Pirate Treasure-Trying to get a permit to dig up

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Let's see. First he digs up a baby in a white casket, then it turns out to be a dog. Big Dog starts 3 other threads in the last 4 months and they all deal with trying to get money and writing a book. Did I miss anything , besides a beer can and copper being under the bridge. I think it's time to move on for me. :skullflag:

Here's a copy of a post big dog put up on another thread on cache hunting.

(I am going to start a new thread in a day or so about the pirate chests. An investor came forward, a deal was made and some things happened. It was all very interesting. I will be posting pics from the original chest digs with the story behind them. I think the sub discussions should go to the shipwreck board. )

A lot to read but I knew where to look so I read back and found the word "baby casket". I misunderstood that too. Im assuming he meant he found a small casket for a baby that he was surprised had contained a dog.

You think its tough here, the guys in the shipwreck forum will eat you up BDD.

Welcome to TN BDB. It's been pretty quiet on here except for MY BIG MOUTH. We can't get along because a lot of people don't want to get along. Hot Zone- I want to see the money too. BCH-No I don't think it's that tough on here. I am handling it with one eye tied behind my back. The guys on the shipwreck forum eat up bigdogdads? Some say I am already "ate up".Maybe I will feed them some of my "tastless" remarks. Maybe a couple of "gag" jokes. See how that "goes down" with them. Maybe they can wash it down with a Yo Ho Ho and a bottle of rum. What are they, grumpy old men? Thanks for the warning, I"ll just stay here in my own little thread where it is safe.

I was not "surprised" that the casket contained a dead dog as that was what I was told was there, I was dissappointed.

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Always recheck the hole!

KK-It took three days for the smell of the dead dog to finally go away. It had gone inside me and was imbedded in my hairs. I have never watched the video and I am not sure if I will share it. I will share my reasoning on the dig. The lady that had lived in the house died unexpectedly. I know she had hid some money because I found it. It was located three feet from where I dug up the casket. An exterior wall separated the two locations. The sister that lived next door did not get along with the lady that hid the money. I thought maybe she was trying to throw off her sister by lying and saying her dog was in the spot so that no one would dig up something of value she may have hidden. My mistake. I looked in every nook and cranny from the foundation to every corner of the attic. Nothing. I had found the only money to be found within 10 minutes of being in the house.

Word to the wise. I have had many people suggest that I should sneak in and illegally dig at the bridge site. I was reading old threads last night. There is a wealth of information to be found in the TN archives. One story caught my eye. It was about a guy named Frank Hudson. He lived in the Tampa area which is not far from me. A TN member took care of him in his last three years. I had read some of Frank's stories in the past. In fact he tells of pirate silver near the bridge.

Frank was a treasure book writer. He was involved in an illegal dig on state property supposedly using heavy equipment. The government came in and took ALL his files, books, equipment etc. They even arranged for a block on him from being able to profit from his treasure books, stories etc. People joke around on here and make some pretty foolish suggestions on how to recover treasure. The Feds don't joke around. If they catch you in the act they may take you to jail, take your car, boat, equipment and more. This is why I am only interested in going after the silver legally. I have too much to lose.

My wife and I finished putting all the pictures into the computer and placed them where they go. My book is just about ready.

I have been working off and on at this book project for years. I have written it so that children can read, enjoy, and learn from it. The last thing I want to do is jepardize it by doing something stupid. Think about it guys before you post on TN suggesting to people to risk going to jail for trying to recover a treasure that may not even be there to be found.

I have an aquaintance that is a high ranking government official in our county. He works with law enforcement. I am going to see what the laws are pertaining to stolen property in our county. My contention is that any silver or gold buried at Rocky Bluff was stolen sometime in the past by criminals (pirates). It has been abandoned. No one at the DOT or the state archies seem interested in helping me to recover whatever is there. I am going to now ask for 100% of whatever is found as long as the owner that it was stolen from does not come forward with proof that it is theirs.

Because no one can say for a fact what is buried there I would think the law enforcement agencies would be obligated to check it out if I make a big deal about it and insist as a tax-paying resident of this county that it be recovered. Maybe I am dreaming here but I am always dreaming.

I welcome input on this line of thinking and hopefully I will not just get negativity and criticism.

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Yes KK, time has a way of erasing brain cells one at a time. Oh BDD, that "high ranking government official"? Does he know the
"award winning reporter'? If so, now stay with me on this, why don't you gather up all the elite of your important collegues and
show up at the next city council meeting . . . TA . . TAA.

Get the highranking guy to appeal to the bigwigs about your quest . . . now before they throw him out on his ear . . . get the
Pulitzer guy to stand up and scream "Freedom of the Press", that'll make em let go of the highranker . . . those politicos are
scared $$$tless of the Press . . . Now you stand up and say "Hear ye, hear ye! This meeting is now is session! Gentlemen please
sit down . . . I have a matter of grave consequence to present to the Council . . . Yea, even mind-boggling for I am here to not
ask for money BUT to offer it without prejudice to the citizens of our beloved city!"

"While I may appear lacking in stature I assure you the treasure to which I refer is worthy of giants! Like you, like Cortez himself!
Yes gentlemen, I am speaking of the egg laid by the Golden Goose! And, right on our doorstep!

I'll leave the rest of your presentation to you imagination.

You just need to assert yourself a little more is all.

Lastleg-At last I have won you over with my humor and tenacity. I am not going to deal with mere city council officals. The treasure I seek is in the outlying county. I would present my case as you suggest to the top officials of the land known as the County of Manatee.

It just so happens that the soon to be Pulitzer prize winning reporter has already interviewed the most powerful political leader to be found. He gave my venture a two thumbs up and said the state is making a mistake in not allowing this venture to proceed.

I have put on my suit of armor, accessorized with a spiffy tie, filled my briefcase with deep thoughts and pointy barbs, and slayed many minor county lackeys in my quest for fame, fortune, power and some decent roadways in which to travel in my chariot across my soon to be kingdom.

Ass far ass the need to ass-ert myself more, they have already ass-umed from my ass-orted ass-umptions of my ass-embled thoughts that I mean bidness.

Thanks for the advice lastleg.

BDD I have no doubt you will slay the lackeys, even if you must do so with the jawbone of a mere A$$.

BDD,you mentioned DeSoto many times on this thread,well his 1539 camp has be found near Citra on Orange Lake.
Items found include coins,chainmail,beads,and domestic pig jawbones so far.
Additional info:
Ocala.com: Ocala news, sports, weather and classifieds | The Star Banner | Ocala FL
Thats amzing ECS and thanks for posting but you are taking attention away from BDD and he will not like that. Citra is a beautiful place. My buddy lives up there on an ancient oak hammock. Too bad Ovid couldnt have dowsed the site.

KK, I don't think the "Treasure Tracker" is still available. Michael Tune (Kelly's partner) has left the company and their web site is shut down. Another scam nipped in the bud!

ECS-Like BCH said, that DeSoto news is AMAZING, keep up the good work. I did ask you to use your amazing research skills to find evidence in the past of silver at Rocky Bluff. No luck yet? My wife did spend a few minutes on her smart phone and found a story of actual pirate silver bars being found in the same area where I believe there are lots more waiting to be found. I am trying to make a point. Get it, ECS?

I spent two hours today with the second most powerful law enforcement officer in our county. He told me an interesting story from about 10 years ago. He met a gentleman from out of town that had a treasure seeking device. They drove around the county and this guy used the device to point where silver and diamonds were buried. The device had to stay plugged into a power source so they stayed in the vehicle with it. One of the places they went by was Rocky Bluff. Guess what? This guy pointed to an area and said it gave off a strong signal for silver. Yes, it was the same general area where I believe the silver to be. They also went to a place that had diamonds buried behind some houses. Another one of my locations. The property is now owned by my younger brother and I could care less about these diamonds. (long story)

I told this Top Cop my idea about treating the silver location as a crime scene. He thought it was a GREAT idea. I told him I believed that the silver had been stolen by pirates and was now abandoned. He liked that. I suggested that the law enforcement office had the right to determine what was at this location. He agreed. He believes in dowsing. He is going to talk to his people. The only way to tell if there is stolen goods at this site is to dig them up.

My lawyer is unavailable until Wednesday. I think he will find this latest line of thinking quite interesting. Always keep in mind that no matter how much info I seem to put on here, there is way more not being said.

KK-I think BCH had already put a link to the treasure tracker youtube clip. I have been told it was a scam. Who knows? I am not an expert on LRL's. I am curious about something. My Garrett GTI 2500 is supposed to go up to 12 feet or so on large objects. My secret pal claims his has been tested to 18 miles out in the desert. I have seen a few used at the 100 foot range. Is there such a thing as a SRL (short range locator)?

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KK-Do you know the details (name,range,specs,price, website, etc) of an SRL that is supposed to work?

A mid range detector that actually works would come in VERY handy for finding buried treasure. I have always felt that dowsing is good for deciding the area to search and maybe getting you close, but the more electronics you have for pinpointing the site the better. Ovid would not tresspass if there were signs or fences so there are places I took him where he just pointed at the treasure from a distance. Good luck KK.

I do have it, but you'll have to give me a day or two to dig it up.
Why does it take two days? Is that how long it takes to make one?:laughing7:Or perhaps like the treasure it finds it is placed in a chest and buriedfor fear of loosing such a valuable tool.

Seriously I would like to try the one that works! But not wanting to get taken I could only volunteer to field test one and make a report regarding its functionality!

A member I met at the Sebastian Cookout that used the avatar name SWR "Shallow Water Recovery" gave me the GeoGlobal video. I had no choice but to put the video on utube so I can post it here. KK must have discovered my video (the video I posted) I doubt he will find anything else online because they are out of business and everything is deleted from TN.

I cant remember all the names but I think Kelly Brown was the inventor. He said he once located a gold vein from 5 miles away. Now this distance I certainly question because there is gold in every direction 5 miles distance. We need to use a little common sense folks.

Well anyway Colorado Mike argued to no end that Kelly Browns machine was for real. He was sort of an uneducated microwave backyard inventor type.

The 2 of them teamed up to travel the United States. They went to the known treasure locations. They made bold claims. He started a thread asking how deep are shipwrecks because he has located gold and silver offshore. The LRL was not for sale but they were offering their services for hire. They claimed to be doing well with several clients.

A year or so later Colorado Mike came back on TN and admitted that the machine did not work. That was pretty much the end of the story for years until I posted the vid on utube.

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In my opinion, the only time you were taken is when you bought that "how to" book on clever sayings.
Thanks, I was going to write one, but I see you have already purchased a better one!

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