Im no expert at all, but with all the treasures sites you have located and not dug anything up, how can someone believe there is treasure beside the road, and in silver bar form, which you stated? How did you reach that conclusion? Your argument is that there is some non ferrous object in the ground and you want to dig it up, and the multiple dowsers have confirmed it, along with LRL, plus the conventional electronics. Maybe it was the dowsers and LRL that sent the message to them, "get this guy out of here!" You've had a heck of a time trying to convince members here of your treasure, and we are belivers, so how do you ever think you will convince the non believers? Yes, I have looked at your site, but not much beef, so where is the beef? You can build a funny car and make some funny looking musical instruments, and even making a movie, but didnt produce, but not a lot to do with what your trying to accomplish.
As for digging up the road, yes, the side of the road is also part of the road, even if its dirt, the right of way continues even after the pavement stops. If you think digging by the side of the road is difficult, why dont you try digging by a RR line, then you will find out what right of way means, they dont even let you walk on it.