Pirate Treasure-Trying to get a permit to dig up

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I also had the video saved in my hard drive. Then I looked on Youtube, and there it was, so I decided to use the link to ask Bdd if he has seen it.

As far as them being out of business, I didn't know they were ever IN business, other than using it for themselves, as the machine wasn't for sale.

I can't speak for, or against the validity of this machine, as I know nothing about it, accept what's been posted here on T'net. I just wanted to ask Bdd if he knew about it.

If I'm not mistaken, Kelly said the ore vein was 6 miles away. True or not, I can't say, but I WILL say this. I don't think there's a gold ore vein every 6 miles in every direction. Common sense.

Common sense? You should have checked to see if I was trying to praise this machine, or just asking someone if they'd heard about it. You should have caught that by my asking that very question. COMMON SENSE.
6 miles or 5 miles does it make a difference? Thanks for correcting me.

I never said or thought you were trying to praise the machine ... why would I care? ??? You asked a question and I tried to answer it. Couldnt you just say thanks BigCy?

I didnt realize the machine had the capability to adjust to gold veins lol and as far as I know it doesnt.

Someone said something about BDD causing loss of brain cells. I agree.

I know its a lot to read but I already posted the video here on this thread to ask BDD if these were the microwave guys. He said he doesnt know them.

Yes they were in business, the company's name was GeoGlobal and the scam was not to sell but to charge for services and possibly to find others treasure locations. I thought it was great for Mike to "man up" that the machine never worked. At this time I am unaware of any LRL that works better than the "eeny meeny miney mo" method..

If you saved anything else on the TreasureTracker KK, it would be cool to share as an example of an LRL scam.

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Is this the area you are trying to get permission to dig?
Denniss,if you go to BDD's other thread,"PIRATE CHEST-WHEN TO GIVE UP...",there is a photo of the parking lot site complete with dowser comments.
At least the "copper" was right!

Just for clarification I have been involved in TWO different locations for pirate treasure. The pictures that were put on the other thread are the dig in Englewood Fla. It is hardly a secret as there were many newspaper articles about it back in the early nineties when we dug the well by hand. It is the location of another pirate camp and the pirate that supposedly buried the chests was Bru or Brewster Baker. I have permission to dig at this property. It is about 65 miles from my house. The same people that owned it in 1987 when I dug into the septic system (not tank) still own it and we have a good relationship.

Yes Dennis, that is a picture of Rocky Bluff. Anybody that wanted to figure out where this location is could have done so easily from the information on my first posts. (I-75 bridge-Rocky Bluff).

Salvor 6 I will not confirm or deny what you are saying. I am not sure about TN's policy on posting other TN members names but I think it violates their privacy. I have made it EXTREMELY easy for anyone to figure out who I am. I will soon be publishing a book about mytreasurestory under my name.

I was told that some LRL's can detect the signal for gold because it travels through the ground. Because of this it will only detect BURIED gold.

It would be nice if everyone could keep the bickering minimum.

KK I will try to answer as best I can but do not accuse me of anything.

I posted the video here on BDDs thread, not on some other link.

The LRL machine claims to pick up a ring, a jar of coins or a gold vein. It cannot be adjusted. Yes there is gold in every direction in a 6 mile radius and I stand by my theory.

Why do i care? You are asking me why do I care to speak the truth???? Thats an odd question to ask. I guess Im just an honest guy. Sorry.

Who can say. Like I said, I don't know any more than you do about it. And that's the point, we don't know
No KK YOU dont know. I know and Im trying to tell you.

The member that mentioned loss of brain cells was lastleg.

And you know for sure what their motives were? How do you know this? I don't think Mike came on here and said something like that, which would have put him in danger of imprisonment. Do you have a link?
At this time you are unaware of... Yes, you are. As I already said, WE just don't know.
Listen up KK because Im not going to keep up with your foolish game. Colorado Mike posted here on Treasurenet for all to see and he openly admitted that the machine DID NOT WORK. Did he go to prison? I dont know the posts were deleted and I never heard from him again. My guess he was scammed by Kelly and he fell for it himself but Im just guessing. What I know for a fact is he openly admitted that the machine DID NOT WORK.

Now KK I dont know what else to do to help you. Unfortunately I do not have any links. The only part I was able to retreive from SWR was the video I posted on utube. SWR may have saved the conversation but he is no longer a member.

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Salvor 6 I will not confirm or deny what you are saying. I am not sure about TN's policy on posting other TN members names but I think it violates their privacy.

BDD, Steve already published his and his brothers name on TN so his privacy has already been violated. Steve used to live in Bradenton. Do you know if he still lives there?

I decided to give myself some time to think about how to reply.

Salvor 6-You say that your buddy Jeff is a professional treasure hunter. I decided to look up the definition of a professional. Here it is in part-Due to the personal nature of many professional services, and thus the necessity to place a great deal of trust in them, most professionals are subject to strict codes of conduct enshrining rigorous ethical and moral obligations. This does not sound like your "buddy".

Your "buddy" is a thief. He set out to steal the treasure when none of us were looking. Are you naive enough to think that he would have shared it with anybody if he had found it? You told him to stay away from digging for it? How well did he listen to you? You are judged by the company that you keep. You are right, IT IS OVER.

I went back to read what I missed. I admit that I havent read it all as it became repititious and some seems to have been deleted.

Who said anything about stealing? I thought you guys were partners and it appears they were trying to help. :icon_scratch:

If it makes you feel any better KK, I wanted to believe in the TreasureTracker myself. Whether you believe it or not, Colorado Mike said it didnt work right here online. I dont know anything else but all trace of GeoGlobal and the TreasureTracker has disappeared and they are no longer in business.

Its kinda odd that Kelly hasnt surfaced somewhere. If anyone knows more they can post but Im convinced Mike told the truth and it didnt work as claimed.

MY little game? I simply asked the starter of this thread if he knew about a certain machine, and you start your know it all, everybody look at me rants against LRLs, as well as the very subject of the thread. Just look at the posts on this thread. I'm guessing you have more than anyone else, and what have you actually contributed? You're not going to play MY little game? I don't know anyone who invited you to "play" in the first place. Why did you?
Look Im sorry I got aggravated but it seems to me you are not listening to anything I am saying. Im sorry if I appear to know it all. Im just telling you honestly what I do know. I dont care if you invite me or not Im not interested in playing or debating with you. And Im not interested in how many posts someone has.

You are now convinced that Mike couldn't have told anything but the truth, whereas before you were convinced he couldn't tell anything but a lie. Funny how selective reasoning works, isn't it. Has it occurred to you that if Mike seems to have disappeared, he MIGHT be out finding treasures, or somewhere enjoying the fruits of his labors? Don't you hold with the naysayers who say that's what people would do if they actually had a real LRL? What happened to that theory?
LOL I am telling you that the man came online (after months of charging for services) and admitted to TN members that the machine does not work. You can comprehend that however you please. Could he have been fibbing? Perhaps but I doubt it.

I NEVER said Mike was lieing. Please quit making things up. I believe that Mike was also scammed by Kelly and I told you this. Again you are not listening for some reason and I am tired of repeating myself to you. Bye KK.

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I guess if someone posts their name on TN its kind of hard to go back and erase it all. That is the thing about the written word. It can never be taken back and put into hiding. We live in the information age. Not much is a secret anymore. I am as guilty as anybody. That's why I took all my stories and put them together in one group. I do like to talk and I do like to tell stories. I think a lot of people on TN are that way, otherwise they would only read the posts and not make posts.

Salvor 6-As far as those two guys, yes I know them. I am not going to volunteer anymore information about them at this time. They had a major falling out. I would tell you more but then I would have to kill myself. (bad joke)

As far as this Brown guy and his LRL, the truth may never surface. It hard to tell what to believe.

Okay, back to the silver. The FDOT head from Sarasota called me today. I had asked him about all the activity at the bridge. They are doing some major changes in the area. It seems like it would be a great opportunity for them to check out the spot I hope to be silver. Nope, their not interested. It seems like there are a lot of people out there that just don't want to see treasure dug up.

I still continue to check out the spot multiple times a day. The sherriff's department had a patrol car sitting nearby today. He was probably just passing the time. I have been slowly building my case. I think my latest plan may work. I will be talking to the lawyer tomorrow. I have a few questions for him.

Is there a time limit on stolen property? In other words does it matter how long ago something was stolen? My assertation is that the pirates stole the silver from someone else. Does it matter who they stole it from? Would all buried pirate treasure be considered stolen property? Can I make a claim on abandoned stolen property? Whoever buried it and whoever stole it are long dead.

If this were a stolen famous painting how would the case be handled? If it were stolen guns how would the law apply? I have a feeling that my questions are not going to be simple to answer. For something to be the law it has to be in writing somewhere. The officials cannot just make up rules to thwart me.

Someone that steals something from someone else is a criminal. Does it matter whether you call them a crook, thief, scallywag, pirate, etc? What they stole does not belong to them or the state. It belongs to the original owner. If the original owner cannot be found then I think it belongs to whomever finds it. Finders keepers. If someone can't show me in writing where I am wrong, then I am right.

I have given the state officials numerous opportunities to get involved in this possible silver pile. They have shown absolutely no interest. They even told me that they would not know what to do with it if it were found. Well I DO KNOW WHAT TO DO WITH IT!

I may bring this whole matter up at the next county commisioners board meeting. If the article comes out in the paper this weekend I will be sure to post a link to it on here. I am waiting to see what happens but I am prepared to go to the TV news people in the Tampa area. I am trying to set a precedent here. If the archeologists are not interested in treasure, fine. There are plenty of us that are. We will not be ignored, at least I won't be.

Am I doing a lot of this for attention? OF COURSE! Publicity sells. I see nothing wrong with it. I refuse to feel guilty about it. My wife would love to see me actually get some money out of all the efforts I have put into all of this going back 25 years.

One of the reasons the pirate treasure is so important to me is that I believe there are dozens upon dozens of more sites in our area. The Rocky Bluff silver is the tip of the iceberg. Even if it is not exactly where I think it is at this spot, I am willing to bet there are plenty of other spots in the same area. There is also tons of silver in the river. As far as I am concerned the same arguement holds true for the sunken silver. We will see what happens. I WILL NOT GIVE UP!

KK and BCH- If you guys just want to argue with each other could you pretty please do it via PM's? I know I can't control what anyone puts on here but you should respect the thread starters wishes.

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KK and BCH- If you guys just want to argue with each other could you pretty please do it via PM's? I know I can't control what anyone puts on here but you should respect the thread starters wishes.
This is best advice yet. I apolgize it was not my intention to argue on your forum and I will ignore his questions (and false accusations) in the future. He posted my utube video and asked if anybody knew anything. What was I supposed to say?

I know you said you thought Kelly was scammed. You're on his side now that you claim he denounces the machine in question. Was you on his side before that? See what I mean about selective reasoning? I'm listening more than you think, you just don't seem to understand what's being said. But as I told you before, don't JUMP IN on someone's posts and then try to act like they have jumped you. You came knocking, so don't be too disappointed if you get knocked back.
I wish you were done with it, but I have trouble believing that. I think you said that before.
Im sorry KK but I never said Kelly was scammed. I said Mike may have been scammed. It was Mike that came online and admitted it didnt work.

Im logging out. Believe what you wish KK or send me a PM.

Bdd, I will stop. And I apologies. For future reference, this is what happens when "LRL" is typed in any thread. I'll leave it to you to figure out why.

Pretty easy to figure out why, that is if you are on the thread. KK you have a nasty habit of jumping in and starting arguments about LRLs. The weird part is when you start dancing around about topics that don't even pertain to the discussion, just for the sake of arguing, LOL!

I don't understand it, and it appears to me BCH doesn't either.

I dunno if you drink or not when you post, but perhaps if you do, you shouldn't. Just something to ponder. :hello:

This last go around isn't the first one you've had on this thread. Just some friendly advice from an outside observer!

Ok here's the deal. I may be repeating some of what I have already posted on this thread in the past. It has gotten a little long and I am not interested in going back at this time and reading it. I have also posted on other threads. Have you noticed that when you watch these reality shows that when they come back from a commercial they repeat a lot of what they already showed a couple of minutes before. That is because there are so many people channel surfing that just tuned in and the fact that they are trying to stretch the sometimes lack of interesting content to the story they have. So if you have read all of this thread bear with me if I repeat a few things. Again everything I put on here is my own opinion based on a lot of reading and listening. Yes I do talk a lot, but I also pay attention to everything going on in my world and the bigger world out there.

LRL's- Long Range Locator-This is a device that can supposedly locate objects such as gold, silver, diamonds, etc, from a distance of 20 feet to miles. Do they work? How do you decide? By reading what others say? Do you have to buy one and try it out for yourself? This is probably the best way but most people do not take the time and go to the trouble. I haven't even learned how to use my own metal detector properly yet. Every time I have been out with it I usually put it away and take out my much simpler and more basic detector. It does not have all the bells and whistles, but it is reliable and consistent and if it says there is something there, its there.

When I want to know something about a tool or device I talk to as many people as I can. I also listen to everything they say and I always take into consideration their motives for telling me whatever it is they have to say. You have to learn to trust your own senses and intuition.

I asked a couple of guys to meet me at the pirate silver site. This was 22 years ago. They had a device of their own design and making. They were not there to convince me of anything. They were there to see if I was for real. They did not believe in dowsing. I watched every single move that they made. I did not ask a bunch of questions or interfere with what they were doing. When they were done we discussed their conclusions. They seemed convinced there was a pile of silver buried. After this we had a number of adventures together spanning thousands of miles and many locations. They devised elaborate and simple tests for my friend Ovid. He passed their tests as far as they were concerned.

We had our differences and split up. Here is what I know. They leased property. They spent months completely clearing this property of all metal. They bought a quantity of gold and silver. They took turns burying it on this property and then using their own LRL's to locate the metal. Through trial and error and years of experimentation they developed a device that could locate gold or silver from a great distance. They took it out west and used it to find an area that had absolutely no reading of gold "in the ground". They placed their gold in the ground and could detect it up to 18 miles away. It may have worked farther but they could not get farther away at this particular site.

I am new to TN. It appeared to me from the start that there is reason to believe that there are entities connected with TN that would not want to see LRL's come onto the market. Is it posiible that they have people on here that they are using to discredit LRL's in general? Of course it's posssible, that's the way the world works because EVERYTHING revolves around MONEY. I am involved in a lot of things and they ALL end up in one way or another involving money. This is usually not good.

LRL's that are proven to work will eventually be available. This is inevitable. Anyone or any entity that might be adversely affected by this better figure out a way to jump on the bandwagon. Kodak was slow to get involved in digital photography. They are now paying the price. Actually I will talk in the near future about the ways cameras can be used in treasure hunting. I am sure this is another sore subject to some as are dowsing, remote sensing, and anything else that may seem hard to believe.

I spent years in the Army as an Engineer. I was a paratrooper and I went to a lot of different schools for specialized training. I have spent well over 30 years in the construction industry and have learned just about every trade and I am good at them. I am not saying this just to stroke my own ego. I am saying it to let the readers of this thread know that I generally know what I am talking about and have learned things through a "hands on", "school of hard knocks" approach.

I would really like to keep things on here on the subject-pirate treasure waiting to be dug up. There really does not need to be anything more to say on here on the subject of LRL's. If you are convinced that they work or don't work, great. As far as trying to say or imply that they don't work, it will be IMPOSSIBLE to prove that they don't work as a whole. Of course there will always be fakes and scammers when it comes to ANYTHING.

It used to be seeing is believing. But now with photoshop and digital special effects you can't trust anything you don't see in person. Even then you have to really be on your toes to find out the TRUTH. My old nickname with some friends was "The Truth". I am not on here to BS anybody and I am not trying to win anyone over. I am sharing mytreasurestory.com . I hope you enjoy it. There's lot's more where this came from.

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Im sure technology will get better someday. Im still waiting to see a post of the LRL that supposed to work. Usually someone will purchase it, test it and post the results online. Thats about all I can do is read the test results because I cant be purchasing thousands of dollars worth of LRL equipment. If anyone actually owns an LRL that works, I wont prevent them from telling their story.

"technology will get better someday"? Technology in general is getting better every second. BCH- You may have missed some of my point and as it is my thread I will "attempt" to get the last word in on this subject. Who is this someone who purchases, test and posts online and what are their motivations and who may be behind them? Don't answer this, just think about it. There are many products out there in all walks of life that are getting tested and talked about. It is a cutthroat world we live in. No more on LRL's please. We know where you stand on your belief, thanks for sharing. It is not up to you or me to prevent anyone from telling any story. That's why we have moderators on here.

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Salvor 6 I will not confirm or deny what you are saying. I am not sure about TN's policy on posting other TN members names but I think it violates their privacy.

BDD, Steve already published his and his brothers name on TN so his privacy has already been violated. Steve used to live in Bradenton. Do you know if he still lives there?

f.y.i. for future reference just to be safe :icon_thumleft: someone may eventually have reason to Complain ...

Please do not post full names of Tnet Members even if they do.
Unless you can Quote where they are giving it out also,
& if it is important to the conversation.

First names are Fine, as most give them out anyway.

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Bigdogdad, have you ever heard of Kelly Brown and the Treasure Tracker (LRL)?

Video here: http://www.treasurenet.com/forums/t.../302799-treasure-tracker-lrl.html#post2850180

View attachment 653016

Ok I went back to see what the heck I might have done wrong to upset anyone and I see that the question was not directed at me. I guess I thought I was the best person to answer because it was I that posted the video on utube Jun 17 lol. (look for my name above) Maybe I should have played dumb.

Like I said it was not my intention to re-discuss the TreasureTracker and I thought I was responding truthfully to a members question. I think you should put some blame on KK for posting my utube video a second time on this thread.

I will be more than happy to delete my latest posts on the TreasureTracker so you can rewrite the GeoGlobal chain of events however you wish.. I believe I have already deleted my old posts. I have since moved the video to Comedy and it can no longer be viewed on utube. So if you guys want to save it, copy it from here.

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