let you walk on it.

The location is a known pirate camp going back to the 1500's.

Did you ever give us the source of this information? I am sure that we would all like to see a dig but without solid documentation this venture is hopeless.

VOR-Did you know there is a bug running around on your title page. You either need to squish him or let him go. You are being cruel. As far as written history of silver being found at Rocky Bluff the information is available to anyone that looks hard enough. I have been waiting for my new cyber pal ECS to find it for everybody else. I could post it on here but why should I? Is it going to make any difference to my case with the state. The head archeologist at the University of South Florida in Tampa that I have talked extensively with about this grew up in this area and is very familiar with Rocky Bluff and its history. This venture is hopeless in what way? There is either silver buried there or its not.

maipenrai-Ok for what is is worth I will try to answer your questions. Now if you don't believe in dowsing and you don't believe in LRL's and you don't believe that pirates buried silver bars and you don't believe my 57 chevy built from junk parts is super cool and you don't believe my flame shooting guitars are really neat and you don't believe my wife took our dog to Westminster and won amd you don't believe I have my own paranormal powers your probably not going to believe ANYTHING I have to say.

I have had three different groups or individuals that have told me that it is silver at the bridge. Supposedly bars have already been found in this area. Could it be coins? Could it be some other form of non-ferrous metal, copper, brass, gold, aluminum, etc,? Yes, and if you have been following my story closely you will know that I am only trying to make an educated guess as to what is there. The bottom line is that we will have to dig it up to know for sure.

You are missing the point on my dealings with the FDOT and Historical Resources Department. It is not a matter of whether they believe or don't believe me, they are not interested in letting ANYBODY dig for ANY reason. As far as trying to convince anybody on TN about mytreasurestory.com I don't have any real treasures to show as I have not dug any up at this point. Mytreasurestory.com is about TRYING to find and dig up treasure. Believe me if I had found any you would have heard about it on the news.

The pirate silver site is not on, beside, under, around, next to or in proximity of the pavement in such a way to be any kind of issue, PERIOD. As far as RR tracks I have been dealing with a treasure location that is near the tracks in North Carolina, so I know all about the right-of-way rules. Thanks for you interest and input. I know your only trying to help, right?

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I doubt if the state or anyone else will lay claim to this "pirate treasure", if your lucky, you may talk a junk man to haul it away for a small price. If your arguments for pirate treasure, that you presented to all these officials, were the same arguments that you have presented here, its no wonder that they will not give you permission to dig along a hi-way, especially if you have shown them your other accomplishments in digging.

Your high placed official friends seem to be unavailable most of the time, doesnt that send any message to you? Who is going to put their neck out on a limb for your project, without some evidence?
It is obvious from this thread and his other two threads,that BDD does not have any real evidence or verifiable viable proof that silver bars or silver for that matter exists at this site.
Why else would he request others to research Rocky Bluff pirate activity for him?
All BBD has stated ad nauseum is that two LRL guys and a dowser told him so,no other proof or evidence offered-just I know its there.
On another of BBD's threads,a dowser claimed gold,silver,rubies,and cooper were at this site.
He got the copper part RIGHT!

As you said, I was only trying to help. Best of luck to you.

What bug?

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VOR- This venture is hopeless in what way?

In that you will never get a permit from the state.

If it is dug up, it will be by a pirate.:blackbeard:

The Rocky Bluff dig will end up just like the dig at Englewood, nothing but an empty hole.

As far as written history of silver being found at Rocky Bluff the information is available to anyone that looks hard enough. I have been waiting for my new cyber pal ECS to find it for everybody else. I could post it on here but why should I?... There is either silver buried there or its not.

Now if you don't believe in dowsing and you don't believe in LRL's and you don't believe that pirates buried silver bars and you don't believe my 57 chevy built from junk parts is super cool and you don't believe my flame shooting guitars are really neat and you don't believe my wife took our dog to Westminster and won amd you don't believe I have my own paranormal powers your probably not going to believe ANYTHING I have to say.

I have had three different groups or individuals that have told me that it is silver at the bridge. Supposedly bars have already been found in this area. Could it be coins?... I am only trying to make an educated guess as to what is there. The bottom line is that we will have to dig it up to know for sure.

I don't have any real treasures to show as I have not dug any up at this point... Believe me if I had found any you would have heard about it on the news.
So after listing several nonsequiturs to prove that a pirate chest of silver bars exists at Rocky Bluff,you still don't offer any REAL evidence-"it's a well known pirate campsite,three people told you so,a dowser's pendulum showed you so,two LRL guys said silver was there,and you have magical ESP powers that detect treasure.
Then you wonder WHY the State of Florida doubts your claims?

I am not going to call anyone on here stupid because that is against treasurenet rules. I have had to try to answer the same questions over and over. Will ANYONE out there give me a list of what would be PROOF that there is silver buried at Rocky Bluff or any where else. Besides digging or drilling I am not sure
what else you all had in mind. Again I will state that THE STATE OF FLORIDA DOES NOT DOUBT MY CLAIMS. THEY JUST DON'T WANT ME TO DIG!!!
ECS- What is real evidence? Please be specific. Would it be a video of the pirates burying it? A pirate map? A testimonial from Jose Gaspar that he really buried treasure?

I am not going to call anyone on here stupid because that is against treasurenet rules. I have had to try to answer the same questions over and over. Will ANYONE out there give me a list of what would be PROOF that there is silver buried at Rocky Bluff or any where else. Besides digging or drilling I am not sure
what else you all had in mind. Again I will state that THE STATE OF FLORIDA DOES NOT DOUBT MY CLAIMS. THEY JUST DON'T WANT ME TO DIG!!!
ECS- What is real evidence? Please be specific. Would it be a video of the pirates burying it? A pirate map? A testimonial from Jose Gaspar that he really buried treasure?
It looks to me like some will just keep pushing the same button as long as you keep responding!

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Would it be a video of the pirates burying it? A pirate map? A testimonial from Jose Gaspar that he really buried treasure?

If you really don't know, I'll name a few:

pirate map would be good
Jose Gaspar's diary would be great
Ship log or manifest
Reference to site from other documents of the period
authenticated physical evidence found on site

Again, good luck as I don't have much else to offer.

After 25pgs I just vote for 1 last post: When the site is dug & anything found is formally documented. This thing will go all the way up to the supreme court the way this thing is going.

It's like explaining to the local park ranger thats telling you to leave till you're blue in the face that you always fill your holes, and yada yada yada. He isn't ever going to see it your way no matter how hard you try.

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